Ducktales: Journey to Agartha...

By Lizard_Brainz

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After the events of Act 3, the Glomsquad is finally able to settle down... until F.O.W.L causes a disturbance... More

Chapter 1: F.O.W.L and Caucasian Tacos
Chapter 2: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 4: See You Soon, Mother
Chapter 5: Lucy and Wyatt
Chapter 6: Rule 3
Chapter 7: The Mothmans
Chapter 8: Mark Is A Prostitute
Chapter 9: I'm Sorry You Chose To Read This
Chapter 10: Dingles?!
Chapter 11: Gloria's Betrayal
Chapter 12: Don't Kill People
Chapter 13: Gyro's Head
Chapter 14: Hello, Father
Chapter 15: Cracked Glass
Chapter 16: MILF Denny's
Chapter 17: The Betrayal
Chapter 18: CVS
Chapter 19: Duckmart Casket
Chapter 20: Chick-Fil-A
Chapter 21: Where's Waldo?
Chapter 22: Master
Chapter 23: The Saloon
Chapter 24: Ellie's Pregnancy
Chapter 25: I Forgot A Title
Chapter 26: B is for Bad Time
Chapter 27: 20 Dollar Bill
Chapter 28: Tiger Balloon
Chapter 29: Got It
Chapter 30: Got It Again
Chapter 31: Jeffers Gets Shot
Chapter 32: Goth IHOP
Chapter 33: Hollo?!
Chapter 34: Heidi Gone Haywire
Chapter 35: Aunt Mara
Chapter 36: The Real Blood Bath
Chapter 37: Bye Bye F.O.W.L
Chapter 38: Bad Ending

Chapter 3: Daddy Issues

34 2 2
By Lizard_Brainz

Mark burst through Ellie's door with only a small suitcase in hand. "HEY SISTERSSSSS!"

"OI!" Glomgold shivered by Mark's declaration. He was terrified of James Charles. He hid under the dining room table, glaring and growling at Mark.

Mark was happy when he first came into Ellie's house, but his smile quickly faded. Now his face showed that he was pissed off due to that fact that he lost everything and now he had to live like- like a commoner! He tossed his suitcase to the side.

Ellie was staring into space on the sofa which meant she was reading something in her data, but Glomgold scattering past her had drawn her attention. Glomgold usually did that when the pizza man rang the doorbell even though he was the one to order said pizza. Fun fact: He was actually scared of the pizza itself.

When she turned she didn't expect to see Mark being the cause of the ruckus.

"Mark? Are you dropping off pizza?" Ellie figured it was pizza that had scared Glomgold off, not the door bursting open. Needless to say, that subject was dropped when she saw his suitcase. "Oh! But I believed you to have said you never wanted to sleep in filth?"

"Uh yeah, I don't but now I don't have a choice! I don't know how it happened but Waddle was bought from under me! I fucked up and now I've lost everything! My house, my company, everything! I can only afford to have two phones now! I'm not gonna make it." Mark groaned and flopped onto the same sofa that Ellie was sitting on, face first into the cushions.

Ellie's face lit up just like it had that one time she saw an old lady get run over by a truck. "That is lovely news! I have been waiting for you to move out here with me for thirteen months, eleven days, and six hours. My metaphorical dream has finally come to fruition! Will it not be great to spend more quality time with one another like we used to?" Mark was already in the midst of sobbing. Damn. This was one of those situations where she was supposed to feel empathy or something. Ellie searched up something in her data. "Let me correct myself, 'it will be alright.' Oh... is that what I am supposed to say to comfort you? Well, that is very wrong because it will certainly not be. You did just lose your life's work and fortune because of your tax fraud that I have been keeping track of and knew about this entire time but did not say anything because I thought it was hilarious to screw over the townspeople and crush them beneath your power."

Mark sat up and looked at Ellie, clutching onto one of the pillows that was placed on the side of the couch. "This won't be permanent! I'm going to figure out how to get Waddle back so I won't have to live like a filthy commoner out here in the middle of nowhere! ... oh yeah, I guess it would be pretty fun to hang out with you a bit more, babe." Nice save.

