In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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Tony Stark is an expert in finding hidden 'talents' in people and he didn't resist doing the same with you. A... More

Chapter 1: I think he'll shoot you
Chapter 2: But I am not a superhero
Chapter 3: Meeting the Avengers
Chapter 4: Alone with Loki
Chapter 5: Wrong room
Chapter 6: Your first mission
Chapter 7: Your second mission
Chapter 8: Your idea
Chapter 9: In your mind
Chapter 10: You say the truth
Chapter 11: Shopping
Chapter 12: The party
Chapter 13: The illness
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: You get better
Chapter 16: A tour to Asgard
Chapter 17: The guest of honour
Chapter 18: A magical night
Chapter 20: The vault
Chapter 21: Back in New York
Chapter 22: Hungover
Chapter 23: An unpleasant assignment
Chapter 24: Leo Marcus
Chapter 25: Disaster
Chapter 26: Why are you here?
Chapter 27: Really?
Chapter 28: That's not me
Author's Note
Chapter 29: Decision making
Chapter 30: Unexpected guest
Chapter 31: Back on Asgard
Chapter 32: The voice in your head
Chapter 33: Training with Frigga
Chapter 34: The legend of Freyja
Chapter 35: Your mother's house
Chapter 36: The whole story (part 1)
Chapter 37: The whole story (part 2)
Chapter 38: I know you
Chapter 39: The only way
Chapter 40: Goodbye
Author's Note
We are back!!!

Chapter 19: The day after

5.1K 193 58
By KatLovesFictionalMen

A/N: Sooooo we got 3k reads in this book. It's official you all are crazy, that's like 1k reads in a week! Thank you so much for the reads and the votes and more for the comments you leave in this book. You people are great😍


The next few moments passed in silence. You kept your y/e/c eyes stuck into the Mischief God's deep green eyes with a smile on your face that kept growing bigger by the moment. Loki's hands were now on your waist, holding you tight and yours were tight on the back of his neck. You wanted to say something but you were afraid it would ruin the perfect moment so you just suppressed the urge to do so.

"Finally!" You heard a woman's voice coming from behind. Your turned around to see Sif and Thor coming out from behind a bush. You and Loki both turned around.

"What the hell?" You said with a shocked face.

"Y/n, it's not polite for a lady to curse in Asgard." Sif told you.

"Oh and it is perfectly polite to eavesdrop, Sif?" You laughed.

"I told you brother, didn't I?" Thor suddenly said and came closer to you and Loki.

"Told you?" You turned to Loki with a smile. He was enjoying this too, but not that much.

"I knew you fancied him."

"Fanc- Oh my God, people the words you use are weird!" You laughed.

"Say what you want, I was right."

"And it took you long enough." Sif added.

"Better late than ever." Loki finally spoke up and made you blush and he grabbed your hand. Both Sif and Thor saw that.

"Well as cute as this may be, we need to get back inside, the feast is about to end."

You nodded and Thor and Sif started walking towards the castle again. You started walking behind them but Loki's hand stopped you. You turned around and looked into his eyes with a smile on your face that you still were not able to hide. He soon returned your gaze with a mischievous smile on his lips.

"What?" You laughed

"Nothing." He said and kept staring into your eyes.

Suddenly the memory of that night on the roof of the tower came back to you to slowly erase your smile. Loki immediately caught on that and his smile started fading as well.

Did he still have doubts?

And if he did why would he kiss you?

"Well then we should get inside." You said.

"Are you okay?" He asked you firmly.

"I'm fine." You tried to lie but no one can trick the God of Mischief.

"Y/n." He told you firmly with a serious look on his face. You sighed and sat back on the bench. Loki sat next to you.

"I have just...been thinking about that night on the rooftop..."

"Really?" Loki seemed surprised.

" still in disbelief."

"Disbelief? Why?"

"Don't get me wrong, I do like you I just think, that maybe..." You voice flickered and you kept your eyes stuck on your hands.

"I don't feel the same?" Loki laughed. "Didn't you hear what I said before?"

"I did, but I have also heard a lot." You didn't like talking about the past but this time you couldn't hold back.

"I am sorry." He sighed. "But I am not like that. So let me make this clear, I do feel the same-"

"I heard you." You said with a low voice. "I read your mind that night, by accident. I promise I only heard one thing but..."

"What did you hear?"

"'What am I doing?' and suddenly all kinds of thoughts came into my mind."

Loki suddenly grabbed your hand in his and placed his hand on your chin moving your head to face him. Then he put the right string of hair that war loose and put it behind your ear. He gave you a sweet smile and looked into your eyes.

"Well it's bad that you didn't hear the rest of it. Because if you had you would know that it wasn't that I didn't have feelings for you it was just...that I was scared you didn't feel the same. But after I almost lost you..." Loki's voice started to fade away.

"I know." You gently put your hand on his cheek and smiled. "And you shouldn't be thinking like that. You are a great person, funny and very handsome." You both laughed and gazed at eachother's eyes for a few seconds.

"Wait." Loki suddenly said. "How did you get into my mind?"

"I don't know. I guess your guard fell for a second and I was quite drunk to control my powers so..."

You looked at him for a second before you finished you sentence. Since you had been cured from whatever it was you had and Frigga had opened that locked door in your mind you felt so much more powerful. You felt you had better control over your powers than ever and you could use them so much easier.

So after all this and the conversation you were currently having with you Loki it was only natural that you thought about what you thought next.

