
By mjack2020

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Essence Festival


819 25 14
By mjack2020

I woke up to my phone ringing very loudly. I checked my clock and seen that it was 8:00 in the morning. "Ugh turn it off" I heard Toni . I grabbed my phone and looked at the name. It was Michael calling me. I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom answered it. "Why are you calling me at eight in the morning" I asked. "Well good morning to you. Anyways I need you to be at neverland at 9:00 he said and hang up the phone. Walking back into my room Toni was no longer in the bed. Instead she was sitting in my chair that was on the side of my bed looking all sexy and shit.

" well aren't you the most sexiest woman in the world" I said smiling. She smirked and got up and walked up to me. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me. She grabbed my face and kissed me before walking into the bathroom. I smacked her ass and watched it jiggle. Toni smirked and closed the door.
I waited after a few minutes before going into the bathroom. Toni was singing one of my songs. She was singing 'Anytime Anyplace'. I smirked and joined her in the shower wrapping my arms around her waist. I groped her breast and kissed her neck. She turned around and grabbed the back of my head and kissed me deeply on the lips. I moaned and slid my hand down her stomach and rubbed her clit. She moaned her deep moans as I pumped my finger in and out until she came. "Anytime Anyplace" I said. She rolled her eyes and stepped out the shower. I soon followed after as put my robe on. I've decided to ask Toni what happened last nigh cause I don't remember anything. "Toni" I said playing with my fingers. She turned around with her eyes staring deep into my soul. "What happened last night" I asked. "I don't know what you're talking about" she said quickly. I squinted my eyes at her and looked around. I noticed my gun on the table beside my bed. I don't use it unless I have to. "Toni my gun is right there, I don't use it unless I have to"I said watching her closely. "Alright fine I'll tell you" she said and got up and walked to me. She told me everything and I just stood there taking it all in. Once she was finished I started laughing. Toni looked at me like I was crazy. "What's funny" she asked. "He deserved it" was all I said before getting dressed.

Janet outfit.

I walked downstairs and to my front door. "Alright Toni I'm leaving" I yelled. I soon heard footsteps and Toni came running down the stairs and jumped into my arms. She kissed me and smiled. "Bye love you" she said. Before she could walk off I smacked her ass again. I loved the way it jiggled. She stuck me the finger and walked back upstairs. I walked out the house and locked the door then walked to my car and got in. While driving my phone rang. I checked and it was La'Toya wanting to FaceTime me. I rolled my eyes and answered the phone and put it in my phone holder. "Hey Jan" she said. "Hi la'toya" I said blankly. "Did mike tell you to come to neverland too" she asked. "Yea he did, do you know why" I asked and looked at her. She shook her head no and was about to talk but I quickly hang up the phone. About 30 minutes later I arrived at Neverland and seen all of my siblings cars there. I turned my car off and got out. I walked to the door and opened it since it was already locked. "Hello people I'm here" I said walking into the living room where everyone was. "Finally you're here" Michael said and hugged me and so did the rest. Jackie was glaring at me for some reason. I looked at michael and he just shrugged. "So what did you need to talk about mike" Jermaine asked. "Ok I need help with something" he said looking between us. We stared at him to continue. "Ok guys you can come in now" he said. Three kids came into the living room. "Mike who's kids are these" marlon asked. "Mine" Michael simply said. Our heads shot to him. "What"we all shouted. "Yes these are my kids, Prince ,Paris and blanket" he said naming the three children.

Prince,Paris and Blanket ( prince Michael the 2nd)

