Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

By Lizard_Brainz

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After the events of Act 3, the Glomsquad is finally able to settle down... until F.O.W.L causes a disturbance... More

Chapter 1: F.O.W.L and Caucasian Tacos
Chapter 2: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Daddy Issues
Chapter 4: See You Soon, Mother
Chapter 5: Lucy and Wyatt
Chapter 6: Rule 3
Chapter 7: The Mothmans
Chapter 8: Mark Is A Prostitute
Chapter 9: I'm Sorry You Chose To Read This
Chapter 10: Dingles?!
Chapter 11: Gloria's Betrayal
Chapter 12: Don't Kill People
Chapter 13: Gyro's Head
Chapter 14: Hello, Father
Chapter 15: Cracked Glass
Chapter 16: MILF Denny's
Chapter 17: The Betrayal
Chapter 18: CVS
Chapter 19: Duckmart Casket
Chapter 20: Chick-Fil-A
Chapter 21: Where's Waldo?
Chapter 22: Master
Chapter 23: The Saloon
Chapter 24: Ellie's Pregnancy
Chapter 25: I Forgot A Title
Chapter 26: B is for Bad Time
Chapter 27: 20 Dollar Bill
Chapter 28: Tiger Balloon
Chapter 29: Got It
Chapter 30: Got It Again
Chapter 31: Jeffers Gets Shot
Chapter 33: Hollo?!
Chapter 34: Heidi Gone Haywire
Chapter 35: Aunt Mara
Chapter 36: The Real Blood Bath
Chapter 37: Bye Bye F.O.W.L
Chapter 38: Bad Ending

Chapter 32: Goth IHOP

36 1 0
By Lizard_Brainz

Mark, Ellie, Steelbeak, and Kyle sat inside a holding cell. Obviously. What else would happen in this fanfiction?

But the bars weren't metal, simply a holographic sheet.

They were in Waddle afterall. F.O.W.L had all the access they needed to the latest technology so their recently-built cells were top of the line.

Where was Boyd you ask? Well, sadly for Wyatt, he wasn't able to torture Boyd himself. Mr. B had asked for him so he was separated from the Glomsquad as soon as they entered Waddle, much to Ellie's horror.

Wyatt had left twenty minutes ago to drop off Boyd, so he would definitely be back soon to do whatever he had in mind. Possibly something stupid and cliche if his ideas matched his cape.

Ellie sniffled and turned her attention to Kyle, glaring. "This is all your fault."

"What?! My fault?! How is this my fault?! I don't work for F.O.W.L. anymore! I tried to save both you and father!" Kyle wasn't exactly in the best mood either. Everyone hates being imprisoned.

She scoffed. "How is it not your fault?! This all happened to Mark, Boyd, and I because you and Steelbeak could not stop seeking petty revenge. If it was not for you, my family would have remained safe on the run and Wyatt would not have gone insane to begin with. But you decided to convince him to join your side, and now look at where we are. Tell me I am wrong."

Kyle started getting tears in his eyes. "I know I messed up but now I'm asking for you to forgive me! I need you to trust me so we can get out of here alive! Please, let me prove to you that I am a changed bug!"

"How can some insect get us out of here?" Ellie liked insects so the fact she used it as an insult said a lot. "I will never forgive! You are the reason my actual child is in danger, not some sorry excuse for one!"

Steelbeak and Mark gasped in unison.

"FINE! I KNOW WHEN I'M NOT WANTED!" Kyle crawled towards one of the airvents and did a dramatic turnaround back at Ellie. "I'll prove to you that I'm better! I can't change my past but I will be damned if I do nothing to save us in the future! Goodbye parents... and Steelbeak." Kyle crawled into the airvents and left the holding cell before anyone could reply.

"Ya know..." Steelbeak finally spoke up. "Duck Jesus is very disappointed. You're supposed to treat everyone with respect and kindness."

"Shut the fuck up, Steelbeak! No one cares about you or your idiotic religion!"

Steelbeak began to sob in the corner, scrunching himself up into a ball.

Mark put a hand on Ellie's shoulder. "Hey, babe? Maybe cool it with the roasts?" He really only said that because he figured that he would be the next person yelled at.

She slapped his hand off of her. "Who's side are you on?! Are you actually empathetic towards them?!" Ellie knew the answer was yes so she didn't even pause before continuing. "How ridiculous. You are not on my side but you will not say that to my face because you are simply a coward."

