Destiny Of the Butterfly Neck...

By NurainiSalleh

1.9K 108 115

Get ready for a juicy side story, a spinoff of the Aurora series! Meet Risa Yamamoto, the ultimate right-hand... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 11 (Edited)

59 3 2
By NurainiSalleh

Hi guys! I finally had the time to write, well I kinda have the time, i suddenly had an inspiration to write this chapter and I was happy to have been able to write again. I was really sad that I didn't have the inspiration to write for quite a long time and I appreciate my readers for being patient with my writing and my stories and all the delays of the chapters to come out.

So, thank you all for being patient with me and hopefully, this chapter would somehow make up for not writing as much as I would like to. please continue to be patient with me and hopefully, I can give you guys more great content in my stories.

thank you to all my readers who have been there since the beginning of this story or even a bigger thank you to readers who are still reading both of my stories, I really appreciate the reads and votes. love you guys!!!

Okay, now on with the story!!!

Brandon's POV

"'s on mine and Ryo's birthday." Risa said and i was so shocked that we would be getting married on her and Ryo's birthday!

"Wow! That means we would be getting married on your birthday?" I chuckled. "So that means i have to give you 2 gifts on our anniversary." i said as while she was sitting at the dining room table with her laptop in front of her. "and also a gift for Ryo too since it's his birthday too since you both are twins and share a birthday. ut of course i have to buy yours first since you are going to be my wife." he chuckled again.

"I guess so." she looked back at me, while having a smirk on her face.

I cleared my throat and gulped "So, i guess we'll meet up on 1st june and get on with the ceremony, sign the marriage license and we would officially be married! And you Risa Yamamoto would be Mrs Brandon Johnson or should i say Mrs Risa Johnson."

"Hmm, i think i like the sound of that!" she said to me while stood up from her chair she was sitting on near her laptop to looking at me adoringly like she did in the Cafe. The same way i was looking at her i guess. I just realised how beautiful Risa had gotten to be, and how mature and so grown up she is, so independant.

*She is daring, she is confidant and I love that about her. I would be marrying her tomorrow, i would be marrying this grown woman who i met when we were just teenagers and now i would love to meet this new woman that Risa has become."

"Umm, Brandon? About what happened at the restaurant?" she then looked up at me with a worried expression on her face.

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Well, i really love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, and when we were at the restaurant looking at each other like that, i wanted to love you, to be with you, to be intimate with you after we are married of course. is it too forward for me to say all that?"

"You kidding me, of course it's not, you are expressing your feelings for me Risa and i love that about you. i think we are taking this a little slow yet beautifully and i love that we are taking it a little slow because we are taking our time. The time i remember my relationship being fast is when me and Allie kissed on our first date!" i then looked at her and saw that she was looking at me angrily.

"Uh, i mean-" i began gulping nervously. "I shouldn't have mention that. i apologize Risa." i said to her, her eyes soften a little and she then smiled at me.

"It's okay Brandon, i know you didn't mean to mention and plus your previous relationship was a year ago and it's still pretty new, i understand, remember, i was married once before, so i know what it's like to remember some memories of your previous partner. But... for now i want to focus with the wonderful and beautiful relationship and marriage that i am going to start with you Brandon." Risa said as she started blushing a little and smilling too as she looked at me, her face turned red like a tomato, exactly as it did when we first met in high school.

The more that I looked at her right now, the more I realised how beautiful she looks and how much she has changed since high school. She gets even more beautiful when she blushes and smiles and how she looked so comfortable and calm and collected, and to tell you the truth, I feel calm too, more calmer than I have ever felt before. And it's all because of her.

I remember when i was with Allie but the way i was around her wasn't the same feeling as how i'm around Risa right now. Being near Allie was so different, it was familiar but wasn't as calming as this. I feel like I am looking someone who i precious to me because I am looking at some who i love and cherish. A person i want to spend the rest of my life with and take care of her.

I feel happy with her right now, I feel happier with Risa near me and once we are married, i want to cherish her even more than now, I think I really love her but am I sure that this love is because of her companionship or is it more than that?

