teenwolf short stories (mainl...

By marvelmood

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short stories about Stiles and the pack I do not own any of the teen wolf characters these are some fun short... More

Stiles secret
Pack Group chat
Pack sleepover
We knew each other before
FBI meets the supernatural world (criminal mind and teenwolf)
Uncle Scott
Secret sister
Before we met
Uncle Stiles
Fbi Part 1
Alpha and Luna can just be friends
The truth
Brothers part 1
brother part 2
Who is this
we are like the pack parents
Why like Why
we should explain
our not so little secret
hey here you are
umm this is the groupchat
can we talk
Alpha Stilinski
steves secret


114 0 0
By marvelmood

Mason pov

we was all sat in the Sheriffs station and i mean everyone but Stiles as nobody could find him, i mean Chirs is here, Deaton, Melissa and Peter. we all had laptops put and phones trying to get in contact With Stiles but nobody could even Theo and Brett was here to help. after about an hour this Girl ran in shouting  for Stiles, Sheriff brought the Girl in to the room and she went i can't find him, i need Scott She noticed everyone was in the room and said Oh fuck hey guys some of you don't know me but im Allison Agrent, my dad is Chris and I was in the pack with Stiles Scott Lydia Jackson and i think Derek and his betas but Scott Stiles did not meet me like normal i went there and drove all the way here to try and find him but i can't, as she said that Danny went guys i have been sent a link to a live feed shall i open.

Parrish and Sheriff said wait connect the laptop to the screen then open the link.

Scott's pov

Once the link was open we see Stiles and mine and Allison's son the problem is no one knows untill now, Allison and i look at each other and said oh fuck, I went plus point hes is one of the anchors, I went turn the volume up. Allison went we will explain everything after ok, now Scott listen very carefully, we hear my son screaming, Stiles went look i know you are live streaming to my friends and I know some secrets are now going to get exposed but that little boy won't be quiet unless you unchain him and let him near me i can tell you that, we heard some say unchain the little brat, Stiles said  never call him that again and once im out of here you are going to regret everything. Derek went good luck to who ever is on the receiving end of that, i have been there once it was not nice Theo said yeah same. the person said i will be back in an hour, My son started to cry and i could see Stiles was trying to work out what would be the best thing to do? he was scared to say or do anything because of Allison and I, Allison said Stiles please do it I know you want to and what you are thinking, I went please Stiles it hurts watching this after a good 5 minutes Stiles say Roman look its Uncle Stiles i know your scared but I will get us out now im going to give you permission to do what ever you want ok you can cuddle me, fall asleep in my lap, you can Scent me do what ever but if I tell you to stop you do ok. Roman went thank you Uncle Stiles, after a while Roman went to sleep on Stiles lap.

Stiles looked up to the Camera and said Scott i know you can see and here everything and im Guessing Allison is back by now but you need to explain to the pack or wait for me, however don't come and get us and i know that sounds stupid but trust me, all im telling you is its not my life on the line if you show up ok so for once in your guys life listen to me and i mean all of you Dad, Melissa, Chris, Deaton, Parrish, Derek, Liam, Lydia, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Mason, Danny, Isaac, Theo, Brett, Peter, Corry, Cora, Malia, Kira, Erica, Boyd, Braeden, Allison and Scott. i went ok guys we are going to listen to Stiles and i need you to try and hack the speakers. After Half hour Roman wake us and is cry Stiles went Hey Buddy I need you to get you lovely sharp nails out can you do that, Allison went what is he doing i went he is going to get his chains unlocked, Stiles went well done Roman you can put them away now just focus on me remember, well done now they are gone, Stiles picks him up and says it ok i have got a plan but we are just waiting on you to be a bit stronger and daddy to speak to you ok. Roman went im Hungry im never going to get stronger as I have not eaten, Allison went shit, i went there is one way but he won't do it unless we give him permission, i went He took the Tables/pills Allison to produce milk he has been on them for months he has only ever used it to heal him went he would not heal tidy and it worked. Danny said we can speak to them Roman was crying and Stiles said i know baby i know you Hungry but I can't do anything about that im sure once you can here daddy he will tell you how to get stronger ok. Allison went Scott tell Stiles to do it. i went Roman can you here me dont say who  I am just Hug Stiles ok. he does it then i say tell Stiles he can feed you. he say to Stiles feed me please, Stiles takes his top and pulls Roman close to him Roman Latches on to Stiles nipple.

After a while the person comes back but Stiles tells them to get out and his child is feeding, he then said sorry guys i did not know what to say Allison whispered its ok Stiles and Roman sat up for a moment and said it ok Stiles. then Roman Latches on to the other nipple and does the same after ten minutes Roman sits up and Stiles put his top back on and he Burps Roman. Allison went well Who ever Kidnapped them is not going to like what happens next. Liam went Stiles is only human what ths worst he can do? I few of us Laughed and Peter said a lot worse than me if he really wanted to, i went he won't kill them but he will fight them and scream at them.

