The Gilbert Witch 7

Par salvatoreloverzz

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Emely has been in a dark place since Elena went into her slumber. She's been talking to witches to see if sh... Plus

Out Of The Easy/Day One Of Two Thousand
Never Let Me Go
Age Of Innocence
I Carry Your Heart With Me
Heart-Shaped Box
Live Through This
Best Served Cold
Mommie Dearest
An Old Enemy
Oh My Godess Part 2
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
Cold As Ice
Hell Is Other People
Things We Lost In The Fire
Postcards From The Edge
The Women's Work
Moonlight On The Bayou
Trying To Kill Davina
The Nightmare Begins
Lancelot And Guinevere
Beauty And The Beast Part One
Beauty And The Beast Part 2

Time Jump

245 7 2
Par salvatoreloverzz

Los Angeles

I was scrubbing blood off my hands quickly.

I looked in the mirror and see sweat trailing down my face.

As I was washing my hands, I heard a big bang.

Someone knocked down the door in the apartment I was in.

I turned off the water quickly.

And I used the stick that holds the shower curtain and I break my ceiling.

I catch the bag as it falls in my hands.

I hear footsteps running at me.

I immediately jumped out the bathroom window.

And I landed on the ground from the 3 story apartment.

I looked back up.

And I see her standing in the window.

I immediately glared at her.

And I started running.

Get her!!! "She screamed angrily.

I kept running making a lot of turns.

I jump over some trash cans.

And I did a flip over a car in the alley.

As I reached the end of the alley a few people blocked my way out.

Give up. We don't want the world to know about us. And your ruining our plans. "A women stated angrily.

Yeah, I do that alot. "I stated panting.

I was looking at my surroundings to see if I can make a quick exit.

But no luck.

Just give up. Use your powers and let's get this over with. "A man said snarkily.

You would love that wouldn't you. For me to just give up on everyone. "I said annoyed.

Why not? They gave up on you. "A new voice said.

He walked up to me and stood in front of me as I kept my guard up.

No they didnt. "I said sternly.

Oh, no? "He asked amused.

He held his hand out and someone placed an object on it.

He threw it in front of me and a hologram of stefan pops up.

She's evil. And if she really turned then take her down. You dont know what she's capable of. "He said sadly.

Then Caroline pops up.

Oh god! She's a monster. Make sure she pays for what she's done. "She said in disgust.

And finally bonnie pops up.

Just turn the video off please. I dont know who she is anymore. "Bonnie said sighing.

The hologram ended.

Those aren't real. "I growled angrily.

They're real alright. Now let's finish this. "He said annoyed.

Then right before I could process anything, a portal opened up.

And I get pulled in.

Nooo! "He shouted in anger.

Strange Place

Oof! "I groaned.

I landed on the floor in front of someone's feet.

I immediately looked up at glared.

I stood up.

Who the hell are you? "I asked sternly.

I looked around and I'm in a small room and it looks like I've been taken back in time.

I start using magic.

Stop! If the king finds out, you'll be killed. "He said.

I immediately stop and look at him confused.

King? Who are you? And where the hell am i? "I asked him sternly.

My name is Merlin. "He said holding his hand out.

My eyes widen.

Welcome to Camelot. "He said smiling.

Third Person Pov

Camelot? Your joking. You guys are just fables. This place is a fable. "Emely said confused.

Fables came from somewhere. I am real. And Camelot is real. And I was told you can help us. "Merlin said.

Who told you that? "Emely asked him.

The druids. "He said softly.

Emely looked at him more confused.

5 Mins Later

All right. We need to get you out of those clothes. "He said looking her up and down.

Emely arched a brow amused.

She crossed her arms.

You know most people take me for a date first. "She said chuckling.

Wha- I- No... "Merlin stuttered.

Emely laughed.

I'm kidding. "She said smiling.

Merlin sighed in relief.

Stay here. I'll fetch you some clothes. "He told her.

He left.

Fetch? "Emely whispered confused.

Emely's Pov

I was walking around Merlin's room.

And I start looking through his things.

I go threw his cupboard.

And I start tossing clothes out.


I bit my lip in concentration.

I tilt my head and I see a mysterious book under the bed.

I go and grab it.

I start flipping through the pages.

It's an old book of magic. "I whispered amazed.

What are you doing stranger? "A voice called out.

I jumped startled.

I turned around slowly and see an old man looking at me warily.

His eyes widened.

Princess Amelia. My apologies. "He said bowing.

I look at him confused.

I'm not- "I got cut off with Merlin busting through.

Ok. I've got a dress from The Lady Morgana. "He said.

Then he notices the man.

Gauis! "He said surprised.

Merlin. Why didn't you tell me of the princess's arrival? You should have cleaned. "He said looking at the pile of clothes I made.

Then he sees the book in my hands.

And now he really looks at what I'm wearing.

Your not Amelia, are you? "He asked sighing.

No. "I said softly.

Shame. All right then. Can you change your speaking? "He asked curiously.

Shall we? "I tried.

Ah a bit off. But it'll do. "He said chuckling.