What if you could get into his mind now?

There was no point in just wondering what if. You had to find out for yourself. You looked Loki deep into his eyes with a very focused look on your face. You frowned and focused completely on getting into Loki's mind. And then, suddenly, you heard his voice, clear as if he was talking in you head.

'What is she doing?'

'She is into your head.' You answered him.

Loki looked at you with his eyes wide open. His mouth had dropped open and he had no words to say. You on the other hand had a huge smile on your face and wouldn't bother hide your proudness.

"How-" Loki started, out loud this time.

"I don't know. Since your mother unlocked that door and I unlisted all that power I feel so much stronger. I didn't even have to try that hard to get into your head."

Loki didn't say anything, he just smiled and gazed into your eyes. You immediately returned the gaze with a smile.

"Hey, lovebirds. Come in already." Sif suddenly appeared out of nowhere. You and Loki both laughed and followed her inside.

There you were greeted back by Frigga who immediate came to you and asked if you were okay. After you reassured her that everything was fine the feast continued. You spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing with Loki and it was better than you had imagined it. When the music was finally over, everyone started going to their rooms. Loki insisted on escorting you and you didn't objected.

You arrived in front of your bedroom door and you turned around to face Loki. He was already looking deep into your eyes. He took a step closer to you and leaned so his lips could touch yours. He was quite a lot taller that you so you had to stand on your toes to meet him halfway, but once your lips touched nothing mattered. You still couldn't believe this was real but then again your mind could never make all this up.

"Goodnight." You said with a low sweet voice before entering your room.

"Goodnight, darling." Loki said, gently kissing your hand and heading to his room.

Once your bedroom door was closed you let out a huge sigh and your smile was bigger and brighter than ever before. You took a few deep breaths and tried to process everything that had happened. You felt like you were burning up and you stomach was filled with butterflies, flying playfully around.

You got out of the dress that you were wearing and change into your pajamas. You tried to lay down and sleep but soon you realised you were not going to be doing that tonight. You approached the enormous window doors on the other side of the room that led to the balcony. The view from there was really breathtaking. Your room was on the third floor of the palace so you could easily see most of Asgard from there. The moon gave its light to most of the palaces your eyes could see and made the golden city in front of you seem even more magical.

After a few more minutes of even more gazing the beautiful view, you decided you get inside and try to get some sleep. This task was obviously extremely difficult but after many different sleeping posses you managed to fall asleep.

This was easily one of the best nights of you life.


The next morning you woke up extremely easy and immediately got to the balcony to enjoy seeing the sun rise. You wore a robe so you would get cold and opened to huge window doors and got out on the balcony. Once you stepped out the fresh air of Asgard started playing with your hair. The sun strings hit the buildings in the town as well as the place and made the gold in it look even more beautiful. You stayed there and enjoyed the view for a few minutes and then, when it became quite cold for you, you re-entered your room.

You got dressed and wandered around your room one more time. You weren't ready to leave just yet but you had to get back to earth, the rest of the team would be worried. A few minutes later someone kicked on your door and you quickly got there and opened it to see Loki standing outside of your room.

"Good morning." You said with a sweet voice and moved forward to hug him.

"Good morning, darling." He returned the hug and leaned to kiss you.

When you pulled out you looked at the Trickster God's face. He looked puzzled and quite worried which of course worried you too. For a second you thought of reading his mind but then realised that just because you could do so now it didn't mean you had the right to do it every time.

"Hey what happened?" You finally asked him.

"Well before we go..." He made a long pause which didn't help the situation at all.

"Loki." You demanded with a serious voice.

"There is someone here for you."

Your face immediately darkened once the words came out of his mouth. You knew exactly what he was talking about without needing to read his mind. Your heart started beating so fast as your mind tried to process the information.

"No." You finally said and turned your back on him.


"Loki no. I don't want to see her."

"She is your mother."

"My mother is dead, she died when I was ten."

"Y/n don't be like that."

"She left me Loki. I have nothing to say to her." You kept walking away from Loki.

"Y/n." He stopped you by putting his hands on your shoulders and looked you serious in the eyes. "Look, take it from someone that doesn't have the best relationship with his family; if you have the chance to make up, take it."

"Fine, I talk to her..." Loki kissed gently on the forehead and you both walked out of the room.

Loki led you downstairs, to the entrance of the palace. Once you stepped outside you saw you mother sitting on a bench. She quickly stood up and looked you with worry in her eyes, you had no emotion in yours. You suddenly stopped and grabbed Loki's hand. He looked at you and gave you a reassuring smile. He then stopped walking and let you take some time alone with your mother.

You walked next to her, with your eyes fixed on her. You sat together on the bench and stayed in silence for a little, but this was different. It wasn't the beautiful and relaxing silence you were used to when you were with Loki. This was a deadly awkward silence that was eating you from the inside out. You wanted to talk so much but didn't know where to started. You did have so many things to tell her, even though you didn't want to admit it, and it felt like you had no time to do so. You just stood there, in silence, not knowing what to do or how to act, this was the worse feeling ever. You hadn't seen, heard or hugged your mother in over ten years and you were just standing there, doing nothing and it was killing you.

She suddenly turned around to talk to you but you could see that the words could not come out of her mouth. Of course the same was happening with you but you decided to finally face the truth and start the conversation yourself.

"Why did you leave me?" You asked her firmly, looking straight into her eyes.

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