She sighed. "Mark, I can just win your fortune back by scheming casinos again. It will take awhile considering I cannot make one-billion dollars at one measly casino unless I wish to go to prison, but I will get it done with ease."

He beamed and started to bounce up and down like a child. "Ohhhhh myyy gooooood thank you, Ellie! Yes! Go now! Win my money back while I try to get my beauty sleep and forget that I'm living in a middle class world." He laid back down on the couch in a means to fall asleep but the couch wasn't his usual fancy one back in his old mansion so it made it difficult to get comfortable.

"Alright." She smoothed out her dress, grabbed her purse, and checked the time. It was only eleven post meridiem which meant it was almost prime casino time. "By the way, you should move to my room and lock the door. Uncle Glomgold finds entertainment in attacking those who are sleeping."


"Yeah so that's the reason why I'm never allowed to go back to Alaska again!" Gloria laughed. She had just finished telling one of her many crazy stories to the bartender inside the casino.

The bartender simply smiled and nodded throughout the entire story while he was trying to work.

Gloria chugged the last of her drink before slamming it down. "Oh wait! I have another story about Alaska!"

Luckily for the poor bartender, Ellie came up and sat down next to Gloria to make her presence known.

"Good evening, best friend. It is nice to see you."

"Hey, best friend!" Gloria copied her. "What are you doing here!?"

"I must win Mark's fortune back after he lost everything due to tax fraud." Her face and tone remained neutral. "What about doing here?" Why was she even asking that?

Her eyes widened "What? Mark lost Waddle? Damn..." If she wasn't having a shitty day herself she probably would've been rolling on the floor, laughing her ass off while popping open the champagne. Well maybe not? I guess their sort of friends now but whatever. "Sorry to hear that he had a shit day. Gyro and I are having a bad day as well. That's why I'm here."

"You are? Well, I simply do not care." Wait. Honesty wasn't polite according to Ms. Kris. "As your best friend, I care deeply about what you are going through and would love to hear about it."

Gloria nodded. She was used to Ellie and how she would speak for years, it didn't bother her. "Alright, well now that you're here do you want to work some of your robot magic on the machines so we can just get out of here?" She pointed to the casino machines with her thumb.

Ellie shook her head. "No no, I am a best friend and would love to hear about your issues." No she wouldn't, but Ms. Kris would be impressed and Ellie would get a gold star. She liked those a lot and kept the collection under her bed. She had 26 so far, and those didn't include the ones Glomgold had eaten.

Walking away with Ellie, Gloria sat down next to the first casino slot machine. "Well for starters, the McDuck family has gone missing! It's all over the news and we can't get a hold of them. Gyro and I had no idea what happened to them or where they've gone! When we tried to head over to their house both of our vehicles were busted! Both of the engines just gave out. It was the weirdest morning."

"HAHAHAHA!" Ellie slapped a hand over her mouth. Most of the casino guests had gone silent and were just staring at the two of them. When chatter started up again she continued. "I apologize, I already knew of the McDucks going missing." She pointed to her head signalling she had news in her data or something weird like that. "I know you do not, but I personally find it hilarious. I know they never did anything to me personally, but they hurt Mark's feelings so going missing is what they deserve. Plus missing case files are just amusing in general. It is sad to hear about your vehicles, by the way." Ellie forced in the last part really quick when she noticed the expression Gloria was wearing.

"Yeah I know you don't really care about them but Gyro and I do and this is pretty serious. People don't vanish out of thin air like that... but anyways, what has been going on with you?"

Ellie frowned. "I suppose my day was not that great either. I failed my final exam and lost my job. Both within the same five minutes. The job I can comprehend considering I have attempted to murder many of my past co-workers, but the final exam?! I am very punctual and yet he never received it! He said I turned it in late and I am never late." She stomped her foot at the end of her mini rant just to add that extra anger in.

