WWE Oneshots!

By Giraffe502

24.7K 812 225

Just random one-shots about all your favourite WWE superstars! Does what it says on the tin! Just random idea... More

1 - Bliss and Cross - After the party
2 - Chareigns - First Date
3 - Brollins - Vodka and knee high socks
4 - Bliss and Cross - Sick
5 - Chareigns - Murderer
6 - Brollins - Apocalypse
7 - Chareigns - Broken Hearted
8 - Bliss and Cross - Magic
9 - Bliss and Cross - Magic II
10 - Brollins - Rollercoaster
11 - Chareigns - High school Project
12 - Chareigns - High School Project II
13 - Brollins - Stripped
14 - Brollins - Stripped II
15 - Brollins - A false positive
16 - Bliss and Cross - Proud of you
17 - Brollins - Anxiety
18 - Brollins - Period
19 - Brollins - Jealousy
20 - Brollins - Don't like you
21 - Brollins - Don't like you II
22 - Brollins - Quarantine
23 - Ambreigns - Alone
24 - Almost missed - Brollins
25 - Stupid Mistake - Brollins
26 - Druken Mistake - Brollins I
27 - Druken Mistake - Brollins II
28 - Broken - Bliss and Cross
29 - The first time I said I love you - Baysasha
30 - Secret Child - Drew Mcintrye x Nikki Cross
31 - Meeting my parents - Alexa Bliss x Braun Strowman
32 - Accidents happen - Baylor
33 - First scan - Brollins
35 - Wreslting accdient - Chareigns
36 - Dead man's daughter - Paige
37 - You're the one for me - Baybrose
38 - Dear Seth Rollins... - Brollins

34 - Last Scan - Brollins

310 10 4
By Giraffe502

I waddled into the doctors office, my back aching and my bump hanging out of my extremely stretched maternity jeans. I'm 36 weeks pregnant and now I'm ready to get these twins out of me, I've got four weeks to go but I doubt my back will hold out that long. "You alright?" I groaned as I sat down on the chair, rubbing my stomach as I felt a flutter of painful kicks right into my kidney. "Yeah, but these two are having a wrestling match in there." I laughed and Seth placed his hand onto my stomach, leaning forward to talk to them. "Hey calm it down in there you two, you've only got 4 more weeks until you can meet us both. Just give your mother a break, Okay..." The painful jabs almost instantly stopped and I smiled up at Seth, leaning forward slightly to place a gentle kiss on his lips.

"Rebecca Lopez?" I pulled back and I saw my midwife standing in the doorway, bright smile on her face. Seth jumped out of his seat and he helped me out of mine, before I hobbled over to the room, my feet and back killing me with every step. "How are you doing today?" My midwife asked softly and I took a deep breath. "I haven't been sleeping, I've barely been eating, everything is hurting and these two won't stop kicking." With both Seth's and my midwifes help I managed to get up onto the table, sighing with relief as I pulled the zip down on my jeans to reveal my whale like bump, but hissing at the tight feeling I got so I sat forward wrapping my hands around the bump. "Becky?" Seth sounded concerned but I just shook him off. "It's just Braxton hicks, don't worry." I leant back and my midwife smiled at me as she grabbed the gel, applying it to my bump. "What your experiencing both with your symptoms and the braxton hicks is very normal, especially during twin pregnancies as you are carrying the weight of two babies. It's actually quite reassuring to us as it's a clear indication that babies are doing okay." She smiled at me as she grabbed the wand off the machine and brought it to my stomach.

"Right there's baby A, everything is looking very healthy with this one. Now I'm just going to look for baby B." She moved the wand around some more before stopping and moving the screen away from us. "What's the matter?" Seth asked and I instinctively grabbed his hand. "I just need to double check something, try not to worry." She moved the wand about some more before freezing and placing the wand back on the ultrasound machine. "Becky I need you to take a deep breath for me, this may come as a shock okay?" I took a deep breath and my grip on Seth's hand got tighter. "Baby B is in position for birth, so just as a precaution I'm going to do a sweep just to make sure these braxton hicks aren't contractions." My eyes grew wide as I looked over at Seth, desperately trying not to panic. My midwife made her way down to the bottom of the bed and she pulled my jeans off, stopping immediately and I panicked. "Stay here, everything is going to be fine. I'll be right back." She hurriedly got out of the room and I turned to Seth, tears beginning to blur my vision and my mind got blind sighted with apologies. "I'm sorry, I've done something wrong haven't I?" Seth shook his head, leaning forward slightly to place his free hand on the bump. "No you've done everything perfectly, whatever is going on it isn't your fault! Just take a deep breath and I'm sure everything is going to be alright." My midwife walked into the room, followed by several paramedics. "Becky you're bleeding, okay? We need to get you to hospital as safely and as quickly as possible, that's why the paramedics are here. I'm going to stay with you the whole time and Seth can stay too." My heart started to race as Seth helped me off the bed, I could see the fear on his face too. Seth lifted me into his arms and held me tightly, whispering into my ear that everything was going to be okay.