Well that backfired on him. "Ellie! We are all stressed out! You can't keep yelling at us and making everyone cry! What if that's what F.O.W.L. wants us to do?!"

"That is not what they want! They want to kill us and that is that!" Now she just straight up turned her back to him. "You are nothing but a dull-minded, half-witted, riddling, roguish, effeminate, limp-wristed, weak-kneed, false-hearted, backstabbing, infuriating, obnoxious, arrogant, vegatious, galling, egocentric BASTARD!"

Steelbeak picked his head up to look at Mark and muttered under his breath. "Ouch..."

Mark ignored him. Now he was close to crying too. "Not cool, dude! I know that you're upset about being captured and Boyd but you can't just roast me like that! Ugh!" Mark joined Steelbeak in the corner and curled up in a ball too. "Thanks for making everyone here more miserable than we already were!"

"You are very welcome!"

Wyatt barged in. Yes, he was still wearing the cape. "Alright! Who should go first?"

Everyone looked at Wyatt only to see him slapping a very large knife against his hand in a threatening way.

Wyatt answered the question for himself and pointed the end of the knife at Mark. "How about the man himself, Mark Beaks!" He stepped closer to Mark and laughed. "You have no idea how long I've waited to watch you die."

Mark stood up and put his hands up in front of his face. "Woah woah woah, take it easy, man! Listen, let's talk about this, right? I'm hella rich I can buy you a new car or a-"

"Have you forgotten that you lost everything!?" Wyatt gestured to the room. "Look around you, Mark! We're in your old company building! You have nothing anymore!"

"I can get rich again! You were once one of my cool interns! Look, Let's just forget about this whole thing and I can hire you! Yeah! I can hire you as my right hand man! You'll get a new hoverboard and nice paycheck with loads of zeros! C'mon, Wyatt, whaddya say?"

"Here's what I say!" Wyatt swung the knife across Mark's legs, causing him to fall over from the immediate pain.

Mark put his hands over the wounds that were already starting to soak in blood. "Fuck!"

Steelbeak screamed and covered his eyes. The only blood he accepted was the blood of christ.

Enough was enough. Ellie may have just insulted the shit out of Mark, but she didn't want to see him get stabbed. She had standards.

Bolting up, she ran over to Wyatt and grabbed onto his wrist, pulling it back so the knife was further away from Mark. "Wyatt, stop!"

Wyatt glared at Ellie. "Why should I?! He has been nothing but a pain in the ass since I first met him!" He stopped struggling against Ellie's hand. "Fuck- Why do you love him, Ellie?! I was twice the man Mark is and- and-" He wasn't quite sure where he was going with that speech so he stopped there.

Her response was quick. "I do not love him, Wyatt. I love you."

Both Mark and Wyatt fell silent. Wyatt had Ellie let go of his wrist while he put his knife away in its sheath. "Ellie...? Are you- are you serious? Y-you love me? Why didn't you say anything sooner? I-I did horrible things and... oh my gosh, Ellie, I wouldn't have done it if- You really do love me? You're serious?"

This time around, Ellie's response took a moment. "Yes, I am serious, Wyatt. I know- I know I am programmed to love Mark but I just cannot seem to get you off of my mind." She said. "I did not say anything sooner because... you are scaring me."

"O-oh! It's because of the cape..." Wyatt immediately untied his Party City cape and dropped it on the floor. He smiled "Better?"

"Pardon?" Ellie had no idea what the fuck he was talking about until she saw the cape hit the ground. "No." She waved her hands. "Y-you are scaring me because you are hurting everyone. You hunted me down, you gave my friends death threats..." She gestured to both Mark and Steelbeak. Wyatt had yet to notice Kyle was missing and he probably wouldn't because he's just that stupid. "You put my child in danger. And when you erased my memories... you- you hit me."

Wyatt's eyes softened. Everyone in the room could see the guilt on his face when she said that. "You're right... o-oh my god- w-what did I do?! I- I am a monster!" He put his hands over his face. "I ruined my life! I-I did the worst things imaginable and- I didn't stop! Oh my god...Ellie. I am so sorry b-but I know sorry won't be enough to fix all of the things that I've done to you."

Man. Dude had some issues.

