❝𝗝𝗲𝗻𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗮 𝗦𝗺𝘂𝘁 𝗕𝗼...

By whozmina

982K 9.6K 2.8K

━━━━━𝖩𝖾𝗇𝗅𝗂𝗌𝖺 𝖲𝗆𝗎𝗍 𝖡𝗈𝗈𝗄━━━━━ ❛𝖩𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖺 𝖻𝗎𝗇𝖼𝗁 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝖺𝗏𝗈𝗋𝗂... More

A Bad Girl
Sweet Jennie
Crazy Ex
My Soulmate
True Love
Lini (2)
A Stalker's Obsession
It Pays To Advertise
It Pays To Advertise (2)
What Mine Is Mine
Math's Like, Hard
Math's Like, Hard (2)
Halloween Roulette
Halloween Roulette (2)
Jennie and the Alpha
Jennie and the Alpha (2)
Jennie and the Alpha (3)
Jennie and the Alpha (4)
Daddy Issues
Daddy's Girl
Geek Lust
True Love
Guarding Miss Kim
Guarding Miss Kim (2)

Guarding Miss Kim (3)

34.3K 424 102
By whozmina

Lisa woke up after the best night's sleep she'd had in god knew how long. It took her a while to properly come to, her mind fuzzy as she opened her eyes. She realized she was naked, which was odd -- she'd gone to bed in her underwear.

When she smelled her lavender shampoo on the pillow, though, last night's events came flooding back to her.

Holy shit. That's right. She'd fucked Jennie Kim -- her charge -- last night. Lisa sat bolt upright in bed as she remembered, frantically looking about the room. No sign of Jennie -- though there was plenty of evidence of what had occurred on her sheets. She leapt out of bed and quickly stripped off the sheets, dashing down the hall and stuffing them into the washing machine. While the washer was going, Lisa hopped into the shower and scrubbed off the sweat and other lingering bodily fluids. Once she was clean and dressed in her usual black jeans and black t-shirt, she felt a little better. No more proof of what had happened for her boss to somehow discover.

Lisa held her breath as she descended the stairs, nerves shooting through her body at the thought of facing Jennie. What had she been thinking? Sure, it might've been the best sex she'd ever had, but would it be worth potentially losing her job? Last night, in the heat of passion, Lisa had decided fucking Jennie was worth any consequence. In the bright light of day, she wasn't so sure.

She spotted her at the kitchen counter, pouring a cup of coffee, her brunette hair still damp from the shower she must've taken as well. The last stair creaked as Lisa stepped on it, and she spun around.

"Good morning," Jennie said with a knowing smile as she sipped her coffee.

Lisa cleared her throat, having trouble meeting her gaze. "Good morning, Miss Kim."

Jennie arched an eyebrow. "Miss Kim?" She asked, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Last night it was 'baby.'"

Lisa internally cringed and opened her mouth to reply, but as she watched Jennie slowly make her way towards the barstool and gingerly seat herself upon it, a fresh jolt of guilt washed over her.

"I hurt you," Lisa remarked, shaking her head. She was such a selfish fuck.

"Lisa, calm down," Jennie said. "I'm a little sore, but it's no big deal. That just means you did your job," she added with a laugh.

"My job is to protect you," Lisa replied, voice sharp. She finally made eye contact. "Not to go to bed with you. Last night was a mistake."

Jennie's smiled vanished. "No it wasn't," she insisted. "We both needed that, Lalisa. Don't try to tell me otherwise."

"It never should've happened," she said. "I take full responsibility. I shouldn't have let it happen."

"I seduced YOU, remember?" Jennie prompted.

"I can't stay," Lisa said. "I'll have to resign. You deserve someone here you can really trust -- who won't be distracted. Not someone who's too busy thinking about her own pleasure."

Jennie stood abruptly. "You are not resigning!" She marched over to her. "What the hell is wrong with you? We have a fantastic night together, and you're going to leave me? Just like that?!"

