By kicho26

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NOTE: UNDER REVISION How will Y/N and Asuna will get through all the problems the author will give them? (Jus... More

CHAPTER 1: Stay Away
CHAPTER 2: I Missed Her
CHAPTER 3: Please Don't Go
CHAPTER 4: Don't Joke Like That
CHAPTER 5: Stop It, Please!
CHAPTER 6: I'm Sorry
CHAPTER 7: Take Me With You
CHAPTER 9: She's Alive?
CHAPTER 10: We Will Find You
CHAPTER 11: Just Wait For Me
CHAPTER 12: One Step Closer
CHAPTER 13: You're Hurting Me
CHAPTER 14: Her Condition
CHAPTER 15: Sole Reason
CHAPTER 16: I Don't Want To Lose You Again
NOT AN UPDATE: Happy 12k Reads!
CHAPTER 17: Kiss Me
CHAPTER 18: I Love You
CHAPTER 19: The Black Bug
CHAPTER 20: Kinta and Riku
CHAPTER 21: You're Safe

CHAPTER 8: I'll Fight For Her

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By kicho26

"Asuna!" Kirito shouted.

Kirito carried Asuna bridal style. (Because why not? They just got married XD.) He decided to flee from the scene. They have the biggest disadvantage in this because they are surrounded by the enemies, not to mention they only have the elders by their side, not any fighter.

"Asuna, we have to flee. I don't want you to get hurt." Kirito said softly, his eyes showing sadness as he remembered what he promise to you.


"You really gave your all today huh? Who is it for?" Kirito asked, smiling a little.

"For myself, of course. Who do you think it is for? For you?" You smirked.

"Hmm. No. But maybe for a certain woman." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

You laughed, looking away. "Who? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh yeah?" He said with a teasing tone.

"Yeah." You answered plainly.

"Not for a certain brown-haired woman?"

'Damn Kirito.' You thought to yourself.

"Who?" You asked, playing dumb.

"You know who I'm referring to." He nudged my side.

"Don't make me laugh. It's not for anyone but myself." You rolled your eyes at him.

"You suuuuuure?"

"A hundred percent."

"Oooookay, oookay, if you say so." He smiled.

They sat there, quiet for a minute then you speak.

"Kirito..." You called him quietly.


"Remember our promise together? I mean about Asuna." You lookep up, staring at the vast blue sky filled with clouds.

"What about it?"

"That if one of us die, we'll do our best to protect her until the end?"


"I mean it, if one day I die promise me you will not let anyone, ANYONE, to hurt her." You emphasized the word 'anyone' to him.

"What if I die first?" He questioned, looking at you.

"That will never happen. I pledge to die first before you and Asuna." You said, stifling a laugh.

"What?!" He answered in disbelief, with his eyes wide and mouth agape.

"You heard me." You joked.

"That's not even funny, Y/N."

"It is actually. If only you can see the look on your face. That was priceless." You laughed.

"HA HA." He laughed sarcastically. "But seriously, where is this coming from?"

"I don't know. I just feel like saying it to you again. In case you forget."

"I'll never forget about it even if I want to."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Because..." He paused. "Because that's the part I don't want you to know."


Kirito got up and ran.

"Not fair! Tell me!" You stand up and chase after him.

He run faster, laughing, and having the best time of his life with you.

"No, Kirito! Bring me down!" Asuna said as she tried to free from Kirito's arms.

"No." He made his grip tighter.

"But we have to save the elders!" She shouted.

"Yes, but you're my first priority."

"What are you saying? This isn't like you. We have to fight them!" She insisted.

"I will fight them but please I have to bring you to a safe place first."

"Why are you treating me like this? I can fight." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"No. I mean, I know you can, but still.."

"I need to fight. Not just for the elders but for Y/N. I need to fight for her. I'll fight for Y/N. This.." Asuna paused, starting to cry. "This is the only thing I can do to avenge her death."


"Please..." She pleaded.

"You can't... I can't..."


"I promised her..." Kirito said, looking down. "I promised her that I will never let anyone hurt you."

"Kirito..." Asuna reached up to Kirito's cheeks. "I understand why you wanted to protect me first but..." She paused. "The elders need us. I know Y/N wanted you to protect me but not for the sake of letting other people die. I know she didn't want it like that. That isn't like her, this isn't like you." She said softly, hugging Kirito.

Kirito bowed his head low, thinking about what Asuna said. 'Will you really prioritize to save the elders over Asuna's safety? Answer me Y/N.' Kirito talked to himself.

