One of a Kind {Regulus Black...

De turkishdelight228

213K 6.9K 9.8K

'We were the perfect love story between the sun and moon...until the world got in the way. And when the world... Mai multe

From the Beginning
Long Trip
Almost at Hogwarts
New Adventure
First Day (pt. 1)
First Day (pt. 2)
After the fight
The plan
Regulus Arcturus Black
Hagrid's hut
Astronomy Tower
Galton Scamander
Better than the Marauders
Ace of Cups
Marauder's Map (part 1)
Marauder's Map (part 3)
Hogsmeade (part 1): Alone
Hogsmeade (part 2): Paisley
Cliffside Paradise
Midnight Ball
Clair de Lune
A/N: Timothée Chalamet 🧎‍♀️😫
Dear Sirius
Mushroom Path
Pre-game Drama
Slytherin vs. Gryffindor
Holiday Plans
First Snow Day
No-maj Town
A Black by Blood
Christmas Party of 1975
New Year's Secret
Back to Hogwarts
Hogsmeade (Again)
Yellow Rose

Marauder's Map (part 2)

3.3K 139 70
De turkishdelight228

Remus's pov

I awoke sometime in the afternoon. I didn't remember much, but I felt less pain than I usually do and I didn't have any new cuts.

"Hello dear." Madam Pompfrey greeted sweetly, "I believe your friends are here. Would you like to see them?"

"Yes please." I sighed happily. Madam Pompfrey brought the Marauders to my bed and they all had a distressed expression on their faces.

"Hey Moony."


"Hiya." They all greeted. They Something definitely happened while I was resting.

"What's with you guys?" I asked suspiciously.

"Umm nothing." Prongs shrugged.

"M'k." I mumbled, unconvinced. "Do you guys have the map with you? I have to find (y/n) and apologize about yesterday. I was an arse."

"Here's the thing..." Padfoot sat on the corner of my hospital bed, "we..." He hesitated to answer, "Welostthemap." Sirius answered quickly.

"WHAT?!" I boomed, every inch of my body in shock. My eyes were so wide, they could pop out.

"You know it's funny...Padfoot and I had the exact same reaction!" James chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's not funny." I grunted, "How did you guys lose the map?"

"Ask him." Padfoot nodded his head to Peter.

"I didn't lose it! It disappeared!" He defended.

"Things don't just disappear, Pete." Sirius replied.

"Sirius, relax. Maybe it was misplaced?" I said.

"No. We looked everywhere." James responded.

"Everywhere?" I questioned.

"Everywhere, Moony." He confirmed.

"Forget the map," I sighed, "I still have to apologize to (y/n)."

"Forget the- forget the map?" Sirius asked unbelievably.

"Yes, Pads. We'll look for it later. Pompfrey still needs to check on a few things then I'm sure she'll let me out."

"Boys." A woman said behind them.

"Yes Madam Pompfrey?" Prongs asked politely.

"I have to do a few checkups. You can see your friend when he leaves the Hospital Wing." The medi-witch explained.

"Yes ma'am." James saluted. He then looked at me and gave me a kind smile. "Later, Moony."

"Bye, Moony." Peter half-smiled.

"See ya, Moony." Sirius sighed and stood up from the corner of the bed.

"Yeah, see ya." I slightly waved and watched the Marauders leave the Hospital Wing.


Regulus's pov

"Found anything?" (Y/n) asked.

"Nothing." I responded, not looking up from my book. It's only been an hour since (y/n) and I started our research. We sat on the small living room floor of the cottage. We grabbed a few books from bookshelves in the cottage and studied (y/n)'s books from the library.

"Y'know...we can't keep the map forever."

"I know. That is why we have to figure something out soon." I sighed and turned a page. After minutes passed (y/n) stood up and dusted herself off. I looked up (y/n), "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to look for more books." She simply replied.

"Where? We searched everywhere." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Not everywhere." (Y/n) chimed. My eyebrows dropped and came to a realization.


"I'm going in there, Regulus." She said confidently.

