One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 11: One big search party
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 13: One terrified baby
Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 16: One holy terror
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 41: One nasty cold
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 50: One crazy holiday
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 25: one snowy vacation

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By lipgloss1989

Madeline: do you still have snow gear from when y'all went to Colorado?
Caroline: I have me and Jasons, but Addy was 3 when we went so she needs new ones.
Madeline: Jason has snow gear but I don't and the baby doesn't
Caroline: we can go run to academy they should have snow gear and target should have baby snow gear.
Madeline: okay we can go once Stella wakes up.
Addy: I want a pink jacket
Caroline: we'll see what they have baby. And you need more than just a jacket
*20 minutes later*
Stella: *wakes up*
Madeline: okay let me go grab little bit
Madeline: *goes get stella* hey my baby!
Caroline: y'all ready?
Madeline: yep! Let's go
*caroline, Madeline, addy, and Stella go to academy*
Caroline: okay adult snow gear should be in the back.
Madeline: ok
*walk to the back*
Madeline: okay I'm going to try these three suits and these boots.
Caroline: here I'll take Stella girl while you try them on
Madeline: *hands Stella to caroline*
Stella: Nah nee
Madeline: nanny got you!
Addy: I wanna play with Stella
Caroline: okay hold on let mom sit on the bench and I'll see if she wants to walk
Caroline: *puts Stella down and holds one hand*
Stella: *stands and starts bending knees*
Addy: come see stella!
Caroline: go see Addy Stella girl
Stella: *takes two steps towards addy and falls into her arms*
Addy: yay Stella
Stella: Ahh d dadee
Caroline: oh my gosh! She just said Addy!!
Addy: yay!!
Madeline: *comes out dressing room*
Caroline: Stella just said Addy!!
Madeline: oh my goodness!! Yay Stella girl! *picks her up*
Madeline: okay all of these work for me so we can go to target now!
Caroline: let's go!
*all go to target*
*go to baby and girls section*
Madeline: okay these will for sure fit Stella. I'll get her these and we can go find addy some
Caroline: addy look there's a pink snow suit!
Addy: yeah I like that one!
Caroline: okay let me grab your size
Madeline: since we are here, I'll go get some snacks for the plane tomorrow
Caroline: let me grab a cart *gets cart*
Caroline: here you can put Stella in the front
Madeline: *puts Stella in cart*

Madeline: oh goodness! You're getting too big!
Caroline: still a little shrimp though!
*get snacks and checkout and go home*
Madeline: okay I'm going to go ahead and start packing and then I'll get dinner ready.
Caroline: okay I'm gonna go get all our stuff from home and bring it here.
*Caroline packs and brings all their stuff to Madelines*
Addy: nanny can I watch a movie?
Madeline: of course angel! What movie do you want?
Addy: Aladdin!
Madeline: alright! *puts Aladdin on*
Madeline: okay I'm going pick dinner up real quick. Stella is sitting with Addy
Caroline: okay I'll pack all the suitcases and stuff in the car
*Madeline grabs dinner*
Caroline: addy I'm pausing the movie come eat dinner
*Jason and Daniel arrive home*
Addy: daddy!!
Daniel: addy girl!
Addy: parran guess what!
Jason: what addy girl!?
Addy: Stella can say Addy my name
Jason: *looks at Madeline* she can! That's awesome! Good job Stella girl!
*they eat dinner and they watch Aladdin on the couch*
Madeline: okay Stella's out I'm going out her down
*finish the movie*
Madeline: okay we need to leave here for 4:30 tomorrow morning flight is at 7:00.
