Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

By Lizard_Brainz

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After the events of Act 3, the Glomsquad is finally able to settle down... until F.O.W.L causes a disturbance... More

Chapter 1: F.O.W.L and Caucasian Tacos
Chapter 2: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Daddy Issues
Chapter 4: See You Soon, Mother
Chapter 5: Lucy and Wyatt
Chapter 6: Rule 3
Chapter 7: The Mothmans
Chapter 8: Mark Is A Prostitute
Chapter 9: I'm Sorry You Chose To Read This
Chapter 10: Dingles?!
Chapter 11: Gloria's Betrayal
Chapter 12: Don't Kill People
Chapter 13: Gyro's Head
Chapter 14: Hello, Father
Chapter 15: Cracked Glass
Chapter 17: The Betrayal
Chapter 18: CVS
Chapter 19: Duckmart Casket
Chapter 20: Chick-Fil-A
Chapter 21: Where's Waldo?
Chapter 22: Master
Chapter 23: The Saloon
Chapter 24: Ellie's Pregnancy
Chapter 25: I Forgot A Title
Chapter 26: B is for Bad Time
Chapter 27: 20 Dollar Bill
Chapter 28: Tiger Balloon
Chapter 29: Got It
Chapter 30: Got It Again
Chapter 31: Jeffers Gets Shot
Chapter 32: Goth IHOP
Chapter 33: Hollo?!
Chapter 34: Heidi Gone Haywire
Chapter 35: Aunt Mara
Chapter 36: The Real Blood Bath
Chapter 37: Bye Bye F.O.W.L
Chapter 38: Bad Ending

Chapter 16: MILF Denny's

25 2 0
By Lizard_Brainz

Steelbeak, Kyle, and Ellie sat inside of MILF Denny's.

Both Steelbeak and Kyle didn't want Ellie to break out of the car when they were inside so now she was at the table with them much to their annoyance. A few people thought she worked there which was the most entertaining thing about the situation, but other than that, it was pretty lame. She was totally blowing their bro time.

They were nice enough to stop at a gas station and get Ellie a drink. And yes, the drink was the gasoline. But she supposed that was pretty cool of them. That was about it considering they were holding her and her family hostage, but sometimes you gotta look past stuff.

A middle-age waitress with HUGE tits walked up. "Hey y'all! Welcome to MILF Denny's. Can I start y'all off with something to drink?" She looked at Ellie's mug of gasoline. "Except you, I guess."

Kyle put down his cockroach sized menu. "We're ready to order. We know the game by now." He handed the waitress his menu. "I'll have a coffee with the Cinnamon Roll Pancake Breakfast." He paused. "Please."

"Sure thing, sweety! Would you like a creamer with your coffee?"

"Hell no!"

She jotted it down. "Alrighty! What about you, handsome?" She looked over at Steelbeak.

He winked at her and did finger guns, unknowingly stealing Mark's signature move. Sometimes things just rubbed off on him. "I'll have the Super Slam! And... uh... a water with no ice and a lemon! Thank youuuuu!"

She gave him a thumbs up before looking at Ellie. "Shouldn't you be in the back?"

"For the last time, I do not work here!"

The waitress scoffed. "No need for the attitude. Now what the fuck do you want?"

Damn. Someone was a simp for men only.

"My body is incapable of digesting food, but, um..." Ellie leaned forward to whisper to the waitress. "I am being held hostage. I need you to call the authorities."

The waitress scoffed again, this time followed by an intense eye roll that ended up getting her eyelashes stuck together with all the heavy mascara she had going on. "We don't deal with hostage situations here sweety, suck it up." She left without another word, leaving Ellie behind to huff and cross her arms.

Kyle beamed as he kicked his legs back and forth. He was sitting in a very tiny chair that he got from IKEA. He brings it everywhere he goes for situations like this. "Man, I sure do love MILF Denny's!"

"Me too! The atmosphere here is amazing and everyone is so nice!"

Kyle gave him a look. "Yeah... but the huge titties though..."

"The what?"