Lydia said New people i don't know if you ever got told this story but Jackson was a kanima before and Stiles Drugged Jackson and held him against the wall to speak to the Kanima side of his brain ask Erica and Isaac they was there? Erica went its true he can be scary sometimes, i went yeah he can. the person came back and i said ok Roman you need to follow Stiles and if people throw things you grab Stiles, more people came in the room and Stiles was Fighting 5 people at once after 2 minutes they was all knocked out and tied up, and more people came and Stiles said Roman change i need you bite people to pull them down but remember not get blood ok like when we play tag. Roman does and Stiles ties them up, there are about 15 men in the room then a girl comes in and Stiles went don't even think about touching him he kicks her when she goes for Roman. He went i told you to and you did, she was all now tied up. Roman went Papa i want mommy and daddy, Stiles went I know Buddy i just have to ask a few questions and we can leave ok. Stiles went  why did you take us? the girl said you was close to a Alpha, Stiles went ah you wanted the alpha except he did not come as he knew i could handle it she went yeah. he went never underestimate a person i might look weak but im far from it. He turned to Roman and said come on buddy lets go to mommy and Daddy.

Stiles pov

we leave where ever we was i noticed we was still in Beacon hill which means who ever Kidnapped us was from around this area but as Allison lives in LA she must of had my jeep taken back to beacon hills so I said Roman im going to carry and you point to which way we go You need to find Mommy or Daddys scent ok. After 15 minutes if walking we get to the Sheriffs station and i said ok buddy let go to mommy and daddy. We get in side and i put Roman down and walking the the conference room i see every one in i open the door and Roman Runs to Scott and Allison, they then walk to me and went thanks for helping him also he Called you Papa again i went oh I did not notice sorry I would have told him not other wise. Brett said you want to explain what going on then, i went really i thought you would have said something? Scott went nope i went fine this is going to be fun i pick Roman back up and Say Roman this is Melissa but she is your Grandma, i then walk to Chris and Say  Rom look at me there we go thats Chris but to you he is Grandad. we head the room gasp and Derek went Scott and Allison has a child and No one knew, Allison went yeah pretty much, i went Did you get my jeep Allison went yeah Also I thought you said you would not take them i went i was not going to but one day I took them by accident and Scott just let me like I took them for a few days i then had to pump as it hurt so much but as that was happening Roman fell and although he is a werewolf he was not healing like he should, i had just finished pumping when I picked him up so some of the milk was on my hands, his cuts then started to heal so I carried on taking them as Scott and i knew i would help him. my dad went so You knew your best friends had a child helped them hid it from everyone, I said yeah i did it was the only option. Lydia said Allison where do you live now then because you left one day and nobody could contact you? Allison went LA it is expensive but I have Two amazing people helping me and two people could get hold of me they just did not tell you, I left here when i was three months pregnant he is now 3 years old when we was in junior year I left at the beginning well the boys  would visit all the time when they new their parents was both on over night shifts and long shifts they would travel to me, they would take turn driving up they was sometimes only Stiles could make it or  only Scott, When Roman was born Only Stiles was there and the only reason for that was, he was closer at the time he was in La For a Fbi interview for a job and i called and said the baby is coming he left and came to the hospital.

Jackson said how come we never saw him? Scott went when we was in school we would visit on weekend but then Stiles had A Friday off and a Monday morning off so we started to have him long weekends it worked out well as My mom would work Thursday night all day Friday and stay in work until the Saturday morning in a call room then Stiles dad worked Saturday night and Sunday, so on a Thursday I would go and meet Allison half way and then i would have Roman all night then Stiles would come over in the morning and look after him, on Saturdays we would go out somewhere in the town over or if something happened only on of us would go then on Saturday night. I then carry on explaining they would both be at mine my dad never check on us so we new we would never get caught, sunday if it was nice we would spend the day in the garden or we would go to the Zoo then Scott would go home Sunday night and Roman would spend the night with Uncle Stiles, then I get up early and pack the car and drive half was to LA Allison would meet me at a McDonald's we would get Breakfast and then Roman would switch cars and i would come back here and Allison would go back to LA. Allison then said once they finished school they bought an Apartment together, i would stay there sometimes but if i was busy with college then normally one of the boys would get Roman It did not mater if there was a threat he would not come he would stay with me well the boys have had him all week so Stiles was ment to bring him back to LA spend the Night at mine and come back tomorrow instead that did not happen. I went you can stay at ours, she went was going to anyway. Scott went i guess we are in your room tonight Stiles I went probably. Isaac said why dont you all have your own rooms? Scott went yeah we do but Roman here is a werewolf, and will want to be with Stiles for the night as they was together all day then Allison will want to be with Roman and then Roman will also want me there.