Lisa wasn't sure how to respond. She didn't want to leave, not at all, but she saw no other option here. She couldn't continue doing her job with this temptation now. She couldn't touch her again without risking everything. She couldn't be an effective bodyguard if she was also fucking her charge -- and if something happened while she was more focused on getting off than Jennie's safety, she would never forgive herself.

"I'm sorry," she offered. "I never meant to hurt you."

Anger and hurt flashed into Jennie's eyes -- something Lisa had never seen. Even when she'd been at her most distraught after the kidnapping, she'd never looked at her this way. She'd always looked at her with so much trust and adoration.

That was gone now.

"You're an asshole," Jennie hissed before storming up the stairs and locking herself in her room.

Lisa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She hated this -- she hated hurting her. And she couldn't deny she was hurt by this, too. Try as she might to ignore it, Lisa did want Jennie again. It wasn't just about the sex, either, which terrified her. Hell, she'd settle for just holding her right now until she wasn't upset with her anymore.

Dangerous thinking. Lisa shook her head and pulled out her cell phone, knowing she had to resign now before she lost her nerve.

Mr. Kim picked up on the first ring.

"Is everything okay, Lalisa?" He asked, the panic tangible in his voice.

"Hi, sir. Yes, everything is fine. Sorry to worry you," Lisa said.

Mr. Kim exhaled. "Damn near gave me a heart attack, kid."

"Sorry," Lisa said again, automatically.

"Well, what is it, then?"

Lisa cleared her throat, unsure of how to continue. "The thing is, well..." She sighed. "There's no easy way to say this, sir, but I'm going to have to give you my notice."

Dead silence on the other end of the phone.

"Sir?" Lisa prompted.

"Your notice?" Mr. Kim asked, as if he were unfamiliar with the word.

"Yes," she replied with as much confidence as she could muster. "I'm so sorry, but I can't continue working for you. I know you'll need to find a suitable replacement, so I can stay on for as long as that takes, but..."

"Lalisa, cut the shit and tell me what's really going on," Mr. Kim said flatly. "You've worked for me for years without so much as a complaint. And now all of a sudden you want out?"

Terror coursed through Lisa, as if Mr. Kim would somehow be able to figure out Lisa had fucked his daughter.

"It's not you, sir," Lisa assured him. "You've been very good to me. But it's just...this particular posting," she added quickly. "The secluded nature of the assignment. It's getting to me. And if I'm not sharp, I won't be able to do my job properly."

Lisa waited in silence to see if Mr. Kim bought this.

"I know what this is really about," Mr. Kim declared. "It's Jennie, isn't it?"

Lisa's heart stopped.

"S-sir?" She managed.

"You can drop the act," he continued. Lisa's legs felt weak and she had to sit down on the couch.

"You aren't getting along with Jennie, are you?" Mr. Kim asked. As the shock wore off, Lisa had the urge to laugh.

"What? No, I--"

"Don't lie to me, kid," Mr. Kim said. "It's okay. I know my daughter can be difficult."

A defense immediately leapt to Lisa's lips. "No, of course not. She's fine. She's..."

"She's a spoiled brat," Mr. Kim said simply. "And I suppose I'm to blame for that, but there's not much I can do about it now. I'm sorry you're stuck there with her, Lisa. To be honest, I'm glad to have some distance from her right now."

Lisa sat there in stunned silence as Mr. Kim continued to detail every way in which he found his daughter to be lacking or disappointing. She couldn't believe it. Lisa had never witnessed Jennie being anything other than a kind, friendly young woman -- yet her own father acted as if he could hardly tolerate her.

"So I understand you wanting to quit," Mr. Kim finally concluded. "But you're the best guard I've got on my team, Lisa. I can't lose you. So what'll it take, hmm? Another twenty thousand to finish out the job?"

"What? No, sir, it's not about the money..."