As we walked out into the waiting room all the pregnant women glanced up at us with horror in their eyes and I panicked, fuck, fuck, fuck I know I said I wanted them to be born but not today. Seth placed me down in the back of the ambulance not letting go of my hand for a second as my midwife began to explain. "Most women in your situation have a c-section, now you don't have to but I believe it's safest all things considered." I nodded frantically, I'm going to do whatever I can to keep my babies safe. "Please, please I need my babies to be okay..." She leant forward grabbing my free hand. "If you have any family or friends you want to call I advise you do this now because once we get to the hospital we'll be prepping you for theatre." She released my hand and Seth shakily handed me my phone, I instantly dialled my mothers number, desperate to hear her calm and soothing voice. "Honey is everything alright?" I breathed out on the line. "No...I'm having the babies today. We went to the appointment and I got pain and then I started bleeding, mum I'm so scared." I sobbed down the line and I heard her gasp. "Sweetheart remember what I used to say to you when you were younger, the more you panic the worse it'll be. Your midwives and the doctors know what they're doing and they are going to do everything in their power to ensure all three of you come out of this fighting fit. I'll go to your house and I'll pick up your hospital bags before I make my way there myself, everything is going to be alright, you're in the best of care." I sniffed, rubbing my face as tears ran down it. "Okay...okay, but please mum hurry here because I'm scared..."

"You've got nothing to be scared of, Seth is there right?"

"Yeah, he comes to all my appointments no matter what."

"Then you're in even safer hands, you're going to do great sweetheart and once you meet your two little angels all this pain and fear will melt away and it'll feel like the four of you are the only four in the world. Just keep calm baby." I nodded even though my mother couldn't see that and my midwife tapped me on the knee and I knew we were at the hospital. "I love you mum."

"I love you too, now go have some kids." She hung up the phone as the back doors to the ambulance opened, I grabbed Seth's hand and he smiled at me weakly. "This is really it huh?" I nodded at him, trying to block out the panic and trying to focus that soon it wouldn't just be the two of us. "Becky we're going to take you straight upstairs and into the operating room, both me and Seth will be there the whole time and because he's the dad he'll be in the room to hold your hand." Seth smiled reassuringly at that and I felt my heart flutter. "Let's go have our babies." I said slowly, moving a hand to rest on the bump as the paramedics pushed me through the hospital. I winced as I felt a sharp pain rush through my body, grasping at Seth's hand tighter and scrunching my face up to try and distract myself from the tightness rushing through my body. "Just breathe through it Becky." My midwife spoke reassuringly and I nodded as sweat began to run down my forehead. "Are you ready mama?" I half smiled as they pushed me into the operating room, I saw all the equipment set up and I breathed deeply through my nose.

"I'm ready."

"You're just going to feel a sharp scratch, but soon you'll feel nothing from the waist down." I looked over at Seth and he was smiling, I reached out to grab his hand and he took it. Only breaking away when the nurse needed him to change into his scrubs, but as soon as he was changed he pulled a stool up right next to me and he pushed my hair out of my face before mouthing 'I love you', they began to set up all the equipment and I closed my eyes for a moment before mouthing 'I love you too'

"Right Rebecca let's get this show on on the road, I'm just going to make a slight incision and then we'll meet Baby 1." I looked up at the ceiling and I started to count the ceiling tiles, dread and fear setting in as I waited for my baby to be delivered. "And here she is, congratulations!" A tiny cry burst out into the room and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face, we've got a baby girl. "Mother we're going to bring her over to you." A nurse brought her over to me and placed her down onto my bare chest, her tiny little arms wrapped around me and I turned to Seth who's mouth was hanging open in awe. He reached out to her and she wrapped her tiny hand around his finger and I watched the tears from falling down his face. "She's perfect." He whispered and the brightest smile was on his face.

"Right Rebecca, now we're going to meet Baby 2." I watched as they raised my baby into the air and panic flooded through me when it didn't cry. The doctor started to rub my babies back and I turned to Seth, who gripped onto my hand. "Congratulations this is a baby boy!" His eyes opened wide, they were bright blue and big. The nurse brought him over to me and placed him alongside his big sister, he was just as beautiful as her. "We're just going to close you up and then we'll take you three up to the maternity ward."

The room suddenly fell quiet the only noise now being the angelic noises of the twins who were cuddled up against my chest. "Seth we just did this...we have two babies." He reached forward and took our little girl off my chest, just bouncing her slightly and we were both smiling at awe at our children. "You did this Becky and now we've got two little angels, we'll have to start thinking of names...I didn't even finish the nursery!" I looked up at him and smiled at his slight panic. "None of that matters now, we'll figure it out when we take our babies home." My midwife stepped in the room, freezing in awe when she saw our two children. "They're so beautiful." Me and Seth both nodded as we both held our tiny angels in our arms. "Yes they are..."


Once we were settled upstairs, our two babies in their plastic cribs there was a knock on the door, both mine and Seth's mothers walked in, big smiles on their faces as they stepped inside. "Hello mama, they're gorgeous Rebecca." They walked over to the two plastic cribs, each placing a hand in with one of the twins. "I know, I can't believe that me and Seth did that, we made those beautiful babies..." I yawned, groaning as I stretched forgetting about my stitches. "Ow..." Seth rubbed his hand across my stomach reassuringly and I placed my hand on top of his. "So you went in for a scan and now you've got two beautiful babies."

"Yeah, I didn't think today would be our last scan but all I wanted is for our babies to be okay and thank god they are. I know you're really excited but we're both exhausted and I've got a nurse coming in soon to help me with the first feed." They both nodded, a knowing look on their faces. "Okay sweetheart, you bags are here. Ring me tomorrow when you're heading home." They both headed out and I turned to Seth. "I think that Roux is a nice girls name." Seth looked up at me eyes wide and he nodded. "And I think Valentine for a boy." Seth responded and I couldn't stop the smile from breaking out on my face. "Perfect, now I need to rest before the nurse comes in." Seth laughed before leaning down on the bed, being careful not to hurt me in the process. "I love you Rebecca, sleep well."

"I love you too."

A/N: Let me know if you want a part 2? Also this is a follow up to my last oneshot first scan!

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