Serendipity ( Kim Taehyung)

By taestuIip

179K 9K 4.2K

"Serendipity is subjective. Not necessarily big things, small things too. Like finding a place to sit amidst... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 : Serendipity
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
Epilogue - Part 3
Epilogue - Part 4
Epilogue - FINALE

Chapter 58

1.6K 91 34
By taestuIip

Saturday morning started slow for Haru as she feels so reluctant to get off from bed. She didn't set any alarm that morning, planning to sleep in and wakes up when she is well-rested. The entire week of work has completely sucked the life out of her. The week was filled with countless meetings pertaining their upcoming project that contributes to her final year grades. All the internship students are now working together to plan their proposal, contact any possible sponsorships, searching for venues and logistics, setting dates and many more.

It has been so exhausting.

Rolling on her side, grabbing her phone from the nightstand, she checks the time and groans when she realizes it's almost 10 in the morning.

"I need my coffee", she pushes herself up, yawning as she stares at her dim empty room. She looks around as she tries to shake the sleepiness away, rubbing her eyes with one hand.

Then she spots the brown coat hung over her white vanity chair.

"Eh?", she looks at the coat, trying to identify whose coat it was when her room door swung open, startling her.

"Good Morning, sleepy head"

Taehyung appeared at her door, dressed in his black sweats, his black full rimmed glasses resting on his nose and a white mug in his right hand.

"Ehhh?", Haru sounded confused this time, head tilted to the side as she registers the sight of the man leaning on her door frame. "When did—"

"I came last night", he laughs lowly as he walks to the bed. "Bet you forgot you opened the door for me"

"I did?"


Taehyung takes the empty seat beside her, still laughing at her messy hair and puffy cheeks. He puts his cup on the table and turns to look at her.

"When did I open the door for you?"

"I called you last night, but you were already asleep. But you still managed to open the door for me while being half asleep", he plays with her hands as he speaks. "And then you pulled me on the bed and dozed off"

"Oh god, I did?", Haru finally open her eyes wide, fully awake, and able to see him clearly now. "I just pulled you to sleep?"

"Yes", he nods with an amused grin. "You were really exhausted"

She blinks and blinks, mind trailing back to last night's event. She remembers coming home a wreck after the dinner with Jiwoo and how she was completely depleted to the point it took every bit of her energy to shower and did her nightly skincare routine. Everything is a blur after that.

She must had been too tired to even remember how she opened the door for Taehyung while being half asleep.

"Do you want to continue sleeping?", Taehyung rubs the side of her arms. "Sleep in, I'll make you some breakfast. Do you want sandwich?"

Taehyung grins as she does nothing else but stare at him, perhaps still thinking how on earth she opened the door and let him in but had no recollection of doing so.

"You are so cute", he quickly pinches her cheek before sitting up. "I'll make some coffee, okay? Don't get off your bed. Stay in there and sleep again after your coffee"

Haru watches him walks out her room, leaving the door ajar and few seconds after that, she hears him humming to a song and then she hears the fridge door opening. A goofy smile appears on her lips as she finally snaps out of her thoughts, gets of her bed and decided to freshen up instead. God knows how terribly her breath stinks and she really needs to at least wash her face.


Taehyung puts the sandwich on the small white plate, adjusting them so that they sit nice and proportioned at the centre. He turns to the sink to wash the utensils, still cheerfully humming to one of his favourite jazz songs he was listening this morning while he was doing his work on Haru's couch.

"Such a sight"

Haru's whistles lowly as she stands at the wall, smirking to herself as she checks him out. Taehyung looks over his shoulder, smirking as he cocks an eyebrow at her, mirroring her expression.

"Liking what you see?"

She rolls her eyes at him, walking into the kitchen while peeking at the sandwich on the table. Then she looks at him again, taking in that broad shoulders stretching the cotton fabric of his sweatshirt. Taehyung looks good in sweatshirt—he looks good in anything and everything. But to see him into sweats, his wavy black hair so soft and fluffy, and with that glasses on—another level of attractive.

