Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

De Lizard_Brainz

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After the events of Act 3, the Glomsquad is finally able to settle down... until F.O.W.L causes a disturbance... Mais

Chapter 1: F.O.W.L and Caucasian Tacos
Chapter 2: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Daddy Issues
Chapter 4: See You Soon, Mother
Chapter 5: Lucy and Wyatt
Chapter 6: Rule 3
Chapter 7: The Mothmans
Chapter 8: Mark Is A Prostitute
Chapter 9: I'm Sorry You Chose To Read This
Chapter 10: Dingles?!
Chapter 11: Gloria's Betrayal
Chapter 12: Don't Kill People
Chapter 13: Gyro's Head
Chapter 14: Hello, Father
Chapter 15: Cracked Glass
Chapter 16: MILF Denny's
Chapter 17: The Betrayal
Chapter 18: CVS
Chapter 19: Duckmart Casket
Chapter 20: Chick-Fil-A
Chapter 22: Master
Chapter 23: The Saloon
Chapter 24: Ellie's Pregnancy
Chapter 25: I Forgot A Title
Chapter 26: B is for Bad Time
Chapter 27: 20 Dollar Bill
Chapter 28: Tiger Balloon
Chapter 29: Got It
Chapter 30: Got It Again
Chapter 31: Jeffers Gets Shot
Chapter 32: Goth IHOP
Chapter 33: Hollo?!
Chapter 34: Heidi Gone Haywire
Chapter 35: Aunt Mara
Chapter 36: The Real Blood Bath
Chapter 37: Bye Bye F.O.W.L
Chapter 38: Bad Ending

Chapter 21: Where's Waldo?

29 2 0
De Lizard_Brainz

A few days had passed since the Chick-fil-a incident and Wyatt is still very much pissed at Mark. It was late at night in his hotel room and he couldn't fall asleep. Luckily Mark only stayed in the same hotel with them for one night. It should also be noted that each of them had their own separate room. Yes, even Kyle. Kyle, a fucking cockroach, had an entire hotel room to himself.

Wyatt turned over and looked at the clock. It was almost 3 in the morning. He sighed and got up, knowing that he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Call him dramatic, but he was too angry to sleep. He hated Kyle for interfering in the Chick-fil-a parking lot. He also was hating Steelbeak for not backing Wyatt up. Stupid himbo was just standing there... How the two of them didn't want Mark Beaks dead was beyond him. He assumed that was the whole point, right?! To bring them to the middle of nowhere to kill them off! Why were they taking so long?!

He had enough of their bullshit. If he wanted something done right, he needed to do it himself. Wyatt felt he was already too far gone to back out now.

Wyatt grabbed the van's keys off of the hotel nightstand and walked out to the hotel parking lot. Steelbeak was too stupid to even notice that Wyatt had snatched the keys from him the day before. It baffled Wyatt just how easy it was to get away with things around Steelbeak and Kyle. He was starting to think that the two of them were holding him back.

The van started and Wyatt drove back to the old house where they were keeping Mark and Ellie.

Though the drive was a long one, he knew he would be back by morning. Kyle and Steelbeak would have no idea what had gone down until they arrived at the old shack themselves. Kyle definitely wouldn't be happy, but there was nothing he would be able to do about it. The roach acted all tough but he was nothing. He feared Wyatt and Wyatt knew it. Now was the time to use it to his advantage.

Kyle did call him 'boss' after all...

When the van pulled into the makeshift driveway an hour later, there was no way Mark didn't hear it. But it didn't matter. He was in restraints and Wyatt would greet him later after he dealt with Ellie.

The plan he had was one he made up quickly that night. Mark had said Ellie would choose him over Wyatt without her memories and Wyatt was going to prove him very wrong. He would erase Ellie's memories and slowly kill Mark while she watched. Mark would be forced to see his wife not even care about his death.

And he would be able to get Ellie, or Lucy rather, to fall in love with him all over again. She would have no recollection of her past and never would. And if Wyatt ever got bored of her or she figured it out, he would just kill her like Steelbeak and Kyle wanted.

