The War of Love and Money

By AmelSmith

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A wealthy family fights for the inheritance when their grandfather decided Suddenly to write his will and giv... More

Characters Description
Cha-pter *1*
Cha-pter *2*
Cha-pter *3*
Cha-pter *4*
Cha-pter *6*
Cha-pter *7*
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Cha-pter *9*
Cha-pter *10*
Cha-pter *11*
Cha-pter *12*
Cha-pter *13*
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Cha-pter *16*
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Cha-pter *21*
Cha-pter *22*
Cha-pter *23*
Cha-pter *24*
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Cha-pter *26*
Cha-pter *27*
Cha-pter *28*
The End

Cha-pter *19*

276 35 36
By AmelSmith

Yunlan stood there looking at the medicine in his hand, which seemed very ordinary. Later, he put it in a plastic bag and looked at Shen Bai with astonishment, trying to understand the matter before asking the man opposite to him. Shen Bai took a long deep breath he then looked at his son with a look of refraction and said,

"I've been taking these pills for how long, I don't know? I recently started feeling forgetful and dizzy most of the time. I think someone is trying to make me feel sick by changing my medication. I bet you already know who plays such wicked games, Yunlan!" The hint was clear from the man's tone that he was referring to his grandson Shen Wei. His features seemed very tense, knowing that his son is working hard to protect whom he thinks is guilty in the first place.

"Are you sure is Shen Wei ?" Yunlan was in a state of panic, fearing that the man was right and that Shen Wei was behind this. However, he paused a little trying to arrange his thoughts before pointing the finger of accusation at who might be innocent, and perhaps the whole matter is just an illusion from so much going on between the family members. Before Yunlan agrees to his father, he had to first examine the pill in his hand.

"Well I know no-one but him is capable of doing so, do you have a doubt?" Upon hearing that Yunlan froze when he realized that he had lost all chances of thinking someone else could be behind this. But deep inside Yunlan was indifferent to everything Shen Wei did so far only if this doesn't lead to anyone dying or else he couldn't protect him anymore. Shen Bai's hopes soared as he thought Yunlan reaction might be an indicator that he would reconsider his previous decision about Wei being innocent.   

"Sure there are some misunderstandings, I feel that Shen Wei is innocent this time, my detective instinct never failed me" Zhao Yunlan was quick to offer an apologetic excuse for his beloved man. Perhaps a little humility would sway him completely if he is assumed worng. He was recalling his last meeting with Shen Bai before coming to see Shen Wei in the hospital.

"You are Doctor....!" Yunlan spoke with a cold tone,

"Never mind, I don't care about your name just hand me all of Wang's medical records since the day she enlisted in this hospital"

"Excuse me? This is very private, who are you to command me this way?" The doctor of Wang couldn't believe how he had ended up in this situation. He had come with the intention to check on his friend Shen Wei only never crossed his mind, he would be questioned and manipulated by a scary detective into speaking about Wang's case which is to him a red line never to cross over. Here the two men stood, inside Shen Wei's hospital room with neither of them willing to speak.  

"Save your breath and talk to me. I will determine whether or not he can give you what you asked for." Shen Wei helped himself to sit. He then sent Zhao Yunlan a warning glare. He continued to look at him with a hint of frustration after his statement. Even before Yunlan could process what he had first said, the door in front of them was slammed shut.

"Did you order him to leave?" Yunlan found himself with Shen Wei only after the doctor hurried outside the room leaving Shen Wei to deal with such a stubborn man. Yunlan felt angry and ignored. However, he was able to control his nerves for a moment in order not to frighten the sick person next to him because his anger might turn the place upside down only if he is forced to do so.

"You don't really care about me, do you? You seem to enjoy my misfortune. Am I the only one you want to hurt so much?" It seemed impossible to convince Shen Wei now that Zhao Yunlan is doing nothing but protecting him. Shen Wei glared at him before he gritted his teeth. As per him, none of this would have transpired had it not been for Yunlan showing up unannounced.    

"This is all your fault. If you had not dong wrong so far, I wouldn't have to bear such a burden to clean up after your messes." It seemed that Zhao Yunlan could no longer see a way to salvage the situation if Shen Wei is this rebellious. His pride would also not let him admit that he had been at fault for protecting a culprit to the extent of betraying himself and the law he serves. It was simply easier to never blame anyone.  

"What did you say?" Shen Wei hissed before he replied.

"Do you trust that doctor to the point of letting him keep something against you? What if someone pays him extra money? Will you be able to handle that?............ You are on a weak position now Shen Wei Ah, better listen to me baby" Yunlan's voice went from tensed to softer. He was dealing with the beauty that captivated his life since the first day he met him. He could no longer contain his emotions and came close to Shen Wei in attempt to kiss him.

"Stay away! You can't always do what you want with me. To leave me and end our relationship and then come to kiss me wherever you wanted. You have decided to terminate everything between us without a convincing reason, and that is very sufficient enough for me to completely erase your existence. So stay where you are" Shen Wei was suffering all of these days because of Yunlan cutting ties with him.

