A Trainer Named Lucas

Autorstwa Shocker789

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Lucas Diamond was an average young adult in Twinleaf Town. He never had plans to become a pokemon trainer. Bu... Więcej

Chapter 1: Lucas Diamond
Chapter 2: Adrenaline Rush
Chapter 3: Leaving Home
Chapter 4: Lucas vs Roark
Chapter 5: A Less Than Cheerful Reunion
Chapter 6: A Local Hero
Chapter 7: Eterna Forest
Chapter 8: The Woman in Black
Chapter 9: Lucas vs Gardenia
Chapter 10: Becoming a Target
Chapter 11: Michael Rollins
Chapter 12: A New Member
Chapter 13: Old Faces and Rivals
Chapter 14: Lucas vs Fantina
Chapter 15: Hunter "Looker" Langley
Chapter 16: Building a Bond
Chapter 17: Insurance Policy
Chapter 18: Aggressive Meetings
Chapter 19: Meeting Up
Chapter 20: Lucas vs Maylene
Chapter 21: Undercover
Chapter 22: Seal the Deal
Chapter 23: Captured
Chapter 25: Tracker
Chapter 26: Opposite Paths
Chapter 27: Back on the Road
Chapter 28: Established Threat
Chapter 29: Barry Platinum
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Chapter 31: Downtime
Chapter 32: Lucas vs Crasher Wake

Chapter 24: Out of Cover

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Autorstwa Shocker789


Hey, all welcome back to the most anticipated story on the internet lol. Quick intro this time but thank you guys so much for the view explosion lately. Last month was an amazing time for views and this month looks to be on that or even higher than that level so seriously thank you, guys. Just a reminder you can also find this story on AO3 (Authors of Our Own), Wattpad, and Quotev. All of these sites have gathered their own following and there are NO advantages to these sites it's just for preference they are updated at the same time! With that out of the way let's pick up with our characters in this world I have stolen/created!



Bolded Italics: Speaking to Audience or Out of Time

Regular Italics: Thoughts

COF: Character(s) of Focus

Pastoria City, Sinnoh

Barry Platinum

12 pm

"Just a little further man, come on," Barry said, helping Lucas walk.

Lucas had passed out from pain during the flight to Pastoria. Barry had tried to keep his spirits up by continuing to talk to him as if he was awake. But deep down, he was terrified that something permanent may have happened to Lucas. Barry was not one to voice his fears, he was the type of guy to always maintain his normal overly hyper personality.

Most people found Barry to be annoying because of this aspect but Barry had done it because he feared that his personality was the only thing that made him unique. With his dad being the very best of the Battle Frontier, Barry always found himself being compared to his dad. Deep down he hated it, he hated how everyone just saw him as the second coming of his dad. The main reason he wanted to become a pokemon trainer was to carve his own legacy and prove that he wasn't a carbon copy of Palmer.

"Damn Lucas, you gained some weight during your journey," Barry huffed as he walked into the hospital with Lucas.

The nurses took Lucas in for evaluation. Barry sat in the waiting room for an hour before someone came up to him.

"Excuse me?" The doctor asked.

"Yes," Barry said, standing up.

"I'm Dr. Wyatt, you must be the one who brought my patient in," Dr. Wyatt said.

"Yes, thank you for seeing him," Barry said.

"Of course now I just need to ask some questions about Mr. Diamond if that's okay?" Dr. Wyatt asked.

"I'll see what I can do, hit me doc," Barry said with a smile, trying to maintain a feeling of happiness.

"Okay then...where is he from?" Dr. Wyatt asked.

"Um we're from Twinleaf Town in Southern Sinnoh," Barry said.

"Okay, does Lucas have any known illnesses?" Dr. Wyatt asked.

"No not that I know off, I called his mom she should be here either later tonight or tomorrow," Barry said.

"Okay and what exactly happened to him?" Dr. Wyatt asked.

"You don't wanna know...just know it was something regarding Team Galactic," Barry said.

"Okay and I'll need your name for the report," Dr. Wyatt said.

"Barry Platinum, Lucas' best friend, is he okay?" Barry asked.

"So far with a quick analysis, we found one broken rib, swollen right eye, and multiple injuries to the face and knee area. He's sedated and I'll update you with more updates as they come," Dr. Wyatt said.

"Got it...thanks doc," Barry said, sitting back down.

