The Love Potion[Spellbound]

By Phamous

63.5K 845 365

Christina accidentally spills a powerful love potion on Kevin. The real problem is, because of what she did a... More

The Love Potion.
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion.
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion - A Broken Heart
The Love Potion - Fighting Back
The Love Potion - The Jinx
The Love Potion - Don't Die
The Love Potion - Possession
The Love Potion - The Wiccan Leader
The Love Potion - Decisions Decisions
The Love Potion - Confrontations
The Love Potion - Mom
The Love Potion - Kevin's Tale
The Love Potion - The Last Wiccan

The Love Potion - How To Kill A Witch

2.3K 40 11
By Phamous

Chapter 11 – How To Kill A Witch

I heard footsteps approaching; I looked around in panic, where the hell should I hide! If she came in she would see me!

Quick think of something I said to myself desperately, searching for a place to hide. My only chance was behind those shelves packed with jars I dashed towards it, but halfway I noticed a small window close by, I contemplated whether I would have enough time to squeeze myself through the window and escape.  Except this was not the time to think, it was time to act, I pushed the tiny window open and began to climb, any minute now I was expecting Zoë to scream and say I found her.

In my haste to escape l lost my balance, slipped through the tiny window and landed on the hard ground, my bruised wrist unfortunately collided with a wall nearby, if it weren’t for the fact that I was in mortal danger I would have screamed for the whole world to know that I was in pain.

I laid there for a few seconds waiting for the throbbing pain in my wrist to subside, but it wasn’t getting any better, what I needed was to get home and swallow some painkillers, I gathered myself up and run through the darkness.

My car was parked a few miles away so I had to walk several minutes before I found the car, luck was on my side I didn’t run into those yellow beasts until I reached where my car was parked.

Zoë’s POV

Zoë stood in the middle of the storage room staring about wildly, something was off, she could feel it. Someone who was not supposed to come in here had been in here.

Christina, it had to be her, Zoë moved forward examining the room to see if anything was out of place or there was a hex hidden in here. Christina had that sorceress on her side and she wouldn’t be surprised if the stupid bitch had given Christina a hex to put on her.

Ten minutes later Zoë was convinced there was no hex, but her attention was drawn to her book shelf, there was a gap, where a book was supposed to be, she stared at the empty spot as anger began to build in her.

One of her books was missing, she couldn’t tell which one it was but it didn’t matter which one it was because all these books contained knowledge to powerful spells that could hurt her and she didn’t want Christina having that knowledge or power.

Zoë turned around with the intention of finding her stupid minions to yell at them, but found three of them standing in front of her looking very scared.

“What is it.” she yelled at them.

“My lady……..” one of them began to speak. “We couldn’t find the girl.”

Zoë rolled her eyes, she wasn’t very surprised, they were all idiots who screwed up the simplest job she gave them. “I’m going to give you another assignment if you screw it up, I will eat you all one by one.” Zoë swore at them through her teeth.

They gasped in horror but nodded quickly.

“Find that sorceress, Gloria, and kill her, I want her dead before the sun comes up tomorrow or you three are going to wish you were never born.” She yelled at them again. They nodded and run off before she could threaten them any further.

When they were gone Zoë turned her attention back to her books, there were so many of them and she couldn’t identify which of them had been taken by Christina.

Christina POV

I got into the car and drove away, I only stopped when I was at a safe distance, I needed to call Gloria, but I couldn’t drive and call her at the same time because my left wrist hurt.

“Did you find it.” she asked the minute the call went through.

“Yes I did but I nearly got caught.” I informed her.

“But you’re ok.” She asked quickly.

I looked at my wrist, “Yeah.” I said dully.

“Ok your………”

I waited for the rest of the sentence to follow but it didn’t, I thought maybe she had hanged up, I looked at my phone, she was still online.”Gloria?” I questioned.

“Yeah sorry about that I thought I saw something but it’s nothing”

“Oh ok you scared me there for a second.” I laughed nervously; I thought those beasts had gotten her or something.

