Serendipity ( Kim Taehyung)

By taestuIip

171K 8.5K 4.1K

"Serendipity is subjective. Not necessarily big things, small things too. Like finding a place to sit amidst... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 : Serendipity
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Epilogue - Part 1
Epilogue - Part 2
Epilogue - Part 3
Epilogue - Part 4
Epilogue - FINALE

Chapter 54

1.7K 97 60
By taestuIip

"Look the thing is, he is a doctor and I am just a mere office worker"

Haru stops midway cutting her steak, looking up at her sister seated across the small table of the restaurant looking all dreadful as she deadpans at her own plate of carbonara. The topic of her and Taehyung's brother, Dr Kim, has been at the tip of the tongue ever since Areum told her about the flowers she sent to to Dr Kim. Thus, she needed to have this conversation with her.

"Excuse me, a mere office worker? I mean, even if you consider yourself a mere office worker—which you are not—what does that fact got to do with you and Dr Kim?"

Areum sighs heavily, lips pouting outwardly as she scoops a mouthful of pasta and gobble it in one go before finally meeting Haru's eyes. "I mean, I am thinking about me going after him and I bet he has a lot of beautiful doctors lining up for him. Look at him? Now, look at me?"

She gestures at her appearance before dapping the corners of her mouth with a piece of tissue and proceeds to take one long sip of her ice lemon tea before she finally, melts into the chair with another sigh.

"What's with you and this lack of confidence out of nowhere?"

"I don't know"

Haru studies Areum's face, confused herself at the sudden change of the mood. Just a while ago her sister was all over the clouds, complimenting Dr Kim's sweet gesture of texting her to thank for the flowers and his undeniably chivalry of wanting to treat her for a lunch or dinner anytime soon. But suddenly, everything took 180 degrees turn when she talks about feelings. Her feelings.

Areum has always been confident, and power breathes out of her every pore. She is strong, always head-on, and never the one to accept defeat. She applied this wisdom all through her years of studies, and now, in her job. People can take one quick look at her and they will understand how and why she succeeds so greatly in life.

But what people fail to see is her inability to convey emotions when it comes to deeper feelings that involves the opposite gender. Failing relationships are common to her and she defines herself as someone who does not need anyone. Nevertheless, it does not stop her from going to dates, meeting people and possibly, indulging herself in relationships every now and then but sadly, none of them lasted long.

It could be her, or it could be the other party, but the thing is, her relationship never lasted.

"My relationships with all my exes never lasted, so I don't want Dr Kim to be just another failed one—he is too precious for that"

"Don't look at that part yet", Haru puts her fork and knife down, clasping both hands together on the table, eyes looking straight at her sister. "You need to get to know him, you know. He looks like a decent man, maybe a little shy, but I don't see any reason for you both to be running in different circles while it is too damn obvious you guys are attracted to each other. Relationship or no, put that aside. You need to get to know him first"

Areum lets out a long hum at her sister's words, nodding weakly as she makes sense of everything in her head. She might be looking into this matter too deeply when she is supposed to just go with it and see where it leads her. Maybe what she needs to do is just be brave and not ponder on things that have not happened yet.

"Do you think he will like it if I ask him out for dinner? And a movie?"

"Geez, come on, he loves movies. He loves cooking too. Invite him over already, what's the haste?"

"Good lord, I can't invite him to my place—"

"Why not?", Haru coos teasingly, arching an eyebrow at her sister. "It's just a meal at your house"

Areum seems taken aback at the sudden direction of their conversation, making her gasped lowly as she looks weirdly at her sister. "Where is this coming from? I know you have progressed so much in your relationship with Taehyung but hellooooooo"

"That's not the point", she scoffed. "My point is, you make your move. Dr Kim is very shy, very very shy. And I doubt he will ever make it obvious if he is attracted to you. He will just hide and beat around the bush till someone pushes him to do something"


The entire week passed like a blur and without even realizing, it is finally the weekend again. Jiwoo took the opportunity to crash Haru's house, complaining the lack of attention and love from her best friend and demanded for compensation by letting her spend the whole weekend with her. On which, Haru agreed and that's how they ended up on the couch at 5 pm in the evening, watching a sappy romantic movie of Jiwoo's choice.

Halfway through the movie, they were surprised by the sound of the house bell making both heads turn to the door before they look at each other in confusion.

"Are you expecting anyone?"

"No", pushing the little blanket of her, Haru gets up to check the intercom but when she sees the two faces grinning so close to the camera, she almost choked on her own saliva. "Oh god, Yeonjun and Soobin are here"

Jiwoo literally jumped off the couch and sprinted all the way to the door, unlocking it quickly and when she opened it, she was greeted with a very loud incoherent mumbles and yells from the two boys accusing them of forgetting them and something that goes along with the same line.

