Angel Eyes [JJBA Part 1 x Rea...

By flowazh

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[Phantom Blood x Reader] In which gardener (Y/N) (L/N) has to deal with Jonathan Joestar and some blonde guy... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Fifteen

139 9 10
By flowazh

  P H A N T O M  B L O O D

"Honey honey, how you thrill me, aha, honey honey."


9th November 1888

"Jojo won his battle against that demon, poor sod. He lost everything in the process. That's why I brought him here three days ago." Speedwagon says to you as you both stare up at a large hospital, "And now bereft of father and home alike, how's he gonna muster up the will to live?"

Okay, jeez it's not like the Joestar's lost your amazing rose petal tart recipe. If that's not something to go on living for, then what are you even doing in this story?

"Don't give up on the world yet Jojo!" Speedwagon finishes, taking your hand and raising it passionately.

"Er Robbie, let's just hurry up and visit him yeah?" You smile at the blonde before towing him inside the hospital with you. Had it not been for the whole legal situation with the Joestar manor burning down, you could've been at Jojo's side by now.

For the past three days, you'd been dealing with all the servants who'd actually been made homeless as well as unemployed Plus all the newspaper guys asking about the whole dead cops, dead nobles, house on fire thing.

Still, though, you felt guilty for not visiting Jojo sooner. And for leaving Dio to die...

Oh would you look at that, you've ready reached the corridor of Jojo's hospital room.

You and Speedwagon had stopped outside Jojo's room rather abruptly after noticing the light coming through the door. There was totally someone already in there with him whoops.

Your eyes widened when they settle on the familiar girl tending to Jojo. Your face heats up quicker than the Joestar's expensive carpets. Surely this couldn't be the lovely blonde girl you had been so smitten with years ago?

"Thank goodness," The mysterious lady exclaims and the two of you outside the room gasp in relief at the sight of Jojo opening his eyes. Surprisingly enough he seems lucid enough for the stranger to keep talking to him, "You're through the worst of it. You should be fine."

"So you've been tending to my injuries," Jojo says softly before looking more closely at the lady in shock, "But how can... How can you be standing here? You're the image of... But no, I'm sorry. Your face reminds me of a girl I used to know."

"Her name wouldn't happen to be Erina Pendleton would it?" The lady responds and wow, your heart's racing.

Jojo sits up joyfully, "It's you!"

"It's been a long time, Jonathan Joestar... Jojo." The now identified blonde sighs happily. You and Speedwagon watch them with bated breaths.

"Erina. You've really grown up," Jojo says and Erina's eyes widen.

"Me? But you've grown a fair sight more," The hardness melts off Erina's affectionate expression, "Yet you're still... The boy you were."

"Yeah," Jojo admits.

Speedwagon smiles and you watch in confusion as he walks away. Wasn't he worried about Jojo's life earlier?

You go to follow him but turn back to see Erina collapsing. Boom, next thing you know you're cradling the blonde before she hits the floor, Jojo's eyes widening at the sudden sight of you.

"I-I must've fainted for a moment," Erina murmurs before gasping at the familiar gardener holding her waist, "(Y/N)! What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing! Don't tell me Jojo brought you here from the past just to work you to death?" You and Erina laugh as you help her steady her footing.

"Wait (Y/N) what are you doing here?" Jojo asks and you can't help smirking.

"Are you worried I'll snatch away your nurse, Jojo?" You coo, "If I recall you're my best friend. I'm just doing my duty of making sure you're okay."


13th November 1888

"Ah, it smells so good in here," Erina smiles, inhaling the floral scent of the hospital room now decked in soft chamomille flowers and scatterings of peppermint, "Makes me want a good cup of tea."

"I know what you mean, going to sleep is always so peaceful despite the pain of my wounds," Jojo smiles as well and Erina draws her chair closer to his bedside.

"Oh Jojo, how I wish I could ease some of your burden. I long to relieve you of your stress for even a moment," The blonde sighs, holding the Joestar's uninjured arm.

"Dear Erina, your presence is the greatest relief I could hope for," Jojo utters with reverence, leaning closer to the blonde, "To see you again after so many years is the greatest comfort my heart has ever felt."

You sneak in while they kiss, going about the room and changing out the herbs with brighter flowers to celebrate Jojo's recovery. You attempt to sneak out after chucking about some feverfew and coreopsis when the two notice you.

"Aw (Y/N), are you really going to leave without saying hello? Why so shy?" Erina asks, laughing even though the two of them are slightly out of breath and you're so embarrassed, oh my goodness.