Nevertheless. Are you two off somewhere? "I asked.

Much better. She's a better learner than you Merlin. "Gauis stated chuckling.

Merlin looks at us while we laugh a little.

Go on. Make fun of Merlin. Because he's just a big idiot. "He said dramatically.

Your adorable. "I told him smiling.

His face flushed.

And gauis laughed.

All right you two. I must get dressed. And I can't do that with you here. "I told them.

Of course. "Gauis said walking out.

Merlin handed me the red gown and walked out.

Tournament Grounds – Day

As I walk passed the  tents I see the jouster it happened so quick.

And next thing he is on the floor.

That has got to hurt. "I heard Merlin say.

That's the point, Merlin. It's not a pillow fight. Fetch me another lance, will you? "I heard another voice.

I got a good look.

That must be prince arthur.

Merlin does fetch another Lance.

5 Mins Later

I'm standing next to Merlin as we watch Arthur.

Arthur jousts against Sir Leon.

A flash of light temporarily blinds Arthur, leaving him vulnerable.

However, Leon chooses to pull out rather than take his advantage.

That's a bit unfair. "I stated.

Well he's the prince. "Merlin added.

Why did you pull out, I was wide open? You could have unhorsed me. "Arthur asked annoyed.

I was fearful that I might injure you, Sire. "Sir Leon told him.

You had the advantage. You can't afford to hesitate. "Arthur said sternly.

I wouldn't have done if I were facing a different opponent. You are the future King, My Lord. "Sir Leon states.

You jousted against me in the tournament last year. Are you saying you let me win? "Arthur questioned.

No, My Lord. "Sir Leon said looking down.

It doesn't matter who I am! I do not expect any special treatment from you, from any of you! Is that understood? "Arthur shouted.

The Knights hesitate and nod.

The knights look at me and so does Arthur.

Arthur walks up.

Princess Amelia. I was not notified about your arrival. "Arthur said bowing.

I was hoping to surprise your father. I know how much he likes those. And I know how much you like taking credit for my arrivals.  "I said smiling.

Gauis filled me in on princess amelia.

Or as I know in my time, Silas's True Love.

He looks up and gives me a charming smile.

Of course. And as I always mention. Red is gorgeous on you, princess. "He said kissing the back of my hand.

Merlin gives him a weird look.

Merlin fetch a handmaiden for princess Amelia. Or perhaps Gwen. "Arthur said demandingly.

No. That's quite all right. If you don't mind, I would prefer Merlin as my servant. "I told him smiling.

Merlin? You want Merlin? "He asked in disbelief.

Why yes. Merlin and I go back. Don't we Merlin? "I said sternly.

Yes we do. " Merlin answered quickly.

You know, Merlin? When did you meet? "He asked me.

He saved me. "I stated confidently.

Merlin? "He scoffed in disbelief.

Yes, Merlin. Now shall we greet your father? I suggested to Arthur.

Of course. "He said as he takes my hand.

Royal Court

I bowed in front of the king.

Princess Amelia. It's been far too long. "He said smiling.

Yes, well my kingdom has been taken over. My father is dead. And his dying words were "Run they'll need their queen someday."  "I faked cried.

My condolences. Your father was a great man. An honourable man. I was proud to fight by his side. You are welcome as long as you like.  "He said kindly.

Thank you. "I said through my fake tears.

Now we should have a feast for Princess Amelia's Arrival and to grieve a dear friend. "He announced.

I stood up and looked at him confused.

A feast?

I put my sad face on again.

The king looks at me.

My apologies that my son Joshua is hunting. I know you two are very close. He should be back in time for the feast. "He said softly.

No need for apologies. I shall see him, when I see him. "I stated.

He nodded.

Arthur, show the princess to her chambers. "Uther ordered.

Yes, father. "Arthur replied.

We both walked out.

So how close are you and Joshua? "Arthur asked.

Gauis told me Amelia wouldn't go anywhere without Joshua.

I wonder why?

Well we're best friends of course. "I answered plainly.

Best friends? Nothing more? "He asked nervously.

Is the Arthur Pendragon nervous? "I said playfully.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

I laughed.

Well here you are. "He said sighing.

Here I am. "I repeated.

He hesitated.

Would you like to accompany me at the feast? "He asked confidently.

I smiled.

I would like that. "I told him.

He smiled and kissed my hand.

Then he left.

Amelia has a lot of explaining to do.

Third Person POV

Arthur's Chambers

How am I going to prove myself if my opponents aren't trying their hardest? "Arthur questioned.

I'm sure it's not happening all the time. "Merlin said.

So it's happening some of the time? "Arthur questioned.

No, I'm certain it isn't. "Merlin tried again.

Now you're doing it! You're telling me exactly what you think I want to hear! "Arthur stated angrily.

Yes. Er...What was the question? "Merlin asked nervously.

That just proves it. All my life I've been treated as if I'm special. I just want to be treated just like everyone else. "Arthur said exasperated.

Oh, please. You'll get tired of not having all the glory, brother. "A voice said.

It was Joshua leaning against the wall.

Back so soon? "Arthur asked sarcastically.

