heal me [k. bakugou]

By MiddleClassWriter

149K 4.3K 1.2K

"id like to be alone," she sighed. he nodded his head and began to walk away from her; he stopped when he fel... More

act i
part ii
part iii
new book?


3K 117 50
By MiddleClassWriter

now playing tired by beabadoobee

"hello?" shigaraki answered the phone as it was handed to him. a low groan was heard on the other side.

"what exactly is your plan?" the older man huffed. "now that the boy is gone, what is your plan with the girl?"

shigaraki swallowed at the harsh tone. he hid his eyes behind his messy hair. "i don't know..." his voice trailed on until he was silent.

"well you can't keep her!" he shouted. "her face will be plastered everywhere— your face will be plastered everywhere," he growled. "they are looking for you."

"the plan was to keep her! you know that... i—the league needs a healer," shigaraki took a deep breath, for he was feeling very overwhelmed. "and she's nice to me," he murmured.

the man on the other side scoffed. "so what if she is?"

shigaraki bit his inner cheek. "she's nice to me, master," he echoed, this time with more confidence.

"she doesn't even know you—"

shigaraki interrupted quickly. "she knows me better than you ever tried to," he hissed and slammed the phone down. he huffed out a heavy breath before running his hands over his face. he knew that yuki didn't know him at all, but neither did he. not the way he thought he knew shigaraki. at least the girl was trying, considering he had kidnapped her.
finally shigaraki moved from behind the bar and he slowly slinked back to his bedroom.

he opened the door and he was met with yuki sitting at the top of the bed. she was quietly gazing out of the window. "oh," he sighed as he closed the door. "you're awake."

"im nice to you because you're nice to me," yuki mumbled as she continued to look outside. shigaraki pulled his hood up over his head and shuffled over to the bed.

"so you heard that," yuki nodded. she looked behind her and saw shigaraki crawling onto the bed.

shigaraki sat with his back against the wall, his hands stuffed in his pockets. yuki eyed the boy and his appearance. he had his hood pulled over more than half of his face, and his shoulders were concaved inward more than usual. the girl scooted closer to him, and sat on his left. she gently poked his thigh with her finger. "what're you thinking about?" she asked softly. "you look upset."

"you want to leave, don't you?"

yuki pulled her hand back from his leg. she fell quiet as she brought her knees up to her chest. shigaraki gazed down when he felt the weight of yuki's head being laid on his shoulder. "yes," she answered honestly. "but not for the reason you think."

"why?" shigaraki questioned, his dark eyes fluttering over her face. he resisted the urge to push her hair out of her face.

"why did you want me to stay?" yuki asked a question of her own. she moved her head slightly off of his shoulder bone.

"please," shigaraki breathed. "just answer my question."

"well, there's people there that care for me," yuki began.

"the people who heal you?" he interrupted softly. he watched as a soft grin spread across her lips.

"yeah, my healers," she giggled. shigaraki felt the corners of his lips begin to twist into a smile at the sound of her laugh. it was airy, and angelic. "and there is someone i would be leaving behind that needs me more than you might ever understand." yuki sighed as she remembered the ash blond. "that is if i were to stay here."

"with me," shigaraki mumbled, and his eyes finally met the girl's. her ice blue irises gazed into his before looking away.

"yeah," she nuzzled her head against his arm more. "with you."

shigaraki hesitantly leaned his head on top of yuki's. she quickly got comfortable under his touch after her mind marked it as innocent. "what if i said," shigaraki paused to make sure he would be phrasing his words right. "that i cared about you too?"

yuki brought her finger tips to his hoodie, and reached up to fidget with the strings that tighten his hood. she left out a soft chuckle. "you've known me for four days, tomura," yuki twisted the sting in her her fingertips, the small action catching shigaraki's attention. "how much could you care about me?" she questioned with the ghost of disbelief on her tongue.

shigaraki slouched his shoulders more, this forcing the two to huddle closer together. "more than i should," he sheepishly admitted. "and i tried not to because attachment never ends well for me but I figured you'd be sticking around... so it wouldn't matter if i got attached," he looked over to her to catch the girl with her eyes shut. shigaraki lifted his head from hers and caved into his craving. he lifted his hands from his pockets and gently pushed yuki's bangs out of her eyes. "there's just something about you, and i don't want that to go away."

his confession made yuki open her eyes and lift her head from his shoulder. shigaraki's hands lingered on her skin with the exception of his pinky fingers which were delicately lifted.

"that's why you hid me," she thought aloud. "when they came to rescue us," shigaraki nodded his head, ashamed of his actions.

