
By Wolfdevilrose

50.9K 1.5K 191

Hi, My name is Rainbow, given to me by my new friends and i'm a Neko. i love cuddles and when people are happ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Epilogue 2

Chapter 30

851 28 1
By Wolfdevilrose

i wake up feeling heavenly warm. i'm a bit tense, but the warmth is familiar to me. i know it's Wrath.....but he's angry with me and the babies. i don't understand why, but i know that asking would get me in more trouble. "Rainbow?" i slowly open my eyes to find July and Hail stood. Hail is writing something down before putting it down and coming over to me. "how are you feeling?" he asks and i don't feel the need or want to talk. 

i turn my head to see Wrath's hair. his black hair with his face burried in the pillow. i can see his i not allowed to see his face? "m-" i gulp. he doesn't like being called Master does he? "w-" would waking him up be bad? 

it doesn't matter because he hears me. his head snaps up revealing blood shot eyes, dark circles under his eyes and red cheeks, not blush, but from rubbing them. "Rain, how are you feeling? are you okay? I'm sorry, i lost my fucking head again and you got hurt from it-" my lip trembles. "w-why are you crying? what's wrong-"

"your angry at me and the babies and i don't understand why." i whimper, but then he pulls me tightly to his chest. 

"No, i was just scared. you see me? how big i am? well as a baby, i was also a big baby, and if you have to carry four big babies, i'm worried that youll get hurt badly because of it and i don't want that to happen, it was overwhelming for me and i don't deal well with things that overwhelm me when it consists of something that i can't help." he explains to me. 

"but you hurt my belly!" i cry. 

"I know, and i'm so fucking sorry, i wasn't in a headspace to be able to process the shit i was doing and i can't apologise enough, you did nothing wrong, baby, nothing!" i stare up at him, snotty nosed and damp cheeks, "i love you." he whispers and i sniffle. 

"you do?" I whimper. and he nods. 

"i do, i love you so much." he whispers making my eyes well with tears. 

"Master really was a liar." i whimper. he smiles.

"yeah he was." he says proudly.

"Master said that no one would love me, but he's wrong because you love me and i love you and frankly i trust you way more then Master because Master would hurt me, but the only times you hurt me was-" he connects our lips, shutting me up. he pulls away, "-accident." i finish quietly before kissing him again. i don't know what i love more, cuddles or kisses. he wraps his arms around me, cozy and warm and favourite, cuddles and kisses together

"okay, Rain, i just need to take the IV out now and you can go home, to your room, not Wraths, i need you looked after at all times and at Wraths he can't be there all the time so youll be at mine." he explains to me while taking out a needle from my arm. i didn't even process it being there. i don't like it drugs? did they drug me? 

"it's nothing bad, don't worry, it helps you while your unconcious, it's good." Hail says to me with a smile when a man walks in with spikey red hair. 

"Pen!" he says dully, Hail hands him a pen and he leaves. 

"Oh, Mike, i need you to cover for me tomorrow." i look up to July and Wrath.


"please, i've got to-" the door shuts cutting their conversation off. i take a breath and sit up, getting ready to leave when Mike walks back in. 

"did tha' Master guy get murde'd ye'?" he dully questions.


"good t' know." he says making me look to them. that's when Mike turns to look at me, "dn't worry, pup. hell be gone soon." he hums before leaving........he's creepy. he had blue hair and dark skin like July. he basicually looked like version of July. he also had an accent that was kinda weird.

"that's Mike, July's older brother." Wrath-Master Wrath explains. 

"they look very much alike, but their accent-"

"yes, July has spent so long here that you can barely hear the accent he has, trust me, after they've spent an hour together, you won't understand a fucking word out of July's mouth the prat." he rolls his eyes at the end. i let out a breath and stand up. Master Wrath comes with me. holding my arm, but i'm tummy hurts a bit tho. "come on, let's get you to bed." he sighs and i nod. 

he walks with me through the halls, people looking over to us. it feels scary, everyone's looking at me with looks Master would give me, not the heated looks, the dirty ones. ones that painted your thought in discust and self conciousness. i gulp and look down, subconciously walking closer to Master Wrath. "oii, Prozy, i take it y' found y' Daddy!" on guy shouts making me pout. i look to Master Wrath in question. 


"ignore them, Rain, their about to get their dicks cooked and fed to them!" he snarls, making them all shut up. 

we reach the apartment and Wrath comes in..."But i don't understnad what's to laugh about? I did found my daddy....or my daddy found me-"

"no Rain, theirs THAT Daddy, as in Father, but he didn't mean it that way, he meant it in a dirty way." he sighs and sets me down in bed. i scowl in thought before looking up, again in confusion. "Rain, i'm not-" he lets out a breath through his nose before sitting down, "Daddy is a term some people use during sex, preferebly those who like it rough and hard. some also get turned on by the word Daddy and it encourages them during sex, it's preferably kinky." he explains to me, going into teacher mode which makes me laugh, "w-why the fuck are you laughing?" he says confused and slightly frustrated. 

"you switched to teacher mode." i laugh. he huffs and shakes his head. "but i call my daddy, daddy....uh, my Father Daddy-"

"yeah, thats fine, until you turn it into something sexual and it might become a bit.....awkward." he nods. i blush and look to my hands. 

"i don't think i'ma call my dad daddy no more." i whisper. my ears going flat to my head shyly. he nods. "but....if that's what they meant, by the word Daddy-"

"they meant me, Rain." he groans, "i told you to just ignore it-"

"are you my Daddy in Kinky terms then?" i ask curiously.....he stares at me for a really long time. 