Well, you know how it goes. They run, I hunt, I kill. Turns out I'm getting better than I thought. "Joshua said shrugging.

Arthur sighed annoyed.

Merlin looked at them amused.

All right. Well, father wants you. "Arthur told him.

What for? "Joshua asked.

There was knock on the door.

Come in! "Arthur shouted.

Gwen steps in.

My lords. "Gwen bowed.

What is it Gwen? "Joshua asked impatiently.

Princess Amelia needs Merlin. "Gwen said respectfully.

Amelia is here? "Joshua asked excitedly.

Your whipped. "Merlin coughed jokingly.

Joshua looked at him and rolled his eyes.

Why does she need you anyways? "Joshua asked with sass.

I'm her servant. She asked for me specifically. "Merlin boasted happily.

He smacked merlin behind his head.

And your keeping her waiting. Go on. "Joshua said annoyed.

Totally whipped. "Merlin whispered.

Joshua gave him a warning look and merlin ran.

She asked for Merlin? "Joshua asked confused.

That's what I said! She says he saved her life. "Arthur added.

Merlin? "Joshua asked in disbelief.

Emely's Pov

I'm looking for something else to wear.

This dress is so annoying.

There was a knock on the door.

Come in! "I shouted.

Merlin walks in and sees the mess.

Whoa. "He said amused.

Do you have anything other than this stupid dress? "I asked annoyed.

Well first no. And second you have to watch the way you speak. "He said worriedly.

I relaxed myself.

Yes, sorry. So you want to let me know how and why I'm here? "I asked him.

Right. Well the Druid's knew you were in danger fighting for our kind. So they decided to help you and in return you help us. "He said.

And how do I help you? "I asked him.

Well, your going to expose magic and unite us all. And for you too do that. You need to change a few things in the past which is my time. "He said.

Change a few things? Does that mean I'm stuck here until I do change anything. "I said worriedly.

Don't worry. Your in the past. You have all the time you need. "He said smiling.

I hope so. "I sighed.

There was a knock on my door.

I stood up and went to answer.

When I opened the door my breath got caught in my throat.

Princess Amelia. "He greeted and bowed.

Damon? "I whispered.

He looked at me confused.

No. I'm- you don't remember me? "He asked sadly.

Joshua, I'm sorry. I'm a little off today. "I told him softly.

That's quite alright. Would you like to go on a stroll through the palace? "He asked smiling.

I- "I almost answered.

But Arthur showed up. "Arthur said sternly.

Arthur. "I sighed relieved.

What are you doing here? "Joshua asked him annoyed.

He's here because I've already agreed to take a stroll with him. "I said smiling forcefully.

Looking at Damon's face knowing it's not him is just not the same.

Joshua's face fell.

My apologies. I shall see you at the feast. Is anyone accompanying you? "He asked.

Actually your dear brother asked me. "I said smiling politely.

Did he now? "Joshua said glaring at Arthur.

Arthur kept his stare on him as well.

They kept looking at each other.

Arthur, our stroll? "I interrupted.

Yes, princess. "He stated holding out his arm.

I gave one last smile to Joshua as we walked off.

Why is it your both always competing? "I questioned sighing.

It has always been like that. "He said.

Well maybe you should change that. He's your brother, Arthur. He should be the one you always go too. As he should do the same. "I told him.

Your right. "He stated.

My eyes widen.

Arthur Pendragon hardly admits anyone is right.

Wha- "I started.

Well don't look so surprised. I wanted to talk to him as well. You've just made it simpler. "He said looking in my eyes.

I smiled softly.


I walk into the hall with morgana at my side.

And everyone stops and looks at us.

I was wearing a blue gown.

Uther, Joshua, and Arthur all stop and gaze.

Arthur walks up to me and bows.

Princess. "He greeted.

You've got to stop that. Just call me Amelia. "I said rolling my eyes.

You always love when I call you princess. "He said confused and suspicious.

And I still do. Just not right now. "I covered up quickly.

Very well. "He said.

We walked up to Uther and Joshua.

Your highness. "I said bowing.

Princess Amelia. I'll say I'm a little surprised Arthur is accompanying you. I thought it would be Joshua. "Uther said chuckling.

Well I do quite enjoy Arthur's presence. "I stated smiling.

I see. Enjoy the feast. "Uther said.

I bowed my head and Arthur lead me to the dance floor.

Third Person Pov

Uther is quietly arguing with Joshua.

She is supposed to be on your arm. You are my oldest and future king. She should be your queen. Arthur is just a boy. You know your duty. "Uther whispered.

Well, what if I don't want to do my duty anymore! "Joshua whispered back.

Joshua doesn't want to marry Amelia if she does not love him.

It wouldn't be fair to her.

And he's tired of always competing with his little brother.

Uther looks at him in shock.

Surely, you can't mean that. "He told him in disbelief.

Of course I do. Arthur will make a great king. Even if that means I have to stand aside. He's grown father. It's a pity that you can't see that. "Joshua said frowning.

He leaves the feast.