"you make me feel like a better person," shigaraki slowly took his hands away from her face and toward his own neck. his finger nails sunk into his fragile skin as his nerves crept up. "i don't like being a bad person and you make me feel..." he stammered, feeling his face flush in embarrassment. "you make me feel like im good."

yuki pulled his strained and scared hands away from his aching neck, and set them in his lap. "you are good," she pressed softly. shigaraki noticed the now familiar action of yuki rubbing her hands together as if to grasp for warmth. "doing bad things doesn't make you a bad person— it simply means that you've been through too much," yuki pushed her hands onto either side of shigaraki's neck. he inhaled sharply at the zapping feeling of her fingertips. "and doing bad things has become your only form of control and safety."

shigaraki hung his head as the base of his neck started to coat with a comforting heat. he let out a soft hum as the girl messaged his skin. "are you sure i can't keep you?" he whispered, his breath landing soundly on yuki's wrists. she danced her palms underneath his jaw bone where the scars were the worst. yuki then chewed on her lower lip.

"you can't keep me."

she watched as the older pouted his lip slightly. "cant i?" he frowned, his voice as soft as a murmur as comfort clouded over his mind. "i have the power here."

"im sorry, tomura," she was interrupted as shigaraki wrapped his hands around her wrists. he gently pulled them away from his neck; his skin slowly fading of heat. "im not done—"

"you don't want to stay?" the softness and gentle desperation in his voice made the girl look down at their hands. he was being needy in the moment, but perhaps it was because he had never been needed before. his want for reassurance didn't bother yuki. yuki inhaled as she thought about what her future honestly held for her. she found herself giggling. "what is it, bunny?" shigaraki asked.

"its not that i don't want to stay, but they're looking for me— you too a-and the funny thing is," she furrowed her eyebrows slightly as more quiet, hushed laughs fell past her lips.

"what?" shigaraki pressed on as he became more interested.

"i dont even want to be a hero."

shigaraki shot his head up. "you don't?" he watched yuki shake her head. "then why are you studying at u.a?"

yuki inched her index finger toward his, and eventually linked them together. "honestly, i think i applied there to get away from my parents," yuki sighed deeply. "but then i actually got in— and to the hero course too."

"but you still want to go back?" shigaraki trailed his thumb gently up and down yuki's finger.

"yeah," she mumbled. "im not sure why considering i could never really make it as a hero on my own."

shigaraki flicked his eyes up at her. "don't say that—"

"it's true tomura," yuki huffed, staring at their intertwined fingers to distract herself. "i would never make it on my own, and im not needed enough to be a sidekick."

"you're needed," shigaraki interjected her soft rant. "you're needed places..." he reworded his phrase. "anyone would be lucky to have you."

yuki scooted closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder now that the two were sitting across from each other. "maybe im needed there," she mumbled against his shoulder. shigaraki shuttered at the vibrations of her words.

"maybe you're needed here," he moved his finger from hers and brought it up to her hair. very carefully, shigaraki started to play with the ends of her smoke colored locks.


"sorry ill stop trying to—" shigaraki pulled his hands away from her frame. he was planning on letting her continue to lay on him but he felt as though everything he was doing was too much. both his pleading for her to join his league and all of the small touches. though his eyes widened slightly when yuki reached aimlessly behind her in search of his hand. "c-careful," he whispered as she grabbed ahold of his palm.

"ill make a deal with you, tomura," yuki placed his hand back on her head.

"oh?" he raised an eyebrow and started to twist and twirl yuki's hair. "okay, humor me bunny."

"i feel as though u.a is where im meant to be right now," she explained. "but if im wrong and u.a isn't where im supposed to be," yuki continued and readjusted her head on his shoulder. "then ill come back."

shigaraki paused midway through braiding a small section of yuki's hair. "what?" he choked out.

"ill come back," she repeated. shigaraki let out a soft breath at her confirmation.


"i like it here," yuki let her hands find shigaraki's sweatshirt strings again. "well," she paused. "i like it here with you. you're nice to me," she recalled shigaraki's words from earlier in the morning.

"im nice to you because you're nice to me," he laughed as he also echoed her words. "and that doesn't happen very often."

"you're human," she smiled against his shoulder. "why would i treat you less than?"

"im not sure," he answered back. "but... are you serious?"

yuki lifted her head form his shoulder. she stared at him for a few moments, making shigaraki look away. "about coming back?"
he shyly nodded his head. yuki slowly moved her fingers up from his sweatshirt strings and to his face. as she cupped his cheeks gently in her hands, shigaraki tried his best not to flinch away from the kind gesture. "if it's meant to be," she paused and ran her thumbs up to push his hair out of his ruby eyes. "then ill come back."


so sorry for the late update! i
had my easter lunch today so
my afternoon was quite

also as i was writing this chapter i noticed
a few things i would like to clear up.

1) have you ever met someone and
immediately clicked with them? so much so that you are very comfortable with them from the beginning? that is exactly yuki and shigaraki's relationship is.

2) both shigaraki and yuki's love languages are physical touch which is why they are both so touchy with each other but the gestures are strictly innocent. (or are they? *alexa plays the one that got away* )

3) i know the past three chapters have been a bit of a detour from the main love storyline but that doesn't mean yuki will leave bakugou or not like him anymore. i swear!!

thank you if you read this far and i hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

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