Caroline: Tara and Dana will be on the same plane as us but Polly is driving up because she can't fly right now
Madeline: okay! We can meet up with them in the morning
*all go to bed*
*next morning*
Jason: Madeline get up we need to leave in 30 minutes
Madeline: okay can you go make Stella a bottle for the plane
Jason: yeah sure thing
Madeline: *gets up and gets dressed*
Caroline: I'm just gonna leave addy in her jammies
Madeline: that's what I'm doing with Stella too. I'm not going grab her until right before we leave
Caroline: same
*25 minutes later*
Madeline: okay I think we have everything
Caroline: alright let's grab the girls and we can go
Madeline: *picks Stella up*
Stella: *starts fussing*
Madeline: shhh *rocks her back to sleep*
Caroline: alright let's go
*drive to the airport*
Caroline: *try's to wake addy up*
Addy: *starts crying* no mommy I'm tired
Caroline: shhh shhh shhh. Okay daddy come get addy Belle.
Daniel: come see addy daddy's gonna hold you.
Addy: okay daddy
Madeline: *grabs stella*
*meet up with Tara and Dana inside*
*go through airport security*
Security: excuse me ma'am I'm going to need to pull you aside for random pat down
Madeline: Jason grab Stella
Jason: *grabs stella*
Stella: *wakes up*
Jason: hey sweet girl.
Stella: *rubs her eyes and stares at Jason*
Madeline: always the one that gets pulled aside
Jason: look who's up
Madeline: hey sweetheart. Good morning
Stella: *smiles and waves*
Loud speaker: now boarding flight #7 group A
Madeline: okay we're group B so we need to head over there
* all go to #7*
*plane boards*
Madeline: here Jason see if she wants her bottle
Jason: look what daddy's got *gives bottle to Stella*
Stella: *pushes it away*
Jason: she's not interested right now
Madeline: okay
*waiting for plane to take off*
Jason: babe shes loving the window
Madeline: cutie!
Stella: *yawns and lays head down on Jason while looking out the window*
Madeline: she's so sleepy
Jason: I think she'll fall asleep soon
*plane takes off*
Madeline: okay when the plane lands, Polly is picking us up
Jason: they're already there?
Madeline: they left yesterday
Jason: oh
*2 hours later plane lands*
Caroline: okay polly said they will be here in like 10 minutes
Madeline: perfect timing, let's grab luggage and we can meet them in the front
*grab luggage*
*polly picks them all up and go to the cabin*
Madeline: aww this cabin is adorable!
Polly: so I took the room down stairs if that's okay
Madeline: yeah that's fine!
Tara: Dana, you, me, Ben, and Kevin can bunk in the one of the big rooms upstairs
Caroline: Madeline and I will take the other room
Dana: there's the downstairs basement area that has a tv, a bunk bed, and a pull out couch. The kids can all sleep there
Bennett: I call top bunk!
Caleb: I'll go on the bottom
Olivia: bennett that's not fair!
Tara: hey guys we are going to alternate boys and girls sleeping on bunks. Girls tonight
Dana: Paige you need to sleep on the bottom bunk
Caroline: addy too!
Olivia: okay I'll go on the top bunk!
Stella: *fussing*
Jason: what's wrong Stella girl
Stella: mah mah
Madeline: come see ma ma! *grabs stella*
Tara: sweet girl!
Madeline: she hasn't eaten yet today. She's probably hungry
Caroline: here I'll go feed her while you get the room situated *takes stella*
Madeline: thanks
*few hours later*
Dana: do y'all want to play a board game?
Madeline: yeah!
Caroline: wine and game night? Well water for Polly?
Polly: don't worry. I brought sparkling grape juice for me!
Tara: perfect solution
Madeline: boys do y'all want to play?
Daniel: football game is on tonight
Oscar: yeah we're gonna go watch in the basement
Polly: alrighty
Tara: hey kiddos do y'all want to play a board game or something?
*all kids scream yeah!"
Dana: okay I'll put a few games out and y'all can pick them and play
Madeline: hey guys I'm going to leave Stella in here to play with toys. Make sure she stays in here. If she starts moving move her back to her toys
Olivia: okay!