"It's always about money," Mr. Kim said definitively. "Hell, I'll make it thirty, okay?" When Lisa didn't immediately respond, Mr. Kim sighed. "Think it over, will you? Give it a week. Let that new number sink in."

Backed into a corner, Lisa could do nothing but hesitantly agree to think on it. She continued staring at the phone long after Mr. Kim had hung up, dazed by what just happened. Had she really just somehow talked herself into a thirty thousand dollar raise?

No. The goal was to get away from Jennie. She couldn't let this number sway her.

She'd just have to make it through one more week, and then tell Mr. Kim her decision to leave was final.

How hard could that be?


The mood in the house shifted dramatically after that. No more meals together, no more video games, no more afternoon chats. Jennie was completely icing Lisa out.

She couldn't blame her. And honestly, it was easier this way. She'd been concerned she'd beg her to stay, which would've made it all the more difficult to say no.

On the third day, Jennie finally spoke to her when they happened to pass each other in the kitchen.

"I thought you were quitting," she said coldly. "Why are you still here, then?"

"Your dad wants me to think it over this week before giving him my final answer," Lisa replied. "But I'm not going to change my mind."

Jennie scoffed and shook her head. "Asshole," she muttered again before leaving the room.

On the fourth night, Lisa woke up rock hard after having a dream about Jennie -- specifically, a dream involving her bending her over the kitchen table and fucking her from behind. Frustrated, she tried to ignore her erection but after it refused to go away, she gave in and stroked herself, mentally reliving hers and Jennie's entire experience together. She thought about the way she'd ridden her, about how her breats felt in her hands, about how she'd swallowed all her cum...

The memory alone made Lisa come so hard she briefly wondered if it'd be so terrible to take her to bed again.

Somehow, she made it to the sixth night without losing her resolve. Lisa had stayed strong and stayed away from Jennie. She was fully ready to go through with her resignation when she talked to Mr. Kim the next day.

But the sound of shattering glass woke her up around one A.M. Lisa immediately leapt to her feet, gun in hand, and quickly made her way down the hall. She listened at the top of the stairs and definitely heard footsteps in the living room. Cocking her pistol, she carefully descended the stairs, ready to fire at the intruder.


Lisa exhaled heavily and lowered her weapon as she saw there was no intruder at all. Instead, Jennie had snuck downstairs for a drink it seemed -- an open bottle of vodka sat on the coffee table -- but she'd dropped her glass. That's what had awoken Lisa.

"Shit." Jennie muttered another curse from where she was kneeling on the floor, attempting to pick up the pieces of broken glass. Lisa sighed and flipped on the light.

"Stop, you'll hurt yourself," she instructed. Lisa found a dustpan and brush in the kitchen and cleaned up the mess, Jennie plopping down on the couch far away from her.

Once the glass was cleaned up, Lisa turned her attention to Jennie, who was holding her open hands out. She could see blood.

"How bad is it?" Lisa asked, sitting next to her to get a better look at her hands. Jennie jerked them away.

"I'm fine. Just go," she replied.

Lisa sighed frustratedly. "Let me see," she said, her voice stern and deep -- a voice she used with bad guys. Never Jennie. The tone startled her into compliance.

After examining the several cuts on her hands, Lisa retrieved the first aid kit from the bathroom and went to work, cleaning out the wounds with alcohol before wrapping bandages around them. Jennie was silent during this process, only letting out the occasional wince of pain.

"You should go back to bed," Lisa said once she was done.

"Can't sleep," she mumbled.

"Nightmares again?" She asked.

She shook her head. Jennie was silent for several seconds, and Lisa assumed she wouldn't elaborate. But eventually, she did.

"I can't sleep," she repeated, "because I know that when I wake up, it'll be the day you leave."

Lisa felt her heart crunch in her chest like a dead leaf.

"Miss Kim..." she said gently.