"Er- well, um. No! I'll have you know I was just going give you these since I've been showering Jojo with so many flowers and I didn't um, want you to feel, er, unappreciated," You quickly say, speeding over to the two and shoving a bouquet into the blonde's arms, "Hello! There said it, now I'll leave you two to um... bond? Cheeribye!"

Erina and Jojo blink as you quickly leave in embarrassment, waiting a few moments before turning back to each other and looking over the flowers. Erina whispers, "Get the leaflet out, would you?"

"Yes, yes here it is," Jojo says before speaking up, "We're out of earshot now right? What flowers are there?"

"Hm, I think this is periwinkle? What's it mean?" Erina says, the two of them looking over the leaflet detailing different meanings of flowers, "Oh there it is! Tender recollections? Oh, that's adorable. And the orchids mean refined beauty! Me! I'm a refined beauty!"

"Quite so, I'd say! This is a good sign, dianthus is the pink flower, right?" Jojo grins, "This is so sweet, it symbolises pure love."

"Jojo I cannot commend you enough for this idea! Who'd have thought we'd figure out so much just by paying attention to the flowers we receive! Makes me wonder how much we missed in our youth," Erina says in wonder, looking into the Joestar's big blue eyes, "Aha! This is a declaration of love! The dianthus confirms it, Jojo, your gardener loves us both yet."

"What shall we now, my dear?"

"We shall do as the Romans do! Thanks to your archaeological knowledge it's clear that in ancient times people used to be in relationships with more than one person correct?" Erina pauses, waiting for the blue-haired lord to nod, continuing when he does, "Then we shall propose the idea to (Y/N) and sweep them off right off their feet and into our arms!"

"You're making this sound more devious than it is Erina," Jojo sighs, "But yes, we should try and court (N/N) before they think we're no longer viable partners and try to get with Speedwagon."


One week after Jojo is admitted to the hospital, 16th November 1888.

"Slow down you maniac! I should never have trusted you with this!" Speedwagon cries, desperately wrapping his arms around you in an attempt to stable himself, "I regret everything!"

You laugh, swerving his automobile along the road leading to the ruins of the Joestar estate again, spinning around the fountain so fast Speedwagon screams, "Stop this at once!"

"But Robbie! It's so nice having you this close after everything that's happened!" You laugh again and the blonde squawks indignantly into your neck.

"Don't use your tragedy as some lousy excuse to- to flirt with me! The likes of ogre street wouldn't even dare use such underhanded tactics!"

You hit the breaks dramatically and the automobile screeches and clanks to a halt. Speedwagon nearly goes flying but you grab him by the shirt and use the momentum to pull him into your lap. Cue scandalised Victorian gasp from Speedwagon.

"Are you saying I need excuses to flirt with beautiful people all of a sudden, Robbie?"

Speedwagon's whole face goes red which, goodness, is adorable- scar and all before his big ol' eyebrows furrow, "Why you no good flirt, I should-"

(N/N), Speedwagon, over here!" Jojo calls over to you both and whoah, what a blast from the past. Not only did he have Erina next to him but he was also wearing brown and his favourite bright pink colour from back when he was younger! Ugh, that's cute.

"Well if it isn't my three favourite people together all of a sudden! What er, brings you both here?" You ask, sliding Speedwagon off you and helping him out the automobile. As soon as you're out of the automobile yourself, Jojo and Erina swamp you with hugs.

"Oh you know, looking at the ashes of my family's ancestral home. Haha." Jojo says before looking at the lovely lady in blue next to him, "Erina and I were about to go on a walk, perhaps the two of you could join us?"

"It would be a great honour, Mr Joestar but I must say goodbye to those of my street gang who accompanied me here to Liverpool," Speedwagon says grinning awkwardly and tilting his hat downwards. The gesture is quickly interrupted by his sudden gasp, "Shit I need to say goodbye to my street gang!"

Before any of you can get a word out Speedwagon hops onto his automobile and leaves with some considerable swiftness.

A moment passes before Erina and Jojo turn back to you for a response.

"Oh right well um, I've got to take care of the garden I'm afraid. But I'd be happy to give you both some flowers when you return!" You grin, pointing at the gardens now visible on the other side of the ruins.

Jojo begins to say something about the fact that "Since I'm the one who owns the garden it wouldn't be much of a gift-"

But Erina merrily shooshes him, "Oh dear, seems it'll be just us then Jojo darling. I suppose we'll have to arrange a date all together some other time."

