Natasha Romanoff - Fluff One...

By slidingglassdoor

359K 9.9K 4.4K

A compilation of one shots with Natasha Romanoff. Pretty much all fluff because who doesn't love some good ol... More

Sugar Rush
Water Bottle
Car Journey
New Friend
This Is War
Time Out
You Over Her
Read To Me
In Exile
Noise Cancellation
Video Games
The Bear
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day 2
Morning & Night
Bunk Buddies


14.7K 344 203
By slidingglassdoor

You had just started at a new school in New York ever since becoming an Avenger. This was the same school as Peter and you guys were really great friends around the compound. You had only been at school for around 3 days now. People knew you as an Avenger. But after the attack on New York, some of your classmates were a little hostile considering they had friends and family injured or killed in the battle. They blamed you for it.

At exactly 7:15, as per usual, you hear your painfully loud alarm clock begin to beep. Rolling over you slapped the top of it, turning it off and began rubbing your eyes, stretching your limbs as you did so. You sat up, leaning up against the headboard and picked up your phone off of the bedside table, hissing a little at the sudden brightness. Once your eyes adjusted you could see that you had a few notifications littering your lock screen.

MESSAGES (17 mins ago)
Natasha: Morning sweetheart. Wanda and I went for coffee, but I'll be back in time to take you to school so don't panic when you wake up.

MESSAGES (39 mins ago)
Tony: I'll be home around midday so I'll see you when you get back from school kiddo.

SMHW (1 hour ago)
You have 1 out of 1 task still to be completed.

You groaned, getting up out of bed and going about your normal school morning routine. You shower, then get dressed, eat breakfast, then sit on your phone in the living room with Peter for 15 mins until Nat was ready to drop the two of you off. Obviously this morning Nat was out and so you had to wait for her to get back. Whilst scrolling through TikTok you get a notification...

MESSAGES (just now)
Natasha: I'm in the car on the driveway, grab Peter and let's go.

"Who was that?" Peter asks, looking up from his phone. "Nat..." you say, standing up and slinging your backpack over your shoulder and heading towards the door. "...race ya!" You bolted for the door and hear Peter chasing close behind. The two of you burst out of the compound doors and scramble to the car where Nat is waiting.

She started laughing at the sight of the two of you looking so happy and hyper at 8:00 in the morning. "SHOTGUN!" You yell, now miles ahead of Peter and you climb into the passenger seat and place your bag on the floor before buckling up. You give Nat a quick peck on the lips and a mischievous smile before whipping your head back around to look at Peter still running towards the car. You and Nat burst out laughing as you watch his run slow down into a jog and he's still only half way down the drive.

While you're alone you face back to look at Nat and she's looking at you with a huge smirk on her face. You notice her gaze seems to flick between your sleepy-looking eyes, your lips, and the rapid rise and fall of your chest as you let out light pants from all of that running you just did. "Good morning, my love." she coos, scrunching up her nose at just how adorable you are this morning. "Morning!" you say still a little short-winded. You both lean in over the console of the car and give each other a lingering kiss before the moment is broken by Peter hauling himself into the car. You set off towards school.

-you arrive at school and Nat parks up-

"Thanks Miss Romanoff!" Peter exclaims before he jumps out of the car and rushes towards the school before she can even respond. "Someone's eager." she comments as you put your bag on your shoulder and go to get out. "Hey!" she says, grabbing your shoulder. "Be good okay? You'll do great." You give her a small smile before getting out and heading into school.

-it's currently lunchtime-

You stumble out of the cafeteria, an apple in hand as you head down the hallways. Too busy paying attention to your feet, you bump into a girl by accident. "SORRY!" you gasp, a look of genuine worry and concern on your face. "Oh look who it is... the irrelevant Avenger. Aren't you the one with the same powers as Wanda? They don't need you you're just a benchwarmer." They chucked and so did the two girls they were accompanied by.