"Oh, Risa!" I looked up to see 2 people walking into the apartment and they had a stroller with them which looked like it was meant for 2 babies, which when i saw inside i was correct since i saw 2 babies sleeping in their stroller. The woman looked at me and smiled widely at me and then she started to speak to me. "And you must be Brandon! Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you!" she exclaimed.

"Hey Brandon" the guy called me and started to smile at me and suddenly he hugged me in a friendly way like we were friends before which i feel like we were since he seems so familiar to me. This man was kinda tall. "You still remember me?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Probably, you do look familiar to me."

"It's me! Ryo! Ryo Yamamoto! Risa's brother?" i was so shocked, it was Ryo!

The reason why I was so shocked is because the last time I saw Ryo, he was this skinny little kid who almost always got sick often. And look at him now! He is tall and not skinny anymore, quite muscular now and he looks very different from when i remembered him last time. Wow! Both of them changed so much! I don't think I changed much at all since high school.

"Ryo! Wow! How are you man! Wow! What happened to you?! I remember you were this skinny little kid I had to look after when Risa was sick."

He smiled and grinned at me. "Yeah, well this is what happened after years of training with Risa and my Dad. i'm not that kid anymore." he said as he shrugged.

"And I heard from Risa that you got married and had kids, twins right?" I asked.

"Yeah, and this is my beautiful wife Vienna." he said while he introduced his wife to me.

"Nice to meet you Vienna" I said and she looked at me happily and cheerfully, her expression is so excitedly cheerful. "Hi there! Nice to meet you Brandon" she exclaimed. So this is Ryo's wife? she is really a good match for him, she seems like a very fun person and perky too.

"Brandon! we are almost going to be family soon! We are going to be in-laws!"

"Well,that 'almost' is going to be 'almost definitely' since i was looking at the application form the marriage license!" Risa exclaimed.

"Oh really? Wait, if you apply for the marriage license today, that means you will officially get marrie on." Vienna said and then gasped when she realised that the day i am getting married on is Ryo's and mine's birthday.

Risa paused for a while looking excited and finally said. "Yup! It's on 1st June!"

"Wait?! You might be getting married on our birthday?!" Ryo said and we both actually looked worried because we don't know how Ryo is going to take it, it is his and Risa's birthday after all. His face then lit up. "Congrats! I am so happy for you guys!" and he hugged us both at the same time.

Ryo then pulled back and had a worrisome look on his face. "Risa...Did you tell mama and papa about this yet?"

I looked at Risa and her eyes were wide opened, she then had a shocked yet worried, shocked and panic tone in her voice and she was speaking in Japanese, which i know she sometimes does when she is in panic mode about something "Oh no! Okāsan ya otōsan ni wa iwanakatta (I didn't tell mom or dad.)"

"Nani?! Naze anata wa karera ni iwanakatta nodesu ka? (what?! Why didn't you tell them?)" Ryo asked.

"Sukoshi isogashikute wasurete shimaimashita (I was a little busy and forgot)" said Risa still having a panic tone in her voice.

I looked at Ryo and he sighed at her comment and reaction. To be honest, it slipped my mind about asking Risa's dad's permission to marry her, I hadn't even met the guy yet. I actually did want to ask for Trent's permission to marry Allie at first, but I thought I should ask her first because she was acting strange and very distant lately and I was 50/50 on proposing to her because I already guessed that she might say no but did it anyway.

I also thought that Trent didn't mind me asking his daughter to marry me without asking his permission because our families were so close. It was a big mistake and a bad move on my part to not have asked him first, a really BIG mistake!

I heard from my dad that her now husband actually did ask Trent for his permission to marry Allie and it kinda made me sad and jealous on how he accepted the guy so easily and I got scolded and punched by him instead. But that's because of the mishap and argument I had with Allie at the bar, and what I called her, that was my BIGGEST mistake.

I shouldn't have called her that, I should have known better than to call a woman that word and argue with her knowing what she has been through. But I am not going to make the same mistake with Risa!I am going to ask her dad's permission, hopefully he won't get mad, maybe he won't get mad that I am marrying his daughter right?