"You mean date as in what's on the calendar right m'lady?" You ask, the two of you leaning closer to Erina, waiting for a response.

"No," Erina responds bluntly, "As in I should like to court both you and Jojo. That sort of date. As though we were all young again I suppose."

You short circuit. Or well, since it's victorian times you just sort of go incredibly red in the face and your eyes widen as though Queen Victoria herself had decided to speak to you.

Erina motherfucking Pendleton wants to date you. AND JOJO. This is a day for much rejoicing, the best day of like your whole life. Erina deserves to get her pussy ate for how her contributions to the improvement of your life.

'AAHHHHHH,' You think.

"Goodness Erina! I didn't think you'd be so forward about this whole thing," Jojo exclaims hiding his red face in his hands, a funny picture considering how buff he is and Erina raises a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Ah but Jonathan we've discussed this already haven't we? Don't act innocent in wanting this all of a sudden," Erina says and your face is so, so, so red.


"W-Wait so Jojo, Erina, you both see me in a romantic sense?" You ask looking between them with shock. Dio was the one with this sort of luck, not you. Maybe it transferred onto you after you let him die?

Oh yeah. That.

Man, fuck that guy for ruining the best day of your life by dying because you left him impaled in a burning building.

"(N/N) you've delivered me from loneliness and misery with your bad humour and affection for so many years, I trust you with my whole heart. I'd now like to offer you that heart," Jojo says, redirecting your attention back to him by placing his large hands in yours, "What do you think about this? Since it's not really a traditional arrangement at all it's fine if you're not interested. We'd never make you do anything you don't want to... Just don't tell any police officers about this, yeah?"

"(Y/N) I missed you for so long after moving away. I'd dream of the sweet gardener who'd give me flowers and hold my hand when I was worried about growing up in a world where I was just an object. The little smiles you'd give after explaining I was so much more than anyone gave me credit for.  I thought I'd forgotten all about you after so many years but now I realise I never could. I missed you and Jojo so much because I loved you and after seeing you both smiling at me again after so many years has rekindled that youthful affection into something more. Something I want to pursue with you." Erina separates one of Jojo's hands from yours and holds them both.

"Okay," You say softly before focusing more attention on what you needed to say, "Okay. I love you both, I do. Yes, that's right, I do. Great. Would've prefered to say this in a more romantic setting or not immediately after I was flirting with Robbie but this is great. No complaints at all."

"That's settled then. Goodness, I'll admit I was somewhat nervous this wouldn't go down well. Jolly good," Jojo says cheerily.

"Good grief, there's no need to be so professional all of a sudden you two. It's about time you both got over the whole mutual pining for years thing!" Erina says and to make her point she takes you and Jojo's faces and smushes them together.

By the time you realise you're smooching Jojo on his nice soft rich people lips, you've already separated from each other. Blushing profusely you both turn to Erina.

"What? It's a good way to get all the tension out." Erina shrugs before finding her face is pulled in between your hands.

"Erina! While I'm sure there's lots of non-verbal consent going, on you of all people should respect other people's personal space!" You say, squishing her face cheeks together.

"(N/N)! Why would you bring that up?" Jojo says pulling you away from Erina so that he could look at you like a kicked puppy. A 6'5, 200 pounds of muscle puppy, "Is kissing me really so awful as to compare it to that experience?"

"Wha- No! Of course not! Stop fishing for compliments you- you! I know you just want me to compliment your kissing skills or something!" You say indignantly, waving your hands at Jojo in bafflement.

"Don't worry Jojo, I for one would be happy to compliment you on your 'kissing skills'. Though I might need a reminder of how your lips feel so that I can more accurately describe the experience," Erina says, voice lower than usual as she leans closer to Jojo and they start heatedly kissing.

Your whole face is bright red again and you try your hardest not to stare, instead squawking out a, "Suppose you should both be off on your walk now!"

You speed walk round the rubble to the back of the garden where you work, trying to hide behind some bushes as Erina and Jojo start laughing, able to see you now that the mansion no longer blocks the view.

It's still the best day of your life though. Because even if Jojo and Erina are relentlessly teasing you, you're still going out with them now.


Yeah, they poly. A trio. A triad. A collection of acquired tastes.

This took ages to write shhshshsj.

I really like the idea of Jojo and Erina trying to be all schemey when actually they're just dorks who really wanna date some pretty gardener.

Hope you enjoyed!

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