Steelbeak blushed. "Oh- I can't look at those... I'm a Catholic remember? I can't look at any boobs until marriage."

Ellie leaned forward, and started focusing on coloring her kid's menu. "I do not mean to interrupt, but what is going on?" She wasn't even bothering to look at them anymore while she spoke. The situation wasn't exactly 'threatening' at the moment which was all that mattered to her. "You kidnap my family and I, then take me to a breakfast dining facility with you? It would have made more sense if you chained me to a pole outside of the house." The fact she accidentally gave villains advice was pretty sad.

It was ironic she had started to mouth villains off just a tad when usually she was a pussy. Maybe Gloria had rubbed off her just a bit, like how Mark had rubbed off on Steelbeak.

Steelbeak shrugged. "Why would I do that? I'm not gonna chain you up outside now that we're dating!"

If Kyle had his drink, he would've spit it out.

The waitress came back just then to hand them their drinks so he was able to do just that to add extra dramatic flair to the situation.

Ellie's crayon broke on her paper, ruining her MILF Denny's kid's menu art piece. "Pardon?!" She looked up at him with a disgusted face. "You want to torture me and kill me but now we are dating?" She held up her left hand with the ring on it. "I will have you know I am a married woman. Not very Catholic of you to go after someone who is already taken." Just like that, she picked up the blue crayon instead to try to cover up her mistake on her masterpiece.

Oh shit, Ellie was right. The Catholic Church wouldn't be too happy with Steelbeak right now. He shrugged again and smirked. "Who cares? I'll admit to it in Confession next Sunday."

Kyle was absolutely revolted. Keep in mind that Kyle still viewed Ellie as his mother and Steelbeak his bro. This was fucking him up. "Steelbeak... why are you dating my horrible mother? Has MILF Denny's gone to your head?"

Of course Kyle gave Steelbeak the idea to bang his mother but not DATE her!!! Those were completely different obviously.

Ellie spoke up again before Steelbeak could answer. She tried to remain calm because she knew it was just his way of fucking with her, but the idea Kyle had given Steelbeak in the diner the other day dawned on her, causing her to break her last crayon. Great.

"What is your end goal?" She asked. "To date me for a week and then kill me?" To be honest, she was actually curious. And if he admitted his entire plan, it would possibly give her time to figure something out. Not that there were a lot of options without killing anybody.

"To be honest, I really don't have an end goal. After we left F.O.W.L and went rouge I'm kind of just makin' things up as I go along. That's why we're in this fine establishment!" Steelbeak spread out his arms to gesture at the restaurant. "MILF Denny's is the best place to relax and think about future evil schemes! Everybody knows that!"

Kyle nodded. "Yeah he does have a point. I was in a MILF Denny's when I came up with my prositiution business in Vegas."

"Here ya go, cuties!" The waitress came back and gave Steelbeak and Kyle their food and refilled drinks. She made sure to lean against the table while doing so to have her cleavage stick out in front of them. Kyle was practically drooling whereas Steelbeak started counting the tiles on the ceiling. Gotta make Duck Jesus proud.

Ellie glared at the two of them before turning her full attention to Steelbeak again.

"You are completely dull-witted to think I would do anything remotely romantic with you." She spat. "You do not have God Bots to rewire me this time around, now do you?"

Damn. Someone was getting hella sassy. Maybe it was the MILF Denny's.

It was a really bad idea to mouth them off when they literally had her son, husband, and Wyatt hostage, but she was just straight up pissed. How many kidnappings were going to happen in this stupid ass fanficiton until it ended or the writers came up with better ideas? For real.

"No I don't have any God Bots thanks to you and your stupid friends... And besides, who said anything about you being romantic? That still doesn't change the fact that we're dating."

Kyle started covering his non-existent ears. "Agh! Stop! Could you please stop saying that you're dating my mom?!"

"I'm dating your mom! I'm dating your mom! I'm dating your mom!" Steelbeak started to chant as if he was a little kid.


"Awwww what's wrong, Kyle? Don't like the fact that I'm your new step dad?"