What the fuck were you thinking man?!

"If it makes you feel better, you got him here before anything worse could have happened...you're a good friend, we are doing everything we can but in my honest opinion I think he's going to be okay," Dr. Wyatt said.

"Anything...permanent?" Barry asked.

"Too early to tell but unfortunately injuries to the eye or head area have a bigger chance of permanent damages than a lot of areas so it is a possibility," Dr. Wyatt said.

"Damn it...thanks doc take care of him will ya...I need to fine him when he wakes up," Barry said.

Doctor Wyatt laughed and left. Barry leaned back, the most stressed he had ever been in his life. Lucas was not only a friend but a brother to Barry so seeing him in this condition took over his mind. Barry enjoyed that Lucas was going on his own journey because it meant he wasn't alone but if something warranted him into an early retirement it would take its toll on both Lucas and Barry.

Team Galactic Medical Facility, Veilstone City

Agent Hunter "Looker" Langley/Farid Rome

2 pm

Looker woke up in a bed. His head hurt and he felt fuzzy. Lucas hit him good and it worked, he was knocked out. When he came too he saw Cyrus sitting at his bedside reading a book.

"Master Cyrus," Looker said.

"Ah you're awake, good to see you are okay," Cyrus said.

"No offense Master Cyrus but don't you have better things to do than see if I'm okay?" Looker asked.

"I do but I felt bad for leaving you there alone maybe if I was there Lucas wouldn't have assaulted you and escaped," Cyrus said.

Good, he escaped.

"Do we know where he went?" Looker asked.

"No but let him go, for now, we have much more important things to deal with at this time," Cyrus said.

"The cave pokemon right?" Looker asked.

"Indeed, I am meeting with our contact to discuss our explosives ordeal until then take a week off to recover because once you come back chances are it'll be ready and that's when things are going to get really busy around here," Cyrus said, walking off.

"A week off huh, plenty of time," Looker said to himself.

Chapter 24: Out of Cover

COF: Hunter "Looker" Langley/Lucas Diamond

Looker left the medical area after getting some pain medication for his head. He was given a week to figure out who this contact was and he knew he would have better resources outside of Team Galactic.

Jubilife City, Sinnoh

International Police Sinnoh Counter-Terrorism HQ

4 pm

Looker walked into the headquarters for the first time in months and it was a breath of fresh air for him. It was nice to not be surrounded by criminals and constantly be on edge all the time. He walked back over to his desk and saw how much dust it collected since he left. Old case files, pictures of him and his family. A picture of him and Oscar back when they were partners. He smiled; it was nice to see his own possessions again.

The place was busy with agents on the phone, talking to people, and trying to solve clues. The walls were littered with papers regarding clues, suspects, and other Counter-Terrorism related things. Looker sat back at his desk and reached into his cabinet to find his gun. As an undercover agent, he couldn't so much as carry it on his person at all. He strapped the gun at his waist and attached his badge to his belt. He officially was no longer undercover at the moment.

"Back from under huh," Lt. Murphy laughed.

"Only for a week," Looker smiled.

"Good to have you back for a bit, how's your head?" Murphy asked.

"Hurts, Lucas did a hell of a number on it but I'll live," Looker said.

"Good you said Team Galactic had a contact about explosives?" Murphy asked.

"Yeah, I heard talks of a meeting to arrange where the explosives will be but I don't know where the meeting is, I hate to say it but I think we missed our mark on that," Looker said.

"Nothing we can do now except find that contact we still have a little while before they try to go all bomb happy on the lakefronts," Murphy said.

"I got a USB drive full of files. I'll take a look at it and try to find something," Looker said, plugging the USB in his computer.

"Let me know if you find something, good to have you back Looker," Murphy smiled and walked back to his office.

Looker leaned back in his chair and took it all in, being back in the IP made him feel comfortable again even if it was just for a week. Once Looker was done with his undercover work he would have to take some tests to prove he wouldn't turn on the IP. Because of Maxie, the IP had cracked down hard on undercover work, new rules and policies were put into place. Whenever someone comes out of being undercover they are tested and sometimes not put back to work for weeks on end even though he was in jail, Maxie still had an impact on the IP for good and bad reasons.

Pastoria City, Sinnoh

Lucas Diamond

8 pm

Lucas slowly came too, his body felt weak, and could only open one eye. He woke up to see Barry, Dawn, his mom, and Professor Rowan talking. His memory was foggy. The last thing he could remember was Barry coming to help him and passed out from the pain.

