The War of Love and Money

By AmelSmith

12.3K 1K 3.4K

A wealthy family fights for the inheritance when their grandfather decided Suddenly to write his will and giv... More

Characters Description
Cha-pter *1*
Cha-pter *2*
Cha-pter *3*
Cha-pter *4*
Cha-pter *6*
Cha-pter *7*
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The End

Cha-pter *18*

264 34 35
By AmelSmith

"Mr Shen Bai, I know you hate the twin deeply. But you are getting older and weaker. You should not treat yourself and them like this. If you want, vent your anger and hatred on me and leave them alone. You know that Shen Wei tried so hard to please you and made so many sacrifices to be a good person." Mr Shen Bai shook his head refusing to admit to Zhao Yunlan's statement. It was such unreasonable advice that completely angered him.

"But he can never be good enough to forgive his sins. Even my health deteriorated in the process trying to tame him. He is a hard-hearted creature not even a human being" Zhao you Yunlan did not expect to hear this coming from his father. In an instant, pain exploded across all  over his body. Along with the pain, Yunlan felt extremely distressed.

"Haven't you done enough already father? Why do you want to continue to hurt him and make him suffer? Didn't you take our right to be together? Why now? Why you want us to fight each other for your inheritance? Why make us both love and hate each other this much?" Zhao Yunlan pretended to be a considerate and caring son for his own Father asking him with all the kindness he owns.

"....." Shen Bai couldn't answer Yunlan's ongoing questions. He tried to comfort him with back pats. Shen Bai felt sorry for breaking his heart. He tried to contain his emotions and remain steady and unshakable. He fought to stop his tears from running down his face in front of zhao Yunlan, having more than a reason to make him break inside and cry. After releasing a deep sigh, he forced a bitter smile on his face before looking at Yunlan in his eyes.

"I have always pitied myself for having such a family. I was lonely since the death of my wife and my son. Do you know why she got sick and died?" Shen Bai released a broken giggle before he added.

"Because of Shen Wei and Yezun. My wife suspected Zhang having an affair. She followed her to find out that she was having and affair and that person is the twin's father. My wife couldn't take it, so she had a stroke and lived for few months on wheelchair. Shen Wei thought I had cheated on his old lady that's why he resent me thinking I caused her death"

"Yunlan I couldn't face a little child with a bigger truth than his tiny body and heart. How could Wei take the truth if I explained it to him? I'd rather let him accuse me to hurt him at such a young age. However, this never stopped me from hurting him when he is strong enough to feel the pain I lived with all my life seeing him everyday to remind me who's son he is" Shen Bai declared in a mournful voice.

"So you let him live with such a lie? I am not interested in your excuses anymore father. What about me? Have I ever hurt you to treat me like this?" The only thing Zhao Yunlan wanted to do in this moment was to slam the door and distance himself from his cruel father and never see him again if he could. Only by doing so, could Zhao Yunlan probably calm the storms inside his heart.

"Yunlan! That man you are trying to protect is the one who killed you once, you were saved by a miracle. He always acts before he thinks of hurting others, such a man is a monster and will only drive you to the end of the cliff and make you go over it if that serves his interests." Yunlan grew suddenly angry as he  couldn't stand Shen Bai's insolence anymore.

He raised his hand and slapped the maid across her face. The sound from the slap was so loud that it echoed through the quite space of the big office and its surroundings. He couldn't control his anger anymore and took it out on the poor young maid who was serving them tea. His action infuriated Shen Bai assuming to deserve such an abusive act.

Yunlan's eyes widened and his handsome face contorted with rage. Despite what he had done, Shen Bai had to sit quietly watching him not uttering a word back. Zhao Yunlan took his leave but before his body could fade behind the big door, he averted his body adding one more last statement that broke a stream of fire inside Mr Shen Bai's body leaving him perplexed of what Yunlan just retorted.

"You have planned your revenge very well, old man, but have you thought about my revenge against a father who abandoned me? Being your biological son, I will take that as an advantage" Yunlan left the mansion with a heart consumed by guilt and regret.

"Are you okay young lady? I apologize for the rude and violent behavior of my son. I will compensate you" The young maid just bowed while holding her swollen red cheek and left quietly.

"Zhao Yunlan I am sorry to bring you in the middle of this. I believe you will resent me even more in the future. I hope you can understand my heart and forgive me like you have already forgiven Shen Wei" Shen Bai's voice of remorse could be clearly heard. In the other hand, at this moment, Zhao Yunlan was abusing and cursing on Mr Bai. He was driving to somewhere with a high speed.


"Cong Bo, I am giving you one last opportunity to avoid embarrassing yourself because if you see the angry me you will probably pee on yourself, okay? And this will be the last chance I give you to secure your handsome face before I ruin it with my big ring now. You have to admit your mistakes and confess how you tortured Shen Yezun and bused him during your highschool days" Xin Ci had his own ways to torture the young handsome man who was kneeling down with fear wearing his pale face.

