Forgotten Nostalgia (Dadzawa)

By pancakesat2am

64.6K 2.6K 2.5K

"Eraserhead, he isn't a cat. You can't just keep him." --- Life's going great for Izuku. He's the closest he'... More

When In Doubt, Run For The Hills
In Which, Panic Might Be The Better Option
Izuku Attempts A Jailbreak And Aizawa Needs A Break
My Friends Are Scary
Nezu Is Also Scary
Cloudy With A Chance of Breakdowns
Time Can Heal As Well As Hurt
Scaredy Cat
A Cheesy Reunion
I Didn't Sign Up For This
New Story!
Iida Has Got A Solution And It's Not Murder
Shouta's Heart Grew Three Sizes That Day
Heightened Fear
Broken Limbs Or Broken Promises, You Decide
Todoroki's Two Favorite Things: Shit Talking Endeavor And Clinging To Midoriya
Forgetting How To Remember
Look At That, The Consequences Of My Actions Coming To Haunt Me
Should I Cry Or Laugh First?
Hey Google, How Different Is Adopting Children To Adopting Cats?
Happy Or Sad? That's A Question With No Answer.
You Brought Me A Tiny Person?...That's A Child Izuku
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Can't We Just Agree To Disagree?
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Times Are Changing But The Important Things Stay
Don't Be Suspicious, Don't Be Suspicious, Don't Be -
Minutes To Moments
How Dare You Make Me Happy
past present and future - all are tense
old eyes
When in Doubt, Stay.

A Bond So Strong I Forgot It

2.3K 109 126
By pancakesat2am

Apparently living with Shouta was beginning to rub off on him. He'd fallen asleep as soon as he got home as if he was going into hibernation and he could only assume Shouta had done the same. Maybe it was the result of emotionally taxing information being piled on top of him over the course of a few days. Maybe it was the fact he'd seen a talking Mouse Bear and lived to tell the tale, Maybe it was the fact he'd learned green really was his natural hair color-but he felt like he could sleep for a week straight.

Unfortunately, Shouta seemed to have other plans.

Everything had been going great. He'd been sleeping- as you do. Thankfully without weird broken hand dreams. But that moment of peace was short-lived. 

His precious blankets, wrapping around him like a cacoon, were ripped away from him. The cold air hitting him and immediately making goosebumps rise to the top of his skin. He tried to wrestle for the blankets back with his eyes still firmly closed, but apparently fighting for something with a pro-hero was a harder task than he could have guessed. 

Soon he was holding nothing but air. This was unacceptable.

Izuku squeezed his eyes shut against the annoying bright lamp that had been turned on beside him. Doing his best to let himself fall back into the blissful nothingness. 

"Kid. Get up. You've been sleeping for a concerning amount of time," a tired voice grumbled. That was rich coming from the man who considered mornings optional. 

Izuku curled up into a ball, pressing his knees to his chest to get warm. This was just sad. Shouta should feel ashamed, bullying a poor child. 

"You have five seconds to get out of bed," Shouta warned. There was a lightness to his words. Apparently, Izuku's stubbornness was more amusing than annoying. Not that there was anything funny about the situation. Being woken up should be a crime.

There was one thing in this world that Izuku had the utmost appreciation for. Sleep. The wonder of sinking down underneath warm covers, the way you forgot all the stressful parts of your life. Sleep was to him what chocolate cake was to other people; pure happiness. 

"Five." Shouta began to count. Izuku could feel the bed dip down from where the man had sat next to him. There was a hand on his shoulder, gently trying to shake him awake.


Izuku buried his face deeper in the pillow to hide a smile, hoping Shouta would think he'd gone back to sleep and leave him alone.


And what was he gonna do about it? Izuku could sleep as long as he wanted to, the most Shouta could do was erase his quirk. 

"Two," Shouta warned. 

Izuku could hear the smile in his voice. That wasn't good. Izuku had known him for a very short period of time and he'd seen him smile maybe...three...four times the entire time, mostly when he was bossing Izuku around.


Izuku held his breath as he listened to the bed creak. Shouta had stood up. Although Izuku couldn't hear footsteps walking away, maybe he really was giving up?

And then a true tragedy occurred. The warmth of his bed was stolen from him, the mattress falling away as two arms scooped him up. 