"Am I really that bad?" Jennie turned to look at her, finally, and she saw tears welling up in her eyes. "Is being stuck here with me really so horrible that you have to leave, with no other job lined up?"

"What?" Lisa asked, the shock apparent in her voice.

"My dad can't stand me," Jennie continued, sniffling. "That's why he stuck me here by myself. He never visits. He barely takes my calls." She grabbed the vodka and swigged right from the bottle, since her glass had shattered. "I can't keep in touch with any of my friends, because I can't give any hints about where I am," she continued. "I have no one, Lisa. Absolutely no one. I thought I at least had you, but apparently not."

It felt like someone was sinking a dagger into Lisa's gut painfully slowly.

"Miss Kim, that's just not true," she said gently, holding her bandaged hands. "Being here with you is the best job I've ever had."

Jennie gave her a doubtful look.

"Try to understand," Lisa implored. "For us to have any sort of personal relationship...it's dangerous. It could distract me. I could lose sight of the real reason I'm here."

"If you don't want to be with me again, all you had to do was say so," Jennie replied. "You don't have to leave. We can go back to how things were."

"You want to know how things really were?" Lisa said. "From the moment we set foot here, you've been in my head. Constantly. I had dreams about you. Fantasies. I got hard around you all the time. I touched myself and always thought about you."

Jennie's eyebrows rose at this confession. "This whole time?"

Lisa nodded. "I can't go back to how things were, knowing that you'd let me in your bed again. I wouldn't be able to resist."

"So that's it then?" She asked. "You're still leaving?"

"I don't want to. But I have to," Lisa said.

Jennie gave her a vague nod, the tears in her eyes suddenly spilling out down her cheeks. Without thinking, Lisa put her arms around her and pulled her close. Jennie let her hold her as she cried, her tears wetting the front of her shirt.

Lisa wasn't sure how long they sat like that, but eventually, the tears stopped and Jennie's body relaxed more against her.

"I got your shirt all wet," she said with a sniffle, her hand touching her breasts. Lisa tried to ignore how that felt.

"It's okay," she replied.

"So, if you're leaving tomorrow," Jennie said quietly, her hand still softly rubbing her chest, "would there really be any harm in doing it again?"

The mere question made Lisa's cock twitch and sent her heart racing. She knew it wasn't the professional thing to do, but she'd already crossed that boundary last week. And she was leaving after all. And it seemed this could help Jennie feel better...

"If you're sure that's what you want," Lisa replied, struggling to keep her tone even. "I would love to be with you again."

Jennie wasted no time in sitting up, grabbing Lisa's face, and planting a deep, romantic kiss on her lips. She let out a moan of surprise at her urgency, but wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her onto her lap. Jennie straddled her and began moving her hips as their tongues twisted, getting Lisa hard in record time. She tugged at the hem of her shirt, and the two broke their kiss so Jennie could pull it off of her completely. Her hands -- smooth, except for the roughness of the band-aids -- ran across her breasts

"Lisa, I have one condition," Jennie said as she relieved herself of her own t-shirt.

"Anything," Lisa replied as she got a glimpse of those creamy, round breasts again. Jennie's pink nipples were already hard like little pebbles, and those brushed against her own breasts as Jennie wrapped her arms around her neck.

"You have to call me Jennie," she insisted. "I've never heard you say my name."

Lisa swallowed hard. She slid a big hand up Jennie's torso and gently cupped one of her breasts, playing with her nipple with her thumb.

"Alright," she murmured. "You have the most beautiful breasts I've seen in my life, Jennie."

She flashed her a devilish grin as her eyes darkened with desire. Jennie leaned forward and started to kiss her jaw, her lips moving down her throat -- sucking and biting.

"Say it again."

"Jennie," she replied automatically, her eyes closing as she leaned her head back against the couch, enjoying the feeling of her lips nipping the sensitive skin of her throat.

"Again," she commanded.

"Jennie," Lisa said, her voice deep and gravelly, her cock now painfully hard.