Kira asks are you dating Allison then if so you cheated on her? i laughed and so did Allison Scott just stood there and i calmed down and went no their not Allison got a boyfriend in La but like you Lot he does not know about Roman i went Allison pay up i told you this was how it would go. she went not the full Hundred as it was only half right you said that they would find out if one of us ends up in hospital but you was right about Kira. Braeden said it was her clothes and things that was found in you apartment that day wasn't it?  i went yeah it was she was in the shower but she does not care where she undresses so we had clothes all other the apartment Roman was also in the shower and Scott was with Roman which is how you never caught us. i went Allison did you call his nanny to say you have got him? she went no will do it now. Roman said Papa i want toys, I looked at Allison and Allison Looked at me said Roman Papa has not got toys here sorry, I went Scott whats going on? he went Stiles you have raised him with Allison and I you are the one that travels to LA the most with him, you went to the nanny interviews with Allison not me, i went  yeah because you was busy and it was only me that could help. he went yeah i think that's a good reason to be called Papa don't you think, you help pay for things, if I can't make it somewhere and Allison phones you help her even if it means lying to the pack with a tiny bit of truth so no one can detect it. Allison went stiles just let it happen you deserve it. i went no i don't i could not even get Roman to you today.

Allison went Stiles you was willing to die and to kill for him today, you was who I went to when I found out I was pregnant. i went yeah i dont know why you went to me, she went because you would know how to handle the situation, i went to you Stiles before Scott and he is the dad I could not go to my dad or Lydia the only safe place I had was you Stiles. you sat with me all night you went to LA with me for the First check up. i went ok i get the point but what happens when your boyfriend finds out? she went then i break up with him because he won't like it and you become my Husband again. I just Laughed and Scott did to Allison went oh no now I have to explain that. i went yeah you do, Allison said when I moved to LA I was talking to my new neighbour and Stiles came in with a box and i said to the people i was talking see the man Carrying the box he's my husband well the following week it was Scott that came to LA and the neighbours so him walk straight in to my apartment well the next time Stiles came they was waiting out side for him they said to him that there was this man in and out the apartment all week Stiles then said to them oh yeah it fine it just her boy toy and carried on walking well the following week they both was there and Stiles said to the neighbours by the way we are not married but then we was at the apartment when this boy somes in the pool area and starts flirting with me by the way at this point you could tell I was pregnant well Scott was no where in site and Stiles was in the pool so I went in the pool and kissed him. then every time one of the boys came that how it went if some flirting with me then I got a boyfriend, which Scott and stiles questioned for a good half hour, but every time some ones sees me or stilles they would ask how is the husband or how the wife and it stuck so we just left it like that. Papa daddy mommy can we go now i want toys and food. i went yeah we can but you will have to sit on my lap in mommys car with claws out and dig in to my top.

we  was all leaving and the pack was following us, i  looked at Scott and Allison and Roman and went Who wants silent indoor fireworks tonight? Roman said at Bath time? i went if you want to but who do you want to bath you? He went Mommy Papa And daddy. so all of us i went Alli have you go a bikini She nope can I use your swimming trunks and top i went sure but they will be big. Scott went or you can just wear your what you normally do as it is us so it does not really matter. i went hes got a point. we get in the car and drive to mine and Scott's and when we pull up the pack was with us, we get out and they all follow us and Scott goes ahead with Roman, the group went you lot are amazing how did you work out such a good routine, Allison went like all parents it was  Trial and error, unlike most families we have a different dynamic, because we have a Stiles who will help us no matter what, We get in the apartment to see Roman running round with out clothes and Scott chasing him, everyone was stood there shocked and Allison and i went one day he will learn to use his Alpha voice, Allison went Roman Put your clothes on now or you will go in timeout. i went Roman Listen to mommy Please. Scott then got him dressed, i went hello every one welcome to our apartment, i seen Roman run off to his bedroom and Melissa said where is he going? Scott went he's fine mom he gone to his room. we heard a loud bang and i went roman pick everything up once you have finished with it  as daddy cleaned this morning. Ok Papa he shouts. I went so how do you all feel now you know our secret? Lydia said i don't know as I was in the pack first I though you would have trusted me. I went we trust all of you it was ours we did not trust, there was many of nights we sat on the roof tops wondered what we should do and i mean the three of us, Allison was a months when she found out and so did I and Scott was the next day, what we did know though is we would do anything to keep the baby safe and we did until today which that is my fault. Roman shout Not Uncle Stiles fault Nasty lady Faultm I went ok buddy. we made the decision for Allison to move when we was in the library fighting for our lives we new is was not safe here at the time so we moved her out to LA told no one and every thing then fell in to place, it was never Stiles and scott or Scott and Allison from that day on it was Stiles, Scott and Allison and it will be till the day we die, which me and Scott know will be together.

I went well the secret is out and I want my jeep back, now Roman it bath time you lot can stay here for a bit or leave but i don't care im bathing Roman then going to bed. they all left shouting goodbye.

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