“I’m ok Christina.” she assured me. “Anyway I was saying your dad and sister should be ok by now………and er Christina I’m sorry to tell you this but after you left the doctor came looking for you, he had some bad news.

“What bad news.” I shouted in anxiety, didn’t she just say that my dad should and sister would be ok by now.

“Your sister lost her baby.” She said quietly.

“That’s it? You scared the bejesus out of me.” I shouted at Gloria.

“Christina!” it was her turn to scream. “Is that all you can say.”

I rolled my eyes and said. “She can have another baby with her precious Tim.” I replied, excuse me for not being insensitive but a miscarriage I could deal with but if she had died that I wouldn’t have been able to handle.

“Fine…..I’ve been asking around about how to help you and Kevin, I think I’ve found someone that can help us.” She paused for a while before she added the rest. “………… it’s your mother.”

“MY MOTHER!................As in my real mom.” I asked totally flabbergasted.

“Yes…..I don’t have all the facts so come see me in three days and I’ll tell you what I know so far. I have to go I saw something.” Gloria said.

“Er ok.” I replied and she hanged up. My mother? I hadn’t seen her since I was ten, what could she possibly do to help me, I asked myself baffled.

As I got back into my car I realized I still had Zoë’s book with me, I tossed it in the back seat and drove to the hospital, I would examine it later I mused. My dad and sister were awake and their eyes had returned to normal, Brianna was devastated that she had lost her baby but at least he had Tim to comfort her.

Three days later

I took the steps three at a time as I raced downstairs, today was my appointment with Gloria, I was itching to see her especially after she had said my mom might be able to help us.

“And where do you think you are going.” My dad called out, I was almost at the door.

“Shit.” I muttered under my breath.

He came to stand beside me with his arms folded across his chest. “You know we never had that talk about you and Kevin, and what you’ve been doing lately.” He finished the last part by staring at my bruised wrist.

I laughed nervously, what do I do now, what do I do now, what do I do now, my brain screamed as I tried to remain calm outwardly.

“I promise if you let me go, I’ll tell you everything when I come back later.” I begged.

“Christina I can’t let you out of the house until we talk.” He said sternly.

“Aw dad come on please please please.”  I half pouted and half begged.

He looked into my face to see if I was lying, he sighed. “Fine but I expect you in this house by six.”

“Yaaaaay.” I skipped like a three year old, it made him laugh. I hugged him before I left, I loved my dad he’s always there when you need him and he never gives up on you.

The drive to Gloria’s hideout was quick because there was no traffic on the way and I was speeding. She had told me earlier on because of safety precautions she was moving across the street, apparently she owned that house too, but nobody except me knew so she would be safe there.

Before I got out of the car, I checked to see if I was being followed, I didn’t want to get Gloria into trouble, she was doing so much for me already, and the least I could do was be careful.

Satisfied, I got out and walked towards her hideout. I didn’t knock like the last time; I stormed in and shouted screaming her name.

“GLORIA HONEY I’M HOME.” I yelled and then giggled, she would probably appear in a few seconds wearing her hideous glasses and say I was being rude.

I sat in her sofa and waited and waited and waited for her to appear but she never did. Didn’t she hear me, I asked with a frown. “Gloria.” I called again, getting up. I looked around, the room was in perfect order, but it was too quite. I decided to check the kitchen first, maybe she had fallen asleep cooking or something.

Halfway I was hit with a strong stench which made me choke, it smelled like rotten eggs. I coughed and choked, my hand went instinctively to cover my nose, what the hell was Gloria doing, was she making another of her disgusting spells.

“Gloria what the hell are you doing.” I mumbled as I stormed into the kitchen, the smell grew stronger, and despite the fact that I had my hand covering my nose I wanted to puke.

“MY GOD GLORIA.” I swore, I probably should not talk, talking meant I was inhaling the smell through my mouth. I searched for Gloria and the disgusting thing that was generating that horrible stench.

I saw Gloria but I wished I hadn’t, my eyes opened wide in shock, tears started to fall before my brain registered what was happening. She looked just as I had found my step mother.