Giving up his still sleeping charade, Izuku peeked an eye open, seeing the ground now far below him. An involuntary sound somewhere between a gasp and a squeak left his throat, he clung to his teacher for dear life.

"Hey! You cheated!" Izuku frowned. He very much wanted to cross his arms over his chest to maintain some form of dignity but was too afraid to let go. He was forced to let himself be carried like a small child out of the room.

Shouta, seemingly unbothered by the entire ordeal simply shrugged. "I did warn you, problem child. You're the one that chose to be difficult."

Izuku scoffed, turning his eyes away from Shouta in a way he hoped would make him feel guilty. "Why do I have to get up anyway?"

"Because you need to talk to someone besides me. Form connection and whatever else it is Nezu was lecturing me about. Your friend is coming over after breakfast."

Izuku's eyes narrowed. So basically, he wanted him to socialize like a normal person. He knew Shouta had been up to something. 

He was carefully deposited in the kitchen chair. But he was too busy thinking to himself to comment on the change in scenery. 

How exactly did Shouta expect him to act? The people he'd met were nice, but a little intense. If the scale ran from watching a baking show intense to using his quirk intense, he'd rank them at an I-overestimated-my-tolerance-of-hot-sauce intense.

But if the only way he could regain his memories was by interacting with them, it was worth it right? And they had been fun to talk to in an 'I'm terrified but also entertained' kind of way. 

But Shouta had said friend, not friends. So that leads to the question-

"Which friend are you talking about?" Izuku asked.

He looked up as he felt a light blanket wrapped around him. Darn it, now he couldn't be as mad at Shouta as he wanted to be. He had to mess it up and be nice to him.

He watched his teacher walk over to the adjacent kitchen, pulling down ingredients carefully. 

Shouta seemed more sure of himself now than a few days ago, growing more and more used to the mess that was Izuku. His face was relaxed, eyebrows hung low as he glanced at Izuku from time to time from his place in front of the stove. "I originally wanted Uraraka to come. She probably has the most realistic expectations for how you'll behave and would be the least overwhelming of the three. Unfortunately she's out for the day practicing martial arts."

Izuku's eyes widened. Martial arts? He imagined the sweet girl he'd met throwing punches and pummeling her enemies to the ground. The images didn't quite seem to match up. But if she was as good at fighting in real life as she was in his head, maybe he should be more scared of her. 

"I thought about asking Iida. But he's not exactly the best at comforting...or understanding human emotions in general," Shouta continued. 

The smell of onions and peppers filled the kitchen as something hidden from Izuku's line of vision simmered over the stove. He hadn't realized it until now, but sleeping had worked up quite the appetite. His stomach rumbled impatiently, causing the blood to rush to his cheeks. 

"So that leaves Todoroki," Shouta declared. Sounding like he'd just solved a very complex problem and not which child would be visiting his house today.

Izuku gulped, his stomach flipping nervously at the thought of seeing him again. Their first meeting hadn't gone too well. Todoroki chasing his down and all, not exactly Izuku's idea of a good time. The second meeting had slightly better, minus the part where Izuku worried Todoroki was going to set his hand on fire. But having one on one time with him...that seemed rash.

"You're sure I can't just wait for Uraraka to finish training?" Izuku asked hopefully, although he was aware he was most definitely not going to get his way. Shouta was the type to tell him something was going to happen whether he liked it or not and not feel sorry in the slightest.

The sound of chuckling blended into the hum of the food cooking. 

"I know he seems scary, but trust me when I tell you that boy won't hurt a fly."

Izuku's heart slowed a little. "You mean he's super nice?"

"No," Shouta stated bluntly. Like Izuku was way off for even suggesting that. "But he'll be nice to you."

It was like Shouta's main goal in life was to confuse Izuku. He was probably laughing at him right now with his back turned. The image made Izuku pout, slinking lower in his seat and pulling the blanket halfway over his head. "So then why did you say he wouldn't hurt a fly?"

"You're not allowed to tell anyone I told you this," Shouta instructed, his voice suddenly growing quiet like they were being spied on. "But he's not the brightest. He's very book smart and gets good grades, but before your memory loss, he basically depended on you to help him pick up all social cues."