Emely's Pov

We've received reports that a beast has been sighted roaming the forest near the northern borders. "Arthur practiced.

Your a terrible liar. "I said laughing as he spun me around.

We were laughing and dancing.

Everyone was staring at us.

What's the nature of this beast? "I mimicked Uther's voice.

He chuckled at my attempt.

It is said to have the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the...face of a bear. I believe it has been conjured by sorcery. "He tried harder.

The face of a bear! "I laughed harder.

Oh, well let's see you do better. "He said cockily.

Gladly. "I stated smirking.

Oh, I don't like that smile. "He said warily.

That made me grin more.

I walked up to uther.

Your highness. I would like to take your son on a quest to fight a beast summoned by magic. As you remember my tracking and hunting skills, I know where the beast is headed. "I told him smoothly.

I was actually surprised Amelia learned how to hunt and track.

Then we must destroy it. "He said darkly.

Anything that mentions magic he'll kill.

Jeez and I thought the demons were bad.

We'll leave for the northern borders in the morning. "Arthur added.

But you'll miss the tournament. "Uther stated.

As much as I want to compete, my duty to Camelot comes first. "Arthur stated boldly.

You are right, of course. "Uther agreed.

Woods - Day

We'll meet you here in four days. You must tell no one we've returned to Camelot. "Arthur told his men.

Merlin runs up panting.

You're late. "Arthur stated.

Sorry. Gaius had me the floors. I couldn't... "Merlin gasped for breath.

He hands Arthur some clothes.

What is that smell? Whose clothes are these? "Arthur asked disgusted.

They're mine. I washed them specially. "Merlin said.

I choked a laugh.

You sure this is a good idea? "Merlin asked.

Seems pretending to be somebody else is the only way to get people to be honest with me. Grab my bag, will you? "Arthur told him.

I mean I think I'm pretty honest. "I said raising my brow.

Besides you. "He said rolling his eyes.

If you want to pass as a peasant, you should probably carry your own bag. "Merlin added.

You're forgetting something, Merlin. No one will know it's my bag. "Arthur told him.

I smiled looking down.

There must be easier ways to prove yourself. "Merlin said.

Shut up, Merlin. "Arthur said annoyed.

Gwen's House

We all walk in.

My Lord. Princess Amelia. "Gwen bowed.

I still can't believe I'm back in time.

Guinevere. It's good of you to let us stay in your home. "Arthur said politely.

I'm happy to help. "She said smiling.

I was looking around. This is a nice little house.

Comfy and cozy.

I'll prepare some food for you both. "She said rushing around.

You can't really expect me to stay here. "Arthur said hushed.

I smacked his arm.

Be nice. "I said annoyed.

We also need to keep you both out of sight. We can trust Gwen not to tell anyone you're here. "Merlin said hushed.

I doubt anyone would believe it. "Arthur whispered back.

You really can't go without your big bed and your soft pillows? "Merlin said amused.

I chuckled.

This will be fine. "Arthur said hushed.

You have a lovely home Gwen. "I told her smiling.

She smiled back at ease.

Thank you. "She said relieved.

How are the preparations coming along? Have we found someone to play our knight in the tournament? "Arthur questioned.

Absolutely. He's a famer from one of the outlying villages, and no one will recognise him. "Merlin said.

But does he look the part? "Arthur stated.

5 Mins Later

We all look at William.

Great. "Arthur sighed.

From now on, you're Sir William of Daira. Imagine you're really...arrogant. Knights like to think they're so much better than everyone else. "Merlin explained.

I smiled amused.

It's not arrogance. Ignore him, he's an idiot. A knight must behave with honour and nobility. That's...better. You must convince everyone that you were born into a noble family. "Arthur said.

Polish my armour, boy. "William said strictly.

Not bad.

Now you're gettin' the hang of it.  "Arthur told him smiling.

William laughs.

That's a good point, you do need to polish our armour. "Arthur told Merlin.


Gwen sweeps her house while Arthur finishes his drink.

And I finish mine too.

It's been a long day. I think I'll turn in for the night. Is this my bed? "He told Gwen.

She stays silent.

Of course. I hope you'll be comfortable.  "She immediately spoke.

I look at her confused.

I'm sure I will be. Goodnight, Guinevere. Goodnight Amelia. "Arthur told her.

Goodnight, My Lord. "She told him sighing.

I pick up the plates.

Oh, thats alright your highness. "Gwen said.

She tries to take the plates from my hands but I move away.

Gwen you've fed us, opened your home, and have been very kind. The least I could do is a few dishes. "I told her softly.

She smiled.

Thank you. "She said kindly.

Now, off you go. "I told her.

She walked off.

I wash the dishes and start putting them away one by one.

A few minutes pass by.

Arthur turns on his side.

What are you doing? "He asked confused.

Cleaning? What does it look like? "I told him sarcastically.

Gwen should be doing that. She's the handmaiden. And it's her home. "He said frowning.

The fact it's her home is the reason why I'm doing it. She fed us, the least we could do is dishes. "I told him sighing.

He looks deep in thought.

