The Daily Life Of The Curtis...

By ncurtis0991

17.1K 150 52

This book is a lot about what happens in the daily life of the Curtis sister.Natalie, Ponyboy's twin, is 14 y... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
The End...

Part 20

399 2 4
By ncurtis0991

     "Next is Sodapop, Dear Sodapop, Soda I know you think you have nothing in life except family and your good looks, but don't think that, you are so much more than may have dropped out of school but you are one of the smartest people I know...keep doing good, I love you.So I leave you $5,000s Love Grandpa," Mr.Bassett said, Soda burst into tears.

"Next is Two Bit, Dear Two, you are an amazing funny man...I know you are going to do good In life, so to help you, I leave you $2,000s...I love you. Love, Grandpa Curtis," Mr.Bassett said.I wonder where my grandpa got all this money...I mean he did have a pretty good paying job and I knew he saved a lot.

"Next it Dallas, Dear Dallas, I know you are a big tough man, but you are actually loving on the care so much about a lot of people even though you dont show it, unless you have too.You really are a good man.Love ya buddy!So to you I leave, $2,000s, but please use it for good. Love Grandpa Curtis," Mr.Bassett said.I looked over at Dally, he was smiling.

"Next is Johnny, Dear Johnny, you are a wonderful young man...I know you're a little spooked since the time you got jumped, but don't worry me and many other people are looking over you and love you.Dont be scared.So to you I leave all my best knifes, and $1,000s, Love Grandpa Curtis," Mr.Bassett said.I looked at Johnny, he was close to tears.

"Last is Natalie...Dear Natalie, you have been the best granddaughter anyone could ask for.You are so smart and kind.You would do anything for anyone you loved.You have been threw alot, but you are so strong.You are so ambitious and I know you have a good life ahead of you.You are going to do great and know that even if I'm not physically there I am there in your heart and will always be watching and supporting you, I love you more than you know...Love to you I leave my house, and the rest of my money to make the house what you always dreamed, and to help you get threw college, and anything you will need," Mr.Bassett.I started crying, the note was the best thing in the world to me.Mr.Bassett handed me the note and I looked it over.At the bottom in parenthesis, was a little note (that also said not to read outloud), the note said...

(Do not read out loud...Natalie...I meant everything I said in the note, you are wonderful, and I know you are going to do great in life...take care of your brothers and the gang...they need you, without you they are lost...I love you more than anything! - Grandpa)

I cried harder as I read it.I have always wanted my grandpa's house and I'm glad he gave it to me...

Yall I cried well writing the last couple paragraphs...I think most of you will too...hope you like it!Love yall!

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