"I have already apologized to him back then. What else do you want? Just tell me what on earth you could possibly want in exchange for my freedom. I will try to get it for you so long as you let me go. My father is rich, he can give you more money than Yezun gave you" Obviously, Xin Ci could no longer control himself after the last statement of the man under his grip. Xin Ci slapped him with all force letting his body roll several times before he fell to the ground.

Cong Bo's face burned from the impact of the slap and from humiliation. He buried his face in his hands. He could feel the hot sting of tears as they trickled down his face. He was so hurt and embarrassed while being hit by another man just for the sake of his past deeds. He didn't even know who this man was expect being sent by Yezun to avenge him. Although Cong Bo suspected this violent behavior, he was still expecting that the man would be a little kinder.   

"How silly you are! You will come with me and confess your actions and apologize to the man you have once caused him harm and thank your God that I am such a wise man to not burry you alive"

"Sure Sir, whatever you want" The man quickly forgot the insults and the harsh slap on his face before he followed after Xin Ci with his head titled down. He was walking inside his office between his employees watching him being treated with big humiliation and disrespect. The elite man walked with big confidence ahead of him, Xin Ci gave away to strong aura and grave personality that could shake the floor underneath him.

"This will teach you to bully others who are weaker than you. How does it feel to drink from the same cup you fed to your victims? Taste good? Or maybe you want more?" Xin Ci was so upset with this man that he embarrassed him in front of his employees before they could leave his floor. He was holding himself from hurting him that he could barely breathe steadily.

"Yezun Ah! I promised you to find this man who once hurt you and here I am keeping my promise. I hope you reconcile with yourself and stop acting reckless. Take your anger on the right person now since you get the opprotunity and try to suppress your fears and insecurities" He placed a hand on his chest to calm his breathing. It seemed as though he was undergoing untold suffering and pain thinking of Yezun being hurt and abused that he became a heartless abusive person himself.    

Riding the big Limo, Xin Ci seized the opportunity to sharply criticize Cong Bo for being disobedient and making him take his anger on him in front of the people at his department. He lectured him before he grabbed his phone and made a quick call. Yezun was deep asleep that he rejected Xin Ci's call without checking for the ID caller. He again pressed the reject button and tossed in his bed huffing with annoyance.

"Angel!" Called Chu who was sitting on the chair next to Yezun's bed. Sizing the opprotunity that the man was asleep, he kept looking at his face totally captivated by his extreme beauty. Yezun heard the voice so he abruptly got up from his bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked around in a swift move then raised a tantrum. Feeling disappointed that it wasn't his favourite figure that called him.

"What are you doing in my apartment? Who let you in?" Taken completely off-guard, he almost fell when Chu pulled him. Yezun stumbled and tried to balance himself but the sudden movements left him feeling dizzy. Just when Chu thought Yezun could fall, he wrapped his strong arms to hold  him steady. Even without looking at his savior, Yezun shoved the man away and gave him a serious glare.    

"I am going to beat you to death... Dare touch me again and you will see" Yezun stopped midway when he saw Chu laughing to his heart content. The man pulled his body again and enfolded him in his strong arms, Yezun didn't feel safe. He instead trembled as disgust and anxiety flooded him while exchanging gazes with Chu who sent him perverse glares. Chu felt Yezun's body shake with a sense of rejection coursed through him as he hit his abdomen and released himself.

"Your beauty is priceless, I was so impatient to meet you in person. Wanna try and date me sweetheart?" His heart melted with the sight of Yezun. The latter stayed silent. Consumed by worry for what will happen next, he took a moment to inspect Chu wholely. He remembered thinking that the man was supposed to be his brother. With the way that he was behaving now, Yezun thought Chu would expose their secret to the family.

"Judging from the bruises on your neck, you seem to have a wild night. Do you perhaps have a lover? This is why you keep on rejecting me now, isn't it?" The smile on Chu's face remained unchanged and was still pure enough to show how he truly felt towards Yezun. Feeling extremely embarrassed, Yezun's left cheek was painted red. Shame was clearly visible on his fair face as he avoided directly to look at Chu.

"So it's true, you have someone. My bad, your reaction is so honest" Chu furrowed his eyebrows as he thought of how much pain he felt that his hopes were shut before they even start. And that the man he loved was already taken. Building hopes to have Yezun the moment he set foot in China was only a mere whim, a lost passion he couldn't get.

"Do you have something for me? Or are you just toying with me because I am gay?" Yezun couldn't stop his doubts to suspect Chu for playing dirty just to have his way with him like everybody done so far.

"You think I am joking?" Chu thought in his heart. There was not enough courage inside of him to tell Yezun how he truly felt. He hated himself for his cowardice. With a bitter smile, he quickly averted his body to walk out of the bedroom and waved with his hand for Yezun to join him to the kitchen. 

"I prepared breakfast for you, come and eat" After following the man slowly, Yezun felt tired, and so he went straight to sit on the chair while being served his plate. The next thing he did was to eat without looking at Chu who didn't stop admiring his cute attitude which was like a spoiled child. Yezun made a happy face since it tasted unexpectedly delicious. Feeling satisfied this early in the morning he said with a pleased tone,

"If you cook for me, I might reconsider going out with you.....he   he....he" Yezun was joking after discovering how talented Chu was at cooking, they both laughed so happily. However, that unexpected confession didn't escape Xin Ci who was walking inside the apartment without being noticed by both men, each busy in his own little world. One was admiring a human beauty and the other food conquered his brain to focus on his surroundings.