Ryō, Risa, okāsan to otōsan ni ima sugu denwa shinai?(Ryo, Risa, why don't you call your mom and dad right now?) I asked them in Japanese and they all just stared at me widely. "So we can call them first and then go visit them? i want to ask your dad for your hand in marriage Risa."

"Brandon i would like for you to meet my dad and it would be nice if you ask him for my hand my marriage." Risa then started blushing. "Wait, i want to ask you something, Brandon, you can speak Japanese? You know Japanese?!" Risa asked me with a shocked expression on her face.

"Hai(yes)" I replied to Risa who still has a shocked expression on her face, same with Ryo and Vienna.

Ryo then started asking me while trying to find the right questions to ask "When did you? I mean how did you? Where did you?"

"Well, you see when i was in high school i took spanish right? And then when i went to college i thought it would be fun to learn a 3rd language and i remember that i learned a little bit of Japanese from Risa." I paused to take a deep breath. "And coincidentally, there was a Japanese language course in my college, so i thought 'why not? Right?"

"So you took a japanese language course in college and now you can converse in Japanese?" Risa asked while smiling widely at me.


"Wow! It is good that you now can converse in Japanese Brandon! That means if you ever meet my family, you can actually talk to them and you wouldn't need me or anyone else to translate for you, you would know what my family is saying! and you won't feel like you are out of the conversation." Risa exclaimed and she looked like she was going to start jumping for joy.

Risa then suddenly gasped and looked at me with wide eyes. "My mother and grandmother are going to love you" she said to me in a seriously weird way.

"So besides that, where would you guys be getting married? Where would the wedding venue be? and can you guys really pull off a whole wedding in that short amount of time?" asked Vienna.

"Umm." Risa paused and started to clear her throat. "Well, umm, why don't we get mama and papa on the phone first and then I can tell all of you guys the details." She said as she took her phone out of her pocket and started scrolling through her contacts for one of her parent's numbers, pressed the call button and put it on speaker.

The phone was ringing and after a few rings, someone picked up and it was a women's voice. "Hello?" said the woman on the other end of the phone.

"Oh hey mama, it's Risa."

"Oh Risa! How are you? Why are you calling? Is something wrong?" the woman asked her.

"Oh nothing's wrong and i'm fine mama. Umm mama? Is papa there with you?"

"Oh yeah, he is here, wait a minute, i get him on the phone." the woman said.

"Oh okay, I just wanted to tell you guys something, oh and also Ryo and Vienna are with me..."

"HI MAMA!" both Ryo and Vienna said in unison again.

"Hi! she replied back.

"And also i wanted to introduce you and dad to someone mama, can we video call? So you can meet him, his name is Brandon?"

"Brandon? you want us to meet a guy?" the woman said with a curious and confused tone in her voice, if i were in her shoes i would be confused too.

"Yes mama, i want you to meet a guy. A special guy i want to spend the rest of my life with as his spouse." Risa said as she looked at me adoringly.

"Wait, what? your dad is here, Reiji, Risa, Ryo and Vienna is on the phone and also they want us to meet someone, it is a guy, i think our daughter found a new spouse. she said as she was explaining to her husband.

"What?!" i then suddenly heard a man's voice. "A new spouse?"

"Yeah, wait, they want to video call us, let me change it to video call, so we can see this new spouse Risa want to introduce to us."

From the voice call, her mother called her back by video call and I can see the woman's face and also the man's face too from Risa's phone. The phone was facing Risa but I was still able to see the woman's face clearly and I was surprised.

The woman looked exactly like Risa but older, she was an exact copy of Risa, the resemblance is uncanny! and from seeing the man face, Ryo's dad looked like Ryo but older or should i say he looked like his dad but younger.

"Mama, Papa, so the reason i called mama and asked mama to video call me is because i wanted to tell you both something and that something is that..." Risa paused for a while and then suddenly burst out her voice in excitement. "I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!"

"WHAT?!?!?! Who is the person? Is the person that you wanted me to meet is your fiance?"

"YES!!!" Risa then turned her phone facing me. "Here he is! Brandon met mama and papa, and mama, papa meet Brandon. Brandon Johnson!"