This may as well have been an anime because Homeboy was going yandere up in here.

Wyatt grabbed the shovel and slammed the trunk shut, immediately heading over to Ellie's grave. He was digging her up a bit earlier than expected but hopefully a few days was enough to drive her somewhat insane.

Being a twink, it took him a lot longer to get the job done than it did Steelbeak. He was covered in an ungodly amount of sweat by the time the casket was uncovered.

It didn't matter. By the way things were going, he would be back at the hotel in time to take a shower.

Opening the casket immediately pissed him off. Ellie had shut down her system already. Of course she fucking did. He wouldn't be surprised if she shut down less than an hour after being buried just to escape the situation.

No matter.

It would be faster if Wyatt took out her flash drive when she was still shut down, but if that was the case, he wouldn't be able to see her horrified face when she woke up.

Wyatt nudged her only to be met with no response. He nudged her again. Still nothing.

Damn. She must've been in a deep shut down state. He eventually settled on straight up slapping her. It hurt his hand considering she was made out of metal, but it did the job just fine.

Her eyes shot open and she gasped. Immediately afterward her chest started heaving up and down rapidly which was sort of amusing since she couldn't even breathe to begin with. It was probably some stupid habit she picked up.

When she finally settled her eyes on his, Wyatt got the horrified expression he craved.

"Where- what-" She was confused. For all she knew it had been months. "... where is Mark?"

Okay. That was the last thing Wyatt wanted to hear.

He didn't waste any time looking for Ellie's flash drive inside her head. Ellie was still "waking up" from her deep shut down state so she didn't put up much of a fight. Even if she could, her restraints would've stopped her, too.

Wyatt forcefully yanked out a chip that looked like the same flash drive that he's seen her without. It was still dark so it was hard to tell exactly but he figured he pulled out the right thing. He stuffed the chip into his pocket before helping Ellie out of the casket.

It took a minute but Wyatt finally was able to hoist himself and Ellie out of the hole. "Lucy?... a-are you... are you there?" He laid a hand on her shoulder despite being covered in sweat and dirt.

It took her a moment to respond again since her system was still trying to get it's shit together, but she eventually strained her head to look up at him. "P-pardon...?"

"I-I asked if you're here... Do you- do you remember me? I'm Wyatt. I was looking after you back at Waddle. Do you remember that?"

"Wha-" Ellie paused and the situation pieced itself together. This bitch thought he successfully reset her or something.

Ellie gulped and prepared herself, knowing she was a shit liar. She shook her head. "N-no..." Hopefully this would work on him. Wyatt didn't have the highest IQ from what she knew. "I am- I am WP-J3. How may I be of service to you?" Perfect.

She could have just pretended to be Lucy again, but that wasn't how resets worked. Wyatt really was a dumbass.

"O-oh right... you probably don't remember me... okay. S-so my name is Wyatt and you were reset a few days ago a-and I helped you. You changed your name to Lucy and we... started to like each other." He started to untie the restraints Ellie had around her wrists and ankles. "I-I know you don't remember me, but that's okay! We're in Texas right now. N-not home... in Duckburg. We'll try to go home soon..." There was still everything with Mr. B so it wasn't the best idea to think about going back to Duckburg so soon. Another point for Wyatt being a dumbass.

Ellie scrunched up her face when he was still focusing on her restraints. God. What a fucking freak. Gloria would definitely enjoy this hot gossip when they met up again. If they met up again.

Ellie decided to keep playing along until she was completely free, which would be about in another minute or so.

"Is- uh... Is my command to love you?"

Wyatt blushed. "Uhhh yep! Yes- yes it is..." Damn. If he realized it was that easy, he would've mentioned that at the very beginning. Three points to dumbass.

The restraints were finally gone and he backed up to give Ellie space to stand.

It took another minute for her to get her bearings; everything felt rusted over in place after not moving for days.

Wyatt noticed and held out a hand for her to take.