You need to treat her better. Treat her as an equal. Because friendship and loyalty is far more important than reputation and glory. "I said finishing up the dishes.

I didn't sleep that night.

I just cleaned Arthur's armour for Merlin so he didn't have to worry.

He was a bit skeptical but he agreed to let me do it.

Then after all that I decided to clean gwen's house as a hospitality gift.

With both of them sleeping I grew flowers with magic.

Arthur's Tent - Day

When Gwen woke up she started crying in happiness because of what I did for her.

Looking at her made me realise how different are times are.

For me I always thank someone by doing things.

But she's never had kindness come back no matter how much she gave.

And I'm glad I gave it to her.

Me and Arthur have our cloaks on so no one will recognise us.

Now, remember the plan. I'm competing in the tournament, but no one will know that it's me. All you have to do is acknowledge the crowd at the end of the match. Act like you belong there and people will believe that you do. "Arthur told William.

Knights of the realm, welcome to Camelot. You've trained for this day for many years. "Uther announced

Well, he hasn't fallen off his horse. "Merlin stated.

...our bravery, strength... "Uther trailed.

I suppose that's something. "Arthur said.

Arthur leaves for his turn.

...and your skill to the test. Today you will fight for glory and for honour. For this is the ultimate test of courage. And it will be the measure of you as men. For only the most skillful, the most fearless among you will emerge as a worthy champion. "Uther announced.

I gasped as I got pulled into another premonition.


He's a fine horse. I see your master has advanced to the final. He's extremely skilled with a Lance. "A Hunter said.

I can feel his aura and see the pain and misery he's put a lot of people through.

He's doing well. Just one more match to go. "Merlin said.

Tell me, what is he like to work for? "The Hunter asked.

Between me and you, he can be a bit of a prat. "Merlin told him laughing.

Oh Merlin. Your so clueless.

The Hunter laughs.

So you are no longer working for prince Arthur? "He asked him.

No. Yes, yes. Not right now. Arthur's away. I'm just......helping out. "Merlin told him.

Is Princess Amelia with him also? I've been trying to greet her but can't seem to spot her. "He asked snarkily without realizing.

Yes. She left with him. "Merlin said suspiciously.

The Hunter sees the look merlin is giving him so he decided to leave.

I, erm, I wish your master luck in the final. "He said.

Thanks. "Merlin said warily.

I gasped coming back.

I need to talk to Merlin.

I pace back and forward worried.

And Arthur comes back panting.

I give him a drink of water and he chugs it.

They're ready for you, Sire. "William said.

You must go and acknowledge the crowd. "Arthur told him.

How do you do that? "William asked.

You wave, they cheer. It's not difficult. I do all the work, someone else gets all the praise. "Arthur said annoyed.

Know the feeling. Didn't Joshua say you'll get tired of not having the glory? "Merlin asked laughing.

Shut up, Merlin! "Arthur said irritated.

I smiled and looked down.

When I win this tournament, I'll reveal my true identity, get the credit I deserve. "He stated.

I rolled my eyes.

Of course you will. "Merlin sighed.

Well don't just stand there. Help me off with my armour. And remember to polish it before tomorrow. The horse needs grooming. And don't forget to repair the broken lances. "Arthur started ordering him.

Merlin looked tired.

Don't worry. I'll help you. "I whispered to him.

He sent me a small smile.

Gwen's House - Day

Gwen clears the table after dinner.

From what I hear, the ladies of the court are quite impressed with Sir William. They think he's very handsome. "Gwen said.

Typical. He wouldn't know a real knight if he whacked him round the head with his lance. "Arthur scoffed.

Why are you doing this? "She asked him curiously.

I fear that people respect me just because of my title. "He answered her.

I don't believe that's true of everyone. "Gwen tried.

Would you tell me if it were? "He asked her.

No. "She said.

Yes. "I answered as she did.

She looks at me and giggles.

I shrugged.

When I'm competing as William, my title doesn't matter, nobody gives me any special treatment. So when I win this tournament...if I win this tournament, it will be because I deserve it and not because I am Prince Arthur. I think I'll take a bath. "Arthur said.

That might be difficult seeing as I don't have a bathtub. "Gwen told him.

New gift for Gwen. A bathtub.

Really? Er...perhaps you could prepare me a bowl of hot water. I take it you have a bowl. "He told her taking his shirt off.

Arthur! "I scolded.

What? "He said confused.

I think I can manage a bowl. Just walk all the way down to the well and fetch some water then, shall I? "She muttered angrily.

I'll go with you. "I told her before she left.

Her eyes widen.

No. Princesss- "She tried but I cut her off.

I'm going. And please call me Amelia. Princess is a little much don't you think. "I whispered the last part.

She giggled quietly.

Amelia. Where are you going? "Arthur asked confused.

To help Gwen manage your bowl of water. "I stated rolling my eyes.

We both left without another word.

He can be such a dick and I want to punch him but I can't.

Thank you. I don't know why your so kind to me, but thank you. "Gwen said suddenly.

I take it not very many royal people are. But your a person as well, Gwen. Know your worth. Stand up for yourself. Because if you don't, people will just take advantage of you. "I explained softly.