"YOU WILL NEVER BE MY STEP FATHER!" Kyle paused. "And just so you know, if you're not going to be romantic with my mother, then you may as well not be dating her so HA!" Little to his cockroach knowledge did he realize he might've accidentally given Steelbeak an idea but whatever. Steelbeak was dumb as hell.

Ellie tried to think of something else she could say but she honestly couldn't. Both Kyle and Steelbeak were too stupid to give away information. That's right, too stupid to give away information because they literally didn't have anything planned out from what it sounded like.

She turned around to the people sitting at the booth behind her. "Excuse me?"

The overweight man groaned and looked at her. "WHAT?!"

She ignored that. "Can you please call the authorities, sir? I am being held hostage."

He took a swig of whatever alcohol was served at a MILF Denny's. Ellie was too lazy to scan it. "I didn't come to MILF Denny's to help a MILF." He turned back around.

God. Why did everyone think she was a MILF?!

She turned back around with a very pissed off expression which was definitely going to be permanent after this experience. With how hard she was holding the expression, her face would probably get stuck like that.

"You know what, Steelbeak? I-" She cut herself off. An absolutely horrid idea coming to mind.

They were out, which meant the longer she kept them out, the more time she could spare her family from torture, possibly giving them time to figure something out despite being stranded in the middle of a desert.

She shuddered before gulping. Sacrifices had to be made.

"You know what, Steelbeak? We should do something together after this since we are dating..." God. If they ended up in a hotel room she was going to jump out a window.

Steelbeak had a mouthful of pancakes and eggs in his mouth when she said that. He almost choked. "Oh wait, seriously?" His voice was muffled from all of the food. "I didn't think I'd get this far... huh. Well alright! Sure! Consider it a date then, babes!"


Another party overheard Kyle, but were too afraid to turn around to see where the screaming was coming from. The first man whispered to his friend "What kind of MILF waitress would bring their son to work?"

Ellie cringed at Steelbeak's ecstatic statement. She would have found it extremely disturbing how scary she knew he could be, when he tried, if she actually remembered her past with him.

She prepared herself to state her offer. "...And we can bring Kyle along since he is our son." Now the torture was being flipped onto Kyle. "After this we can go to the movies or, umm..." Ellie couldn't think of any other date activities because she wasn't good at that type of thing so she ended up just trailing off. Whatever. Steelbeak could think of something with his small brain.

Steelbeak gasped. "The movies sounds like a great idea!"

Kyle was still pretty livid. "Uh, NO it doesn't! Steelbeak, you are NOT my father! Mark is!"

Sounds like an episode of Maury.

Steelbeak cleared his throat before putting a finger on Kyle's shoulder as a means to comfort him. "Now son, please don't raise your voice in front of your mother. And you don't have to call me father until you're ready to do so."


"What?! Don't you want two Christmases!?"


The same two friends overheard Kyle again. The second friend whispered "Man, poor kid... MILF Denny's is a pretty intense place."


"Boyd." Mark sat in front of him so he could look him in the eyes. "I know this is a scary situation, I guess. But you gotta #Yeet, ya dig? Use your rocket feet and bounce! You need to find us help. Like, uh, find Gloria or something!" He didn't mention Gyro because he would rather be tortured than be rescued by Gyro.

Boyd had kind of sworn off using his rocket feet. He would never use them unless there was a dire need to... or if he accidentally missed the school bus. Since he's been living with Mr. B, he hasn't used his rockets at all. "You're right... I should probably leave now that they're both away... but what about you and Mr. Wyatt? I can't leave you two here alone!"

Wyatt spoke up, though it was hard with how badly his beak hurt from his beating. It definitely was swollen and discolored.

Needless to say, he agreed with Mark. Boyd would not only be safe but he would be their only hope in getting help. "M-Mr. Beaks is right, Boyd. Don't worry about us. We will figure everything out. You should leave to tell your other friends w-where we are, okay?"

"You can find your way back to Duckburg, right, sport?"

Boyd nodded. "But what... what if I'm too late in helping you, mom, and Mr. Wyatt?"