Zhao Yunlan shook his head. He couldn't believe Shen Wei was so fixated on this one matter. He walked towards him ignoring his attempts to stop his coming move then pulled him forcefully. Only after Zhao Yunlan had walked halfway and grabbed Wei he got the honest response he always had from his man that never disappointed him. Shen Wei hugged him shortly and raised his head to meet his lips.

Zhao Yunlan realized that he was not alone feeling the longing and desire to kiss him without letting go of those warm moisture lips that felt like his only safe home. Shen Wei had been so lost in the kiss that his thoughts scattered and no longer made any sense. Shen Wei inserted his tongue letting out a slight painful moan of being fully satisfied.

"The scent of your neck is a love that I can never end except with deep kisses, some of which are sealed deep inside me. Your scent makes me so drunk to the point of delirium, as it makes me taste an infinite pleasure. Your lips are no longer enough to silence me, saying I love you till my last breath is never enough to convey how I truly burry you deep inside my heart that nothing else exists in this world but you" Yunlan confessed sadly inside his heart.

"Shen Wei Ah! Call that doctor and tell him to hand what he has before I can take drastic measures and throw him in jail as for you nothing will happen to you as long as you listen to me" The tone of sincerity in Yunlan's words made Shen Wei submit to him, and he knew deep inside that his trusted man did not intend to do anything wrong to cause him harm.

"Sure" Soon Shen Wei made the call to the doctor and asked him to bring everything related to his wife. As soon as the man had stepped into the hospital room, his eyes met with Yunlan in an instant of stunned surprise. Swiftly Yunlan took the file from his hand and pushed the man aggressively against the wall chocking him.

"If I ever discover that you keep any copy or anything related to Shen Wei or his wife consider yourself dead" Yunlan loosened his grip on the doctor's collar. He sat on the sofa before reading the file in hand. The other man felt terror, he had no idea what Yunlan was going to do with that maybe framing him and taking him to jail. He was surprised by Shen Wei's silence.

"Mr Shen Wei ! Are you sure this file is in good hands?" He early asked as he stood from the floor and took few steps close to Shen Wei than saw Yunlan pointing at him to stay away from his man. His jealousy was obvious that his glares could kill from that far distance. Soon the doctor retrived and found himself curious about their relationship.   

"Mr Shen Wei, are you being threatened? Remember that my life and career are at stake, please Shen Wei say something, please!" The perplexed man was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed Wei acting all calm before he argued wisely. He was reflecting on his feelings of easiness. 

"The file is safer with him than you, trust me" His consideration, tenderness, and care seemed to be softening his attitude. Shen Wei wouldn't go so far as to say he loved the man sitting on the couch, but his friend was not that stupid to feel that Shen Wei holds something special for the arrogant detective. Shen Wei couldn't explain the situation but surrendered to Yunlan's request. He just felt that he could feel safer with that man in his life. 

"Good job my Wei, that's the most plausible reason. Very rational"     After sorting through things in his mind, Zhao Yunlan got comfortable on the sofa.

"Hey doctor!" Yunlan called sarcastically.

"You are so lucky that you served this man or else I will gladly make you rot in prison" Listening to Yunlan, the doctor finally felt his strong presence and fidgeted from nervousness. Since he couldn't fight back or defend himself. He only interrupted Yunlan this one time daringly but soon felt anxious at the man's reaction. 

"We are equal, make sure that we both rot in prison if you ever decide on taking me there" Yunlan was astounded yet kept silent at that provocative statement that was in all sorts true. His hands clenched and unclenched involuntarily. However, he didn't have the courage to look at Shen Wei to prove the man's words valid. He stood for a long time when he received no response from Wei, he left.

"You are lucky that he didn't point his gun at you and shot you dead. Do you realize what you have just said, you dumb man?" Shen Wei was somehow relieved that Yunlan is still on his side even though they are not together anymore. He deep inside wanted to know the reason behind Yunlan leaving him but still he couldn't fulfill this one throbbing curiousity.

"What! Shit...!" Suddenly his eyes widened when he realized he is here to take his wife out.


Yezun did not even notice that he was casting a dirty look at his old friend who was wearing a troubled expression and lowering his head in front of Xin Ci. Upon examining him in a tactless manner, he concluded that he did not come here on his own will but seemed more drugged into this by a stronger person. His suspicion was so obvious to Xin Ci that he did not even need to be a mind reader to understand how Yezun looked at both men in confusion. 

"Yes, I did. I brought him to apologize to you for what he did" Xin Ci explained to silence Yezun's curiousity. Once he stood beside his dirty-minded abusive friend, Yezun slapped his hand on his back. The man yelped in pain, and rubbed his sore back but couldn't talk back or defend himself while sustained by Xin glares to stay still. 

The disapproving look on Yezun's face was enough to make him pause while looking too silly for his own good. Scowling at Cong Bo, he rolled his eyes in disbelief. How could he even come see him after what he did. How shameless of him to show up even for an apology. The past couldn't but play like a flashback in front of Yezun as much as he looked at the disgusting man who raped him. Yezun thought to himself to just forgive and let go at last if he wanted peace.

