Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasl...

By ImperioKatie

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**UNDER RE-WRITING BE CAUTIOUS** "Decree 29 is herby granted by the Ministry...allowing severe punishment to... More

The Attack
The Meeting
Bonfire Smoke
The Phoenix and The Serpent
Let The Games Begin
The Last Night Part 1
The Last Night - Part 2
Railway Tracks
The Sorting
The New Girl
Hallway Conversations
The Girl's Bathroom
Snitches and Bludgers and Quaffles Oh My!
Lion Pride Part 1
Lion Pride - Part 2
Truth Serum
The Vision
The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
The First Burden
Written In The Stars
Split Decisions
The Ambush
Attachment Surgery
Decree No.29
The Fallout - Part 1
The Fallout Part 2
Update and New Fic!
The Golden Girl - Part One
The Golden Girl - Part Two
The Battle Of The Bludgers
Breaking Point
The Losers Club
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
A Frosty Homecoming
A Night For Perfect Strangers
The Misfit Alliance
The Letters Of Pursuit
The Deal
The Woes Of Pansy Parkinson
Slip Of The Lips
Voldemorts Weapon
The Blackout
Dumbledores Army
Operation Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Lottery
Sticks, stones, and the words that hurt me.
Fire & Rain - Part One
Fire & Rain Part Two
Gryffindor's Assemble
The Great Escape - Part 1
The Great Escape - Part 2
The Gift
Back to Black
The B Team - Part 1
The B Team - Part 2
The B Team - Part 3 - The Vision
The Cousin
The Protector - Part 1
The Protector - Part 2
The Curse
The Choice

One Step Foward, Two Steps Back

873 44 81
By ImperioKatie

The rest of the week flew by in the buildup to the second match of the season - Slytherin Vs Ravenclaw. Jessica's nights were filled with practice, homework or Firewhisky production, a trio of things she thought she would have never thought would apply to her simultaneously.

Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to hang around with Fred much, or anyone else for that matter, and it killed her. Due to Snape and Dumbledore's watchful eyes, she hadn't even been able to sit at the Gryffindor table for dinner when they were present. She had to appear to be trying to make an effort to follow their orders.

However, being around the Slytherin's wasn't as unbearable as she had initially thought. Yes, Blaise was a bit too serious sometimes to laugh at her jokes, and yes, Draco had ordered her around a bit too much when it came to her slacking on Firewhisky production, but overall, it hadn't been that bad. Even Pansy had almost treated her like a friend and created her cocktail for her one night after they were done working. Apparently, everyone had one. It was red, which she was sure was Pansy's way of still giving her a little dig.

"And that's when I had to run out of the Black Lake, fully naked, all the way back to the dungeons," said Blaise as the Slytherin team finished the last of their pre-match breakfast in the Great Hall. He was telling Jessica the story of their last day of the fourth year when the group of them stole his clothes after daring him to skinny dip near the merpeople.

"How did you do that without anyone catching you?" asked Jessica as she leaned in, engaged in the story.

"Oh no, he got caught alright," said Adrian as he swallowed his last gulp of pumpkin juice.

"No way, by who?" she asked.

Draco puffed his chest out and coughed loudly to clear his throat, "You have one hour to brew this potion to an acceptable quality."

Jessica's mouth dropped at Blaise after Draco's scarily accurate impression, "It was Snape that caught you? What did he do?"

"Nothing, it was the last night of term," Blaise answered, "but he got a good look, and unfortunately for me, it was freezing in that water. Wasn't representative at all."

The whole table sniggered as they all finished their breakfasts, Jessica having thrown most of hers in the floating bins when they all weren't looking. Her appetite was non-existent due to fear.

Adrian eventually rallied the team to go and get ready when the other students started waking up from their lie-ins and filling into the hall, and they all went down the hill together in the crisp morning air towards the changing rooms.

Jessica had her own changing room due to being the only girl on the team and when she had changed into her new Quidditch robes provided to her by Draco's father, she took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. This was the first time she had seen herself in the new uniform, and the shade of green matched her eyes exactly, making them stand out against her dark hair and paled skin. It had all suddenly become real, she was about to play her first game. If she messed up, it would matter. In just one hour, she could become the laughingstock of the school, and there was no way Draco would let her in then.

"Surprise!" someone shouted in her ear as a flash of red hair jumped on her back out of nowhere. Out of instinct, she nudged whoever it was in the ribs with her elbow, and as she heard them groan out in pain, she opened her eyes to see Ron keeled over, clutching at his side.