Mark shook his head. "No way, little dude! Everything will be alright!... but uhhh the sooner you leave the sooner we're free sooooooooooo..."

He sniffled before giving Mark a quick hug and Wyatt a long one. Boyd had begun to cry. "I'll do everything I can to save you."

Wyatt's heart nearly shattered. "I know you c-can do it, okay?"

Boyd once again before running out the door to blast off away from his family. The longer he stayed with them, the harder it would be for him to leave.


After desert, Miss Glamour ordered Falcon to lead Gloria and Heidi to their guest rooms.

Heidi immediately crashed onto her bed to sob. It had been so long that she lost track of time, not to mention her head was throbbing.

She peaked down at her phone. "God..." It was midnight. She literally missed dinner and cried in the room for at least eight hours. She must've accidentally fallen asleep at some point.

There was a soft knock at her door.

Heidi rolled off the bed and wiped away her tears before answering the door.

"Hey, Heidi. Can I come in for a minute?"

"Sure. Whatever." Heidi didn't mean to come off as so rude, but she was too tired to even care. She didn't waste a second into hopping on the bed again and burying her face into the pillow that her makeup eyeliner smeared on it.

Gloria closed the door behind her and sat in the Louis Vuitton Chair on the other side of the room. It was right next to the very tall window that had a mini patio space to overlook the city. "... I'm really really sorry about agreeing to D.C. like that. I should've waited to talk to you about it... And of course, everything with Mia... I'm so sorry."

Heidi let out another sob into the pillow. "It doesn't matter! I'm not going to be able to find her no matter what! She's probably dead!"

It was hard for Gloria to make out what she was saying with her voice so muffled, but she managed.

Taking a minute to calm down, though still crying into the pillow, Heidi continued. "We should go to DC... if we stay we die. But.... I just... I dunno! It should have been me instead of Mia! I keep denying it, saying she left on her own free will but deep down I know as well as you do that isn't the case. Whoever is fucking with us, took Mia down. And it's only a matter of time before the same thing happens to us until we leave..." She finally sat up and hugged the pillow close to her chest. "It should have been me. It should have been me!"

The sobs she let out were horrid. It reminded Gloria of when she Mark held her at gunpoint all that time ago in Margaritaville, when Heidi had confessed to everything.

"I just don't understand who's behind all this and what we did to them! Why are they doing this now?!" Heidi's voice raised in pitch. "The gang is hunting us down, sure, but there has gotta be someone else behind all of this shit!"

"I just don't know, Heidi... There probably is something bigger going on and we just don't know it yet... but if that is the case, we shouldn't give up hope on Mia, okay? I know we'll be far away from home but maybe this Mara person can help us out. She works for the government, I'm sure there could be something she could do for us..."

Heidi continued to cry so Gloria continued. "You know, the McDuck family vanished, too. Same with Fenton. I'm sure whatever reason they have for vanishing is the same for Mia. But that's a good thing. Because Scrooge McDuck has always figured ways out of situations like this. It'll take some time, yeah, but I'm sure everything will be alright very soon." Gloria gave her a reassuring smile despite the fact that she had her face covered in the pillow she was still hugging.

Heidi finally looked at Gloria. "I know, but-"

Whatever she was going to say was cut off by the ring of the doorbell and Heidi's heart sank, along with Gloria's.

"Holy shit..." Heidi muttered. "They found us." Her voice cracked.

Gloria immediately shot up from her seat and drew back the curtains to see who it was. She couldn't see anything. She turned to look at Heidi. "Fuck! Okay okay don't panic... Miss Glamour and Falcon will figure this out." Gloria still walked over to Heidi's door and locked it.


Miss Glamour's voice rang throughout the entire mansion.


Heidi eyed Gloria. "Does- does that mean it's the gang or...?"

"I-I don't know... " Gloria unlocked the door and stepped out. "Lock the door behind me, though. I'll let you know if everything is okay." She left before Heidi could say anything more.

Gloria nervously walked downstairs where Miss Glamour was. She peeked her head out the corner to see who was there. The gang wasn't in the house. She sighed in relief and quickly texted Heidi to let her know that everything was okay before she stepped into the room. Her relief was short lived however when she noticed Gyro was standing there alongside Miss Glamour and Falcon.