*kids play board games*
*ladies play game*
*guys watch football*
*few minutes later*
Addy: *runs to the ladies* nanny Stella has one of the candy land pieces in her mouth
Madeline: oh shoot *runs to Stella*
Madeline: *shoves hand in Stella's mouth*
Stella: *gags and spits the piece out*
Madeline: okay guys I'll go rinse it and bring it back. If she crawls to the game make sure she doesn't grab anything so she doesn't choke
Madeline: *rinses game piece*
Caleb: no Stella you gotta go play with your toys
Stella: *crawls back to the other kids*
Addy: picks Stella up and brings her back to her toys
Stella: *squirming and fussing*
Bennett: no Stella you can play with these
Stella: *picks up a toy and plays with it*
Laityn: no mine! *takes toy from stella*
Stella: *starts crying*
Tara: oh no I hear a little one
Madeline: that would be mine. Hold on a sec
Madeline: Stella girl what's wrong? *picks her up*
Dax: her wants to play with us but she messed the game up
Madeline: okay I'll bring her with me so she leaves y'all alone
Laityn: mommy lai plays?
Polly: you can come sit with mommy *lifts Laityn up* ugh you're getting heavy girl
Polly: this girl is already 28 pounds at 21 months!
Madeline: Laityn needs to give some of that to Stella!
Polly: how much does Stella weigh
Madeline: she's about 16 or 17 pounds at 15 months
Dana: wow tiny little thing!
Caroline: she's incredibly small
Madeline: it's not like she doesn't eat plenty because she does!
Polly: see and Laityn eats but she's not a big eater
Tara: it could be just height difference and Stella's metabolism must be a lot faster than Laityns
*game night ends they all go to bed*
*next morning*
Tara: hey kiddy's it's time to get up!
*all kids get up*
Caroline: I'm making breakfast!
Madeline: yum! Let me go wake up little princess
Madeline: *taps on Stella's stomach* stella girl
Stella: *stretches and yawns*
Madeline: good morning!
Stella: *reaches for Madeline* mama mama
Madeline:*picks Stella up* come see mama
Polly: are you feeding her before yet get her dressed?
Madeline: yeah
Polly: okay I'll feed Laityn too
*kids eat breakfast*
Madeline: *dresses Stella in snow suit*
Tara: look how squishy she looks!!
Madeline: I know!!
*all finish getting ready and go to the slopes*
Jason: so how is this gonna work with the little bits?
Dana: I figured all the guys can go and the ladies can stay with the kids and then we can swap
Daniel: coolio
*guys go to the slopes and ladies stay in the snow with the kids*
Madeline: Stella what is that!? Puts Stella down in the snow
Stella: *touches it* *laughs*
Madeline: *laughs*
Caroline: that snow is funny!?
Addy: look mommy!! I can eat it!
Caroline: does it taste good?
Olivia: it taste like a snow cone
Bennett: except it's not sweet
Madeline: Stella look at mommy

Dana: oh my heart! She's so cute!!
Madeline: she is totally loving this!
Caroline: well unlike sand, she can actually eat snow!
Tara: true!
Addy: nanny look I made a snowman!
Madeline: wow Addy! That's awesome!!
Caroline: addy go stand by it and smile!

Polly: there's a little slide over there that the kids can go play on!
Madeline: yeah let's go over there!
*go over to the slide*
Paige: yay slide!
*guys come back from slopes*
Daniel: heyyy!!!
Caroline: how'd it go?
Jason: so much fun!
Kevin: they give you a quick lesson then it's a free for all!
Madeline: sweet!
Oscar: okay swap out!
Laityn: daddy!!!
Oscar: hey lai lai!
Madeline: she loves the snow!!
Jason: you love it my girl! *takes Stella from Madeline*
Caroline: okay see y'all in a bit!
*girls all go to the slopes*
*kids play with the guys*
*an hour later*
*Laityn crying*
Polly: okay I think it's nap time lai.