"JULY!" he shouts very loud making me squeak. he walks out the room, slamming the door, "JULY!" he snarls.........

"Master Wrath?" i get up and walk out the door to see him growling at July who looks like he's going to laugh, "if it helps, i don't like the word Daddy in that term, it feels wrong." i blush and he starest at me, then July breaks and burst out laughing. 

"Fuckin' hell!" i let out a scream when Wrath punches July making him scream. but the only thing i find to happen is Wrath's hand setting on fire. but Master Wrath has blue fire. i was told it was because he's Royalty. fancy. "Go on Daddy!" he laughs loudly as Master Wrath turns me back into the room. 

"my head hurts." i whimper. he hands me a glass of water, "but Master Wrath, now what happens if our babies call you Daddy and all i can think of that it's a Kinky thing-" i begin to cry and suddely July isn't laughing his ass off. Wrath sighs. 

"it's not a Kinky thing. because i am their Daddy, their Dad, Father, Papa, Dada, i don't care what they call me as long as it gives me recognision as their parent, it's not Kinky if it's from your son or daughter." he explains making me sniffle. okay, i understand that. he wipes my tears with a smile....

"so, what are you two planning on having?" July asks making me look up. 

"what do you mean?" i ask, sniffling. 

"four sons, three sons, one daughter, two sons two daughters, one son three daughters, four daughters-"

"Four sons." Wrath blurts out making me look up to him. 

"Why?" i say with disgust before putting my hand over my mouth in shock, i laugh, "i'm sorry." i laugh making him sigh. 

"because, Daughters mean periods, protecting them from evil boyfriends, it means menistral cycle and hormones, it means pregnancies and having to deal with...............Females!" he huffs, he then looks to me, "my biggest bullies as a child were my sisters." he huffs, "couldn't fucking escape them and their 'Let me put make up on you' 'you need to loose weight' 'your hair is such a mess'" he glares. 

"but.....wouldn't you like a likkle bebe princess?" i ask softly. his eyes soften at this. he stares at the wall a bit before looking to me then my stomach, thinking over it all. 

"you know what, yeah, i didn't think of it like that." he whispers before pushing me onto my back making me giggle, "think, the adorable dresses to dress her up in, the sunshine of a smile she'll get from her mother, getting to watch her first fight and the first fight she has with her brothers and the first fight she will win and everyfight she'll win from then on-" why did this turn violent? "i hate the colour pink, but i'll love it if it meant having a little princess." he whispers making me smile. "but these babies will be second men to the king, being the second child mean that my first borns, no matter how many, my sons and daughters will stand, right hand man to my older brothers first born." he explains, he sighs and i smile, "what would you want?" he whispers. 

"for you to be happy." i say before pinching the corners of his mouth and pushing them up. he gives such a dark look making me laugh loudly. 

"cheeky shit." he growls before tickling me all over. i squeal and laugh before gasping when he gets a bruised spot. i grab his hand....but that not just it. "wha-" he stops when my face pales and my pants become very wet. he looks down, then back to me before sighing. 

"i-i-" my eyes well with tears, "i didn't mean to." i whimper. but he picks me up now i'm finished my business. 

"it's fine, i shouldn't of put so much preassure on your stomach knowing your bodies already struggling." he sighs. i narrow my eyes at that.

"my bodies not strugling tho." i wine, "my body is just fine." i huff and cross my arms. he strips me in the shower as i glare up at him. 

"yes, now it doesn't seem that way, but your small body is home to four very powerful heirs, heirs your body isn't prepered, nor made for." he explains. turning the shower on. i squeak and jump away from it at the cold. i whimper and he continues before washing me. 

"i like it when you wash me." i blurt without thinking. he pauses and raises a brow. "i-be-um-" i stop before just blushing hard, "that wasn't meant for the outside world." i whisper. my eyes welling with tears, "Why does my mouth keep telling the world things my mind doesn't want being told?" i whimper and go for a hug, drenching his clothes, "oh no-" i whimper and pull away in shock, "i-" i sniffle. he just stares at me, "i'm sorry, i don't know WHATS GOING ON!" I end up screaming before curling up into a ball. "Now i'm angry!" i whimper. 

he sighs and crouches down, "like i said, your body is trying so hard to adapt to these four, its just a bit overwhelmed." he explains to me making me nod. 

"I don't know, i keep saying things out loud and then i hugged you without thinking or processing what i was doing and then i was sad and it annoyed me so then i was suddenly angry i'm just tired and confused-" i complain. my lip trembling, "this is a selection of the best of the worst, when can i get the selection of the best of the best? i wonder how that would be? will i be overly happy? hyperactive, maybe excited, ooo, what if it's really horny, then we both could enjoy it, but then i'd get tired and shut up but if i was hyperactive maybe i wouldn't fall asleep and end up just......" i stop, "why?" i whimper and look to him. 

"go to sleep. you need rest, a lot of rest." he whispers and kisses my nose and here i realise......i'm in bed.......sleep....need sleep.

okay, hi, it's MEEEEE.

so, my laptop doesn't like wattpad aparently. when i came on to publish these two chapters it was saying that only 12 of 28 chapters were published. this freaked me out. but then my phone said that 28/28 were publushed and i was like......wah? thankfully my cousin cleared it up.

i don't know whether to blame my cousin's shitty wifi or my laptops relationship with wattpad lol. hopfully it hasn't fucked up this story for yall. just.........COMUNICATE WITH ME and all will be good.

toodle doodle doo.

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