"If you are truly sorry, Wyatt, then let my friends and Boyd go."

He took his hands off of his face. "I-I don't think I can! Mr. B would find out and... he is so powerful, he could kill all of us in an instant. I- I don't know what to do!"

Shit. He was right.

"A-alright..." Ellie didn't really know where she was going to go next with this. Wyatt may have been acting like his normal self, but it was obvious he wasn't truly on their side. He was emotionally unstable and could switch in between a blink. "Mr. B put you in charge of us, correct? The least you could do is spare us for now. Please."

He nodded. "O-Okay... Mr. B is expecting an update on all of you, s-so I'll just tell him that I- that I cut Mark's legs. I can spare you for the rest of the day but... I'm not sure what to do tomorrow when Mr. B expects me to do more horrible things."

That wasn't good enough.

"Then at least take me with you! Let me be with you!" Ellie grabbed onto both of his hands. "You can just tell Mr. B that you forced Mark to take me apart."

Wyatt looked around the room before back at Ellie. "Uhhh... o-okay. Yeah. You can come with me b-but I'll have to hide you so Mr. B doesn't find out!"

Ellie nodded. "Alright. But please... do not lock me up again. I- I am scared." Her voice cracked.

Wyatt squeezed her hands. "Of course not! Ellie... I am so sorry. For everything."

"There is no need to apologize." Ellie's hand was shaking but she laid it on his cheek anyway. "I should have spoken up sooner. It is my fault."

While Wyatt looked to the side, Ellie glanced at Mark. She had no idea if Mark was buying this or if he knew what she was doing. Either was possible, but she hoped to get a sign of what he believed in. Hopefully the latter. But Mark was also pretty stupid.

Wyatt smiled. "Okay let's get out of here." He grabbed Ellie's hand again and kissed it before grabbing his cape. He locked arms with her and left the cell, leaving Mark and Stealbeak alone again. Wyatt turned the holographic cell door on again after leaving.

Mark finally spoke up. "What. the. FUCK just happened?!"


"With Ellie and Wyatt?! She loves him?!"

"...she does?"

"Yeah! Did you not see what just happened?! She said that she loves him and that she hasn't stopped thinking about him! WYATT?! You gotta be kidding me..." Uh oh looks like someone was jealous... and stupid.

Steelbeak's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah! I forgot that just happened! Sorry my brain is slow." No shit. "She did that to me once. Poor guy."

"Wait time out, chief." Mark made the time out gesture. "What are you talking about?"

"This one time, at Camp Godgold when I was evil and smarterer. Before Duck Jesus came into my life. She kissed me so she could get you medicine for that disease going around. It really hurt my feelings when I found out she lied so I ripped her arm off. I had to talk about that in confession once."

" Ellie doesn't actually like Wyatt? She's doing this to help us get out of here?"

Steelbeak paused. Now he looked really confused. "Wait... she is? How'd you figure that out?"

Mark gave him a look "Because you just- you know what? Nevermind..." He sighed and looked down at his legs again. "At least the bleeding stopped. I guess all we can do now is just hang out until she gets back."

" you wanna play eye spy?"

"Hell yeah!"


Oh look. It was another cell.

But this time it was Heidi, Abigail, Gyro, and Gloria.

"Holy shit. When is Mar gonna break us out of here? It's 2 degrees too hot in here..." Heidi fanned herself.

That only made Abigail cry harder. The fact someone had the audacity to treat this casually. "Is... is the real world like this all the time? I- I wanna go home..." She started to sound like she had aged down eight years based on her whines. "I wanted to help but I- I can't do this. I miss my brother."

"The real world isn't like this all the time but it is for us apparently." What Gloria said wasn't that helpful but whatever. "Um... sorry that you got wrapped up into all of this, Abigail. If we get out of here alive, Heidi and I will show you around and take you to a Jimmy Buffett concert! That's true living!"

That made her cry ever harder. "N-no. I just want to go h-home..."

Heidi laughed like a bitch. "Way to go, Glo." She nudged her with her elbow. Really, the humor was simply to hide Heidi's fear.

Gyro budged in so Gloria didn't have to respond to that because it was definitely a hard comment to respond to.

"Gloria... I know I already said it, but... I'm sorry." He said. "I was horrible to you and I was selfish and..." He didn't know where he was going with this. "I know you don't feel the same way, Gloria, but I still love you. I know we get in situations like this all the time, but I don't want to die hating each other. You know, if that happens."

