
By Wolfdevilrose

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Hi, My name is Rainbow, given to me by my new friends and i'm a Neko. i love cuddles and when people are happ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Epilogue 2

Chapter 23

945 38 0
By Wolfdevilrose

i hug my tummy and groan. rolling around slightly with pain. i have cramps and they hurt, "Rain, Dear, is everything okay?" one of Wrath's Neices ask, walking over. i whimper and grab her hand.

"shift!" i demand, she looks shocked.


"Your devil form!" i growl and she looks surprised before her face goes into a devil form, similar to Wraths. i drag her arm with me while i roll in pain, gluing it to my stomach which revlieves only a bit...."Too warm!" i whimper and push her away.

"does your tummy hurt?" she asks and i whimper and wine, pushing my hand under my waist band to hold my lower abdomen. i begin to cry without tears, looking down to my tummy, "what can i do to help?" she asks and i look up to her....what can she do?.....

"i need water." i get up onto to crumble to the ground, the pain stitching my body to the fetal position, "I need a doctor, it hurts too much." i cry. she then picks me up into her arms and quickly rushes me through to the medical department, placing me down on a bed.

"his stomach-"

"right!" i am slowly straightened out and given some water, a hand brushes and rubs over my stomach making me tense but the pain slowly goes away. i look up to see a farie, "better?" she asks and i sniffle and nod, "it's okay, you are fine." she smiles, "your cramps were just your body changing." she nods and i stare at her.. and then Wrath's neice, then back to the doctor. "just drink a lot of water." she smiles, "and rest and go outdoors more too, your lacking vitimin D." she nods and i slowly nod after her, "okay." she then walks away awkwardly.....

"my body's changing?" i ask her, looking up curiously to her. she smiles.

"yes, although it's overdue, i guess your body is changing, may be she means like puberty?" she asks and i hum.......what's puberty? i haven't heard of that word before.......why does it change my body? why does it hurt so much? is it a bad thing?........i really need Master Wrath. 

i'm lead through the halls, my hand in Wrath's nieces. she smiles down at me warmly and i look to her, "what's your name?" i ask curiously and she hums.

"mmmmmGuess!" she smiles and my face pales.....oh dear....i'm not good at guessing games.....i always get them wrong. plus, i don't know that many names, so how would i be able to guess her name, "Okay, it's Halie, but call me Hal." i smile up at her.

"a very pretty name." i smile politely to her, "thank you for coming with me." i say to her, walking into the room.

"it's alright, your like a little kid you just want to cuddle all day." she laughs making me giggle.

"oh, i love Cuddles, my mummy used to give me loads and loads of cuddles, but then i never saw him again and i missed him bunch, but now i have Master Wrath and he gives me a big bunch of cuddles, he's very warm and cozy." i say to her making her smile.

"ah, Uncle Wrath is a big softy secretly, but quick tempered." she nods and i agree.

"talking about me behind my back is rude!" i Squeal and jump out of my skin. they all laugh at my over dramatic reaction to him scaring me. i pant lightly, my eyes glossy from the fight. he pulls me into his arms and i hug him tightly, snuggling into him, "talking about your parents-" he hums before turning me around. i just look at them before my eyes brighten. i squeal and run up to them.

"MUMMY!" i jump into his arms and reach over to daddy, "I missed you." i whimper and they both hug me tightly.

"happy birthday baby." i look up to them in confusion.

"Birthday?" i ask them, they smile and nod.

"your eighteen today." dad says and i just sit there silently before my eyes well with tears, remembering all my other birthdays. my breathing picks up and i push to get out of their arms, "Rain!" 

"No-" I wine, "NO!" I shout and push away from them before falling to the floor, slipping out of their arms.

"RAIN?" mum goes down to get me but i rush to my feet and step away from them crying.

"Rain, tell us what-" i move away from Wrath and begin to cry, seeing everyone has surrounded me. i crouch to the floor and hug my head, shaking in fear.

"PLease-no!" i whimper and sob.

"Rain, nobody's going to hurt you, just because it's your birthday, it doesn't change anything." Wrath tells me firmly. i sniffle and whimper.

"oh my baby boy-" i peek up to mum who's crying into daddy's chest. he holds him tightly while he cries over my painful mental state. i sniffle and look up to everyone.

"what did they do to you?" he asks softly to me. i shake my head and hug my knees tightly, my tail curling around me in a way that hides any glimps of my bum. "Rain, what did they do?!" he asks firmly and i sob.

"they stuck bunches and bunches of needles in my arm that made me go funny and it hurt and i felt sick and i was dizy and everything looked scary and then they brought bunches of plants through and destroyed them all before sticking their dirty stupid cocks in me and I HATE IT!" i scream at the top of my lungs, everyone just standing their, "They'd they'd get this thing that with cut my skin in a way that was so painful, for the whole week, they'd be pushing me to the edge of DEATH and it's the worst week ever because they'd give me medicine that would stop me from sleeping so i couldn't get any rest-" i whimper before crying, "they wouldn't knock me out either, i'd normally pass out from pain, but not on my birthday, it's a continuous pain that doesn't end until the week is over." i sob.

"they?" Wrath whispers stiffly.

"THEY!" i shout before crying some more, "The only time Master would let any one else enter me is my brithday week, and no matter how much i cried they just wouldn't listen." i cry histerically. arms grab me making me cry and thrash.

"I'm not going to hurt my baby boy, Rain-" he whimpers, ears flat to his head as i stare up in fear, but he pulls me tightly to his chest, dispite my struggles i end up just falling limp and crying it all out. 