"We need to get you out of these," Jennie remarked, reaching down to fish out Lisa's cock from her boxers.

"Hold on," Lisa said, grabbing her wrist to stop her. She looked up at her with her big brown eyes. "There's something I want to do first."

Before Jennie could reply, Lisa stood, lifting her with him. She giggled and clung to her tightly as she maneuvered her onto her back on the sofa, her hips elevated by the arm, legs dangling over the edge. Lisa knelt and hooked her fingers into Jennie's cotton panties, quickly shucking them off of her. Jennie let out another excited giggle as Lisa hooked her arms under her thighs and pulled her even closer to her, her soft, pink center completely exposed.

"You want me to make you come, Jennie?" Lisa asked as she brought her lips to her inner thigh, slowly kissing her way up towards her pussy.

"Yes, please," Jennie moaned, wriggling her hips excitedly. Lisa planted a light kiss onto her lower lips, and she felt Jennie shiver. Grinning to herself, Lisa gave her slit a long, slow lick, flicking her tongue around her clit.

"Oh, god," Jennie murmured. Lisa continued to tease her, barely applying any pressure as she gently licked around her most sensitive spot. After a few minutes of this, Jennie huffed frustratedly.

"Lisa, you're killing me," she pouted.

"Patience, baby," she growled softly. After a few more licks, Lisa dove in, furiously moving her lips against Jennie's pussy, pushing her tongue up inside her.

"Uh please," Jennie yelled, squirming beneath her as she ate her out. Lisa reached up and grabbed one of her firm tits as she continued to work her mouth against Jennir's sex, pressing her face hard against her. She began to buck up.

"Just like that," Jennie panted out as she thrust against her face. "Don't. Stop."

Jennie's thighs tightened around Lisa's head as she used her build her orgasm, but she didn't care. She tasted amazing, and knowing she was causing her all this pleasure made her cock ache even more. Jesus. If Mr. Kim could see what Lisa was doing to his daughter now...

"I'm so close, Lisa," Jennie panted out. Lisa moved up and applied the full force of her mouth directly against her clit, her tongue lapping away, and Jennie lost it.

"Ahh fuck!" Jennie cried out loudly, her hips completely off the couch as she ground against Lisa's mouth. She could feel her pulsing against her lips. She didn't move until Jennie began to relax, slowly lowering her hips back to the couch. Lisa kissed her inner thigh again before getting to her feet. She pushed down her boxers and her throbbing erection sprang free, pre-cum leaking down her tip.

Jennie, still recovering, managed to slowly sit up on the couch. Her eyes widened as they locked in on Lisa's hard cock.

"How are we doing this?" She asked eagerly.

Lisa shrugged. "However you want."

"You said you've had dreams about me," Jennie said, looking up at her from beneath her lashes. "What do we do in your dreams?"

A smile twitched at Lisa's lips as she took a few steps closer to Jennir. She held out her hand, and Jennie took it.

"Well," she started pulling her naked body against her. She reached down and grabbed her ass as her erection pressed against her soft tummy. Still wrapped around each other, Lisa slowly started to walk them towards the kitchen.

"I had this dream the other night," she continued as they neared the table. "Where I bent you over this table and fucked you as hard as I could."

Jennie gasped. "Lalisa!"

"You asked," she replied.

"I've just never heard you talk like this before," Jennir replied, kissing one of her breast as she continued to feel up her ass. "I like it," she added. Jennie wrapped her small hand around Lisa's hard, pale shaft and stroked her with just enough pressure to drive her crazy.

"Is that a yes?" Lisa asked with a moan.

Jennie responded by detangling herself from Lisa, walking to the table, and leaning facedown across it. Lisa's eyes widened as she took in the beautiful sight in front of her -- Jennie's naked body pressed against the smooth wood of the table, her round ass sticking up in the air, waiting for her. The wetness between her legs glistened in the dim moonlight streaming in through the windows.