"And I was a little worried about you, you seem fine" Asked Xin Ci to surprise both men. Before he could be surprised himself at Yezun's statement towards his brother as everyone believe. Xin Ci was so mature to act reckless or raise a tantrum at the two having a forbidden conversation. He gave Yezun a cold glare making him shrink in his seat unable to move or utter a word back.


Shen Wei didn't know how long it took, when he arrived at the hospital feeling needlessly worried. The sun light shined brightly on the sky. He squinted his eyes before saw the sarcastic smile on Lan Yi's face through the large window. The familiar face now was very strange to him as if holding a knife at his throat getting ready to slaughter him. He got out of the car to be face to face with her who was probably leaving after visiting his wife.

"You are the last to show up, are you afraid of something Mr devil?" Every time Shen Wei met her, he was put in a difficult position. After all, he was having a hard time now. Yunlan left him after their visit to the countryside. He returned to the city without him even knowing, leaving him with a letter on his beside table. He refused to have any conversation with him since then which drove Shen Wei into a state of madness.

Ignoring what Lan Yi said, Shen Wei continued walking inside the hospital with head titled down to avoid having a direct eye contact with the fierce woman across him. He was stained with shame for what he did to his nice wife. Unable to gain his confidence, Shen Wei was smashed harshly after his only strength broke his back making him turn into a victim. Now he became the target of the reproches of his family members.   

"Ahh.." Wei was pulled severely by his wrist. He was forced to raise his head and look at how Lan Yi glared at him in a horrifying way that tortured him. She always had this disgusted look on her face towards the man. She dragged him by his wrist to the elevator feeling extremely furious while he did not react feeling terrified and weak. She pushed him inside and went in with him before she could hit his leg with her high heels.

Shen Wei leaned against the elevator wall all weak, unable to make a move to defend himself. Seeing him being all worn out and sick, Lan Yi took advantage of the situation adding to that being alone without his guards or family memebers. Shen Wei's tears fell down endlessly. He cried for about a minute then wiped his eyes dry as the elevator door opened reaching the desired floor. He raised his head and looked at Lan Yi's satisfied expression.

"How pitiful, you look suddenly helpless Shen Wei. Now I want you to act as cold as you always did in front of your wife, don't show her your weakness because this is something she is not familiar with. Listen carefully Shen Wei.......... What you did to her, I will make sure to repay you that with a bonus in the near future" Lan Yi ordered furiously with a hint of threat in her tone.

"Okay I will try" Said Shen Wei in a defeated soft tone. Lan Yi was surprised by his concern and the gentleness he was showing unusual of him. Although she knew he never cared about being nice to anyone even his wife, the change of his attitude towards her startled her. After hearing the amount of despair in his short words, she showed him a worried expression. Lan Yi who was standing at his side was so resentful.

"I have a debt to repay to you as well madam Lan Yi, don't think that you are the only one who has something to repay to Shen Wei" With Zhao Yunlan showing up in the big corridor welcoming the two out of the lift. He made Lan Yi scowled at his sight. If the hatred in Yunlan's eyes could kill, Lan Yi would have died hundreds of thousands of times by the look he sent her. She was well aware of what he was thinking simply leaning to check what her hand was holding, Shen Wei's wrist again.

She anxiously retrived her hand and walked away from Shen Wei. Yunlan pushed the man from his way ordering him to go see his wife when he held Lan Yi's wrist aggressively with a bit of strength he pressed on it nearly breaking her hand allowing her cries to come out as loud as breaking the calm in that empty big space. She no longer wished to be involved with Shen Wei after what Yunlan did.    

"Did you insult him this way? How does it feel to have someone hurt you madma Yi? Huh...... If you ever lay a tiny finger on Shen Wei again, you will have to deal with me personally and I can't guarantee you to be as kind as now. Consider this one my last warning before I could lose my mind and break you" Yunlan voiced his objection to Wei being misstreated mercilessly as he pushed her inside the elevator with all his strength making her fall harshly.

Lan Yi was shocked, she found that she couldn't bring herself to speak. She gave a curt nod to let Yunlan know that she agrees to his demand and would never get close to Wei again. Shen Wei watched them in silence, he couldn't believe the dialogue between them and how Yunlan made her obey. However, he did not pay any attention to the two after that. His focus was on how to meet his wife. Yunlan pressed on the lift button to go down with Lan Yi inside and walked to Shen Wei's side.

"Are you okay?" With that last question Shen Wei felt stress eating his brain cells. He felt suddenly dizzy, his vision blurred and he fainted with Yunlan catching him firmly in his arms. Shen Wei realized that he should not have came back from that trip to the countryside. He had a presentiment that it would become far more difficult for him to regain his strong self back after the current events especially by Yunlan leaving him.  

Hello my babies, I am back
Enjoy the new chapter

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