"You two girls really be acting so busy and forgetting about your loyal boyfriends, I am sick", Yeonjun places the two boxes of fried chicken he bought earlier on the dining table. "I don't trust you two anymore"

"So dramatic, shut up", Haru goes to his side, peeking at the two plastic bags Soobin just placed beside the fried chicken. "You both come uninvited, but I will forgive you for all the food you bought"

"I bought salted caramel latte for you", Soobin pulls out a sealed cup of the instant version of her favourite to-go coffee and slides it to her. "Say you love me now"

"You should have at least called", Jiwoo smacks the side of Yeonjun's arms, making the boy gasp dramatically in faux annoyance. "Where were you from?"

"My parent's house", Soobin replies as he unpacks all the food on the table, clapping his hands when the table looks so full with food. "Sooooo, movie and dinner at the couch?"

All of them picks up whatever food and drinks they can with bare hands, hastily bringing them to the coffee table before Jiwoo complains for not unpacking everything at this table instead. Soobin just rolled his eyes and demanded her to keep quiet or she will not be getting any fried chicken on which, they end up almost breaking each other's neck midway conversation.

Haru proceeds to take a roll of kitchen towel from her cupboard, plates and cups and also cutleries before joining them at the couch. But as she was about to take a seat beside Soobin, the doorbell rings again.

"Hmmm?", Jiwoo turns to her, mouth full of chips as she speaks. "Whooooo?"

"Did you invite Yongsun?", Haru turns to Yeonjun.

"I didn't—do you want me to check the door for you?"

Yeonjun was about to get up but Haru quickly pushed his shoulder down, shaking her head. "I will, I wasn't expecting any guest at all today though"

Haru drags her feet to the intercom once again, pressing on the small round green button while the other three watches her from the couch. The moment the screen lights up, she swears her heart might have stopped for a few seconds before it beats again, but then, the beating is abnormally slow as she takes in the sight of the very unexpected guess standing outside her door.


"Oh shit"

Haru had to take in one very long breathe as she closed her eyes, holding it for a few seconds before blowing it out as she rests one hand on her waist. Her mind suddenly spiraling out of focus as it darts between the man—her boyfriend—and the three guests on her couch right now.

What happens now?

"Who is it!"

Jiwoo's high pitched voice broke whatever dizzying thoughts she had, looking up at the small screen again just to feel a whiplash of feelings making way up to her head as she admires the handsome smile on Taehyung's face.

But now is not the time to be gushing about her handsome man.

Slowly turning to her living room, catching the curiosity in each pair of her friends' eyes, Haru smiles awkwardly as she looks at them.

"It's Mister Kim"

There are a few seconds of complete silence, not the slightest sound in the air as the three of them froze on the couch, breath knocked out of their chests. But then it did not last long. Yeonjun was the first to jump off the couch, a big playful grin on his face as he points at the door.

"You mean your boyfriend?"

"Oh god", Haru had to hold on to whatever energy that is left, wondering what kind weird ideas running in her best friend's mind. "But—yes, he is out there so—"

"Then what are you doing there? Open the door for him?"

Soobin gasped audibly at Jiwoo's nonchalant answer, still lost at the commotion as he slowly gets up from the couch, eyes darting from the door, to Haru, to Yeonjun before it lands back on Haru.

"Wait...this is going to be awkward?"

"Why would it be?", Yeonjun turns to Soobin, tilting his head with confusedly. "Because he taught our class before?"

Soobin nods with a little sigh, scratching the back of his head as he looks at Jiwoo. She looks relaxed, grinning ear to ear as she feels the tension in the air building and the worried look on Haru and Soobin's face, which is completely a contrast to the delight on hers and Yeonjun's.

"Come on, you're not going to make him wait, are you?"

Gulping hard to herself, Haru breathes in and out a few times as she ignored the teasing look on Yeonjun's face as he stands so near to here at the door. Not that she is trying to hide Taehyung from her friends, it is the fact that this is the very first time they are meeting together and not in classroom and in a professional setting.

Taehyung is meeting them not as the research assistant, but her boyfriend. Now that is a little new to her.

"Haru, you are going to make him wait?", Yeonjun nudges her shoulder softly, gesturing her to open the door.

"Oh god, fine"

Not wanting to drag this any further, she proceeds to open the door as slowly as possible and she swore she almost lost her bearing when she finally pulls the door open.

Greeted with such a handsome sight of Taehyung dressed so casually in his cotton black pants and a black turtleneck of the same colour, it took every ounce of her self-control not to just jump into his embrace. As the wind gushes in with the movement of the door, the notes of his perfumes swirl their way to her nostrils, smelling the sweet scent of lavender and sandalwood combined with his bodily musk that gives nothing but pure pleasure of the fragrance.

Oh god, he smells good, really good.


And that broke her chain of dreamy thoughts.

Taehyung swore his heart might have stopped a few seconds when he sees Yeonjun appearing from behind the big door, beaming so brightly at him as he gladly makes himself seen. His mind might have glitched for a few seconds, forgetting the timeline of them getting acquainted and, their current position.