"Fuck...everything hurts," Lucas groaned.

The whole room turned and ran to Lucas' bed.


"Mom...easy," Lucas grunted.

"Hey easy man," Barry said, adjusting Lucas's pillow.

"Seriously you look like you got hit with a boulder," Dawn smiled both from concern and relief.

"Yeah thanks, Dawn," Lucas laughed.

"Took a tumble huh," Rowan said.

"Hey, professor good to see you," Lucas smiled.

"I am no longer professor Lucas please call me Daniel now," Rowan smiled.

"Ha...that will never happen, you're always gonna be Professor Rowan to me," Lucas said.

"And Dawn will be Professor...Dawn...kinda lame," Barry said.

"Shut up," Dawn said, punching Barry in the arm.

"So what happened after I passed out?" Lucas asked.

"I hauled your ass to the hospital dude you gained weight," Barry teased.

"I bulked up, now I could kick your ass now Barry," Lucas laughed.

"Uh-huh if you could lift up a branch I'd be impressed," Barry laughed.

"Oh by the way that's gonna be 20 million for having to lug your ass here," Barry said.

"Do you write these things down, man?" Lucas asked.

Barry pulled out a notebook.

"Yup August 13th, 1998 you're first fine was when you stole my legos, September 2nd, 1998 for when you tripped on our way to the park like a fucking dunce," Barry went on.

"Okay okay Barry I get it," Lucas said.

As everyone covered and was relieved that Lucas was awake, Dr. Wyatt came into the room.

"Hey doc look who's awake," Barry said.

"Excellent welcome back to the world Mr. Diamond," Dr. Wyatt smiled.

"Thanks though I can only see out of one eye," Lucas laughed.

"That'll be there for a couple of days, now you have some injuries such as one broken rib, bruised eye, bruised knee cap, bruised cheeks, and some other small wounds across your body," Dr. Wyatt.

"God damn," Lucas cursed.

"As a Pokemon Trainer I'd say you are gonna be out for at least a week there is no way you can continue right now with the way your body is right now I recommend going home for a while to recover," Dr. Wyatt said.

Great, a delay...

"What about my team...are they okay?" Lucas asked.

"We sent them over to a pokemon center they said they are fine and waiting for your return to get them," Dr. Wyatt said.

'Thank you doctor am I getting some meds for the pain?" Lucas asked.

"Yes small pain killers and if they don't work let us know and we will go from there but other than that Mr. Diamond I think you can be released tomorrow I'd say," Dr. Wyatt said.

"Thank you, doctor," Lucas smiled.

"Thank your friend there if he didn't get you I don't know what would have happened," Dr. Wyatt pointed to Barry.

Lucas looked over at Barry, he was right whenever Lucas seemed to be in trouble or in over his head Barry was there.

"Yeah thanks, homo, didn't know you liked me that much," Lucas teased.

"And now I wish you were dead," Barry said, crossing his arms.

The group continued to talk for a while until later that night when the hospital was closed for visitors.

"I'll see you at home sweetie okay," Joanna said, kissing Lucas' forehead.

"Thanks, mom I'll be home soon," Lucas said.

"Get better soon okay," Dawn said.

"I will oh hand me my bag," Lucas said, pointing to his book bag.

Dawn got Lucas his bag, confused.

"Here," Lucas said, getting Dawn's stolen things from his bag.

Dawn was elated she completely forgot about her stuff after hearing about Lucas.

"Oh my god, you got it!" Dawn said, hugging her Pokeball.

"I did...hopefully, that's all the papers you need right?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah it's all here thank you, Lucas," Dawn said with a smile.

"Anytime...bitch," Lucas laughed.

Dawn sighed and eventually left with Rowan leaving Lucas and Barry alone.

"You saved my ass again," Lucas said.

"Your ass did look like it needed saving," Barry laughed.

"Seriously man...thank you," Lucas said.

"What were you thinking dude...you were lucky I was there in time," Barry said.

Lucas was taken back with the sudden serious tone in Barry's voice.

"I just...couldn't let them win...again and take Dawn's stuff and her pokemon," Lucas said.

"You could have been killed," Barry said.

"I know but...we could have gotten killed lots of times so far..," Lucas commented.