Heidi groaned and laid on the floor as a means to take a nap.

"Gyro, I already told you that I don't hate you..." She sighed "I'm still very mad at you but I love you, too. So I guess you don't have to worry about the whole die hating each other things... if we do die here." Something just clicked in her mind. "Shit, Gyro, are you saying your last goodbyes?" They were in a very dangerous place with everyone plotting to slowly torture and kill them but Gloria just assumed that Mara would get them out quickly. However, they don't know Mara that well and it's not like she is a big fan of anyone here. It wouldn't surprise anyone if Mara backed out on helping them escape. Fuck. The longer Gloria was in the cell, the longer she began to doubt Mara.

He shrugged. "I know we get into situations like this all the time... but just in case. Mara said she was planting bombs, didn't she?"

Abigail started rocking back and forth.

Gloria nodded "Yep. I guess we just have to hope that when she figures out that we're nowhere to be found, she would think to look for us here."

Heidi was the next to shrug. "I dunno man. She does hate us."

Abigail started rocking faster.

"Duck Jesus, Heidi! Stop!" Gyro scooted over to Abigail. "Hey, hey, it'll be okay."

She sniffled. "Y-you just said you were saying your final goodbyes."

"..." Gyro didn't know what to say to that.

"I wanted to explore the world and help you guys. I wanted to be some sort of hero but I was stupid. I'm just a woman and I don't belong out here."

Gloria was quick to try to comfort Abigail too. "You're not stupid, Abigail. You can still go out and do everything that you want to do! I know it's scary but we will all try our best to get you out of here, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan, Miss G!"

Oh god. Could it be? Gloria scanned the cell. "Launchpad?"

Launchpad scooted out from the dark corner of the cell and smiled. "Hey, Miss G! Long time no see, huh?"


Launchpad looked around the room. "Hmmmmmm... I dunno! Guess I was kidnapped just like you guys!"

He actually grabbed Heidi's attention. "Wait! You're the guy who Glo told me about! The one who died in Vegas choking on an avocado pit!" She didn't question how he was alive because Mark survived a gunshot to the head. "Hmmm... I'm gonna call you 'Pad!"

"Sweet! Like what girls wear!" Launchpad gave himself a high five.

Gyro looked Launchpad up and down. "How do you even know that?!"

"Well... there was this one time when I was in Atlantis and-"

"Actually, I don't want to know." Gyro turned his attention to Gloria. "Gloria, can I ask you something?"

Gloria gave Launchpad a weird look before turning her direction back to Gyro. "What's up?"

He kneaded his hands together before scooting over, taking her hands into his own. "I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you. I don't deserve you because of that. I'm an... idiot... which is hard for me to say because I have a doctorate, as you know." He paused. "Anyway, I was wrong. This whole thing between us was my fault because I wasn't willing to deal with my own trust issues, so instead, I made you deal with it too, making you think it was your fault. Joining that gang to earn money... I know how you are with gangs so I'm sure it took so much out of you to do that and I treated it like it was nothing. You struggle way more than I ever could and I'm sorry I didn't understand that or see that. I just... I'm so so sorry..." Gyro began to tear up.

Launchpad gasped. "Don't cry Dr. G! I forgive you!"

Everyone continued to ignore Launchpad.

"You're 10x the man I could ever be Gloria. You overcame so many things by yourself because you are a badass. I messed up big time, but I can't have you not in my life. So if we make it out of here, and if you can ever forgive me, will you marry me, Gloria?"

Gloria started to tear up herself. If they ever made it out of here, she still wanted him to explain more about his trust issues so this fight wouldn't have to happen again. Life was way too short for her to stay mad at him. And with the pickle they're in now, it could be even shorter than expected. She smiled and hugged him tightly. "Yes, of course I will. I love you, Gyro."

He hugged her back. "Oh my god. I thought I lost you forever."

Launchpad was clapping along with Heidi and a confused Abigail.

Launchpad turned to Heidi. "Hey... you wanna get married?"

"...I'm lesbian."

"Oh... I thought you were American." No. Launchpad wasn't quoting the vine.

"The answer is still no."


The holographic wall disintegrated as Toodles entered, closing behind him.

