Shake It For Me

By metalcountry

40.4K 1.3K 155

Sequel to "Baby's On The Way." We jump into the future where Nikki and Luke have been married 5 years. Ever... More

Shake It Intro
Faded Away
Spring Break Up
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
Tailgate Blues
Do I
I Knew You That Way
Pray About Everything
The Car Infront Of Me
Little Bit Later On
Roller Coaster
In Love With A Girl
Doin' My Thing
Harvest Time
Play It Again
Just A Sip
You Don't Know Jack
That Don't Just Happen
Shake The Sand
Baby's On The Way
All My Friends Say
Take My Drunk Ass Home
Muckalee Creek Water
I See You
That's My Kinda Night
Drink A Beer
Crash My Party
Dirt Road Diary
Authors Note

Country Girl

1.3K 49 14
By metalcountry

~5 Years Later~

I was sitting outside listening to the kids playing in the pool. Bo is 16, Tate is 14, Bailee and Bryson are both 8. I am 46 and Luke is now 52.

Luke has slowed down with how he acts on stage, and he doesn't do more than his one headline tour and the farm tour. He quit with spring break a while back. He was currently inside on the phone talking to his manager. He has been off for a month now and has one left before he does the farm tour then he is home unless there are award shows.

He is been getting a bunch of awards the past five years. He has even came out with another spring break album, and just came out last year with another album called Riding the Trails. It was going wonderful. His fans had stayed faithful and there are even more now than there ever was before. Luke may be an older man but has hardly aged any. His beard and hair is starting to show gray but I think it looks amazing on him.

Our love has stayed the same in these five years since I wrote my book. Every day I get the good morning and good night texts. I get the random I love you'd. I get flowers sent on my birthday if he is on tour and I can't make it. I get random times to come on tour with him. I get basically all the same love things he use to do, even today. I still feel the same way about him. I still love that he holds me, that he makes love to me, that he kisses me, and that he still tells me how much he is in love with me more by the day and all. Luke hasn't changed at all. He is still the same old lovable man I married.

Bo being 16 wasn't as hard as I thought he was going to be. He is doing great in school. He is going down the same path his father did. Well that is what Luke tells me. He tried out for school plays. He plays guitar, and comes up with his own songs. He takes after me in school with going to advanced classes and getting straight A's. He is also in an Honors Society. I'm really proud of him and so is Luke.

Bo doesn't even lash out at us. If we tell him no, he listens. Sometimes he will ask why, or try to persuade us but he leaves it alone after a while. You will have those outbursts but what hormonal teenager doesn't do that to you?

There is a girl in Bo's life. He has been dating this girl since before Christmas so it has been about 8 months for them. She is very sweet and her name is Allison. She is over today with the kids all swimming. Luke had already given the talk to Bo before he got this girlfriend but he had another one with Bo about the risks of pregnancy after he got with Allison and we thought they were sexually active. You got to keep up with this because I highly doubt anyone wants their teenage son getting his girlfriend pregnant.

Tate has been hell. He is probably acting out for both him and what Bo didn't do. He gets in trouble in school and always gives me a hard time. He is scared of when Luke comes home and yells at him for giving me a hard time. Luke never had to do that before and I can't yell and be intimidating. Tate basically just laughs. He knows me as his come to when he is upset, not the parent to punish.

Tate is very hyperactive and get's C's in school. I have tried everything to ground him but nothing worked. When Luke is around he doesn't act up as much. I do have to say he has calmed down in the past two years but it is still bad. I love the kid to death and so does Luke and it hurts us to ground or yell at him but he needs it. Neither of us believes in whooping.

Bryson is getting tall quick. He is only 8 and taller than what Bo or Tate was at that age. He is also very slick and keen. He is really good at Math. He actually loves it and helps out Bailee when he can. They both are in the same grade but the school won't put them in the same class which is fine with me. Bryson already has his own personality and his way of talking. He talks more sophisticated than I thought an 8 year old could. He is also looking a lot like Luke mixed with my dimples and green eyes.

Bailee is really growing quick. She looks a lot like how I did when I was her age. You could put my picture next to her's and see a big resemblance. She just has Luke's eyes. Just like it knew it was going to happen, she was diffidently a daddy's girl but she was a complete tom boy.

She now hated dresses. She would always wear camo pants, and a tee shirt. Summer is always shorts and a tank top. Whenever she would go anywhere with Luke; she'd grab her hat, boots, jeans, and white tee shirt. She'd put her hair up and then go out with him. She loved having time with him. She always asked to go fishing, or where ever he was going. She wanted to go on tour with him last time and got really upset he said no.