"You look damn sexy like this, Jennie," Lisa growled as she approached, bringing her hand down across her plump cheeks. Jennie let out a little squeal, but eagerly wiggled her butt, hungry for more. She slapped her again before stepping closer. Lisa grabbed a hold of her cock and rubbed the head teasingly up and down Jennie's wet slit. She moaned.

"No one's ever fucked me like you did, Lisa," she whispered as she continued to tease her, slipping just the head into her pussy before cruelly retreating again. At this point Lisa was torturing herself, too, but she wanted this to last as long as possible.

"You're the best I've ever had," Lisa admitted. Jennie looked over her shoulder at her in surprise.

"Really?" She asked, tone suspicious. "I'm sure you've been with a lot of women."

"I have," Lisa confirmed. "But I'm telling you, baby, you're the best."

And with that, Lisa finally plunged her length into Jennie's tight, hot pussy.

"Uhh," Jennie moaned in surprise, throwing her head back at the sudden intrusion. Lisa grabbed tightly onto her hips, her thumbs digging into the soft flesh of her ass, and she started to pump into her -- her thrusts slow, but strong. Each thrust propelled Jennie across the table, and she watched her fingers wrap around the edge of it to keep her in place.

"Fuck, Jennie," Lisa swore as the angle allowed her cock to go deeper than before. Jennie's pussy fit around her like a glove -- squeezing her, milking her. The table creaked dangerously each time Lisa rammed into Jennie, but she couldn't stop herself now. If they broke it, they broke it.

"Is this...what it was like...in your dream?" Jennie panted out as her whole body trembled from the force of Lisa's pounding.

"It's even better," she replied, voice tight. Lisa brought her hand down onto Jennie's ass again, and the loud smack filled the room.

"I love it when you're rough with me, Lisa," Jennie replied in between squeals as Lisa slapped her ass and pummeled her pussy.

"Yeah?" Lisa squeezed her hips tighter at this and picked up the pace so Jennie was almost constantly whimpering.

"Because you're usually so...uptight...and controlled," she continued through gritted teeth, her knuckles white now as she squeezed the edge of the table. "I just knew you'd secretly be like this."

Lisa paused the pounding for a second, leaned over Jennie, and kissed her shoulder blades.

"Truth is," she whispered, "you make me like this. You make me crazy over you, baby. I can't get enough of you."

Lisa stood again and resumed her thrusts, slamming into her mercilessly now. Jennie's  ass jiggled and Lisa could feel her balls tightening -- she was right on the edge. She leaned over Jennie and slid her hands under her, cupping her breasts as she continued to furiously hump her. Ten seconds later, Lisa felt herself erupt inside her.

"Uh Fuck!," She grunted loudly as she shot her load into Jennie. She continued to whimper as she filled her up, and when Lisa started tweaking her nipples, Jennie shuddered underneath her, and her pussy pulsed around Lisa's cock. She let out the tiniest moan as she came with her.

The two lay, catching their breath, for a long while before Lisa slowly pulled out of Jennie, her cock shrinking but still a little hard. She stumbled into one of the kitchen chairs and sat. Jennie slowly turned her head and gave her a lazy smile before pushing herself off the table. Lisa held out her hand, wanting to pull her onto her lap, but Jennie smirked and gave her a head shake. Instead, she sunk to her knees in front of her and nudged her legs apart.


"I just want to give you a proper send off," she replied, grabbing a hold of her slick cock. Lisa never would've dreamed of asking Jennie to clean her off like this, but here she was, about to do it anyway. She couldn't believe it. This girl was something else -- and she'd surely be the death of her.

While Jennie held Lisa's shaft, her tongue went to work around her balls, cleaning up the cum that had dripped down. Once her balls were thoroughly cleaned, Jennie worked her tongue up her cock, starting at the base. By the time she made it to the head, Lisa was as hard as ever again.