"If it isn't Gloria, three people I don't know and..." Toodles looked over at Launchpad. "Woah... wait... weren't ya the guy that died back in Agartha? And then I like... mind controlled ya and shit?"

Launchpad scratched his chin. "Uhhh... oh yeah! I think that was me!"

"How are ya alive?! How are ya even here?! We didn't even kidnap ya!"

Launchpad shrugged. "I dunno. I just like to be a part of things."

Toodles would've massaged his temples if he had them. "Okay, whatever. Anyway.... Our time has come, Gloria. Our final stand off! Sort of! I'm gonna pick off ya friends one by one because that's what good villains do!" He crossed his arms and smirked. But he didn't have a face so the smirk wasn't visible. "But ya? I'm not killing ya so don't worry about having an after life. Mr. B gave me permission to keep ya alive. I'm going to make you suffer for the rest of your days. You're going to wish I killed ya."

Gloria started laughing. "Holy shit dude I know you're very threatening right now but oh my god I can't take you seriously with that accent! I'm sorry but did you crawl out of a 1930s noir film? Who the fuck talks like that anymore? Look at you! You gave yourself a mobster body and everything! You're adorable." Toodles "died" in Agartha before anyone could see just how terrifying he can really be.

Toodles teared up. Tears streamed down from his non-existent eyes. "Hey! That wasn't- that wasn't necessary! It's not my fault I watched 1930s mobster movies to learn how to talk! And this suit?" He gestured to his body. "I thought that's how people on the surface dressed too! Mickey raised me in Agartha so how was I supposed to know?! The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was filmed in Agartha! Betcha didn't know that!" He wiped the tears off of his face.

What the fuck is happening? Gloria pretended to care about Toodles. "Aw hey, don't cry, Toodles. Listen, if I apologize would you let me and my friends go? If you do, I could even pick you up a bunch of mobster movies from Target! Sounds like a plan?"

He kicked at the sparkly clean floor. "No! You're just sayin' that to trick me! I'm not stupid like Launchpad!"

"Hey!" Launchpad interjected. "I'm not stupid! I'm dumb!"

"Whatever!" Toodles walked over to Heidi and pulled her up by the wrist. "This one goes first. I know she's your girlfriend or somethin'!"

Heidi would've pointed out she was engaged to someone else but now wasn't the time.

Her jokes couldn't cover her fear anymore. Homegirl wasn't expecting to be the first person targeted. She figured it would be Launchpad because he dies in every act!

"Wha- Hey, no! Let me go!" It was true, all her sarcasm and wit was gone with the wind.

Gloria got up and quickly punched the arm that Toodles was using to grab Heidi. "Hey! Knock it off, Al Capone! You're not taking her anywhere! I'll fuck you up!" She kept her fists raised, ready to punch him again. Gloria would be more afraid of Toodles if she didn't just see him tear up because of a little bit of trash talk thrown his way.

"Al Capone?! Hell no! If you're going to mock me, then at least call me John Dillinger!" He spat in her face, somehow, to get her to back up. It worked and the smell of cigar smoke filled her nostrils.

Gloria covered her eyes to try to wipe some of the sticky spit off. "Ew! What the fuck?!"

"Looks like ya don't even get to see ya friend off!" Toodles gripped onto Heidi's wrist tighter, earning a scream from her, before leaving. He was right. By the time Gloria opened her eyes, they were already gone.

"O-oh my god!" Abigail stood up and started to frantically pace. "They- they're serious! I- I was denying it but they're going to torture us!"

"Where the fuck did he go?!" Gloria kicked the floor the same way Toodles just did and sat down next to Gyro. "Oh my god... okay okay..." She tried to calm herself down. "Toodles doesn't really seem like that big of a threat. I'm sure Heidi can figure something out, right?"

Before Gyro could say anything, Launchpad spoke up.

"Nope! Remember what he did to us in Agartha?! He was the one that put that chip in my brain! And I get bad vibes from him!" Launchpad lowered this voice. "Don't tell anyone this... but the vibes I get are always right."

Gloria shook her head "No that was all Mickey, right? Mickey was the one who kidnapped us and put that chip in your brain. Toodles was just his weird right hand man."

Actually it was that Chad guy and some other dude so they were both wrong. All this stuff gets confusing, doesn't it?