She realized we have let Bo and Tate go by them with Luke on tour. She doesn't realize she is 8 years younger than Bo and 6 than Tate. Luke promised her on her 10th birthday that he'd take her on tour for a week with him.  She was good in school. She was good at home. She had her own little clique of friend different than Bryson. Bryson hung around guys and girls but Bailee only hung around guys. She reminded me of me so much.

Spinee passed away last year and we got another dog and named him Pappy. He was a cute dog and the kids loved him. Bo was heartbroken when Spinee died. He rejected having pappy in the house but is now warmed up to him.  The kids also convinced Luke to get a huge fish tank which I'm the only one who remembers about them. Bailee wanted a hamster and being daddy's little girl she got it. Tate got his own turtle which he then wanted to let go because he said it would be happier in the wild. Bryson and Bo didn't care about their own animals.

So, back to current life.

Luke walked outside with a pitcher of ice tea, and some hot dogs with buns to grill for the kids. He even had cups which he set out on the table on the deck. He was only in his swim trunks and I had a bikini on so I could tan. I saw Luke look back behind him after he got the hot dogs going and had a smirk on his face.  I got up and put my arms around his back.

"Well hello there beautiful." Luke said in his charming voice. I giggled and let him go.

"Hello there handsome." He turned slightly to me and put his arm around me pulling me in to kiss my forehead.

"These kids are like fish." He said chuckling.

"Oh I know. I've been out here watching them forever. I'm surprised Bryson is still out here. He is our little book worm who loves to play video games and stay in the house." I said.

"It's because there are other kids here. Bo's girlfriend, Tate's two buddies, and Bailee's dude friends. He didn't want to invite any of his friends but he is out here having fun." Luke told me. I smiled.

"I love seeing our kids enjoying themselves and behaving." As if the kids knew I said that we heard a scream and both Luke and I looked over. We saw Bailee throw a ball at Tate and then Tate about to throw it full force back.

"Tatum!" Luke yelled. Tate looked up at Luke and he dropped the ball right out of his hand. Bailee was coming to run over to us. I saw Tate mouth the word shit and I just glared letting him know I saw that.

"Daddy! Daddy! Tate threw the ball at Mike and me and hit me in the head. So I threw it back and hit him and then he was getting made and said you bitch and I thought he was gonna hurt me." Bailee said hugging onto Luke. He put his arm around our daughter and then looked at me. I looked at Tate who was still looking our way. Bo and his girlfriend were at the deep end together just looking from Tate to me.
"Tatum Christopher Bryan, come here. Now." I said stern. You could tell he huffed as he swam to the side and then strolled his way over to us. I looked at Bailee who you can tell was hit in the face by the ball. Bailee looked at him and glared as she held onto Luke's side.

"Bailee go back to your friends. " Luke said. She just looked up and I knew she wanted to stay to hear Tate get yelled at but Luke gave her the look to let her know to listen. She nodded and then slowly walked past Tate. He glared at her as she walked by him and then back to the pool. "Explain your side." Luke said crossing his arms.

"Bail splashed me and I told her to quit it. She didn't and laughed about it. So when she splashed me again. I threw the ball. It hit her in the face. Then she through it back at me which then hit me in the face. So I was going to through it back." Tate said. He knew not to lie to us He has a few times and he knew that meant a very long time without any fun. It's summer and he doesn't want that.

"Why would you through the ball? You know you're bigger than her, and that you're stronger. You could really hurt your younger sister. "I told him.

"I know." He said in his ugh tone.

"Next time like we said before, come to us. You don't throw anything at your sister, hit her, or nothing. You're supposed to protect her okay? She is only 8. She is going to be that annoying little sister. Just wait till you're older. You'll understand. Now go back and play alright? If you have to go to another part of the pool with your friend okay?" Luke told him. He nodded.

"So I'm not in trouble?" Tate asked.

"No, she did antagonize you but that still don't mean you throw things. No more mishaps like this okay Tate?" I said. He nodded.  I opened my arms for a hug and he strolled in and hugged me.  "You better stay this mama's boy ya hear?" I told him and he laughed.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Peace compadre's" Tate said walking away and Luke and I both laughed.

"That is diffidently your son." Luke said going back to the hotdogs which were almost done.

"Ours thank you very much." I said smirking at him.

Our day went by pretty fast. Soon the kid's friends were going home and it was just our family again. Luke and I were in the living room on the love seat looking at the TV. There was a movie on. Bryson was in his room playing games with Bo. Bailee was probably in there with them watching or bugging them to do something more fun. Tate was normally on his phone in his room till he fell asleep.

Luke kissed me and we snuggled up closer as we heard someone come down the steps and into the living room. Luke leaned up and turned his head to see who.

"What's up Tate?" Luke asked.