Gyro stared at her a moment with the same shocked expression before turning back to Miss Glamour. "Is Heidi here? She messaged me and said I was in danger."

"Yes she's here. But I'm not telling you where she is because no one wants to deal with you." Miss Glamour scoffed before looking at Gloria, slowly sliding off her sunglasses. "Dear, please tell me why your 'IT' friend invited Gyro to my establishment? You do not mean to tell me he is in danger too, do you?"

Gloria looked at Miss Glamour, trying to ignore the fact that Gyro was there. "Yeah, he is... I asked Heidi to text him to come here."

"Why not just let him end up dead? He's better off that way."

Gyro remained silent but he wanted so badly to curse both of them out; but considering he was supposed to be 'hiding out' there, getting kicked out didn't seem like the best idea.

Gloria ignored that. "Miss Glamour, he will probably have to come with us to D.C."

"Ugh. Fine. But he's not flying first class." Miss Glamour snapped her fingers, alerting Falcon to go and book another plane ticket. He nodded and left the room.

"DC?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE GOING TO DC?!" Gyro stopped his clown foot. He wasn't in the mood to talk to Gloria directly, but homie needed answers.

At this point, Miss Glamour just straight up left to go back to her beauty rest.

Gloria wasn't in the mood to talk to Gyro either, especially now that he's yelling. "Miss Glamour was nice enough to have us hide out in Washington D.C with Mark's sister for a while." She crossed her arms. She wanted nothing more than to march upstairs and go to bed.

"Okay, fine, but answer me this." He demanded. "Why am I being hunted down and how do you know?" He figured it was Ma Beagle but she didn't need to hunt him down if she had evidence of his father's murder. She could just send him to prison and that was that. Not to mention Gyro did what she wanted so she had no reason to turn on him, unless she was being a dick.

She wasn't in the mood to tell him everything now. It was getting late and he was safe so she figured she could explain everything in better detail later if he was willing to listen. "I don't know exactly why you're being hunted down specifically but it's a gang. They're called the Mothmans and they're looking for all of us. That's why we're leaving for D.C."

He let out a laugh that was all too irritating. "OOOOoooh! I see! You got yourself involved in a gang again?"

She rubbed her forehead in annoyance. "Yeah, I did. And I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you and look at what it cost me." She turned around and started walking back upstairs, ready to end the conversation.

"Fine! Walk away!" Damn. Gyro was not letting up. "I can't believe you! Boyd left us because of the people we were and you went right back to being that type of person! You're disgusting! A cheater and a villain!" Okay, that wasn't a very good insult on his half but whatever.

She spun around and glared at him. "It's not like I wanted to join a gang! We lost our jobs and ran out of options! I had no other choice! And I left before I did anything illegal, not that you care!"

"Well then, why didn't you just become a prostitute since you're so inclined to whore around!"



"BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO GET INVOLVED AND I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU! BUT OBVIOUSLY THAT BACKFIRED BECAUSE HERE WE ARE!" She stopped screaming but her voice was just as angry. "I was trying to do the best that I could given the circumstances! To try and get money after losing our jobs! Another reason why I didn't tell you was because I would've gotten this argument! Stay mad at me for getting mixed up in a gang, I don't give a shit, but I'm telling you that I had never cheated on you!"

"Okay fine. You didn't cheat on me despite having nude pictures of Mark on your phone." He crossed his arms. Now wasn't the time for deep explanations, but he wanted Gloria to at least explain that before he went to bed in a random guest room.

"I had to take those photos because the gang hired Heidi and I to kill him. It was our way out of doing it and we used ketchup as blood... I don't want to get others involved in our argument, but talk to Heidi and Mark if you don't believe me."

"Fine." He believed her but he didn't sound any more happy.

There was an awkward stretch of silence before Gyro started to walk his way upstairs as well, making a point to walk past Gloria quickly.

"But now there's the gang issue so I suppose I still have a reason to be mad."


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