I kept staring at Paris cause she was so cute. Blanket was a little shy but when he smiled it was so cute. "Yea but I can't take care of them" mike said. "Why"I asked. "Because the tabloids, they still think I molested those kids but I didn't and I don't want my kids around the paparazzi and that other stuff" he explained. We nodded. "Ok so prince who do you want to go with" Michael asked him. He looked between all of us before pointing to Jackie. "Next Paris" she immediately pointed at me. I smiled and reached my arms out. She smiled and ran up to me. I picked her up and she hugged me. "Last blanket" he said. Like Paris did blanket immediately pointed at me. He ran to me and grabbed my finger and held it. Jackie and prince went get his suitcases while me, Paris and blanket went get their suitcases. We went to Paris room first. It was filled with Eiffel Tower decorations. She had about 3 suitcases. I grabbed two of them while she grabbed the other one. Then we went blankets room and it was filled with Batman decorations. He had 2 suitcases. I grabbed one of them as he grabbed the other one. We walked
downstairs and met with Michael. The kids ran to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then they grabbed their suitcases and ran to the cars. Michael hugged me tightly before letting go. "Thank you" he said. "No problem you know I'd do anything for you" I said smiling. He smiled back. We really do look like twins. "Tell Toni not to worry about Jackie"he said. "Yea did you tell everyone I was gay" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "I uh yes I'm sorry it slipped" he said. I chuckled. "It's ok" I said before hugging him again. I walked outside to see Paris and blanket waiting patiently by my car. I smiled and unlocked it. Paris sat in the front and put her seatbelt on. I opened the back door for blanket to see a booster seat and their suitcases already in there. How the hell they unlocked my car. Once I finished putting his seatbelt on I closed the door and got in the drivers seat. I started my car and drove off. "Y'all want anything to eat" I asked them. "MCDONALDS" they both yelled. I smiled and pulled through the drive-thru of McDonald's. "Can we get a happy meal" blanket asked. "Of course"I smiled at him. He smiled back showing his dimples. After a few minutes their food came and I gave it to them. I wonder how Toni will react when she sees them.

Since Janet left I've been stuck in this big ass house. The boys are with Keri for 4 weeks so I won't see them. So I decided to call my sisters and tell them to come over here. They told me they were on the way. All of a sudden the door opened. "Ohh daddy Toni" I heard the voice. It was Gil. I kinda liked the name he gave me. "Hey baby mama" I said laughing. He came into the living room and hugged me. I walked into the kitchen and took out a bottle of wine. I turned around and lifted up the bottle. Gil smirked. "You know me so well" he said and grabbed the bottle. The doorbell rang meaning my sisters were here. I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey guys come on in" I said stepping to the side. They walked in and I closed the door. "Toni who's house is this"towanda asked. "Um Janet's"I said quickly. They followed me to the kitchen to see Gil drinking the whole bottle of wine. "Hey I remember you" Tamar said. Gil looked and immediately started smiling. "Yes bitch I remember you, listen hunny we need to go have some drinks ok" he said. They started talking and left out the kitchen. The rest of my sisters looked at me. "What" I asked. "Are you talking about Janet Jackson the one who brought you on stage" Traci asked. I nodded and played with my fingers. "Um yea we're dating"I said. "Well if your happy then I'm happy" Trina said. Townada and Traci nodded in agreement. "Baby I'm home" I heard. My baby was back. "In the kitchen" I yelled. She came in the kitchen followed by two little kids. She came to me and kissed me. "Ahem" a throat cleared. I pulled away and look back at my sisters. "Hello we're Toni's sisters" Trina said. "Nice to meet you" Janet said smiling. "Who kids" I asked. "I'll explain later" she said and smacked my ass before walking out the kitchen. I jumped and rolled my eyes. My sisters snickered so I stuck my finger at them. Then we all went into the living room. Gil and Tamar were chatting away while the two kids sat by Janet. The little kid kinda looked like Michael. I sat between towanda and Traci. The little girl looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and watched as she got down from the sofa and walked up to me. "Aunty Janet who's this" she asked Janet. I looked at Janet and shrugged. "Um Paris this is Toni my girlfriend" Janet said. "She's pretty" she said. "Thank you. Your pretty too" I said. Her eyes lit up and she smiled her big smile. "Ms Jackson now I don't appreciate you keeping Toni hostage" Tamar said clearly drunk. "And that's our cue, Come on Tamar you're our ride" Trina said standing up. I stood up as well as they tried to carry Tamar out the house. I walked them to the door and gave them hugs and waited until the car disappeared down the long ass driveway. I walked back into the house and closed the door and locked it. Walking into the living room the kids were jumping all over Gil. "Y'all better stop or I'll whoop y'all ass" he said. They immediately stopped and ran over to Janet. Janet smacked her lips. "Gil don't be scaring my kids" she said making me turn my head quickly at her. "Kids" me and Gil both asked. "Yea obviously there my kids now. Michael called a family meeting today and told us that he had kids. But he can't take care of them because of the paparazzi and stuff that are being said about him and he doesn't want them around that " she finished. Me and Gil nodded. "Aunty Janet can we call uncle Jackie I wanna talk to prince" Paris asked. "Ok come on blanket" Janet said to the little boy. He grabbed Janet's finger and they went upstairs. "That's a weird ass name for a kid. Blanket" Gil said. "Stop talking about them kids Gil" I said trying not to laugh. "Alright I gots to go and find me a dick appointment" he said. I looked at him like he was crazy. "I didn't need to know all that" I said walking him to the door. "Oh well bye tell dunk I love her" he said before walking out the house. I closed and locked the door behind him. I walked upstairs to Janet's, well basically our room and seen Janet sitting against the headboard while Paris and blanket talked on the phone. I crawled on the bed and straddled her lap. "Hi daddy" I said smiling. "Hi sexy" she smiled back. "Why doe she call you daddy" Paris asked out of nowhere. "Uhm will you look at that bath and bedtime " Janet said avoiding the question. It was like 9:00 p.m. "Come I'll show you to your rooms" she said picking blanket up. He wrapped his tiny little arms around her neck and his legs around her waist. He waved at me before disappearing out the room. I wonder what our kids would look like in the future.