Ellie reluctantly did and delivered a strained smile in return before turning to look at the shack. "Is someone in there?" Hopefully that question didn't seem too out of place, but she needed to know where Mark was before she made any moves.

Wyatt looked over at the shack and nodded. "Y-yeah, b-but don't worry about him! He won't bother you..." He quickly changed the subject and pointed to the van. "I drove here in that van. We can just go now... i-if you want."

She softened her eyes for a moment. This was her fault, wasn't it? Someone as sweet as Wyatt going insane.

That thought quickly left her. He buried her for days and was planning on killing Mark because she hurt his wimpy ass feelings. Not only that, but he just tried to reset her again. He was treating her like a toy and not a person.

She glared at him before grabbing him by the neck, immediately throwing him into the pit he had just pulled her out of. She peeked over to look down at Wyatt, who was now laying in the casket, confused about what the hell just happened.

"Got anything to say, motherfucker?!" Holy hell. Ellie was speaking informally and swearing. That's how you knew she was losing it.

"Wha- ELLIE?! HOW?! I-I TOOK OUT YOUR FLASH DRIVE!" Wyatt pulled out the chip that he had put in his pocket and held it up for her to see. He was still laying down in the coffin for some reason. Probably because he was still in shock. Who cares.

"You are idiotic. That is my GPS." She scoffed, having that followed by a laugh. "Did you really think it would be that easy to get me to love you? Even Lucy would not love you if she saw who you are now. But it does not matter. You will not see her again except in your miserable dreams. You are pathetic." The smile she delivered was sick, almost like she was the villain, before bolting off to where Wyatt assumed was the shack.

Oh hell no. He immediately began to climb out. That twink wasn't going down without a fight.

Mark was sleeping on the floor as Ellie rushed in, coming to his side.

"Mark? Mark! Wake up!" Ellie didn't waste any time in starting to work on his restraints, knowing Wyatt would not be far behind if she didn't hurry. "We must go!"

Mark shifted in his sleep. "Five more minutes!"

They could hear Wyatt screaming outside. "ELLIE, GET BACK HERE!"

That caught Mark's attention. "Yo, what?" Ellie had already freed his wrists and now she was working on his ankles. "What's going on?"

"I will explain later. All you need to know is Wyatt has gone certifiable."

Mark had no idea what the fuck that meant.

"He took out my GPS so I have no clue how to get to the nearest town, but it does not matter. We just need to run."

Mark's ankles were now free so Ellie stood up, holding out her hand to help him.

The two bolted out of the shack.

They could see Wyatt was just getting out of the hole and back on his feet. "GET BACK HERE! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!"

Ellie and Mark had a head start but that didn't phase Wyatt. When he got out of the hole, he smirked and started running towards the van.

The van started but he wasn't able to go anywhere. "What?!" He started slapping the steering wheel in frustration and kept his foot on the pedal. He realized that the van was completely out of gas. "NO!" With all of the traveling back and forth, Steelbeak didn't think to refill the tank sooner. Another dumbass point for Wyatt for not checking the gas levels before driving out to the middle of nowhere. He looked back at Mark and Ellie who were already too far away. He slapped the van again. "DAMNIT! DAMNIT! DAMNIT!" With no signal and no gas, Wyatt was just going to have to wait for Steelbeak and Kyle to wake up and find him.

Mark looked back at Wyatt while he slowed to a slight jog, like the lazy ass he was. "Yo... he kinda wack though. Just saying." He turned to see if Ellie was going to respond but she was literally over fifty feet ahead of him. He sighed and picked up the pace.


It was finally Tuesday, the day Gloria and gang were flying to D.C.

They had bid Miss Glamour and Falcon farewell early that morning before heading to the airport. And being in a city and all, it was a pretty big airport.

Boyd looked around in complete awe as they were heading toward their gate. "I have never been in an airport before." Because, ya know, he could fly. It should be mentioned Boyd had trouble getting in himself considering he was made out of complete metal.

Heidi nodded. "Yeah. Me either. I just bike everywhere, ya know?"