Once the woman saw my face, her expression changed rather quickly, she had a shocked expression on her face while her husband had also a shocked at first but then turn into a neutral expression as he looked at me. When Risa's mom and dad had that shocked expression, i didn't know what the expression meant, at one point in my mind, I thought that maybe, just maybe they didn't expect their future son in law to be 'black'. I know there are some people who would still be bothered with mixed race couples or parents being uncomfortable with their child being with someone of a different race or colour.

I really thought that was the case but then i realised something and it made me feel better and took that idea out of my head. It was because I just remembered and realized that their own daughter-in-law is black too and maybe they were shocked because of something else.

When I saw her face again, it had changed to a warmer expression, she had a very warm smile on her face but she looked like she was about to cry. But her tears weren't tears of sorrow but i guess tears of joy?

"Oh hi Brandon! Welcome to the family! I can't wait to meet you in person, so when is the wedding?" she asked me.

"Umm, actually before i tell you the date of the wedding, i wanted to ask you, Mrs Yamamoto and also you too Mr Yamamto." i said facing both of my about to be mother-in-law and father-in-law.

"Oh, sure Brandon. Go on ahead and ask us your question." said Mrs Yamamoto as i saw husband looking at me sternly.

" I know this might be quite a sudden question, especially since i am and marry your daughter. But could you give me the honor of marrying your beautiful daughter." i asked them and they eyes widened when they look at me, especially even the dad who had a stern looking face, his eyes widened when i asked this question.

"Well Brandon, i would like for you to marry our daughter, what about you honey?" said Mrs Yamamoto.

"Well, my daughter's happiness means alot to me and my wife and also her well being, while this maybe sudden, and since my wife agree that she would like you to marry our daughter and so would i too, you seem like a decent young man, So you have our permission as her parents to marry our daughter." he said smilling at me. "She seems quite happy with you, so please take good care of daughter well being too as her soon to be husband."

I can see Risa smilling widely at me with joy that her parents gave me their permission to marry her, i am happy too.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Yamamoto, and to answer your previous question, the wedding is on 1st June at city hall." Both my mother-in-law and father-in-law expressions changed again to a shocked ones.

"1st June?! City hall?! Risa!" Risa then turned her phone now facing her and Risa started to grin nervously at her mother. "1st June?! That is way too short and City Hall?! Is this a quickie shotgun wedding?! Risa, you aren't-

"No mama." Risa suddenly had a sad look on her face and then she started to mumble something. "You know that i won't do that and also it is impossible" the room went silent for a while.

I was confused as to why the atmosphere changed so fast from Risa's reply to her mother. Am I missing something? And why did Risa say that it is impossible? Maybe i should ask her next time when it's convenient.

"Well" i heard her mom sigh. "Since you are getting married at City Hall, maybe you can tell us what time we should be there? are there anymore guestes coming, what about your big brother Kei, did you tell him yet?"

"Well, when we start applying for our marriage licence, it would probably be 5pm tomorrow. For the guests, Brandon and i thought of keeping it small by only having close friends and family"

So after that, Risa, her mom and I started discussing who is attending the so called ceremony and who would sign as the witnesses. Risa had a bigger guest list than mine! She wanted to invite her cousin and his wife and she called 2-5 friends that can attend the ceremony.

All that is left is my side, i wanted to invite my parents too but i don't think they would support a quickie wedding, so i thought of asking my sister Renee to attend the wedding instead. Renee was shocked when i told her that i was getting married and she kinda freaked out yet excited yet angry at the same time?

She was angry because i didn't tell her that i was already meeting someone and getting married so quickly but then she got excited that she is the first in my side of the family to know about all this. She did eventually convince me to tell mom and asked her to come to my wedding which in the end i really thought about it and i really wanted my mother to be there.

She has stood by my side since I was a kid, when dad had to ''work', mom took care of me. When dad kept getting in and out of the hospital and I was sad to see my dad lying on the bed unconscious, she was there to comfort me and I did the same with her through those days. I want her to come and see me get married but i also want her to finally meet Risa, the woman that i am going to spend the rest of my life with. I really hope mom likes Risa as much as I do.

I went back home at night and I saw mom in the kitchen cooking. She loves cooking at night. She makes her best meals at night. I was about to sneak up on her but......