She smiled at me.

You know. You may not notice but you change him for the better. Everyone thought you would choose Joshua. But you and Arthur have something. And you'll make a great queen someday. "She said softly.

Why would you all think I would choose Joshua? "I asked confused.

Because you both never left each others side. I mean Arthur always thought you were beautiful but he knew you and his brother were closer. He knew he didn't have the same advantages your brother had as you and Joshua met first. Then you both couldn't go a day without seeing each other. He was meant to be king. You never gave Arthur the time of day. Which is explains why everyone was so shocked. But if I'm honest even though Arthur's an arrogant pig, he has a good heart. And you Princess Amelia are the reason why he shows it more. "She explained.

My eyes widen as we reach the well.

Did Amelia really fall for Joshua?

Did I really just change her past?

And she was pulling a Katherine with these brothers too.

But it seems like she didn't even notice.

Arthur's Tent

Merlin and William waiting in the tent.

Congratulations, you are in the final. "Merlin told him.

Go on then. You're people await you. No one can say Sir Leon let me win this time. "Arthur said.

Sounds like the crowd've really taken to William. "Merlin stated.

That will change when I reveal my identity. "Arthur said cockily.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

You really miss getting all the attention, don't you? "Merlin asked smiling.

Just go and water the horse, will you? "Arthur said annoyed.

The horse!

I pulled Merlin back before he left.

I dragged him to another corner of the room.

A man is going to come up to you. Be careful. He's an assassin. He's here to assassinate Arthur and i after. "I said in a hushed tone.

His eyes widen.

How do you know this? "He whispered back.

I saw it ok! Please Merlin. Be careful. "I told him softly.

The gift of premonitions. All right. I will, thanks. "He said nodding.

Arthur looks at us confused.

What's going on? "He asked.

Discussing a gift for Gwen. I want to get her a bathtub. "I stated.

Merlin looked lost but added in.

Yes, a bathtub! "He said nervously.

Good. Maybe when she has more guest she can actually satisfy them. Instead of a bowl. "He said arrogantly.

I glared at him.

It's hard for her Arthur. We have all these special things because we are royalty. The most she deserves is some human decency. God! Your such a prat. "I said angrily.

He looked at me shocked.

And Merlin was holding in a laugh.

I left back to gwen's.

Gwen's House

Gwen? "I called out opening the door.

Just a minute. "She called back hurriedly.

Do you have a needle and threat. I need to mend Arthur's shirt before he tests my patience some more. "I sighed irritated.

I walked up to her in the back.

Erm... "She trailed nervously.

I look down at a lot of sacks of potatoes.

I look at the floor as well.

Is this where you sleep? Where's your bed? "I asked her worriedly.

Arthur's sleeping in it. "She said quietly.

Gwen! Why didn't you say something? "I asked her sadly.

How could I? He's Prince Arthur. Your princess Amelia. Besides, he didn't give me the chance. He just assumed the bed was his. "She said softly.

That's going to change right now. "I said angrily.

Amelia don't please. "She begged.

Gwen, this is not okay. Your sleeping on hard cold floor. I will not allow that. "I stated sternly.

Arthur walks in.

Are you going to mend my shirt? "He asked me.

Did you know she's been sleeping on the floor! You took her bed Arthur!! "I stated angrily.

Amelia please. "Gwen whispered desperately.

Gwen this is for your own good. Until your ready to stand up for yourself. I'm going to help you along the way. "I told her softly.

Arthur looks at the floor and the potatoes.

Well, how am I supposed to know if she doesn't tell me? "He asked with attitude.

You shouldn't need to be told to think of someone other than yourself, you're not a child. "I spat at him.

I took a deep breath.

He looked me in the eyes sternly.

Is there anything else you'd like to say to me? Please, I'd like to hear it. If there's something you want to say to me, don't let me stop you. "He said lowly.

You don't have any idea, do you? "I asked him annoyed.

About what? "He asked sighing.

About how rude and arrogant you can be! This is her home and you are her guest in it! I know you are used to more luxurious quarters, but that is not an excuse to be so rude! You claim titles don't matter to you, but you behave like a prince and expect her to wait on us like a servant! Saying it means nothing if your actions betray you! Would it kill you to say please and thank you once in a while?! Arthur. "I said out of breath.

I had a lot of rage and I let most of it out.

I'm so used to breaking down or destroying something when I'm angry but not now.


Is there anything else you'd like to add? "He asked looking at intensely.

No, I think that's it. "I stated quietly.

He sighs.

You're right. "He told me.

I look at him surprised.

He looks at Gwen.

You have invited me into your home and I have behaved appallingly. "He told her.

I didn't mean to make you feel bad. "She said softly.

Oh, really? "He sarcastically.

Well, perhaps a little. "Gwen said smiling a bit.

There's no excuse. I'll make it up to you both. Tonight, I will make dinner for you two. "He said smiling.

I look at him confused.

You learned to cook? "I asked him.

Yes! "He said offended.

And you cooking dinner for us. "Gwen asked him too.

