Blue Eyed Boy {Completed}

By BoOk_DrEaMeR

346K 9.4K 756

Blue eyes. I was always a sucker for blue eyes. Every guy I've ever gone out with has blue eyes. I've seen al... More

Blue Eyed Boy
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter One
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Two
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Four
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eight
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Nine
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Ten
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eleven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twelve
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fourteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Fifteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Sixteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Seventeen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Eighteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Nineteen
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Twenty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-One
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Two
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Three
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Four
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Five
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Six
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Seven
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Eight
Blue Eyed Boy- Chapter Thirty-Nine
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty
Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Forty-One
Blue Eyed Boy-Epilogue

Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-Nine

6.2K 180 13
By BoOk_DrEaMeR

I hope you enjoy the constant updates:)

Blue Eyed Boy-Chapter Twenty-Nine


I took a deep breathe and waited for Tyler to begin his long story that explained how he was involved in a gang.

"It all started when I first got put into juvie. I was angry because that lawyer got away without any punishment, but I did. I felt that he desreved worse than what he got. This one guy that I shared a bunk with noticed my attitude, so he asked me what was wrong. I gave him the full story and he told me about how he was in a a gang."

He took a deep breath and continued,"He said that if I joined the gang, then they would help me get revenge on this guy, but first I had to serve my time and get out of juvie. One year later and here I am, not yet in senior year. That summer, I spent all of my time with this gang called, Blood Tears. They were pretty tough and big in numbers."

I nodded and he continued,"Everyone knew them, feared them. And now I had power, and I was above others. When I was at home, I was the useless son, but here, I was powerful and I became like one of the top dogs. Part of being in the gang, was beating the shit out of people."

He looked at me and gave me a regretful look,"Don't think of me badly for it, though I know I deserve it, but I only did it for good reason. They were people from other gangs, and they threatened my brothers. I got really close with all of the members of the gang, and we had each others back. I was never really involved with all of the illegal stuff, but I did become known for my one-hit knock-outs."

He smirked and I gave him a smile,"I don't think of you badly. You are just a supreme bad ass."

He smiled and continued,"So finally came the time where they started coordinating the revenge on the lawyer for me. I was so excited! School was starting in a week and I had to make sure that I wasn't getting bruised or cut in any of the fights. But, then they told me their master plan. It wasn't completely set up yet, but they were preparing for it."

"They said that they were going to kill the guy after killing his family in front of his face,"I gasped,"Yeah, it was bad. Of course, I disagreed immediately. They tried to convince me, but I just told them that I was out. That I quite, but you can't just leave a gang whenever you want, so they have been trying to get me back for a while now."

"Why won't they just understand that you don't want back in, and they can't change your mind?"I asked.

"Because they know that if they finally push me to my breaking point, then I will join again,"he explained with a frown.

"And what is your breaking point?"

"If they attack another person that I care about. Let me tell you that I don't care about many people. Just you, Spencer, a couple cousins, and some friends. They are most likely to attack closer, which means that you are next. You can't leave my side from now on,"he instructed sternly.

"What about at school?"

He pondered it for a minute,"Stay with someone at all times. Don't wander off on your own."

"Okay. Like stay with Mark or a guy,"I nodded to show that I understood.

All was quite for a moment before I realized something else,"If someone does come and attck me and they have to defend me and them, then shouldn't they know enough to be prepared if it happens."

He gave me a crazy look and shook his head 'no'.

"You aren't understanding my concept,"I argued,"They may not be able to protect me if the gang catches them by surprise. Then we will both be killed, attacked, or taken."

He thought about it and then gave a reluctant nod,"Is there a football player in everyone of your classes?"

"Yeah. Homeroom I have you, first period I have Tim, second I have Mark, third I have you, fourth I have Lee, lunch I will be with you and Mark, fifth I have Mark, and sixth I have Joey,"I thought it through and Tyler seemed to be writing down my listed names on a pad of paper that he had found.

"Okay. I'm going to text them tonight and they will be ready to protect you tomorrow and until they catch the gang, or they stop bothering us."