"You've all been kidnapped together before?" Abigail whispered to herself. That sort of gave her some hope? At least she was with people who had survived this kind of stuff before. "A-also... is he implying that Heidi will have a chip in her brain as well?"

"Then that would be good news. I'm not sure if you remember, Launchpad, but I was the one to knock out your chip. I can easily do it again if it comes down to it."

"I don't remember but okay!"

Abigail ignored that. "O-okay... then we have some hope."

Gyro gave Gloria a worried look. He wouldn't say that quite yet.


Boyd sat, balled up, in the chair across from Mark's office desk. Which was now Mr. B's office desk.

Mr. B wasn't there yet, Boyd had no idea where he was, but he wouldn't dare move. Wyatt had told him to stay put and there were guards by the exit.

An hour, which was much too short, past before Mr. B finally entered.

He didn't look happy, not that Boyd expected anything else, but Mr. B's eyes lit up when he saw him.

"Boyd!" He clapped his hands together, but he didn't continue his speech until he was across the desk in his own seat. "I apologize for the wait. I had an urgent matter to deal with." That urgent matter being the previous captives having escaped and Ma Beagle and Gandra Dee being dead. Mr. B was going to have to have a talk with Black Heron, Toodles, and his brothers. The last remaining members of F.O.W.L. Until then, most robots were on search for the McDucks, Mia, and Fenton. "It is so good to see you again." The smile given was sick. "You know, I was so scared when I found out you were taken away by Wyatt and Ellie. They didn't hurt you, did they? I know Wyatt has gone a bit rogue, but I promise my organization is getting him under control. No need for you to worry."

Before he escaped, he would've believed Mr. B, but Boyd could see right through all of his lies now. He furrowed his brows. "They didn't hurt me, you did! Don't pretend that you care about me. All this time, you have done nothing but hurt and manipulate me into believing that you care about me! And now you're hurting my family, too! Just forget all of this and let everyone go! Please!" Boyd squeezed himself tighter. He was scared to stand up for himself but he couldn't let this go on anymore.

"Your family?!" Mr. B slammed his hands on the desk and stood up. "I am your family! I could kill you instantly but I decided against it because of our past." Mr. B's old plans were to kill him, but now his mind had been changed. Boyd was annoying, but he was fun to mess with. Entertainment purposes only. But, if it came down to it, Mr. B still wouldn't hesitate in wiping him out.

Suddenly a smirk crossed Mr. B's face. "Your mom is already gone. And what do you call that other man? Dr. Dad? Yes? Well, he's gone too. I'm going to be your only family soon enough."

Boyd shook his head "YOU'RE LYING! I know that they're still alive! You're just tricking me again!" There was this other part of Boyd that believed him. He didn't want to but he already started getting tears in his eyes. He covered his face into his knees before Mr. B could see him cry. That was exactly what Mr. B wanted from Boyd and he knew it.

Mr. B huffed. His patience was dwindling. "I liked having a robot as a fake son, Boyd. It was entertaining." He walked over and knelt by Boyd's side, who still had his face buried. "You have two choices. You can leave your 'family' behind, those who aren't dead that is, and come live with me where things will go back to normal. Or you can stay here in a cold cage by yourself and get hurt a little bit before I try again tomorrow. And then I will keep trying to get you on my side for days that will turn into torturous months. Maybe years. Until I've had enough and decide to kill you."

Boyd picked his head up. Mr. B had never seen him look so mad. "I am not a robot! I am a definitely real boy!"

"Yeah, you keep saying that when you get torn limb from limb and have to look at your own wires, robot. Deep down, you know you can't ever be a definitely real boy. Real boys don't destroy a city. Real boys can swim. And real boys don't have to say they're a 'definitely real boy' because they know they are and don't have to fake it." Ouch.

Boyd shot up in his seat and shoved Mr. B out of his face before standing up. "I hate you! I know who I am! And you can try your worst in hurting me but I will never stop trying to get away from you!"

Mr. B wasn't fazed. "You were more amusing when you were gullible. I should have never let you have an ounce of freedom. Letting you see 'Lucy' was my greatest mistake. No matter." He snapped his fingers, giving two robots the hint to take Boyd into their custody.

As soon as they held Boyd down, Mr. B smirked. "See? These robots know they're place, unlike you."

Boyd kept his glare on Mr. B as the robots started to drag Boyd to his cell. "I hate you! My family and I won't let you get away with this!"