"Well then," I said as I closed my book and stood up facing (y/n). "I'm going with you."

"Okay, let's go." (Y/n) nodded and turned to the direction of the hallway. We walked together in the hall in silence and next thing you know, we're in front of the door. I played with my new ring on my finger out of nervousness, and (y/n) took notice of this. She nudged my arm, "You'll be alright." (Y/n) assured, "Got your wand?" I grabbed my wand from my robes and nodded my head. "Alohomora." (Y/n) casted, and there was a click from the doorknob. (Y/n) opened the door and started to walk into the cold, damp room. I stayed by her side. We both casted Lumos and everything became more clear. Almost everything was covered with white sheets and the room was bigger than I expected. I looked over to the wall where the wardrobe sat. Chills shivered down my spine. "Reggie- er- Regulus."

I heard (y/n) call me 'Reggie'. I didn't really mind, but chose to ignore it.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Are you alright?" She asked, looking at the wardrobe.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine." I responded, and I placed all of my focus on everything else other than the wardrobe. I studied all of the sheet covered furniture with my eyes, trying to guess what they could be.

"Ow!" (Y/n) suddenly yelled out.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely concerned about (y/n).

"I stubbed my toe." She groaned.

I let out a sigh of relief, "You Gryffindors are so dramatic."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes. A small moment passed until (Y/n) tugged on my sleeve. "Look!" She pointed to the back of the room that had a bookshelf. She started to rush over there and I tagged along. I picked up a couple of books.

"I've never heard of these." I commented.

"Obviously." (Y/n) -who was now sitting criss-cross on the floor- said as she grabbed a book from the shelf. "They're ancient."

"Except for this one." I responded. The book was thick, and it had a little more than 700 pages. "1895." The book said in the inside, "It's far more recent than the other ones."

"Let me see." (Y/n) said and I handed her the book. As she flipped through the pages, I sat across her. "There are notes in here. There could be some notes to the Homonculous charm." She said hopefully. I leaned forward to see the book as (y/n) flipped through the pages.

"Stop!" I exclaimed, "There." I pointed to page 637, which had a note on the side of the page, stating something about the Homonculous charm.

(Y/n) quickly focused on the page,
"'A strong, difficult charm is the Homonculous charm.'" (Y/n) read from the text, but she began to read the notes, "'It was a big challenge to find something against this charm,'" the notes stated, "'but I eventually found something. 'Finis' seems like a simple charm, but the wand movement can be difficult. You must follow the movement below.'" (Y/n) finished reading the notes and we both looked at the bottom of the page. The movement looked like an infinity sign, but as you write it, you have to go straight down and then straight up.

"We should try the charm back in the living room." I suggested.

"Good idea." (Y/n) nodded. We both sat up and (y/n) had the book in her arms. We exited the damp room and walked to the living room. Once we were back in the living room, we sat on the floor across from each other. I placed the map in front of us and
(y/n) turned to page 637.

"Should we try now?" I asked, after a few minutes we spent staring at the charm

"Well I wasn't planning on waiting any longer." (Y/n) responded and started to practice the wand movement. I began to do the same.


Sirius's pov

"Accio Marauder's Map." Moony casted in our dorm room.

"Moony we tried that at least 150 times. It's not here." I sighed. I laid flat on my bed looking at the photographs taped above.

"Then it's somewhere else in the castle." He responded, but Prongs shook his head.

"No...Remus, we looked everywhere."

"Even in Hogsmeade?" Moony asked hopelessly.

"It wouldn't be there!" Peter piped, "I had it here! In the pile of parchment! I'm telling you, someone stole it!"

"No one knows about the map, Peter." James simply replied, "Someone can't steal something if they don't know it exists."

"Wormtail lost it." I spat.

"I didn't lose it." Peter huffed, "It was here. I know it was. Someone took it."

"Whatever you say." I sarcastically replied.

"Let's just take a moment to pause and think." Prongs said calmly, "There could be possibilities of someone knowing and someone taking it. But there is a possibility that Peter did lose it."

"I didn't lose it though!"