"I might be kinder enough, to even consider to forgive you and just forget, Xin Ci what do you think?"

"Wise decision but I can't forget your tears, nor the pain I felt in your words. I will deal with him my way" Because of his insistence on protecting his little puppy man who just smiled to him gently, Xin Ci wasn't acting all wise like himself. He dragged Cong Bo outside the apartment and asked his men to teach him a good lesson. Feeling so annoyed Xin Ci didn't seem to have satisfied his ego.

"Xin Ci! You seem upset more than me, do you care about me that much? Or maybe you have something else on your mind right now?" He gave Yezun a frightening and cold look, he did not stop to consider what he heard coincidentally between Yezun and his brother. The conversation seemed more intimate for two siblings to have. He decided to buy himself time to calm not to attract unwanted attention. Clenching his teeth, he quickly thought of a plausible cover-up.   

"Don't take it the wrong way, I am just mad because of work. I received an email and I must go" Xin Ci began to tell him. By the end of his explanation, he tried to sound as confident as he could, which immediately convinced Yezun. However, the man who claims to be the twin's brother seemed more suspecting the kind of relationship the two might have. Chu decided to reveal that and play wicked.

"Yezun darling! Do you want me to comfort you. Don't just feel sad because of that stupid asshole" Regardless of whether his provocative statement convinced the steady man in front of him or not, the story of him being an overly protective brother to even hug Yezun awkwardly made the beauty play along to see what can come from his unshakable handsome attorney. Seeing the two act all clingy, spread anger like wildfire across the entire man's body and feelings.  

"Enough! I need to talk you" Xin Ci Lost this time as he couldn't control the desire to break them away from each other. He was aware of his unbearable jealousy towards Yezun. As though he did not unwittingly draw enough attention to Chu, he became even more furious now dragging Yezun by his wrist to the bedroom. He caged him against the wall and was leaning too close to breath his warm air.

"I never saw two brothers acting all intimate together only if they weren't blood related, am I right?"

"What are you implying here?" Yezun suddenly broke mad afraid to let the secret of Chu out.

For a while, Xin Ci almost forgot about how wicked Yezun was pulling him into this grave situation. And when he did remember, he made sure that it doesn't affect his decision now. With the new complications that he was forced to deal with, it was going to be more difficult now than before. Making sure to bring Yezun to say the truth whether he likes it or not. He needed to know what kind of relationship the two have.

"Chu! Is he your real brother or was he raised by your mom?" His anger was not directed to Yezun alone but himself as well.

"I thought I was brave enough, but I am becoming weaker to you by every passing day. You are all I think about. Now tell me the truth and I promise I won't hurt you!" Xin pleaded inwardly as he looked at Yezun afraid of what was on his mind. He was afraid to be faced with an ultimate truth that the man outside belongs to Lan Yi and that Yezun and his mom are playing some dirty game.

"Indeed, he is Lan Yi's son. And my mom was the one that raised him for revenge, happy now? And he has feelings for me.....he...he...he" Yezun laughed at the funny situation. He wouldn't believe revealing the secret to the most righteous man who might not keep it.

"No way!" Xin Ci got cold feet and didn't know what to say. Frustrated, He was internally caught up in his own dilemma. Yezun's voice kept ringing in his ear before it brought him back to earth.

"Baby! You are not mad at me, are you?" Yezun hugged Xin Ci to absorb the frustration painted in his face and heard in his harsh breathing. He soon was pushed away in attempt to give himself space to think. Xin Ci distanced himself from Yezun and sat on the edge of the bed while sinking in forever disruption. Yezun put his arm around his man's shoulder and argued in his defense,

"I only knew lately, my mom made us believe he is our young brother until recently she revealed it to me. It's not my fault that you are angry at me" Yezun was meandering mindlessly, thinking Xin Ci would believe his nonsenses. He then reminded him in a very sarcastic tone.

"We both know a secret the other keeps carefully, don't let me down Xin Ci and tell that selfish heartless woman. By the way Chu doesn't know he is Lan Yi's son" Xin Ci checked the time and found that it was time to leave and escape this whole mess. He ignored Yezun warning and took his leave before reaching to the door he remembered to tell the man something.

"Whether he is your brother or not, is not my business, just don't act easy with anyone. Let me remind you, I don't like to share you with others." Xin Ci said then slammed the door shut. Yezun surprisingly raised his head. He observed Xin Ci's fading body with eyes full of affection and heart full of excitement.

"Mom! I told Xin Ci about Chu as planned of course" Yezun spoke for a little while with his mother on the phone receiving the new instructions before he could hung up and meet with Chu standing at his room door.

"What?" Yezun asked in annoyance.

"Is he your type?" Chu was somehow amused by all this.

"Indeed, don't ever dare him like earlier or I will kill you" The warning didn't seem to scare Chu but he found it more exciting to play even more wild.

Please do not forget to vote if you like the chapter.

The story is holding more events and secrets to be revealed.


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