"Don't you dare Brandon Johnson, I am holding a wooden spoon right now. Do not make me whoop your butt with it." she said and she slowly placed the wooden spoon on a piece of cloth beside her and turned off the stove.

"Sometimes i think that you have eyes at the back of your head mom." i said jokingly to her.

Maybe I do and maybe I don't" she said jokingly back to me. "Now tell me why you came back home so late? Do you want to tell me something?" she asked me.

I was so shocked at how she figured that out so fast. "Uhh, how did you know?"

"Renee called me and said you wanted to talk to me about something important, so spill!" She said to me and I held her hand and guided her to the chair which was facing the stairs while I was on the couch that was facing the TV.

We sat down and I was feeling really nervous about telling her what is going on and asking her to come to my wedding. The feeling of anxiety and nervousness that I have right now is like me telling my parents I flunked my test at school but worst, because what I am about to tell her is a big deal and she as my mother has the right to know.


"Yes Brandon, son what's wrong? Is everything okay, did something happen?"

"Well yes and no" i started stuttering. "I mean, yes everything is okay and no, nothing happened but also something did happen."

"Brandon, you can tell me anything. I am your mom, I love you and if you are in trouble, me and your dad can help."

*Dad...That's another can of worms I need to face.*

"Well, mom you know that i intentionally wanted to marry Allie and it didn't work out and now she is married right?" I paused and started trying to tell her in another way. "Mom? What if, hypothetically, I met a girl and wanted to marry her?"

"Well, i want to meet the girl you are going to marry first of course and also i want to meet her parents and want to know more about her before you guys get married. I want to research her and find out everything about this girl!" said mom as she suddenly looked at me so seriously.

"What?!" i said

"Yeah i want to know more about her and do some research on her, i like her to know her behaviour and if she is good enough for my son." mom then sighed.

"Brandon, I know I sound controlling and crazy right now but I just don't want what happened to you and Allie happened again. I knew you guys were a bad match, even Renee knew that. But somehow, you guys made it to 5 years! And she suddenly got married and left you! She left you Brandon." Mom looked at me with sadness and an expression of hurt in her eyes. I think that expression came from seeing me get my feelings hurt ny Allie when we broke up amd finding out she felll in love with somebody else.

Mom then suddenly calmed down nad looked at me. "But if the next girl you bring home or the next girl that comes into your life really makes you happy and she doesn't cause any trouble like Allie did, then i'll accept her." she said smiling at me.

"Wait! You and Renee didn't think Allie and I were a good match?! How long have you guys felt that?" I said while still beimg shocked at what i habe learned.

"I think maybe from the start of your relationship, I actually thought you guys were a one time fling, I was surprised that you both would have made it that long."

"What?!" i was shocked! I didn't know that they felt that way. "And Jaden and dad?"

"They were supportive of your relationship i guess, your dad and brother are close friends with Allie's dad and brother so it was obvious that they would be okay with it."

I was confused but I then realized that I was off track from the conversation i was in with my mom and tried to compose myself. I took a deep breath and went back on track into the conversation and on what I wanted to ask. "Mom? If i were to get married let say next week or maybe tomorrow? Would you come to my wedding? Even if you haven't met the bride before?"

"What?! Why would i have never met her before and why would you ask me that question unless you are-" she then gasped and finally figured it out.

I then started to just tell her straightforward and asked her. "Mom, I'm getting married tomorrow at City Hall, will you come to my wedding?"

Mom then started looking shocked at something behind me and I turned behind to see my father, Trent and Trent's best friend and right hand man standing there with shocked expressions on their faces. But none of them was as shocked at my father's

"Hi dad..." i said grinning at him, with him still being shocked at what i had just said to my mom.

*Oh no! I really screw up this time! How am i going to explain this to both him and mom at the same time? Would dad be accepting of my decision? Would mom be accepting of my decision? OH NO!

OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!Brandon's dad Hayden found out about the wedding, what would be his reaction about Brandon getting married?

find out in the next chapter!

Please vote, comment, and share this story with your friends and family who love to read and who might like to read my story.

Well, see you guys in the next Chapter of Destiny of the Butterfly Necklace!


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