"Thanks,"i brought him into a hug and gave him a light peck on the cheek.

Then he turned his head and our lips met. It was just a soft kiss, and then I was walking to the door and giving him one last wave. I walked down the hall to my room and took a long, hot shower. After that was done, I dried my hair and put on my pj's.

I settled into my bed and about ten minutes later my mom's head poked into the door. I gave her a questioning look that she returned with a smile.

"Just making sure you are in your bed and not Tyler's,"she smirked.

"Mom! Just trust me and go away,"I yelled, my face going bright red. I just hoped she couldn't see in the dark.

"You are blushing!"she laughed.

"Go away!"I threw my plush pillow which she barely blocked by shutting the door. I could hear her chuckling as she walked down the hall and went into Tyler's room.

I heard them speaking, so I ran from my bed and to the wall. I could now hear them more clearly with my ear pressed to the seperating wall.

"Hey,"my mom greeted.

"Hi, Mrs. ,"he greeted my mom.

"I was just making sure that you and Addison don't spend the night together,"I could almost hear the smirk in her voice.

"That won't be happening mam,"he reassured.

"Glad to hear,"then the door opened and closed again and I heard footsteps as she went downstairs.

 I felt a breathe of relief leave my lungs and then my phone buzzed with a message. My brows furrowed. I picked up my cell phone and looked at the new message. It all made sense when I saw that it was sent by Tyler. I laughed and read the message to myself.

-Your mom has a good idea with the sleepover stuff. We could watch movies, fix each others hair, and more!-

I laughed and replied, -Sounds good to me :)-

It was only a minute before my phone buzzed again, -See you tomorrow night ;)-

Oh God, I thought, Is he being serious? What am I going to do? How do I turn him down? I don't think I'm ready yet... Maybe I shouldn't have been leading him on like that.

In the midst of my hyperventalating freak-out, my phone recieved a text.

-Chill out, Addi. I was just joking. I can hear you freaking out from the otherside of the wall :D-

My breathing steadied out and I smiled to myself. I should have known that he wouldn't do that. He's a good guy. What was I saying earlier? I'm a lunatic and I need to stop overreacting. I mean, what he was proposing wouldn't be to bad, right?

-I was not freaking out!-

I could hear him laughin from his room, -Whatever helps you sleep at night.-

-Okay, whatever you say. I'm going to bed now, since I have to face the masses tomorrow. Love you <3-

-Good night, beautiful. I love you.-

I smiled and closed my eyes, settling down for my best night's sleep in a long time.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It was about 5:30 in the morning when my eye lids fluttered and I feel someone leaning over me. My heart went into overdrive. What if it is a murder/kidnapper-rapist? Oh God, I'm in for it.

Their breathe tickled my face and I did my best to pretend to be asleep. Maybe if they think I'm asleep, they won't bother me. Maybe they will go for Priya. She would probably kick their ass and then spray them in the eyes with hairspray. My dad would shoot them. My mom would most likely not even notice them.

They just had to pick the one room that I was one. The one person who had no plan. Man, they were good. They attacked the weakest link. I started to strategize my plan. Then, all of a sudden, a throat was cleared by the strange person standing over me.

I blinked, but then remembered my plan and kept my eyes closed. The stranger chuckled.

"You do know that I know that you are faking sleep, right?"a familiar voice asked.

My eyes stayed closed,"I don't know who you are, or what you want, but I do know that if you are planning on raping me, I am a guy. And if you plan on kidnapping me, I am a black belt in karate and jujitsu."

The person laughed again and this time I couldn't help but open my eyes. I was shocked to see a hysterical Tyler sitting on the side of my bed. When he saw my eyes open, he gave me a smirk and finally calmed down.

I gave him my best glare and said,"I hate you. You are a stalker! Why were you standing over me like some rapist murderer. I thought I was going to die!"

This just made him laugh again before sobering up,"You are the worst actress ever! You can't even fake being asleep! You were practically hyperventalating and did you think that somebody would believe that you were a guy?"

"Well, uh, I don't know! I was put on the spot and I thought I was going to die!"I defended, pouting.