Well, Izuku supposed it was good to know Shouta wasn't afraid to gossip about his students. He could only imagine what Shouta had thought of him before the accident. From what he'd pieced together- he'd been a rambunctious teen hellbent on putting himself in danger and collecting friends like it was going out of style. If he was being honest with himself- he had probably been one of the kids Shouta despised the most.

He didn't even want to think about what Shouta thought of him now.

But he supposed he should be grateful. Todoroki had been his friend, his best friend...or so he was told.

The clatter of plates being set on the table interrupted his thoughts. He looked down at the dish in front of him, it was a new food Shouta hadn't made yet that looked way too healthy. What happened to junk food?

As if hearing his thoughts Shouta said, "I was reading an article online that said teenagers need a variety of vitamins to help development." He sounded like he was embarrassed to admit the reason behind the change in menu. 

Izuku's lips curved up in a half-smile. He pulled the plate closer to him, breathing in the poignant scent. "You did research?" Izuku asked, doing a poor job of concealing how much it pleased him. The man who claimed he hated everything had actually gone out of his way to take care of him. It was heart-warming. 

Shouta's face turned the same shade of red as the plates in front of them. He cleared his throat, shuffling awkwardly to the seat across from Izuku. His movements were rigid, giving away how embarrassed he was. "We never speak of this again," Shouta finally said.

"Mhm," Izuku agreed, shoving food in his mouth to keep from laughing. Of all the things to get embarrassed about, this seemed to be the most ridiculous. 

It tasted even better than it smelled, just the right amount of spice without it being overpowering. Mystery food for the win.

They ate in companionable silence. Enjoying the meal to the fullest. His mind began to wander as he ate, stirring up false images of a woman sitting beside him. Would his mother have eaten with him like this? Did she like to cook or did he cook for her? Was it bad that he was enjoying Shouta's company? Almost treating him like a replacement to his real parents? 

Having morals was becoming a real pain in the ass.

After finishing and grabbing both his and Shouta's plate, Izuku had come to the conclusion that he wasn't going to let it bother him. There were memories he wanted back, but longing for them wasn't going to do a thing. It was better for him to live in the present and just hope for the best.

Shouta did that weird thing where he was suddenly beside him like a sleep-deprived ninja. 

"Why don't you let me take care of the dishes? You go get ready for your friend."

Izuku nodded, stepping aside for Shouta to take his place. Iida had brought most of his clothes and school books over yesterday. Izuku had been delighted when he'd pulled out a clearly well-loved white t-shirt with the word "shirt" plastered on it. Shouta had ominously warned him to not get too attached, vowing they would go out soon and get him more suitable clothes. The shirt was now hidden underneath his pillow so Shouta couldn't throw it away.

He dashed down the hall, grabbing his bag and heading to the bathroom across the hall from his bedroom. Brushing his teeth, attempting to run a comb through his hair, and getting changed didn't take very long. Although seeing a reflection he didn't recognize was still really weird. Perhaps the thing that took the most adjusting was seeing himself.

Why couldn't he have been a few inches taller? Had fewer freckles so he didn't look like a disguised middle schooler trying to fit in with the older kids? 

Hearing voices from the end of the hall made him move more quickly, shoving everything back in his bag and awkwardly scurrying out of the bathroom and into the living room.

Sure enough, there was Todoroki, staring stone-faced at Izuku as he walked in. There were either hundreds or no thoughts behind those eyes, Izuku really couldn't tell which one it was.

"I'll be sleeping. Midoriya- don't break anything. Todoroki- don't....just don't," Shouta sighed. The light draining from his eyes like he already knew they would somehow get themselves into trouble. 

His confidence in them was insulting. Honestly, they were just talking. What's the worst that could happen?

"We will be careful," Izuku agreed.

Shouta mumbled something about them 'always saying that' before slinking out of the room. 

And now they were alone. Was it too late for Izuku to ask Shouta to stay with them?

"You're talking more," Todoroki commented. His eyes scanning over Izuku's face with a cooled intensity. His lips were pressed together in a firm line, giving away nothing about how he felt about this development.

Izuku could feel heat creeping up the back of his neck. He forced himself to laugh but it sounded too nervous to ease any of the tension clouding the room. 