"Why do you look so good in the morning?", she coos lowly as she sneaks behind him, wrapping her arms around his body to give him a back hug. "You smell very good too"

A bashful smile takes over his features, glad that he is done with the dishes just in time dry his hands on which his heart flutters when Haru does not even let go when he walks to the side to reach for the hand towel. Quickly he turns to hug her, enjoying the warmth of her body pressed into his.

"I look good for you"

"Sheesh, don't be cheeky in the morning", her voice muffled in his chest. "The coffee smells nice"

"I smell nicer", he laughs at his own reply. "You smell nicer too"

Taehyung slowly loosens the hug and pull her hand towards the table. "You need to eat breakfast". He pulls the chair for her, gently pushes her down by the shoulders and helps her sit before he takes a seat across the small table.

"Do you plan to spend the entire Saturday with me?"

The edge of his mouth curves upwards, hands folded at the side of the table as he looks at her casually sipping the coffee he made.

"We have a lunch invitation"


"From Yoongi"


Jiwoo sighs for the nth time that evening, unable to bring her focus at the work she has been doing for the past two hours. She decided to do her work at this café, wanting a change of scene plus she needed a coffee fix after sleeping the entire morning. She could not sleep that night, not because she was binge-watching her favourite drama.

It was the conversation she had with Haru on the phone.

Haru somehow managed to ask Taehyung about Namjoon and the woman. She talked to Yeonjun and asked him to describe the woman they met the other day. Using all the descriptions, Taehyung assumed the woman is indeed Namjoon's ex-fiancée. Taehyung showed a few photos of Dami, Namjoon's ex-fiancee, then Haru did her work ; forwarded them to Yeonjun and he confirmed they are the same person.

So, the woman they met that day is Officer Kim's ex fiancée

Jiwoo tried not to think of the reasons Officer Kim meeting her, despite them no longer engaged to be married. It was not supposed to be something she must worry about. To be honest, she was not supposed to even think about the woman or Officer Kim. None of their business concern her. None.

But the building ache in her heart, the mere jealousy of knowing the lady was once someone so important—or maybe still is—to Officer Kim. Her heart sinks at the thought every time it crosses her mind. Dami, as told by Haru, was his girlfriend for 4 years, they were in love and they planned to get married. Not until Dami herself broke the engagement off.

Officer Kim might still be hung up on her. Otherwise, why would he see her again?

"Oh, this is so shitty", she groans to herself, burying her head in her hands. "Get a damn grip Jiwoo"

She stayed still for a few seconds, calming down as she lets every thought of the man that has been in her head for days and nights, finally makes its way out. She needs to move on she thought. Why bother wasting time crushing on someone that perhaps still in love with someone else? Well, even if he is not, why bother being stuck in this dilemma when she clearly knows she can do nothing.

She just wants to let go

"I need to focus on my work", she shakes her head in attempt to stir the thoughts away. "I need a refill"

She wasted no time to order another drink for herself and waits at the side of the counter. Her eyes wander aimlessly, still trying to bring her focus back to her and not about Officer Kim and Dami. She tries to think about her work instead, arranging the words in her head as she looks to no one in particular—or maybe at the petite lady barista making her coffee.

Then she heard it.

Officer Kim's voice.

"Dami, I'll get the drinks. Go and take a seat first"

That voice. She knows it too damn well to not recognize it. The café is somehow quiet, most of the customers from earlier have left leaving a few still sitting at the tables, minding their own business. Thus, she heard it clearly—Officer Kim's voice.

Her heart might have stopped beating for a fleeting second. Every limb of her body froze in place as her skin tightens, the nervousness creeping onto the surface making her toes curl tightly in her boots. She gulps silently, not brave enough to even move despite her back him and he might not see her—yet.

She plans to just slide to the side and heads straight to her table that is luckily more secluded at the back of the café. She cannot see him nor talk to him. Not when her mind is in such mess—dramatic mess—that she doubts she can even handle seeing them together again.

She needs to run. She needs to hide.