I most certainly am. Now go for a walk or do whatever it is that girls do at this time of the evening... "He told us.

A walk would be nice. "Gwen said.

I linked my arm with hers.

She immediately pulled back.

Are you sure it's alright, princess? "She asked afraid.

Gwen. Please call me Amelia. And it's fine. And if anyone asks I'll just tell them your helping me with my ankle. "I told her softly.

She smiled and linked her arm back.

...and your dinner will be ready when you both return. "Arthur told us.

Lower Town

We walk away from the house.

I told you he's different with you. "Gwen stated softly.

Gwen, I want to tell you something. "I said softly.

I want to tell her everything.

But can I trust her that much?

Yes? "She asked looking me.

Where's Arthur? "Merlin asked.

Um he's cooking us dinner. "I told him.

He looks at us like we're crazy.

Well, he's mainly doing it for her. But I'm glad she yelled at him. "Gwen said laughing.

Arthur's cooking? "Merlin asked confused.

Oh, Merlin. Is that all you heard? "I said laughing.

That and he's doing it for you. "He said teasingly.

Oh shut it. "I said pushing him softly.

He laughs and walks in the house.

Third Person Pov

Merlin enters gwen's house.

Arthur is staring hopelessly at a raw chicken.

Merlin, thank God. "Arthur said relieved.

Amelia and Gwen say you're cooking. "Merlin said weirded out.

I need you to fetch me three dinners from the palace kitchens. "Arthur told him.'re not cooking. "Merlin stated still weirded out.

No, but Amelia doesn't need to know that. As far as she's concerned, dinner will be prepared and cooked by me. "Arthur explained.

Just Amelia? You're trying to impress her? "Merlin asked cheekily.

Don't be ridiculous, Merlin. And get me a decent shirt, will you? Your clothes are making me itch all over, it's like having fleas. "Arthur said annoyed.

Emely's Pov

Me and Gwen open the door and walk into her house.

We see Arthur standing there.

Amelia. Guinevere. Perfect timing. "He said.

Arthur pulls out our seat for us

Thank you. "We told him.

It been a couple minutes and we dig into our food.

I feel someone staring but I don't turn around because that's too obvious.

This is delicious. "I told him.

I'm glad you like it. "He stated.

We all smile at each other.

So, do I have any more annoying habits you wish to tell me about? "He asked me.

No, none. "I told him.

There's something else, isn't there? What is it? "He asked.

I put my fork down.

Well, the truth snore. "I told him softly.

I do not snore. "He said defensively.

You do. The first night you were here, I thought a pig had got into the house. "Gwen added.

I laughed.

So now I'm a pig. Thank you, Guinevere. "He said jokingly.

I just meant you sound like a pig. I think I better stop talking. "She said nervously.

Speak your mind. "I told her softly.

She smiled.

She starts getting up to clear the table and I go to help her.

I'll do that. "He told us.

He grabs the plates.

Where did you get those plates? "Gwen asked.

From...the cupboard? "He said questionly.

They have the royal seal. They're from the palace kitchens. I've washed enough of them to know. I take it that's where our food also came from. "She said irritated.

Look, I can kill a chicken from a thousand paces, just don't ask me to cook it. That's what servants are for. "He said rolling his eyes.

Then his eyes widen in realisation.

I stand up sighing.

I didn't mean it like that. "He tried.

I'm not ashamed to be a servant. At least I'm not a liar. "Gwen said angrily.

She's finally doing it.

We had a nice meal together. What does it matter where it came from? "He asked her.

Because I thought you'd shown some humility! You'd done something kind for me even though I'm just a servant! A good king should respect his people, no matter who they are. That's how I know Amelia will be an amazing queen. Because she sees past my faults and shows me nothing but kindness. And I thought she would be the one to change you. What a shame. "She told him irritated.

I put on my cloak.

And I leave.

I really though I brought something out in him.

But I guess not.

I just want Damon back.

Why do I need to do this?

Why do I need to be the one to unite magic.

Did Amelia mess up something?

As I was walking someone grabbed my throat and shoved me against the wall.

It was the Hunter.

I struggled as he held a firm grip on me.

Then he pulls out a dagger.

And he tries stabbing me quickly but I catch his arm.

As I'm holding his arm I see a hunter's mark.

After my powers magnified I'm able to see more than I should.

And that includes the hunter's mark.

Your one of the 5. "I gasped for breath as his hand held a really firm grip on my neck.

He looked at me surprised.

Him being shocked he let his guard fall.

So I twisted his wrist and shoved him against the wall.

I can't kill you because of the curse. But I can torture you. Who sent a hit on me? "I whispered harshly.

I'm not talking! "He bit back harshly.

So are you a Hunter who went rogue? Because I'm pretty sure Silas's tomb isn't out here. And there's no vampire for you to hunt right now. "I spat harshly.

Why are you speaking like that? "He groaned as I twisted his arm.

My eyes widen.

I'm an idiot.

Oh, well.

Who sent you!?! "I asked angrily.

Your not from this time are you? "He laughed in pain.

I look at him shocked.

She told me you wouldn't be. " He groaned.