"It's just a possibility. Why don't we focus on something else?" James suggested.

"Like...a prank?" I smirked and finally sat up.

"A prank." James smirked mischievously.

"You lot can do that. I still have to apologize to (y/n)." Remus declared and we all watched him leave our dorm.

I looked back at James, "So what's the prank?"


(Y/N)'s pov

We both stared at the map.

"It worked." I laughed breathlessly.

"It worked." Regulus mirrored. There was no trace of Regulus and I on the map. We followed Regulus's idea about having the map stop tracking other people so the Marauders wouldn't get any suspicions.

"I love the person who wrote these notes." I smiled and closed the map. "Perhaps we should get going? It's already been a few of hours since we got here. I'm sure the next time we meet up will be more fun. We have nothing else to worry about so we wouldn't have to spend our time trying to solve problems."

"I like the sound of that." Regulus nodded, "We should head back, but shouldn't we take the wardrobe out so we can get rid of that boggart?"

"We work so hard." I groaned, "Let's just get this over with."


Remus's pov

I searched for (y/n) everywhere. I still couldn't find her.

'I can't blame her if she wants to avoid me. Maybe she's at Hagrid's. Or in her dorm.'

"Alright Lupin?" I heard someone mumble. I looked to my left. Regulus Black.

"Alright." I shrugged, looking ahead. Regulus was more of an acquantice than a friend. We would see each other in the library. Sometimes recommend books for each other, or help each other on assignments.

"You don't look alright."

"Just...just..." I started, but my head began to bang and my body began to sting. I looked at Regulus again, noticing his silver rings.

'Slytherins and their silver.' I groaned.

"Lupin?" Regulus questioned. I focused back on the conversation, but the queasy feeling didn't disappear.

"Just looking for (y/n)." I sighed.

"Uh- I think I saw her by the courtyard."



"Thanks." I smiled.

"No problem." Regulus shrugged and walked off. I turned to the direction of the courtyard but the person I was looking for was only 10 feet away from me. She noticed me and I sheepishly smiled at her. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and started walk the other direction. "(Y/N)!" I yelled and ran to catch up to her. The queasy feeling came back to me. I looked at her fingers, assuming she had something silver. She had a single silver ring. I shook my head and focused back on (y/n). She wasn't looking at me. "Listen, I'm sorry. I was a complete arse and I wasn't having best day and I know that's not an excuse but still. I really am sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings-"

"Then why did you say those things, Remus?' She snapped and stopped walking to face me, "If you didn't want to make me upset or hurt my feelings then you shouldn't have said anything. I thought you were the Marauder that actually used his brain cells."

"I told you, I wasn't having the best day. I know it's not an excuse, but please...forgive me. I offended you, I understand that, but you have to understand that I have problems too. Big problems I can't control."

"Like what?" She folded her arms and stared at me.

"I can't tell you..." I murmured. (Y/n) scoffed. "But you have to trust me,
(y/n), I would never do that again. If I do then you can...I don't know...punch me in the face."

"So you're telling me if you act like a jerk again...I can punch you in the face?" She asked amusingly.


(Y/n) beamed, "I forgive you, Remus. I understand that you don't want to tell me your problems. You don't have to."

"Thank you, (y/n)."

"No, Remus. Thank you. You gave me permission to punch you in the face."

"If I ever act like that again." I added.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." (Y/n) laughed.  She then started to take something out of her robes. "Um...I found this. Outside. It looked familiar, I saw James holding it one time." She said, "I knew it was James' so I held on to it, but I'm sure James trusts you with it." She brought out a piece of parchment. The Marauder's Map. (Y/n) had it the whole time. She handed me the parchment and I smiled intensely.

"Thanks." I responded excitedly. Whatever prank James and Sirius were planning, they would want to use this.

A/N: I'm terribly sorry for not updating sooner :(. I haven't had so much motivation, and every time I tried writing, my mind went blank. Don't worry, I'm fine, I just had an author's block. This chapter is alright in my opinion, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading and I love you!! Stay safe :)) <3

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