As I walked down the hall to Paris room she asked me a question that caught me off guard. "Do you love miss Toni" she asked. "Yes I do very much" I said opening the door to her room. "I know it's plain but tomorrow we could paint and decorate however you want" I said. "Yayy" she clapped. Then we went to blankets room and it was like Paris basic. "Can we decorate it Batman" blanket asked. "Of course anything you want" I said. He smiled showing his dimples. He really looked like Michael. "Ok bath time" I said. "Me first" Paris said exitedly. "No me first" blanket fussed. They went back and forth. "Ok how about Paris you take a bath in here and I'll take blanket a bath in my room" she nodded. I went into her room and grabbed her pjs. It had princesses on on it. I went back into the bathroom and gave them to her. Then I grabbed a big towel from the cabinet and set it down on the toilet seat. "Let me know if you need anything" I said. "Ok" she said before closing the door. I picked blanket up and walked to his room and got his Batman pajamas. He snatched them from me and kissed my cheek .I'm literally about to cry, he's too cute. Walking into my room I went into my bathroom and ran some bath water and added some bubbles. I helped him take his clothes off and put him in the tub. I let him play with the bubbles while I washed him. I washed his long hair then rinsed it out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his tiny body. I dried him and lotioned him up before putting his pajamas on. It had Batman on it. He ran out the bathroom and went somewhere. I grabbed his dirty clothes and put it in the hamper that is on the shed of the toilet. Toni was reading a book with her glasses on. "You look cute with your glasses on" I teased her. She rolled her eyes and took them off. I walked out into the hall and to the bathroom. Right when I was about to open the door it flew open and Paris stood on the other side. "Finished" she said and walked past me. I shook my head and grabbed the towel and her dirty clothes. "Aunty Janet"Paris yelled. I went into her room and seen her just standing there holding a comb and two rubber bands. "Can you braid my hair, daddy always did my hair before bed" she said. I grabbed the comb and parted her hair into two parts and began to braid. I sealed them with the rubber bands. "Goodnight mommy" she said before falling asleep. I looked at her confused and left out her room. I turned the bathroom light off and went back into my room. There was blanket and Toni sleeping together. Blanket was laying down on top on Toni while she wrapped her arms around him. I smiled and took a picture and sent it to mike. I grabbed some clothes from my drawers and put my pjs on. I turned the light off and got into bed. Not even after a few minutes I felt a kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Toni with her big brown eyes staring at me. She kissed me again and pulled away. Blanket starting moving then he stopped. "Love you daddy" Toni said before falling back to sleep. "I love you more" I said and fell asleep a few minutes after her.

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