hold on - d.m

By suhanawritesx

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Isabel Rose Montgomery was a girl that went through hell and back and is now on her way back to her final yea... More

book covers
character introductions
update - its been a while


114 2 0
By suhanawritesx

╰┈➤ ❝ L E T  F A T E  P L A Y  I T S  R O L E ❞

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

I really need somebody to call my own

I wanna be somebody to someone

Someone to you

[Someone To You – Banners]

╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

< Isabel >

Theo swung open the bathroom door, looking more presentable than the half-dead boy who crawled out of bed earlier.

"Morning bubs!" He enveloped me in one of his signature hugs that he knew I loved.

"Your moody episode over then?"

"I don't like waking up, Iz, leave me alone," he fake cried, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh no, you don't!" I said, wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him again, "you're warm."

"I always am, according to you!" he laughed, returning the hug.

Eventually, I let him go and brushed through my hair, contemplating on what to do with it.

"Your hair looks nice like that, Isabel," Draco said, reusing the compliment I had given him earlier.

Ignoring Draco's comment, I shuffled through my wash bag (that I always kept in Theo's room in case I sleep over out of the blue) and took out a scrunchie to gather my hair into a low knot when someone caught my hand in theirs. I looked up and was confused as to why Draco had just stopped me.

"Isabel, it looks nice loose," he said, "no one will laugh at you, love."

I stared at him bewildered because he knew exactly what was going through my head.

"Thank you," I whispered.

I put a little concealer on to cover my dark eye circles, mascara and clear gloss. I brushed through my hair once more and clipped back a strand of my hair with a pearled clip that Theo had once brought for me. After spraying a little perfume, I tidied away my things back into the wash bag and put them back into the bottom drawer where they belonged. I noticed Draco patting his hair down, leaving it wavy and product-free, just how I liked it.

"Isabel! Look at you!" Theo gasped, "you look adorable bubs."

I grinned sheepishly as he side hugged me, also fully ready.

"Let's head down to breakfast then," Theo said, swinging his arm around my shoulders and leading me out.

< Draco >

We walked down to the Great Hall, talking about random topics.

"So you nearly transfigured yourself into a mouse?!" I exclaimed, clutching my stomach in laughter, Theo following suit. We had already taken our seats at the end of the Slytherin table. Breakfast hadn't properly been served yet since it was so early, but we all had steaming cups of coffee in front of us. The Great Hall was scarce meaning that the small people that were in here jumped at my sudden, loud laughter.

"Don't laugh," Isabel said, shaking her head at us, "at least no one saw me as a half mouse, well except Ced. You, however, turned into a ferret in front of quite a few people in the courtyard as I remember it."

That made my laughter stop abruptly. I watched, sulking, as it was her turn to laugh along with Theo.

"Okay, okay, you got me," I said, facepalming.

"But how on earth did you half transfigure yourself?" Theo said.

"I was sitting in front of my mirror, practising some spells and the spell bounced off the mirror and onto me. But I hadn't done it properly, so I was stuck with a mouse's head for about fifteen minutes before Cedric found me and turned me back," she explained.

"Can't even begin to imagine his reaction," I chuckled.

"He was shocked at first and then confused as to why I had a mouse's head but when he turned me back, he probably alerted the whole common room downstairs with his laughing."

We continued chatting between us. I think I was falling for her. And I was falling hard. I just wanted to make her mine but I'm not going to push it. She was fragile and I'm not going to risk hurting her because of how early it is... I mean, I only just started to get to know her a little over a month ago!

"Wotcha lads!" We glanced at the doors and saw Blaise with Pansy. Blaise stood there, a wide smile taking over his face and his hands raised. I stifled a laugh along with Isabel as we watched him catwalk over to us.

"Where's my fucking food?" Blaise nearly cried, "Draco, you ate all the food?! You fat shit, man!"

"Calm down," I sighed, "they haven't served the food yet so wait like the rest of us, you greedy pig."

"Prick," Blaise sneered.

"Asshole," I shot back.





"Alright, alright, you asshats!" Theo interrupted, causing us to glare at him, "if you haven't noticed, there's food on the table."

We turned to face the table and stared at the vast amount of breakfast foods laid in front of us. I put some pancakes on my plate, adorning them in maple syrup.

"Ayo Malfoy, don't take it to heart yeah?" Blaise smirked.

"As if, I should be saying that to you!" I said.

Laughing, I accepted his fist bump and we went back to our food. Once we had finished our breakfast, we walked out of the Great Hall together.

"What should we do today then guys?" Pansy asked.

"Hang by the Black Lake? Get homework done. Oh shit, I've got that stupid DADA essay to do ughh!" Blaise said, frustrated.

We walked over to the dorms, including Isabel's, grabbing our school stuff before heading over to the lake and settling against the trees. I felt Isabel nudge me and I turned to her. She looked... embarrassed?

"Can you... erm, help me with the Potions essay, please?" she said quietly, "it's just that I've never been very good at it and I know you're one of the best at it. It's okay if you don't want to, I'll just go to the library and use some books. You know what, that's what I'll do. I'll see you later."

Before she could stand up and walk away, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Iz, you're rambling," I said, "of course, I'll help you, don't even worry about it. It's the Amortentia essay, right?"

She nodded and flicked open her book to the chapter about the said potion.

"Right so, Amortentia is a love potion," I started, "strongest one in the world. It smells different to everyone who smells it because it smells like whatever attracts you. Oh, and it has characteristic swirls of smoke. Got it so far?"

"Yep, got that," she said, scribbling down on a piece of parchment.

< Isabel >

I lifted my head up and just stared at the boy sitting next to me. I watched as his soft, platinum hair blew slightly in the gentle breeze; his hypnotising, grey eyes staring out at the lake in front of us; his hands waving around as he explained concepts. He was just perfect...mesmerising. For a split moment, his eyes caught mine and I could feel myself getting hotter by the minute. I could feel the red rising in my cheeks.

"Iz? You okay?" he asked, staring at me with a confused look taking over his face.

"Yeah, completely fine," I said, hastily.

I caught Theo looking at us and when he noticed, he waggled his eyebrows and winked. I knew he knew. I jotted down a few more sentences for my essay before packing away my stuff and getting up to sit by Theo. I looked back at Draco who had his head buried in a Potions textbook.

"Hey Belle," Theo said, opening his arms, "everything alright?"

I sat down next to him as he wrapped his arms around me. I nestled in his warmth and looked out at the glittering lake, admiring its beauty. We were near the others but far enough that they couldn't hear our conversation.

"I think I like him, Theo, like a lot," I sighed.

"And he likes you, I'm sure of it."

"Fat chance!"

"I've known Malfoy for years, Iz, I think I'd know!"

"Alright alright," I gave in, "but... but I'm scared. Everyone I've ever cared about left. Who's to say Draco won't be the same? I don't want to get hurt Theo, I'm not sure I'd be able to take any more pain."

He kissed my head before saying: "I understand, bubba, but Draco isn't like everyone else. He's changed, he really has. And I can tell that he cares about you, possibly more than you do him. As I've said before let fate play its role and we'll see what happens, okay? Don't stress."

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