He was right, Lucas and Barry have been in more dangerous situations in the past couple of months than they have been in their entire lives.

"I just don't want us to get in too deep with these guys you know..," Barry said.

"Barry for the first time someone is taking it to them we can't just stop man," Lucas said.

Barry contemplated it, he wanted to take down Team Galactic just as much as Lucas did but was it really worth putting his life on the line time and time again.

Front Desk

Agent Hunter "Looker" Langley

10:30 pm

Looker walked into the hospital and received a text from Lucas that he was awake.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Looker said, approaching the front desk.

"Yes sir?" The lady asked.

"I'm here to see a patient," Looker said.

"I'm sorry sir visiting hours are over," The lady said.

"I'm sorry ma'am but it's a police matter I need to see him right now," Looker said, pulling out his badge.

"My apologies, what's the name?" The lady asked.

"Lucas Diamond," Looker said.

"Room 210 down the hall," The lady said.

"Thank you," Looker said, walking down the hall.

"Barry for the first time someone is taking it to them we can't just stop man," Lucas said.

"Am I interrupting?" Looker said.

"Oh hey you made it," Lucas said, sitting up.

"Yeah you also did a number on my head," Looker said with a chuckle.

"Sorry about that I wanted to make sure it would knock you out," Lucas said.

"Oh it did, how are you feeling?" Looker said.

"Better now," Lucas said.

"And an even bigger pain in the ass," Barry added.

"Good to see you too Barry," Looker laughed.

"Your plan worked, thank you," Lucas said.

"Glad you're somewhat okay...the International Police is willing to provide you with protection during you're recovery period

"I'm fine really," Lucas said.

"Stubborn as always good," Looker said.

"I have something you might like," Lucas said.

Lucas pulled out the classified files he stole from the Team Galactic HQ, Looker was both shocked and thrilled. After not finding anything earlier these files could help the IP find the contact Team Galactic used for explosives. Looker said thank you and to get well. He wanted to stay longer but this was big.

Jubilife City, Sinnoh

International Police Sinnoh Counter-Terrorism HQ

12:30 am

"Roman Winters, his name kept popping up. I think he's our first suspect," Looker said, presenting the files to Murphy.

"The IP has no track record on this guy he just shows up out of the blue you sure about this?" Murphy asked.

"His name is consistent and look at this in 2002 he was arrested for possessing illegal chemicals used for making bombs and drugs," Looker pointed out.

"Then why is there no track record for him?" Murphy asked.

"I don't know, maybe bribed or something else I plan to ask him when I find him," Looker said.

"Look you have one week to find our bomb guy and if he is our guy then your investigation starts with linking him to Team Galactic," Murphy said.

"And Team Rocket," A man said, looking at the presentation.

Murphy and Looker turned around to see a man who looked to be about Looker's age.

"Um..can I help you?" Murphy asked.

"It's okay I'm on the job," The man said, showing a badge.

"You just watch presentations without saying anything, agent?" Murphy asked.

"Sorry I just got here...Agent Tung Kanto Pokemon Rescue," Tung said, extending his hand.

Agent 2nd Grade: Chester Tung

Home Region: Kanto

Years Active:

1985-Present (Kanto Pokemon Rescue Division)

Badge Number: 4382

"Lt. Murphy Sinnoh Counter-Terrorism, what are you doing here?" Murphy asked.

"Your guy also happens to be linked to Team Rocket, our intel shows that he may be in this region, I came here to talk but seems you guys are already on it," Tung said.

"Why do you look so familiar?" Looker asked.

"Been a while since we worked together, Looker, remember a cargo ship in Alola," Tung said.

It hit Looker, back when he was in Kanto CT he encountered Tung when he invaded the cargo ship that carried bullets for Team Rocket. He didn't think he would see him again.

"Holy shit...you still work in Kanto?" Looker asked.

"It suits me and I'm sure you heard of what's going on recently," Tung said.

"Yeah, it's horrible but what does our bomb guy have to do with Team Rocket?" Looker asked.

"Roman Winters has been known to associate himself with multiple criminal organizations serving as a seller of drugs, explosives, and sex slaves. Known clients are Team Rocket and Team Galactic. Our agents tracked his last location to somewhere in Sinnoh," Tung said.

"Working with two groups at the same time?" Looker asked.

"More money...I think we're at a crossroads here both looking for the same guy," Tung said.