“She’s dead.” I whispered unable to believe what my own mouth was saying. She was seated in a chair, her throat had been slashed open, her neck was covered with dried blood, her stomach had been ripped open, she had several serious wounds all over her body, and she was holding a phone in her left hand.

Her face was pale and covered with shock, I wanted to go closer, but the stench coming from her corpse was too much to bear.

“Nooooooooooooooo.” I cried. Please god no, but I knew it was too late, they had killed Gloria, anger burned in my chest, I turned around and run outside, I opened the passenger seat of my car searching for that book I had found in Zoë’s house. I found it quickly and run back to Gloria’s hose.

Zoë wouldn’t get away with this, “I WILL KILL HER MYSELF.” I screamed like a mad woman, my chest was heaving up and down in anger. I started flipping through the book looking for the page I had found how to get rid of your enemies.

The minute I found out, I skimmed through it searching for something about how to kill a witch, I studied the page thoroughly but found nothing; instead all I found was how to kill a gypsy, dwarf, elf and other things that had nothing to do with what I wanted.

I punched the wall next to me angrily, “COME ON.” I screamed again, Zoë had to pay. I skimmed through the page again and then decided to try some of the spells that the book were suggesting it may not be about a killing a witch but it was close.

For example there was one here that said how to be rid of someone that hunts you, Zoë WAS haunting me in my dreams before Gloria gave me that root potion which made it stop.

The spell said to put write the person’s name on a paper soak it in holy water and place it in fire, there was also another one that asked me to chant some funny words and my enemy won’t be able to come close to me or touch me. I liked that one especially.

I went about looking for Gloria’s storage room where I could gather some items I needed for the spell. After finding them, I followed every instruction the book said, I couldn’t afford to screw it up or who knows who Zoë will kill next.

1 hour later

I stood back as I watched the bottle with the name of Zoë written burning, I didn’t know if the spell was going to work but I hoped it did. I reached for my phone and dialed 911.

“911 what’s your emergency.”

“I would like to report a murder.” I said quietly.

“Ok…..could you give me your address?”

“Sure…..” I said and mumbled the address, she asked for my name but I hanged up, I waited until I saw the cops approaching before I got in my car and drove away. I wondered if I should call Kevin and tell him about Gloria, I decided against it, that bastard could go to hell all he cared about was himself.

The drive back home was not a happy one, I cried about losing Gloria, for the past few days she had become a friend, and now I had gotten her killed, just how many people was I going to get killed. First it was that woman in the magic shop, then my stepmother and Gloria, heck I nearly got Susan killed.

I slammed my front door shut loudly, I expected my dad to appear from nowhere and bombard me with questions, instead I heard laughter coming from our living room, it sounded like my dad and a woman.

I frowned and walked in there, I hoped he was not flirting with some other woman, his wife just died a few days ago, we hadn’t even buried her yet.

“Dad who are you talking to.” I asked as I approached the living room.

“Hey Christina.” The woman said………it was Zoë.

Zoë was sitting in my living room staring at me, if it weren’t for the fact that I was in shock I would have screamed and run away from the room. Zoë WAS IN MY LIVING ROOM, laughing with my dad.

She laughed, “I told you she would be shocked.” She got up from her chair and came to hug me. I stood there astounded and stiff, what was I supposed to do!

“Ok I’ll leave you two girls to catch up.” My dad said and left. I tried to go with him, but Zoë grabbed my shoulders and glared at me.

“First of all give me back my book.” She looked at me with venom in her eyes. “And second of all if you try to use the hiondurac spell on me again, I’ll make sure what happened to your precious Gloria happens to you dad, do you hear me.” She threatened.

I nodded quickly, she looked so scary. I couldn’t even speak.

“Where’s my book.” She spat at me.

I didn’t hesitate I reached into my bag pack and brought it out, she took it, turned around and left, it was only after she left that I realized I was holding my breath, I collapsed into the sofa.

“Honey where’s Zoë.” My dad asked a few minutes later.

“She left.” I said quietly, all this while I thought maybe there was a way out of all this but now I think I’m going to die no matter what I do or how long I put it off!

                                    To be continued…………….

So Gloria is deadLL, sad much!!!!!

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