As for Gyro, well, he was following from behind, not wanting to associate with Gloria or Heidi.

Miss Glamour, being the queen that she was, made sure to send Gloria, Heidi and Boyd off with new suitcases and outfits for their trip. Not Gyro though because fuck Gyro. She also made sure to have Boyd sit first class with Gloria and Heidi while having Gyro sit in the emergency exit towards the back of the plane. She's so classy.

They had about another hour to kill before their plane left so the four of them sat at their gate and waited. Gloria and Heidi sat together while Gyro sat a few seats away from them. Boyd was stuck being in the middle of everything but he opted to sit next to Gyro.

"It was really cool of Miss Glamour to get us first class seats. I'm going to miss that bitch."

Heidi laughed. "I know. I'm going to actually feel important for once..." Oh shit. That sounded more sad than she intended. "But anyway, yeah... I don't think Miss Glamour liked me all that much. She didn't hate me but... I dunno..." She really had no idea what she was trying to get at so she simply shrugged.

"No, I think she likes you! Trust me, you would know if she hates you. Getting you a first class ticket and a new suitcase was her way of saying that she likes you. She just... has a very strong personality." That was the best way Gloria could describe her.

"Welp," Heidi propped her foot up on the suitcase to use some sort of foot rest. "Can't argue with that."

She was the first to notice Dingles, yep, Dingles waving to them from across the waiting area. He wore a hawaiin shirt and was next to... The Mothmans.

Heidi smiled and waved back weakly, before nudging Gloria. "Yo, Glo? We kinda fucked."

"Huh?" Gloria noticed Dingles who was still waving like an idiot, before seeing the rest of the gang. "Oh fuck. How?! How did they find us?!" She didn't move. They were already spotted so she didn't know if it would do any good to run and hide. They passed by TSA so they can't have any weapons on them but that doesn't mean that they still won't try to hurt them. If security won't stop them, they wouldn't have any problem with dragging them outside to kill them.

Boyd noticed the sudden panic and looked over to where Gloria and Heidi were looking. He put two and two together.

"It's okay." He smiled. "We can- we can figure it out by just talking to them!" Homeboy literally got up and waltzed over to the gang, leaving Gloria and Heidi to watch in mock horror. Gyro was too busy reading Time magazine to notice.

"Hi, I'm Boyd! A definitely real boy!" He spoke to who he assumed was the leader of The Mothmans. Peanut.

Peanut looked left and right to see who was talking to him. He didn't even see Boyd until he looked down. "Uhhhh..." He looked back at his other gang members before back down at Boyd. "What do you want, kid?"

Boyd pointed to Gloria and Heidi. "I want you to leave them alone, pretty please." He smiled after to add the cute effect.

Gyro was still reading the political section of the magazine.

Peanut looked at Gloria and Heidi and shrugged. "Kid, we haven't bothered to look for them for a couple of days now. We couldn't care less what happens to them."

"What? Really?" Boyd was now straight up confused. But he didn't wait for an answer, instead, he waved for Gloria and Heidi to walk over and join him.

Heidi raised a brow. "The fuck?"

Gloria got up from her seat. "I think he wants us to come over there?"

They were both hesitant but Boyd wouldn't have told them to come over there if it wasn't alright to do so. Gloria spoke up first, clearly very nervous to be around the Mothmans. "Boyd? What's going on?"

It was also odd to see The Mothmans at the airport when they were supposed to be delivering drugs to Miss Glamour the next day but whatever.

"They said they haven't been looking for you." Boyd stated; fairly bluntly at that.

Marshmallow nodded. "Yeah. We weren't getting paid enough to hunt you down so now we're just taking a vacation. My boy Dingles always wanted to see the White House."

Dingles gave thumbs up. "Yep! Maybe I can wed someone in front of it too!"

"Wait. You guys are going to D.C., too?!" Well, at least they aren't out to kill them anymore so that's good at least. If it wasn't for the fact that Mara could help them find Ellie, Mark and Mia, they would have just gone home.