Yeonjun was in his tutorial class and they had no other interaction except for the ones within the four walls. To see him standing there in front of him in a such unexpected setting caught him completely off guard and he was not ready for this at all. Thus, his mind is wiped out, unable to form any coherent thought as he stands there in obvious stillness, eyes big and surprised.

"G-Good evening", he managed to speak after a few seconds of awkward silence. "Maybe I should come later?"

"Mister Kim", Yeonjun smiles even wider, bowing politely at the same time remembering his manners. "You came at the right time, we bought a lot of food for dinner and plans to watch a movie. Come in!"

He turns to Haru, searching for any sort of objection to Yeonjun's offer but found nothing as he finds her raising both eyebrows at him, hinting that she clearly has nothing against it. Haru then gently ushers him in, careful with her physical touches while having her friends' attention focused on her.

"Good Evening Mister Kim", Soobin walks to him, politely offering a little bow as he smiles. "We have food for yo—I mean we have for everyone. We are glad to have you here"

"N-No, I am sorry for interrupting your time. I shouldn't be here", Taehyung still sounds reluctant to stand there in the doorway, contemplating if he should leave or no. "I should let all of you have a good time without me interrupting"

"Nooooooo, we came uninvited too. But then we are glad you are here. The more the merrier"

Haru scoffs at Yeonjun's over-excitement, pinching his thighs subtly as she ushers him to leave Taehyung alone so that she can talk to him. Soobin had to pull the collar of his black hoodie, dragging him away from the kitchen so that Haru can have some alone time with Taehyung.

"Now that we got rid of them", Haru finally relaxes, laughing lowly when Taehyung does the same. "First, why do you look so good tonight?"

Surprised at her sudden words, he creeps his way towards her and purposely turning his back towards the living room so that nobody can see them. They can still see him from the living room but then with the current position of Haru leaning on the sink and him standing right in front of her, completely covering her—good enough.

"I always look good, especially when I want to see you"

"Second, do you miss me that much to come here without texting me or calling me?"

"That's correct"

Taehyung was about to reach for her face, hoping to steal one quick kiss but then he is suddenly hyper aware of the curious eyes watching them from the living room. He reaches for her hands instead, gently caressing them as he brings both hands to his lips and kissing them.

"I really miss you though", he pulls her closer to him, careful not to look so obvious. "I would have kissed you but then—your friends are here"

"You came at the right time, 'Mister Kim' ", she bites her lip at the name, amused at the sound of it. "Such a cute nickname"

"Why are you calling me 'Mister Kim' out of nowhere, hmmm?"

"Because it's still the cutest nickname to me"

Unable to hold in the urge to hold her, Taehyung was about to finally pull her into a hug when the bell suddenly rings again, startling not only both of them but the other three as well.

"Another guest?", he perks his head to the side before looking at her. "Did you invite more of your friends? Should I leave now?"

"N-No", she sighs. "I am not expecting anyone at all today"

Confusion slowly taking over her features, she had to take one slow breath as she process everything. Merely 10 minutes ago, Soobin and Yeonjun appeared at her door, and then not even 5 minutes after that, Taehyung came. Who is it this time?

"Haru?", Taehyung gently nudges on her elbow. "Should I leave—"

"No", shaking her head as she turns to the door, she gestured him to stay put. "Let me check the door, make yourself at home—well, as usual"

Haru leaves the kitchen, impatient to check who is at her door as she practically pressed the green button harshly only to almost choke on her own saliva at the sight of her sister standing at her door, two boxes of pizza in her hands.

"Oh great..."

"Who is it?", Jiwoo appeared beside her, looking a little bit concern now. "Oh—wow"

"Yes, wow", Haru sighs loudly as she turns to her door, unlocking it lazily and finally opens the door for her sister.


Areum made her way in, not even bothered to register the stunned look on the girls' faces, casually throwing off her maroon heels, still mumbling excuses for appearing uninvited, sharing what she did the entire day before deciding to come over. She was about to put the pizza boxes on the dining table when she finally realized the person standing near the sink staring at her.


Startled to see Taehyung looking at her, she finally makes herself aware of the surrounding and finally sees the other three pair of eyes on her from across the space.

"Oh wow, a party?", she darts between Haru and the others. "Did I come at the wrong time or the right time?"

Clicking her apartment door locked, Haru leans on the door and finally takes one long breathe, settling her shaken nerves and lets out a soft sigh.

"Seems like a party it is now"



Hello everyone! I apologize for the super snail slow update. My last update was 10 days ago!!????? I became so restless this morning when I checked and decided to finally get my ass up and write a little bit he he. I have no other excuse for my slow progress other than me being basically tired of nothing T_T

But! Thank you for waiting and here is another update. I hope I didnt make you wait tooo long. Please have a good day and thank you for reading!!💕

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