You'd never seen this person before but they seemed to know all about you. Or should I say... they seemed to loathe you. You ignore their comment and go to brush past them and carry on walking, but you're stopped when you feel a hand on your chest and you're shoved into the wall. "Hey wh-" you're cut off by a harsh slap to the face. That was it, you're fight or flight mode had engaged. You swung your fist and nailed them right in the head. A fight broke out between the two of you, arms and limbs being thrown around. It was soon broken up by a teacher. They pulled the two of you apart and sent the both of you to the principals office. You had a cut on your lip and a small, bleeding slash above your eyebrow.

-outside the principals office-

You sat, head in hands, on a chair outside the principals office. For some reason, the other girl who you fought was let off and went back to class. This made you so mad considering they were the one who started it. You had already spoken to the principal who told you that if anything like this happened again, you would be permanently excluded, but for now, you have a 3 day suspension. He had called the compound and someone was coming to pick you up and take you home.

Still with your head in your hands, looking down at your feet, you heard the clacking of heels get louder and louder as someone was coming down the hallway. You felt a hand ruffle your hair and you looked up to see Nat pass by and walk up to the principal, she didn't look at you.

"Miss Romanoff, Y/N decided to get into a fight with another student today, so we are having her suspended for 3 days." "b-" you tried. "until then, her teachers will email the work over and she'll have to do it from home." She glared at you, making eye contact, which you quickly broke by staring down at your fingers while you played with them. "Thank you, principal, I'm sure she won't let this happen again. I'll make sure of it." she added, her tone seeming very passive aggressive and a little harsh. She shakes hands with the principal as walks back down the hallway as you jump up and follow behind, maintaining a safe distance. Who knows what she was going to do. She seemed pretty mad.

Neither of you said anything until you made it to the car. When you got in, she didn't start up the engine, instead she set her keys down and made herself comfortable in the driver's seat. Oh god, time for a lecture. "What did I tell you?! What did I JUST tell you before you went to school this morning?! Your job is to fight, but that's clearly not enough action for you seeing as you wanna do it at school too-" Oh she was mad. Her arms were folded and her brow was furrowed. You daren't make eye contact, she was scary when she was mad. "Nat its not like that I-" "QUIET!" she cut you off. "Why do you have to stir up trouble? Hmm? Why? All you had to do was behave. Keep to yourself. And you couldn't even do that!!"

"Nat please listen I wasn-" "What could you possibly have to say Y/N?" She could see tears start to form in your eyes as you fiddled with the rings on your fingers. She hated seeing you cry or even sad for that matter. It made her question what went wrong today. Just this morning you were happy and playful, chasing Peter to the car, and here you are sobbing in the passenger seat of her car, with cuts all over your face, on the verge of tears. Seeing as she was an ex-assassin, a couple more seconds of observation made her realise that you were not guilty and that she shouldn't be blaming you for anything.

She let out a loud sign and eased her brow. "Talk to me." she said in a softer voice, showing signs of sympathy. "Nat, please just listen... I was just minding my business when I bumped into this girl. I apologised and tried to move on but she pushed me into the wall and slapped me. I-I don't know what happened but I just hit her. Nat I'm so sorry I didn't mean it, I would never do something like that, I-I don't know what came over me." You were now crying. Tears flooding down your cheeks and hands shaking. She leant over and wiped the tears from your eyes gently with the back of her fingers. She tucked some hair behind your ear and her fingers trailed down your jaw before stopping under your chin. She lifted your chin to look at her and she looked a lot less mad than you thought she would.

She smiled and slowly scratched your chin. "I believe you." she said reassuringly. You smile, knowing you aren't in trouble and reach up to grab her arm, the one that is caressing your cheek and you rest your head in her palm. "Besides... now you get to spend more time at home with me." she smirked. You giggle and you set off back to the compound. She lazily strokes your hair as your head is laying on the console of the car, completely exhausted and sore after the fight. Occasionally when you would reach a red light she would lean down and place a delicate few kisses on your bruised cheek. Thank god she understood you. If she couldn't, it's safe to say you probably would've been dead right about now.

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