"Jiwoo-ssi! Your coffee is ready. This is your third cup for the night. You won't be able to sleep later", the petite lady whom she befriended months ago cheerfully slides her coffee to her.


Without turning her body around to look at Hyeri, the barista, she stretches one hand to the side and was about to snatch her drink and make a run to the table. But looks like the world decided to make everything hard for her and stars aligned in the shittiest way, not exactly how she intended them too.


Officer Kim walks to her side, big, surprised eyes looking at her almost pale face. Jiwoo tried to muster at least a polite smile, at least, but it all goes to vain when Dami suddenly appears beside him, mirroring his expression. Surprised. Very surprised.

"Eh! I remember you!", Dami breaks into a smile, looking genuinely happy to see her. "Nice to see you again!"

The chirpiness in Dami's voice has certainly helped her break out of her frozen state, a smile appearing on her lips as she returns the sweet greeting of hers. Then she turns to Officer Kim, managing a polite nod but then not daring to meet his eyes longer.

"I should go now", Jiwoo takes her drink, really wanting to make a run for it.

"Are you here with Haru?", Officer Kim suddenly asked, looking around the café with a confused face.

"Oh, no. Not with Haru. I am with a friend. He went to the toilet for a while", she lied. Well, what else can she do but lie. She could not afford to have them offering company if she admits she has been sitting alone at her table for hours already.

"Ooooo", Dami subtly elbows her friend, shaking her head. "We shouldn't hold her. She is busy. Come on, lets go. I need to get something from the stationery shop. Let's get our drinks and leave Jiwoo with her friend, okay?"

Jiwoo flinched at her words but she managed to hide her expression, only shyly smiling at them as she said nothing else and walks away. She heads straight to her table, never looked back and finally, release the breath she did not realize she had been holding.

"Well, that sucks"


"Joon oh Joon, what's with you?", Dami laughs as they step out of the café. "You're so predictable"

"W-What?", Namjoon looks over his shoulder again, making Dami laughs even louder this time.

"Still checking who's her date?"

Dami smirks to herself, sipping on her hot mocha as she watches her friend finally realizing his actions. Namjoon clears his throat, pretending as if he did not get caught in the act. He was clearly curious about the person Jiwoo is meeting, wanted to know if it is Yeonjun, the guy who was with her when they bumped into each other last time. He might have flinched when Jiwoo did not deny Dami's subtle hint about her being out on a date just now.

He flinched.

"Kim Namjoon"

Dami halted her steps, making the taller man stopped too, confusedly looking at her.

"Do you like her?"


Dami looks furious as she shakes her head, looking as if she has done this many times before and probably tired of having to deal with the same thing again and again.

"Joon, you like this girl. Why aren't you doing anything?"

Namjoon looks down, sighing as he shows no attempt to deny Dami's words. What is there to deny when it is true. He really likes Jiwoo. He has been liking her since forever and the thought of her has occupied his days and nights. But he is so scared of admitting and confessing it to her. He has no idea what's stopping him but one of the things is; their statuses.

Jiwoo belongs in the elite circle while he is nobody, just a normal police officer living a normal life. He wonders if she will ever accept him despite the differences.

"Joon, look at me", Dami's firm yet gentle voice made him look up. "Don't do the same mistake you did with me. You lost me. Don't lose her"

He blinks slowly, letting the heavy words sink into his empty head. He knows what she meant, and the look on her face says it all.

"Go and find her", Dami's angles her chin towards the direction of the café.

"But the stationery sh—"

"What the heck, Joon. I lied. Why would I need stationeries for? I just wanted us to leave the café so that I can talk to you, put some senses in you. I saw the way you look at her, and the way she looked at you"

She softly smiles this time, tapping the side of his left arm.

"Go get her"



Hello everyone! Here is another update! Finally! I cant believe I am now updating only once a progress has been so slow these few weeks T_T. I hope the update is good and enjoyable still :"))

Thank you for waiting and thank you for reading this book! Thank you, I love youuuuu~

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