Her eyes widened again. "Oh my god that's horrible, Ellie! You've had a worse day than I have! I'm really sorry... It's crazy about your final though. I know you submitted it so I can't understand how that happened. It'll all work out though." Gloria wasn't sure how it would work out but she had to say something encouraging!

Ellie was already talking again, more so ranting to herself. "It was most likely Aesha. She was jealous she was not the most intelligent student in class for once in her damn life and wanted to take me down. Well, it worked. But I am getting my revenge. I am going to-" Ellie cut herself off. She should've brought her stress ball with her. She was supposed to squeeze it instead of hunt people down and kill them. "Anyway. Why don't you start up a game?"

"Okay." Seemed like there was going to be a lot to unpack there but she wasn't about to pressure Ellie into talking about it more. She already seemed like she was about to kill someone.

Gloria started the game and let Ellie do the rest. She didn't even bother anymore with playing. Not when Ellie was there to win the jackpot for her at least.

Reeling her foot back, Ellie kicked the side of the machine in an exact area she analyzed would work at a specific time after Gloria had pulled the lever. The impact left a small dent. She stood back, already proud until she saw the 0. "Wha-" She did a double take just to make sure. "What? How? But- UGH!" She stomped on the ground again. "I am a very organized person. I do not lose emails nor do I miss a jackpot!"

"Maybe this machine is busted. We can try another one if you want." Gloria pulled the lever for Ellie again despite her just offering to move to another slot machine.

Another 0.

"UGH!" Ellie kicked it again, but this time it was only out of anger. "We are going to a different machine. Understood?" She walked over to another and waited patiently for Gloria to follow and begin the game.

Gloria started another game for Ellie and pulled the lever for her. She stopped talking because she was both scared of and concerned for Ellie. She's always been accurate with just about everything. The fact that everything for her seemed to be slipping up all day was not normal.

Another 0.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ellie took her robot twig arms, shoved them behind the machine, and pushed. It tumbled face forward. Gloria had to jump out of the way to avoid the horrid and glass shattering impact.

The crash made the casino go silent again as people turned to see the commotion going on.

Ellie was heaving like a madman and started to beat up the slot machine like it just took her lunch money. Which slot machines did sort of do that. "DIE!"

The bartender picked up the phone and dialed the police as Ellie continued to go at it.

She moved on to the next machine they hadn't even tried yet and did the same to it. Pushing it, breaking it, and deforming it.

Gloria walked out of the way but continued to watch Ellie just beak the fuck out of all of those slot machines. Ellie made those slot machines her bitch and everyone watching knew it!

The fun was short lived when Officer M'ma came and stopped the two of them. Just another thing to add to their already horrible day.

As both Ellie and Gloria were escorted into the cop car, Kyle, with a now metal antennae replacing his missing one, stepped out from behind an ATM to get a good view. He smirked.


"I thought you two were better than this by now!" Officer Cabrera yelled at the two of them who were on the other side of the small jail cell in the back of the local police station.

Ellie just stared at her, deadpanned. "A local gas-station cashier makes more money than you do in a mere day. 23.50$ to be exact."


"OKAYYYY!" Gyro had entered the chat. "I apologize for the inconvenience. I'm here to pick them up."

Though Officer Cabrera had calmed down, she was shaking her head in disbelief. "Yeah yeah. Alright. But I better not see any of you in here again. I see enough of your ugly mugs in town as is. I don't want it brought into my station." She unlocked the cell door for both Gloria and Ellie. "Have a good evening, you two." She stared them all down as they left.

When the door closed, Gyro turned around to look at the two of them with his arms crossed. It was almost like a movie scene, standing outside, underneath a lamp at night outside of a police station. Pretty cool. That's where Gloria's brain went at least.

"What were you two even doing?!"

"We were just hanging out in the casino, trying to do that thing where Ellie would kick the side of the slot machine for us to win the jackpot but it wasn't working out for us..." She gave Ellie a look to tell her side of the story so it wasn't like Gloria was ratting her out.

"I 'beat up' the machines and it got 'out of hand', according to the law. And now we are banned from all local casinos and it is on our permanent records..."