"Nothing. Just don't feel like sleeping and no one is answering my texts so I'm down here." He said as he went to the recliner and looked at the movie. "This movie is so gay. I don't see how  a movie about two guys working for Google and doing dumb things is that funny." Tate said looking at the movie we were watching. I laughed.

"Well not every joke you're going to get Tater. It's also an older movie around when your father and I were in our 30's" I told him. He laughed.

"You guys always make it sound like you're so old but you're not." Tate shook his head and looked at us.

"Well we are getting old Tate. I'm 52 and your mama is 46. We make it sound like we are old because we can't do as much as we use to when we were younger when we first had you. "Luke explained.

"Come on. Dad you may be getting gray but you don't look much older. You still have women all over you. Mom you still have yet to have a gray hair and you haven't aged at all. My teachers are surprised that you look that young. You guys still go fishing, hunting, and keeping in shape. You guys can do just as much as you use to. You just choose not to. Just no more kids. If you have another Bailee just no." Tate said complementing us then making us laugh.

"You're gonna love your sister one day." Luke said. "You do now but you're just annoyed of her. She is basically a reincarnation of your mama and you're a mama's boy. Bailee and your mama act so much alike, they look a lot alike, and they like the same things. They're both country girls that men are going to love. You're going to have to protect her from them assholes out there.  You just don’t realize it because she is younger and loves to get under your skin but when you're both in your 20's you'll see it. Trust me. Just don't let your anger get to you son. I have a couple times and that put me in trouble." Luke explained. I smiled hearing him compare our daughter to me.

"I'll believe you when I see it then." Tater smirked then went to go upstairs. "Goodnight." He said as he comes to hug both Luke and I. He hugged me second and kept hugging me. "Love you guys." He said before letting me go and going upstairs.

"Love you too." Luke and I both said as he walked upstairs. I had a huge smile on my face.

"That boy is such a mama's boy."
"Is that why you compared me to Bailee?" I asked him. He shook his head no.

"No, you're my country girl. Bailee is my country girl too but my baby. She is so much like her mama it's unbelievable. She is 100% country girl. She likes everything you like. She wants to do everything you and I have done like mudding, fishing, and wants to go hunting so bad. She wants to dirt bike, and does anything a tom boy would do. She also dresses like how you would always dress when I first met you. I'm glad she is like her mama. She'll find a nice country boy as long as she stays like you because she'll know how to pick a man. She is going to be as beautiful as you and we are going to need Tate, Bo, and Bryson to stick by her because men are going to be all over her. If she grows up to look like you I'll be happy that Tate will be on her side. He has the fight in him. I think we should send him off to boxing or karate classes. That might help let out some bent out frustration." I nodded in agreement. I also smiled at everything he was saying about Bailee and me.

"I love you so much. You know that right?" I said and leaned up kissing him.

"I love you too baby. Forever and ever. Till the ends of time." Luke said then kissed me again.

We went to bed that night and I laid there cuddled to my husband of almost 20 years. I couldn't help but be the happiest woman alive. I have fulfilled all my dreams. I have the best family god could give. My family is beautiful, smart, talented, and just all out wonderful. My kids are my prides and joy. My husband is always keeping me happy and letting me know how much he loves me. He keeps me going. The house we live in is beautiful. The land we have is gracious. The friends we have are amazing. The family that we have is wonderful.

I couldn't believe all that I've accomplished in life. I was a runner up to Miss Texas, I was Valid Victorian in high school, I graduated with almost highest of my class in college, I worked on a rodeo, I wrote lyrics for famous people, I married the man of my dreams, I played in a band,  I had four beautiful children, I met my long lost uncle, I wrote a book, I beat death twice, I found a mother like figure, I caught my first buck, and I got to complete my dreams even with my father gone and unable to see any of them really come to life.

I don't think I’d wish for me to have any other life. I am happy where I'm at. I'm Nikki Lynn Bryan and this was my Dirt Road Diary.



This was the last chapter to Shake It For Me. I have to take this time to thank all of the readers who have stuck by this story and kept me going with it. I am so happy that it got this far and is going to go onto a third book. Thank y'alls so much. It really means a lot!

My third book is going to be called Blood Brothers. I am going to publish this story, and later put up the summery. 1st chapter will come after this gets 20 votes just like the previous chapter.
I would love for everyone to put the story into their library to keep up with the updates for Blood Brothers. It will be the final book making this series a Trilogy.
I hope everyone likes it just like they do this story.

Thank you all again. If you have any questions either comment or message me. I'll respond as soon as possibe.

- Pup

P.S. I could only update one story tonight since I've been busy for two days. i haven't been able to really write anything so the other stories will be out later today. I thought this was very important for me to end the book.

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