Madeline: Stella's falling asleep too
Dana: I say we go back have lunch and nap then come back after to sled
Jason: sounds good and guys can have bar time?
Madeline: Jason it's noon
Daniel: there's no time when you're on vacation
Ben: he has a point
Tara: alright!
*girls and kids go back to house while guys go to bar*
Madeline: okay let me take all these layers off of her *takes Stella's clothes off and puts sleeper on her*
Caroline: her hair is wet
Madeline: probably from sweating!
Tara: she's such an angel!
Dana: cute and well behaved
Madeline: we are super blessed! She's an awesome baby!
*a few hours later*
Madeline: okay I rented three sleds and we can all take turns
Dana: perfect
Madeline: okay is everyone ready?
Tara: let's go!
*go to the snow hill*
Addy: can Stella sled with me?
Madeline: yeah. *puts Stella on addys lap
Caroline: hold on to her really tight addy!

Olivia: look! We can all fit on this one!
Tara: Bennett, make sure laityn is on there good. Don't let her fall off!
Bennett: I won't
Dax: mommy I want a turn too!
Tara: okay buddy hold on
Stella: *starts crying*
Madeline: what happened? *picks Stella up*
Caroline: ooh I think someone needs a diaper change
Madeline: definitely, I'll be back I'm going change her
*Madeline brings Stella to get changed*
*guys get back*
Jason: hey where's everyone else?
Madeline: in the snow, sledding.
Daniel: then why are y'all up here?
Madeline: princess needed a new diaper and apparently a new snow suit because she peed through the diaper!
Jason: oh no Stella girl!
Madeline: y'all should come down with me
Oscar: sounds like a plan
*madeline, Stella, and all the guys go back down to the snow*
Olivia: daddy! Look! I can do the sled by myself!
Ben: that's awesome Livy let daddy see!
*olivia does sled*
Ben: great job Liv!
Jason: Stella girl come see dada!
Madeline: *hands Stella to jason*
Jason: oh my goodness she's so snuggly in her snow outfit!
Madeline: I know! She's like a little teddy bear!
Caroline: sweet girl do you want to slide?
Madeline: let's go slide!
*go to the slide*
Dax: can I slide with Stella mommy?
Tara: sure dax
Madeline: look you go sit on the top and I'll put her on your lap
Dax: *sits at the top*
Madeline: *sits Stella on Dax's lap*
Tara: okay ready
Dax: *starts sliding while Madeline holds on to Stella's chest*
Dax: that was fun!
Stella: *stares at madeline*
Madeline: was that so fun baby?!
Stella: *starts crying*
Madeline: *picks Stella up* aww sweet girl! Whats the matter?! *kisses stella*
Jason: you didn't like it baby girl?
Madeline: guess not!
*an hour later all go back to cabin*
Tara: okay are y'all ready to go to dinner?
Madeline: I think we are all ready
Dana: alright let's go!
*all girls get into Pollys van*
*all boys get into a rental van*
Paige: mommy I gotta go potty!
Dana: okay paigey
Madeline: I'll call Jason and tell him we are pulling over
Madeline: *calls jason*
Jason: hey what's up?
Madeline: Paige has to go use the bathroom. We are pulling into the gas station
Jason: cool. The van needs gas anyways
Madeline: alright bye
Tara: *pulls into the gas station*
Polly: does anyone else need to potty?
Olivia: not really
Caroline: why don't y'all go just do we don't have to stop again
*caroline, Polly, Dana, Tara, addy, Olivia, and Paige go use the bathroom*
*jason filling up the boys car*
Madeline: *gets out to check Stella's diaper* nope all clean!
Madeline: goes back to the passenger seat
Stranger man: excuse me miss
Madeline: yes?
Stranger man: I think you dropped your credit card
Madeline: oh my gosh thanks! *bends down to grab it*
Stranger man: *jumps into drivers seat and takes off*
Madeline: JASON!!!!!!