He bent down to Boyd's level. "Your family already did. 'Dr. Dad' was the one who built these robots for me, so I guess he doesn't actually view your kind as people, huh? He gave them away like property."

"W-what?" Boyd confidence drained when he looked up at the two robots who were holding him back before back at Mr. B. "He- he wouldn't! Why would he build something like this for you?!"

Mr. B ignored that. "Hmmmm let's think back shall we? What about that time when robots took over the city on behalf of Steelbeak's dictatorship. Well, Mark was the one to build those wasn't he? Sooooo...." He trailed off before smiling again. "Your own family views robots as objects, Boyd. You and your mother are just some weird exception."

Boyd kept shaking his head. "Dr. Dad wouldn't do this... I know he wouldn't." Boyd was close to crying again. Mr. B's words were starting to cut deep.

Mr. B waved the guards to take Boyd away. The conversation had gone on longer than needed.

As a crying Boyd was dragged away, Kyle watched from the air vents. He was going to save that kid if it was the last thing he did.


The Mcduck Family, Fenton, and Mia all shared a large table together inside the local MILF Denny's.

Della had just chugged down her third tall glass of choccy milk and wiped her beak on her jacket sleeve. "Kids, I know what I'm going to do! I am going to work here at MILF Denny's so I can get a discount!"

Louie, who is drowning his pancakes with syrup and chocolate chips, spoke up. "Mom, no offense, but you're not a MILF."

Huey whispered to Dewey. "What's a MILF...?"

Della wacked Louie upside the head "HEY! I am totally MILF material!"

Fenton was uncomfortable the entire time. He hated this conversation and he knew that if his M'ma caught him in a facility like this, he would be a dead man. He awkwardly adjusted his tie. "Uhhh.. can we- could we maybe change the subject?"


"Okkkkay, lass." Scrooge pulled Della down. "I don't think coming here was the best idea."

Louie was busy goggling at a waitress. "I dunno Uncle Scrooge, I think it was a great idea."

Huey started crying because Dewey had shown him pictures of MILFs on the internet.

What the fuck is this family?

Mia gulped and turned to look over at Fenton. "I... I just w-wanted fries..."

Della had eaten them all.

Needless to say, Mia had decided to continue a conversation with the only other rational person. "Where... do you think our friends are?"

Fenton shrugged. "I'm not sure. I hope they're okay! After we eat I should probably head home and let my M'ma know that I'm alive and then look for them. But first I should try to go back to Dr. Gearloose's lab and- Nevermind." He almost told Mia that he was Gizmoduck.

Louie groaned and threw a piece of his pancake at Fenton. "Dude! Chill! Literally everyone knows that you're Gizmoduck!"

"LOUIE!" Great. That was another name he needs to add to his list of people who know his identity.

"I... already knew, Fenton. Heidi told... me." Mia murmured.

Fenton tapped his pencil. Yep, he had already taken out his notepad. "Okay. At this point, I should make a list of who doesn't know..."

Louie threw another piece of pancake at Fenton. "You ain't gonna find no one, BITCH!"


"What, Uncle Donald?!"



"Hey, bitches. Your waitress just died from alcohol poisoning so I'll be your new waitress or some shit." Magica tapped her name tag before throwing back a shot. "Can I get you refills or something? Maybe bleach?"

"Woah hold up..." Dewey put his hands up. "You are not MILF material."

Magica looked up and rolled her eyes. "Of course the McFucks are here." She leaned forward. "Listen, Dewey Dickwad. Old men need MILFs too, got it? Now do you want bleach or not?"

Dewey dabbed "Yeah that'd be great, thanks!"

Mia spoke up. "Hi, could... I get more fries, please?"



Magica looked at everyone at the table and pointed at Donald with her pencil. "What the fuck did he just say?"


Magica started scribbling Donald's order down on a notepad "I'll just get you an omelette that I spit on and I'll have a girl with perky tits bring it out to you."

Della, Dewey, and Louie all cheered when they heard that last part. "PERKY TITS! PERKY TITS!"

Fenton covered his face in his hands in embarrassment. He should just leave.

Magica left before anyone else could bother her.

Mia turned to Fenton. "Do you want to leave and... go to Goth IHOP instead?"

He sighed. Goths scared him as well but it was better than this. "Sure."


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