"Okay, okay. I came in here to tell you that you need to wake up for school."

I looked down to see what he was wearing and noticed that he was wearing jeans and no shirt, his hair dripping occasionally from where he just got out of the shower.

"Why are you shirtless?"I asked.

"Because I just got out of the shower so that you could take one when I woke you up, and I thought that you wouldn't want to be woken up too late so that you had time to get ready. So, I kind of forgot to put on a shirt. Sorry, you'd think that a girl would like to see her boyfriend shirtless,"he frowned.

"It's not that! I do enjoy it...I mean-uh-I mean t-that you look nice. You have nice abs?"I offered, checking out his six-pack that mad you want to run your hands over it,"Uh-It's just that my mom would probably freak out if she saw you like that. She would either fall all over you and flirt, or think that you were up to something. Probably a mixture of both."

He gave me a wierd look,"I don't know whether to be happy becasue of the compliment, or freaked out because of your warning."

"You could always be both?'I suggested.

"Sounds good to me,"he smiled and leaned towards me, capturing my lips perfectly.

It didn't last too long. As soon as our lips made contact, they were seperated again. Another fleeting smile later, he was gone. I sighed and got up to get ready. I took a quick shower and scrunched my hair. Then I threw on some skinny jeans, a long sleeve sweater, and a jacket because it was starting to get really chilly outside. After all, it was the end of October and Kentucky isn't the warmest.

Once I had left the confines of my room, I was met in the kitchen by my mom and Tyler. 

"Good morning,"my mom greeted cheerily.

"What's up with you?"I asked in confusion.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You are too happy,"I accused.

She frowned at me,"And what is so wrong about that? I think everyone in this house needs to be a bit happier."

"Whatever,"I waved her craziness off and grabbed one of the muffins sitting on the counter.

It was banana macadamian and I enjoyed every last bite of it. My mom and boyfriend just stood there and watched me the whole time, making it all the more awkward. But I refused to let them bother me and just kept on eating.

When I was finished, I went back upstairs and applied some light make-up before grabbing my backpack and heading back down stairs. Tyler and Spencer were waiting for me on the couch and as soon as they saw me, he grabbed his keys and walked with me out to his car.

We got in silently and he started to drive to school. Suddenly, the horror that was waiting us at school, hit me at full force. What are we going to do?

"Tyler?"I looked towards him and he gave me a sound that showed that he heard me.

"What are we going to tell them? Where were we? What were we doing?"I asked him, searching my brain for any idea.

He gave a thoughtful look before speaking," I've actually been thinking about this for a while. I am thinking something along the lines of I caught the flu and then you got it from me. That would explain our absences."

I nodded,"Good thinking. Too bad I am a horrible liar."

"I agree with that,"Spencer laughed.

"That's true,"he chuckled,"We should work on that. Okay. tell me I'm ugly."

"You are the most hideous man I have ever lied eyes on,"I smirked.

"That was okay, but you weren't into! You have to have conviction,"he urged, a small smile on his beautiful face that was most definetly not ugly.

I put on my best game face and yelled,"You are a nasty, fat ass!"

We all broke down in laughs and I realized that we were now at the school parking lot and people were giving us funny looks.

"That was horrible. You sounded so sarcastic. No one could ever believe you. You were holding back a laugh the whole time."

"In my defense, it was a very difficult lie and it wasn't in important, serious circumstances. It was jokingly and you were laughing the whole time!"I defended.

"Okay, whatever. Let's get this over with,"he shook his head and him and Spencer swung open their doors.

Before I could open my door and follow them, Tyler was opening my door and helping me out. I gave him a thankful smile and he put his arm around my shoulder. We walked together into the school, wierd stares of strangers following us as we went. 

This should be fun.


I don't know if I should make the next chapter from Tyler's POV? How about you tell me! Comment below what you think. By the way, I have given up on the whole Monday and Thursday thing for now, so I'm just uploading a lot more becuase we are getting closer to the end and I am just so excited to see what ya'll have to say:) Read on!

LoVe Ya & GoD bLeSs<3

Song: Overjoyed by Matchbox Twenty

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