Jason: *hops in the van and takes off following the man*
Madeline: *calls Jason crying *
Jason: calm down we are tailing him. He's not getting away. Oscar is on the phone with the police. They are coming!
Madeline: please don't crash into him!!! Stella and Laityn are in the backseat!!
Jason: I know baby I won't let anything happen to them. I promise!!
Madeline: *hysterical* polly is going to flip!!
Jason; babe it's not your fault! Tell her what happened
Madeline: okay
*all girls walk out of the gas station*
Caroline: Madeline what's wrong!!!!
Madeline: *hysterical* I was grabbing my credit card and a man jumped into the car and took off!! The guys are following him and have the police coming!!
Caroline: oh my gosh!!
Tara: *hugs madeline* shhh it's gonna be okay!
Madeline: I know, but poor girls!
Polly: Madeline it's okay. I just got off the phone with Oscar. The cops are chasing him!
Madeline: I've gotta call Jason and see what's going on
Madeline: *calls Jason* What's going on?
Jason: still chasing him. I'll chase this guy until the morning if it means we get our baby and Laityn back safely
Madeline: I don't know what I would do without our precious girl!
Jason: me too!
Jason: babe why don't you just go sit and calm down for a little bit
Madeline: no way. I won't be able to relax until I know those sweet babies are back with y'all
Polly: put him on speaker so we can all hear what's going on
Madeline: *puts phone on speaker*
Jason: there is no way this guy will make it too far with the tank of gas. It's going to run out soon and then we got him
*an hour later*
Jason: he finally ran out of gas!
Madeline: oh my gosh!!
*all girls anxiously listening*
Jason: they got him!!
*all girls cheering and crying relief*
*hear Jason running*
*hear baby cry's*
Madeline: oh my gosh they're okay!
Jason: come see daddy! *picks Stella up and hugs and kisses her* oh thank the lord. Thank you God!
Stella: *calming down*
Laityn: daddy holds lai lai!
Oscar: I got you baby don't worry. It's okay
Police: he's in custody
Jason: thank God
Police: if you wouldn't have followed him and called when you did, who knows what could have happened.
Jason: I appreciate y'all being so quick. These girls are our life!!
Police: I have two of my own. I know exactly how it feels
Madeline: she's good?!
Jason: both girls are safe and back with us!
Madeline: I can't wait to hold my little munchkin!
Jason: we will be back in an hour or so
*boys drive back to Polly and them*
Madeline: give her here *grabs stella and squeezes her and kisses her* oh my sweet baby are you okay?
Stella: *lays head down on Madeline* mama mama
Madeline: mamas got you sweet angel. *kisses stella* mommy's here
Laityn: mommy!
Polly: oh lai! *picks Laityn up*
Jason: where's the big girls?
Madeline: Tara walked with them back to the cabin
Madeline: oh my gosh that was the scariest moment of my life!!
Jason: *hugs and kisses Madeline* I'm sorry babe I love my girls
Madeline: we love you too
Stella: *points to jason* dada dada
Madeline: *hugs stella* how could someone do this to the most innocent of humans! It makes me sick!
Jason: that guy is pure evil and he will be getting what he deserves in prison
Madeline: I just want to go home
Jason: tomorrow morning babe
*next day*
Madeline: how's laityn doing Polly?
Polly: she slept in the bed with us last night.
Madeline: poor girl! Luckily Stella's still really little do she hopefully won't remember this
Polly: I don't think Laityn will but since it is still fresh in her mind she will for a few days
Polly: how did Stella sleep
Madeline: she woke up a few times wanting me to hold her but once I rocked her back to sleep she fell asleep right away
Polly: Sha girl
*all board the plane to go home*
*arrive home*
Jason: great trip besides what happened yesterday
Madeline: for sure
Jason: my sweet girl
Madeline: I am obsessed
Jason: me too

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