"WHAT?!" Gyro shouted at Ellie, not Gloria. "Robbing a casino is tricky enough, but smashing the machines? Were you trying to get locked up?"

When neither of them answered, he continued. "Okay, listen, you-" His phone started to buzz. "Will give me a moment." He opened it up. "Dr. Gearloose. Scrooge McDuck's #1 Scientist."

There was a groan from the other side. "Yes, I know who this is, Dr. Gearloose."

Gyro recognized the voice. It was one of Scrooge's financial advisors. What was his name? Oh yeah. Mr. B.

"Why are you calling so late?"

"To inform you that because Scrooge McDuck is missing, you and Gloria are no longer needed."

Gyro didn't respond because his jaw literally dropped.

"Why would we need inventors who can't invent anything for anyone right now? As soon as he returns, you can have your positions back. But for now, buh-bye."

"WHAT?! I THINK NOT! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT-" He continued to ramble on for awhile until he realized that no one was responding because the line was long dead. He slowly shoved his phone in his pocket and turned around, clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses. "Sorry for that. But, Gloria, apparently we are out of our jobs."

Gloria's jaw dropped too. "What the fuck?! Why?!" It's unbelievable. All four of them lost their job on the same exact day. Just when they all thought it couldn't get any worse. "Who fired us?! Scrooge is missing! He couldn't have done it!"

"His head financial advisor, Mr. B. And, sadly, he has every right to fire us. He's put in charge of where Scrooge's money goes and right now, it's not us. Not until Scrooge gets back anyway..." He leaned against the building since it was now sad boy hours.

"What a prick! So what are we going to do about the lab and Lil' Bulb? Poor guy is still in there..." Obviously Lil' Bulb would just stay with them but it's unclear whether or not they would even be able to go back into the lab and clean everything out to begin with!

"Hopefully, just pick him up tomorrow if we can." He said. "We're going to have to take an Uber home. Same goes for you, Ellie."


Mr. B took off his hat, and hung it on the coat hanger before walking over to the kitchen for his nightly tea. After so much chaos ensued in one day, he really needed it. And a reward. He grabbed a cookie.

Boyd, who was doing a 1000 piece puzzle at the kitchen table, looked up at the back of Mr. B's head who was now heating tea. "How was your day, dad?"

He turned around to look at Boyd. "It was pretty stressful but I have good news. We've finally made some progress on taking down the people who wronged you all those years ago." Mr. B didn't even have to say the Glomsquad anymore, Boyd knew who he was talking about.

"Finally?" Boyd let out a sigh and went back to his puzzle. "They have hurt so many people, I don't understand why you haven't gotten to them already. Or why they aren't in prison. I didn't think it would be that hard for you. What do you even do all day? Eat cookies?" He looked up at the cookie Mr. B was holding before back down at the puzzle.

"It's not that simple, Boyd. You remember how untouchable they are. Plus Beaks was so wealthy that even if they were just thrown in prison, he could just bail everyone out. That's why we went in to cut his business and money first so that wouldn't happen." He was pretty stressed with everything that happened today but he made sure to watch his tone when speaking to Boyd.

" you need me to do anything? I want to help."

"I know you do, but it would be better if you just stayed here. I wouldn't want you to see those monsters ever again if I can help it. Do you understand?" Mr. B had also caught wind of the few remaining missing child posters of Boyd that were still around that day. The Glomsquad was still looking for him. Mr. B wasn't about to blow their cover that Boyd was with him by having him "help" in taking the Glomsquad down. He made sure that the posters were taken down as soon as they were put up and to take care of anyone who might have gotten a little suspicious. All of this was unknown to Boyd. Couldn't let the kid find out about all of that either.

"I understand." Boyd got up from his chair and hugged Mr. B. "I'm going to bed, goodnight."

Mr. B hugged him back "Alright, goodnight, Boyd." He waved Boyd off, watching him leave to go into his room while he grabbed his now brewed tea and sat down in the same chair that Boyd was just sitting in.

He smiled. Having a fake kid wasn't so bad. It was actually pretty amusing.


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