Wraths POV

the anger i feel towards these bastards is growing at an impossible rate. "Wrath-" i look up to my brother and he passes me a sweet. i roll my eyes. that sweet used to range from a siggar to some illegal as shit he's got Kids, he can't. "Wrath-" he throws another one to me, each time, breaking me from my train of thought mefore i growl furiously and throw them as hard as i can back at him. he tackles me to the ground as i throw punch after punch at him, the others diving into the battle, the sisters staying out of it while they set bets on who's gonna win, me.....Against them! 

"Come on big guy, you've gotten weak!" they mock me, working as hard as they can to anger me to the point of their deaths, just to get me to calm down. they know i find it hard when i can't protect someone i care about. wether i'm weaker or stronger then them, if i care about them and i can't stop their suffering, the anger will just keep rising. 

"What's this? Fat?!" i drive my fist so hard into my younger brothers face, the impact of his back and the wall sends a crack straight through it. 

"God, your so slo-" i snap. i roar in absolute anger and drive each and everyone of them into a two hour coma. when i'm done, i'm in the middle of a pile of bodies. 

i run my fingers through my hair to brush it out of the way before leaving the room of a silent croud. non of them expecting me to go that far in the time i did it in. "take that for Fat and slow assholes." i grumble before exiting going to my room.

"feel better?" i sigh and just keep walking.

"i guess." i mumble walking beside the former king of my kingdom. 

"i'm sure you'll find him, if anyone was to, it would be you, Rain knows that too." he says to me, i look to my feet before someone is placed over my shoulders. i tilt my head and look up to the sleeping child that's now using my head as a pillow, "you've not met him yet, your newest Brother." he says softly, getting what he means.

"i don't visit enough i guess." i mumble and he chuckles.

"correct." he simply says.

"Retirment made you insane." i point out making him smirk.

"I agree, and it seems love has made you sane again." he fires back making me scoff.

"I was always sane-"

"No, you really wasn't." he cuts me off. i swollow my next few words before i get openly pissed again. i do admit, their was a time where if anyone was to even glance my way i'd snap and beat them to a pulp, i used to think that they were judging me, planning something against me, trying to do something...bad. dangerous. but then i was sent to the academy to work in a place filled with people who look at you with judging eyes, who threaten you to your face and don't give a shit about the fact that you could kill them like that. 

i eventually understood the difference between dangerous enemies and Dangerous allies. it helped. a lot. 

non of them know why i grew so paranoid and angry, non of them understood me in any way. but it was just because i didn't understand life or anything to it. it wasn't like Rain, who has someone now to explain everything to them. you learned things for yourself. how to fight. how to loose. how to hunt. how to kill. it's all self taught. i guess something in my child mind wasn't mature enough to handle the types of shit i saw while growing up. the things i experienced. but i understand now and i'm better, but i'd never want another child to go through that fear. that panic. my little brother will likely go through something. it's a matter of how strong he is. 

i wasn't strong enough to cope. the difference between me and my siblings is, they were strong enough to cope. i wasn't. my brother got attention from father, while i witnessed their teachings. the fights, the battles. i also looked down and saw my other siblings doing the same thing and i just remembered questioning everything and every question was met with the same answer, work it out for yourself

my decline meant my younger siblings would see the difference between me and my older brother and decide life looks better from my brothers point of view so we'll follow him instead. it took a while for my brother to realise what was happening and how everyones reaction to my mental state was effecting me, so he tried to get help, tried to help me, help them understand why i was finding it hard. which lead to the fight you just witnessed.

they'd all fight against me to the point i'd lash out. this way i found my strength and found i'm not someone weak and vulnerable that no one thought to pay attention to, so everytime i'd look like i'm declining, they'd piss me off to remind me i'm stronger then everyone............but the titans....

fucking titans.

i'm good, but the titans....if i was a titan i'd be like.....ppffft STRONG. but i'm not a titan. but i do practice with the titan kings.

"i'm surprised to know your mate is such oposite to you." he mentions making me hum.

"i was oblivious at first, he was terrified of everything at first, but i didn't actually care. i treat him as i would anyone else who walked into my academy in the state he did. but unfortunatly, my carelessness through him into a fucking heat which triggered my rut and it was......a cycle." i explain, glancing over to him, his brows are furrowd before he smirks.

"congradulations." he simply says making me stop, "i'm sure you'r going to be a great father." i huff.

"he can't get pregnant, he's not a carrier!" i snap at him making the child on my shoulders shift and wine. i shsh them, letting them return to sleep.

"if he went into heat, that means he can." he hums, making me look over, "you don't see me going into heat, or your brothers going into heat, yes, we go into rut, but that's different, we can't carry, but we want children, so we simply fuck anything that can." i sigh, "a heat is the same, the difference is, they need something to sooth it, to fuck and to be fucked." i roll my eyes.

"He can't carry-"

"his mother is a man-"

"yes, because of surgery-"

"So?" he stops, i come to a stop and just look at him, "i've not spoken to that boy yet, but i've seen him. although he's childlike, he is highly femenine, the motherly instinct when he was shown your brothers new born, what Man reacts so AWWW, look at tha likkle bebe-" i let out a breath.

"you." i mutter-"

"don't be stubborn, Wrathenal!" he snaps at me making me slouch, "STOP slouching!" he hisses. i roll my eyes and continue walking, "you act like a teenage!" he huffs. "He went into HEAT!" he says, stepping in front of me before slapping me around the cheek as if to wake me up, "if a woman doesn't have overies, she wouldn't have a period!" he snaps at me....that's a point.....i look to him......"If Rain didn't have overies or a reproductive system of a female, he wouldn't have a heat!" he snaps. 

"oh for fucks sake!" i complain, "Why'd you only just tell me?!" I snap at him. he groans loudly before walking......."am i a dad!"

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