"Yep! We sure are! I can't wait!" Dingles did a little freestyle dance to show just how excited he was.

"Wait wait wait..." Heidi shook her hands in front of her, still very confused. "You were paid to hunt us down?"

Peanut nodded. "Yep. Paid to let you in the gang too so we could mess with ya."

"By who!?"

He shrugged. "Dunno. Some weird lookin' freak named Toodles."

Neither Heidi or Boyd knew who that was so they weren't fazed, only continuing to be left in the dark.

Gloria, on the other hand, was immediately sent into a sort of disbelief. She shook her head "No way... It can't be Toodles! He just just had this weird floating head thing back in Agartha! That was years ago and Glomgold hit him with a plane! How could he be alive?!"

Peanut laughed. "What are you talking about!?" It took him a second to get his bearings because seeing Gloria so freaked out was too funny. "He's a weird floating head alright, but he's got some buff ass body. Pretty intimidating. But, that doesn't really answer your question on how he's alive."

Marshmallow butted in. "He said he's a part of this group that's hunting you and your friends down too. Pretty scary stuff. You guys are fucked." That was followed by a laugh as he joined in on Peanut's amusement.

"But why?! Why now?! What does he want?" Gloria was still very freaked out. It seems like everyone who was at once presumed dead just came back.

"How the fuck would we know?" Marshmallow pulled out a "Where's Waldo" book because he was pretty much done with the conversation. Peanut picked up after him.

"Yeah we can't help ya. Like I said, we just know and your friends are..." He drew a line across his neck. "All we know is he's a part of an organization that really wants their hands on you and some 'Glomsquad'."

Heidi immediately bawled her fists. "They have Mia..."

Marshmallow nodded though he was nose deep in his book. "Probably."

Tugging her shirt to get her attention, Boyd turned to look up at Gloria. "That must be the group Mr. B is in! I think he's the leader!"

"I think you're right... Okay okay at least we're onto something here." She gave Heidi and Boyd a look to tell them that they should go back to their seats. Before they left, Gloria looked back at the Mothmans who just didn't seem to care about the conversation anymore. "Um... thanks for telling us about Toodles and not wanting to kill us anymore. That's pretty cool."

Peanut gave her a surf's up gesture before going back to playing Subway Surfers.

"Bye guys!" Dingles waved.

Heidi bid him goodbye, giving him a quick hug, before leaving with Gloria and Boyd. She pulled Gloria aside so they were away from Gyro. They could explain this shit to him later. Having him throw a fit in the middle of an airport didn't sound too good.

"Shit... this is a lot bigger than we thought. They're probably behind the McDuck's and Fenton's disappearances too." Heidi gripped Gloria's arm tighter out of pure frustration. "You think Mara can still help us with something like this? I mean, god, what are we supposed to do!?"

She shook her head "I'm not sure. I really hope so... I don't know of anyone else we can turn to so she's kind of our only hope in figuring this out... I think you're right. Whoever is a part of this organization must be involved with everyone's disappearances! I mean, the timeline checks out... but that doesn't really tell us much though." Gloria raked her fingers through her hair "Okay so all we can do now is go to D.C. and talk to Mara about everything. Whatever happens next we'll just worry about when it gets here." It dawned on her that someone within the government must be worried that the richest duck in the world had just vanished without a trace. Surely they must already be on the ball with this investigation! Unless it's being covered up and this organization is running ever deeper than already imagined. Gloria didn't speak her mind about any of that. There wasn't a point in jumping to theories just to worry everyone.

Heidi let out a huff and looked over and where Gyro was, still reading his damn Time Magazine while Boyd was trying to talk to him.

"And I bet that robot army he built is in their hands now."

Yep. Gloria told Heidi about that.

Gloria rolled her eyes. "Wonderful." She had almost forgotten about that. "We'll worry about it in D.C.. The plane is about to start boarding so let's just try to enjoy our bougie first class tickets until then." The two of them sat back down in their seats where they had left their luggage.

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