"Kirito?" Asuna called him softly, snapping out of his thought.

"Let's fight them. Fight together for Y/N." She looked at him, eyes filled with determination and waiting for his answer.

Kirito sighed deeply. "Okay. Let's fight for her." He said as he put Asuna down.

"That's the Kirito I know." She smiled sweetly.

Together, Kirito and Asuna face the enemies. They will fight for the elders, the other people, and also for you, their lost special someone.

The enemy appeared out of the thick smoke and face them.

"So you finally done with your sappy conversation and decided to fight us for real?" Their leader said mockingly.

"I thought for a second that you will flee and will not revenge your lover's death." He stopped. "Oh wait. Who was her lover again?" He pointed at Kirito. "Is it you? Or" Then pointed at Asuna. "you? Or both?"

"Shut your mouth and give us a real fight."

"Ohhh! I will make you regret for asking."

The leader of the enemy dashed and attacked them, followed by his comrades. Asuna was about to attack as well but stopped when she felt Kirito's hand on her wrist.

Asuna looked on Kirito's hands on her. "What is it, Kirito?" She asked him worriedly.

"I'll divert their attention to me. Help the elders escape." He whispered.

Asuna interrupted. "But I thought we talked about this? We will fi-"

Kirito continued. "Then get back to me and fight. Okay?" He smiled.

Asuna nodded and turned to the elders. One of the enemies noticed her as she was about to run to them and attacked her. Thankfully Kirito acted on quickly as he blocked the enemy's attack.

"Go Asuna!" He shouted.

Asuna proceeded to fulfill their goal while Kirito fight to buy her time. She guided the elders and other people carefully and bring them to their base. After that, she went back to where Kirito and the enemy is fighting.

She saw one enemy on Kirito's back, running to attack him but Asuna dashed forward to block the attack causing the enemy to fall backwards. "Damn!" He hissed.

"Are you okay, Kirito?" She asked as she turned her back against Kirito, fighting the enemies back to back.

"I'm good. Be careful."

Asuna nodded and continued to fight.

Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to hours, and hours feels like eternity as the enemy never decreases. They just keep on appearing.

"Just how many troop did he bring?" Kirito said between his breath.

"Enough. Enough to end your life!" The leader answered them.

The fight continues but after a minute, one by one, his comrades fall onto the ground, collapsing as their head bleed out.

'Who is it?' Asuna thought.

"Asuna let's hide for now." Kirito whispered as she pulled Asuna beside him.

Kirito and Asuna take cover while observing the one who continue attacking your enemy.

'I just hope they're on our side.' Kirito thought to himself.

"Kirito! Asuna! Where are you? Who's this backup shit you've brought?! You cowards, come out and face me!" The leader shouted angrily.

They continue to listen to their surrounding, keenly observing, the only sound they hear are bodies collapsing continuously on the ground.

Minutes after, it stopped and there's only one you can hear; the voice of the enemy's leader.

"Come out coward! Face me! Don't hide behind the walls!" He shouted, attacking everything on his way.

"I'll face him." Asuna said.

Kirito just nodded. He understands that she needed to take revenge, to avenge the one they love. He lets Asuna do it for both of them.

"I'm your enemy now." Asuna appeared in front of the leader.

Without saying anything, the leader quickly jumped and dashed to Asuna, drawing out his sword to take her life. She quickly positioned herself into defensive stance as her and the leader's sword collided with each other.

As their swords keep on slashing each other, Asuna speaks, the only question in her mind that is needed to be answered.

"I want to know..." Asuna raised her voice, enough for her enemy to hear. "The memory you showed me, was it real or did you alter it?"

She focused on the enemy in front of her but the leader played unfair and swept his legs on her which caused her to lose balance and fall on the ground.

"Real or not, it's not for you to know." He smirked, dashing forward to push his sword on Asuna's chest.

Meanwhile, from the other side of them, a mysterious person appeared. Sniper rifle in her hands and positioned her crosshair at the leader's head, preparing to shot.

'One shot, one kill.' She whispered to herself as she pulled the trigger.

Kirito quickly stood up and was about to help Asuna but stopped when he saw a bullet going right through the leader's head and... he fell on the ground and died.


Sorry for a little crossover (Character Sinon of GGO World x SAO World). 😁 I hope you enjoy this chapter. See you on the next one! ❤️ Thank you, reader-chan!

Stay safe!
Jaa ne~

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