"I don't think this is a send off at all," Lisa murmured as Jennie took her into her mouth, sucking harder than she had last time. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "I think you're trying to convince me to stay."

Jennie had worked Lisa's shaft partly down her throat. She tried to go further, but then she gagged and retreated.

"Maybe I am," she replied with a shrug. "We could do this every fucking day if you stayed, Lisa."

She sighed and opened her mouth to respond, but Jennie took her into her mouth again and all words escaped her. Lisa threaded her hands into her hair as she bobbed up and down, sucking and slurping, gagging loudly as she took more and more of her. Finally, Jennie came up for air.

"You're not playing fair," Lisa managed, her cock feeling like it was about to explode.

"No, I'm not," she replied simply. Jennie stood and climbed onto Lisa's lap, lifting her hips and positioning her opening right over her thick cock. Holding tightly to her strong shoulders, Jennie lowered herself onto her, wincing slightly as she impaled herself on her massive member.

"Fuck," Lisa whispered, tilting her head back as Jennie enveloped her in her delicious heat.

"Do I feel good, Lisa?" Jennie whispered into her ear after she'd fit her entire length inside her. She stilled and kissed Lisa gently on the lips.

"So good, baby," she growled, jerking her hips upward -- impatient.Jennie let out a giggle and wrapped her arms tightly around Lisa, then slowly began moving against her. Lisa ran her hands up Jennie's body and grabbed onto her gorgeous breasts, which gently bounced from her movements.

"You like my tits, don't you," Jennie murmured as she began to steadily bounce on Lisa's lap, her cock easily sliding in and out of her because she was so damn wet.

"Love them," Lisa managed as Jennie continued to contort against her. "I told you, you're perfect."

"So are you," Jennie whispered. And then she began to bounce furiously, her ass slapping loudly against Lisa's thighs as she rode her. Lisa held onto her breasts for dear life and just enjoyed the ride, still in disbelief this was happening -- that Jennie wanted her as much as she wanted her. At this moment, as she took her closer and closer to the edge, Lisa had no idea why she'd ever consider leaving. This woman's pussy could get her anything she wanted.

"I'm close," Lisa grunted.

"Me too."

While Jennie's movements got even more frantic, Lisa reached between her legs and found her clit, rubbing tantalizing circles until  Jennie let out a loud moan. She felt her walls clench around her, harder than last time, which made Lisa come again, too.

"Ohh, Jennie," she moaned, squeezing her tightly against her as her cock twitched inside of her, dumping a second load of cum. Jennie remained still, kissing Lisa's shoulder until her climax ended.

"I'm exhausted," Jennie said, her head against Lisa and her eyes closed.

"Me too." When she'd regained her strength, Lisa lifted the both of them and moved to the couch. They cuddled up together on it, and Lisa covered them with a throw blanket. She fell asleep instantly.

The next morning, the ringing of her cell phone jolted her awake. Lisa reached for her phone on the coffee table, Jennie still snuggled against her.

"Hello?" Lisa cleared her throat, trying to sound more alert.

"Lalisa, it's about time you picked up." Ah. Mr. Kim.

"Oh. Good morning, sir." Lisa looked down at Jennie and panicked, as if Mr. Kim would be able to see them right now.

"Well, what'll it be?" He asked, impatiently. "Are you staying on or not?"

Lisa took a deep breath. She glanced at Jennie one more time, and immediately knew that'd been a mistake. There was no way she could leave her now.

"I...I think I've decided to stay," Lisa managed weakly. She had no clue what the hell she was doing.

"Excellent!" Mr. Kim exclaimed. "I knew that raise would convince you."

As Jennie stirred, Lisa looked at her again, and the blanket slipped downward, exposing her perfect breast. Damn.

"Yeah," Lisa said, smile on her face. "It was the raise that changed my mind."


Maybe this is the end or maybe not :)

I think it's the end :(

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