Who told you that? "I asked him annoyed.

Third Person Pov

After Amelia left no one noticed.

Guinevere. I know I have much to learn. There are some things that I am terrible at - cooking being one of them. But also, knowing what to say to someone I care about. "Arthur told her.

Arthur, there's an assassin's in Camelot. He's here to kill you and Amelia. "Merlin said barging in.

He looks around.

Where is Amelia? "He asked them.

What? She's right- Amelia!? "Arthur called out worriedly.

Emely's Pov

Either you tell me or I'm going to give you a slow and torturing death. I honestly won't care about the curse. "I spat angrily.

Her "He breathed out as I was choking him.

I loosened my grip enough.

The demon? "I asked him confused.

He starts laughing.

She knows what your up too. She's not going to let it happen. "He stated mocking me.

Well let's see about that. "I said angrily.

I bit him and fed off him.

Then I spit it out.

I knew you had vervain. So this is gonna be more painful then. "I told him smirking.

His eyes widen.

I close my eyes and put my hands on his head and wipe his memory with our encounter as he groans in pain.

As soon as I let go I sped off and wiped the blood off my face.

Gwen's house

I walked in the house my mind full of things.

Is it Zillah from my time or this time?

I was rushed with a hug from Gwen.

I saw Arthur looking worried and Merlin was pacing.

The assassin killed a guard. His father said Odin sent him. "Merlin stated.

Yes, I know. I hid. He didn't see me. "I lied.

Why would Odin want you dead? "I asked Arthur.

Because I killed his son. Odin's son challenged me to a fight. I had no quarrel with him. I asked him to withdraw. Perhaps he felt he had to prove himself. I can still see his face. He looked so scared. "He said sadly.

I look at him intensely.

He does have a good heart.

You cannot blame yourself. "Gwen told him.

No one but us knows where you are. If the assassin can't find you, he can't kill you. "Merlin said.

That's not true.

May we continue to stay here? "Arthur asked.

Of course, for as long as you need. "Gwen told him.

Thank you. I'll sleep on the floor tonight. You two can share her bed. "He told us.

I look at him surprised.

No, have my bed. You need to be well rested for the tournament tomorrow. "She offered.

I'll not hear of it. Goodnight, Amelia. Goodnight, Guinevere. "He said.

Goodnight. "She answered.

No doubt he'll get Merlin to bring him a mattress. "I whispered to her.

She giggles.


Arthur prepares to leave.

So I walk up to him.

One more match. The tournament will be over. "He told me.

You can go back to being Prince Arthur. Erm...I thought you might hold it...for luck. "I said nervously.

I gave him my bracelet and I put it in his pocket.

I'm scared to how long I'm gonna be here.

And I know it's not bad because I can always go directly back to my time.

Because my time won't pass it'll just change.

Thank you. "He said softly.

He looks at me deeply in the eyes.

Then he kisses me.

I stood there confused to what I felt.

But I kissed back.

When I let go I took a deep breath.

Arthur I have to talk to you. But after the tournament. "I told him.

Of course. "He said.

He left with a smile.

I stood there not knowing what to do.

It's about time. "A voice said.

I turned and looked behind me it was a man.

Who are you? "I asked him confused.

I am the Druid who saw your prophecy before you were born. "He answered.

Yeah, yeah. Everyone seems to know me. How long am I stuck here? "I asked him annoyed.

He looks at me confused.

Emrys didn't tell you? "He asked confused.

You mean Merlin? And tell me what? "I asked confused.

He looked at me sadly.

You can't go back. Not anytime soon. You need to be queen for us to create Albion. "He said softly.

I start hyperventilating.

Wait. Let me understand this. You mean I can't see my kids and my fiancé until I create Albion with Arthur? But what if he finds out? He's gonna think I never cared for him. "I told him angrily.

You need to calm down- "He tried.

Calm down! I have to sacrifice my life to adjust to Amelia's?!? "I stated emotionally.

We told her this would happen if she didn't help us. We know she wasn't meant to be with Arthur and she knew it too. But if she tried, you wouldn't be here. So instead she sacrificed you instead even though you weren't born yet. "He explained.

So she's another Janet. Just great. What do I do about Damon? About my kids? "I asked desperately.

They'll still be there. Emely this will be good for all of us. Sacrificing your fiancé to make a better world for your children is a bad thing? "He asked.

No of course not. But Damon and I have been through so much. I can't just not tell him. "I told the man.

We will handle it. Don't worry. Your our saviour emely. You were born hundreds of years later. But that doesn't mean you don't belong with us. Magic is in your blood. And your our family. And families help each other. "He explained.

Usually they ask first before pulling me into a portal. "I said angrily.

We know that we pulled you at your most desperate need. But we need to do it then before you got killed. "He said.

I would have survived. "I scoffed.

No. You would have died and you wouldn't have seen your kids or Damon anyways. "He said sternly.

Ok. I get it. "I stated sadly.

I'm really sorry. But we need you. So please don't disappoint us. "He said then he left.

Merlin is definitely getting smacked.

Continuer la Lecture

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