Todoroki leaned against the edge of the sofa as if he'd been here many times before. "Has Mr.Aizawa adopted you?"

Izuku's blush deepened. Who just came right out and asked stuff like that?!

And now he was being the weird one, staring at Todoroki like he'd grown an extra head instead of answering him. He shifted his weight uncomfortably, unsure of how to answer such a personal question. He settled on a classic. 


"And you still don't remember me?"

This was officially the worst conversation Izuku had ever had. "No," Izuku answered. Guilt making his voice go low. 

Todoroki suddenly stood from where he'd been leaning, making his way to the front of the sofa and having a seat on the far edge. He patted the space next to him, looking between Izuku and back to the spot like that was enough for Izuku to understand what he wanted. Granted-Izuku did understand. But now he was starting to understand what Shouta meant about social cues.

Was it possible Todoroki didn't resent him at all and was just too awkward to break the distance between them?

Izuku followed Todoroki's wishes, keeping a few inches of space between them as he sat next to him. 

"Do you want me to tell you about how we first became best friends?" Todoroki asked, sounding eager. His expression shifted, eyes growing brighter and the tension falling away. He looked younger like this, more open. Like he might actually react to something Izuku said and not remain stoned-faced.

Izuku smiled shyly. "Sure," He replied quickly. It was significantly harder to talk to Todoroki than Shouta. With his teacher, it seemed like his snarky replies formed themselves, but with Todoroki, he found himself overthinking each word he said. 

Todoroki shifted, his legs brushing against Izuku's as he turned to face him. "It's important you know about my father first. He is the current number one hero Endeavor. But if I'm being honest, I've always hated him. He has been training me to become the next number one hero since I was a child."

Endeavor. Izuku had seen footage of him but he'd never stood out to him until now.  He wanted to ask more about Todoroki's training but didn't want to seem too presumptuous. Instead of answering Izuku just nodded along. 

"When I came to U.A. I thought we would be enemies because you were also trying to become the number one hero. We were pitted against each other at the sports festival, and at first, the only thing I cared about was beating you. But then you started talking."

Izuku chuckled at that. It seemed like when he talked he usually just got himself into more trouble, it was hard to imagine he'd been helpful because of it.

Todoroki's lips twitched as if he was stopping himself from smiling. "You convinced me my power was my own and not my father's. You helped me learn to accept myself."

Confusion seeped in. "What do you mean when you say it wasn't your father's power?" Izuku asked.

Todoroki held a hand out in between them, flipping his palm up. A small flame ignited in the middle of his palm, crinkling and dancing in the air, the light of the fire reflected in Todoroki's eyes. "This power, my fire, was passed down to me by my father. He and my mother had a quirk marriage in an attempt to have a child that could use both fire and ice," Todoroki explained. The flame twisted out, dividing into smaller bits of light as they traveled up his fingers. They burned on for a moment before suddenly disappearing in a small cloud of smoke. 

Todoroki held out his other hand. Ice began to creep down his arm in intricate patterns, weaving around his wrist until finally settling in the middle of his hand. There was a small burst of cool air, tiny snowflakes flurrying in the palm of his hand. "For a long time, I only used my ice. I didn't want my father to think I had to use his fire for me to still rise to the top. But you made me realize I shouldn't care what he thinks. I'm my own person and even if my quirk is similar to his, my heart is not."

Todoroki looked up to him now, the fire and coolness somehow trapped in the shine of his eyes all at once. Izuku realized suddenly he was sort of beautiful.

"I wish I could remember you," Izuku whispered.

the flurries sprung up into a transparent cloud above them before slowly falling back down. It was snowing. 

"I'll help you get your memories back. Whatever it takes. I promise," Todoroki said.

"Why?" Izuku couldn't help but ask. Why was everyone going out of their way to help him? Shouta doing research on teenagers. Todoroki promising to help him. It was too much.

He shivered as the last of the snowflakes settled on his skin, sending chills down his spine. 

Todoroki did smile then. Somehow managing to look even prettier. "Because we're best friends. I'd do anything for you."


Ahhh I've missed writing fluff like this. The way I love all these characters so much. 

I really hope you're enjoying the story! Thanks for reading! 

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