"Sorry, but if he's on Sinnoh soil he's ours," Looker said.

"Yeah but our case has been going on longer than yours he's ours," Tung said.

"Enough both of you," Murphy said.

"Looker you have a week to find this guy you might need some help," Murphy said.

"What are you saying?" Looker asked.

"I'm saying since you two are looking for the same guy...say hi to your new temporary partner Agent Tung," Murphy said.

Tung and Looker looked at each other with raised eyebrows, while they were looking for the same guy and familiar with each other they didn't think they would be working together as partners.

"Get him and Agent Tung I'll be calling your boss and tell him or her that you will be staying here until we find this guy after you do it, we'll figure out who gets who," Murphy said.

Looker chased after Murphy.

"Sir with all due respect I don't need a partner," Looker said.

"Looker your last partner was Oscar and that was a long time ago you need to get used to working with others again, I've let it slide for a while now but a week by yourself to find a ghost isn't gonna happen you are to work with Tung to find Winters and I will hear nothing else about it do you understand?" Murphy said sternly.

"...yes sir," Looker said, walking out to Tung.

"Look I didn't think this was gonna happen either but this guy is dangerous," Tung said.

"What does Pokemon Rescue want with Winters? It seems like a CT case," Looker asked.

"Since Simon has been causing so much chaos the CT and PR have kinda teamed up until Simon is brought down so their cases are ours and vice versa," Tung said.

"You guys seem to have a lot more info on him than we do, any way we can get some of that info?" Looker asked.

Tung responded by putting a bag on Looker's desk with a file named Winters, Roman.

"Already with you," Tung said.

"We don't have any records on him, why do you have so much?" Looker asked, looking through the file.

"Nothing truly goes away Winters tended to bribe and threaten to get things "erased" but nothing really goes away this guy has committed a lot of things in Kanto and we saved it all ever since his big rise in the crime scene in 2000 we've been keeping an eye on him but we didn't know he had Sinnoh influence until recently," Tung said.

"How bad is this guy?" Looker asked.

"Pretty bad he's evaded arrest for the past 6 years this isn't gonna be easy and we got one week," Tung said.

"Well then let's get to work, the luck stops now, " Looker said.


New IP agent, introducing Agent Chester Tung. He is from Kanto's Pokemon Rescue Division duh and has been in the story before but briefly and if you guys can remember where he was I would be impressed lol. When I originally made him he wasn't going to be any more than in that chapter but then plans got developed and now he is here. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. As always leave a review telling me what you liked, disliked, etc. PM with any questions or if you feel that I should choke on a frozen hotdog then LMK! Thank you so much for coming by and I hope you all have a great day, afternoon, or evening. I will see you in the next chapter!

Don't forget to smile!


Question of the Chapter: Favorite Pokemon of all time? What was your favorite moment of the chapter?

For me, I think my favorite pokemon is either Garchomp or Typhlosion. Both of them are so awesome to me and held amazing places in my teams (I even transferred them into other games). I think my favorite part of the chapter was introducing Tung. He has been in the story before but this is my first time really bringing him in so hopefully you guys welcome him with open arms as he will in the story for a bit here and then down the line.

Important Events/Ideas (Spoilers):

-Lucas is taken to the hospital

-Looker is given a week off and returns to Counter-Terrorism

-Lucas gives Looker the stolen files

-Introduced to Agent Chester Tung

-Looker and Chester are partnered up by Murphy

Agents Involved:

Lt. Ryan Murphy

Home Region: Alola

Years Active:

1968-1990 (Alola Homicide Division)

1990-2005 (Kanto Counter-Terrorism Division)

2005-Present (Sinnoh Counter-Terrorism Division)

Badge Number: formerly 5294, Retired since becoming Lt.

Agent 2nd Grade: Chester Tung

Home Region: Kanto

Years Active:

1985-Present (Kanto Pokemon Rescue Division)

Badge Number: 4382

Agent 2nd Grade: Hunter "Looker" Langley

Home Region: Hoenn

Years Active:

1985-1989 (Criminal Tracking Squad/Hoenn Narcotics Division)

1989-1991 (Kanto Counter-Terrorism Division)

1991-Present (Sinnoh Counter-Terrorism Division)

Badge Number: 4690

Next Chapter: Tracker

Looker and Tung go on the chase for Roman Winters!

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