"Bloody hell, sorry, but what did you do that for?" she asked apologetically as Ron clambered over to sit on the bench, wincing in pain.

"We told him you'd do that, but he wanted to do it anyway, serves him right," said George as he entered the tent, shaking his head at his brother's pain. Behind him followed Fred, Harry, Ginny and Hermione.

Fred looked down at Ron and poked him in the sore spot, causing him to moan in pain. " Great aim as well, J. I wouldn't want to be Ravenclaw today."

"What are you all doing here?" Jessica asked them, then thought about it momentarily and panicked, "Did anybody see you guys come in here?"

"We slipped in to say good luck of course," said Hermione as she grabbed her in for a hug, "Fred and George distracted Madame Hooch so she didn't see us come in here. Are you nervous?"

"A little bit," said Jess as she patted her on the back and broke the embrace. It wasn't Madame Hooch she was worried about seeing them. "I'm doing alright in practice, but I have no idea what I'm going to be like in front of a crowd."

"No need to worry mate, what's the worst that could happen?" asked George as he fist-bumped her arm in support.

Jessica fidgeted with her fingers, remembering her realistic dream last night. "I could get hit by a bludger and be left in a coma for weeks," she replied.

"Ah well, that's only happened to a few people, so I wouldn't worry about it," said Fred and Hermione shot him a look.

Jessica knew he was just trying to make her laugh.

"A bludger nearly killed me once in second year," said Harry, who was standing at the back of the pack. Everyone turned round to look at him, and Jess thought he looked like he was in a world of his own. Ginny clicked her fingers in front of him, and he snapped out of it, attempting a smile. "But uh, I'm sure that won't happen to you, Jess," said Harry, scratching the back of his head, "unless you happen to have a house-elf that wants to send you back home because there's a killer snake on the loose."

"Really Harry?" Hermione whispered to him.

"Okay, you've never told me that story," said Jessica, a little bit more worried now than before.

"Ignore him," said Ginny, nudging Harry in the arm, "you're fine, and if a bludger comes towards you, the beaters are meant to knock it away anyway."

"Yeah if Crabbe and Goyle can remember the difference between left and right and don't accidentally aim it towards you instead," sniggered Ron. Fred hit him on the back of the head to shut him up.

"You'll do great, and we'll be cheering for you no matter what," Ginny continued, rolling her eyes at her brother's incompetence to read the room.

"Only your goals, though, no one else's," Fred stated to the group, "we're still in competition, after all."

"Oh, we've also got you something!" said Hermione, pulling a small pack of letters out of her pocket, tied together in a string. Fred and George got these attached to their letters in the owl post, but they're addressed to you. I guess they didn't want you to receive them at the Slytherin table; there's quite a few."

Jessica took the pack of letters from Hermione. There were five in total, and the top one was Mrs Weasley's handwriting. If her intuition was correct, there was a letter from each of her teachers from the Order. Jessica looked at Fred, who appeared suspiciously happy with himself.

"There was also this," said George, who brought out a hidden package behind his back. It was a long thin object that got wider at the end. Jessica was surprised that she hadn't noticed it before, though George was quite tall.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to open it in front of them," said George nodding towards Ron and Harry, "they're too impatient."

"Hey, you and Fred were the ones who wanted to open it until Hermione took it from you," Ron argued back.

"In case it was dangerous, not to be nosey! Old no-nose is back out there, you know!" George told him.

"Let's not bring that up," said Ginny, side-eying Harry.

Jessica took the parcel and opened the note that was attached to the ribbon.


As I mentioned in my first letter, we all wanted to chip in and give you something for your first match. I hope it suits you, but if you don't like it, Remus bought it.


"It's from the Order," she whispered to them. All of their interests peaked with intrigue, and they fell quiet. No one had heard anything from the Order, and the wonder of what it could be was exciting.

Jessica unwrapped the package and, to her delight, found inside a brand new broomstick. She slid her hands over the streamlined mahogany handle, which shone in the changing room's sunlight. It looked expensive.

"Bloody hell, that's a Firebolt!" Ron spoke out, launching himself upwards off the bench and taking the broom out of her hands.

"Looks like you're not the only one now, Harry," said Ginny as she, too, stepped forward to admire it.

"Yeah and this is the newest model, I saw it in the prophet," said Hermione and she joined the huddle, "but how did they afford it?"

"Never mind that, she's going to have the fastest broom in the school," added George.

They all enclosed around Ron and the broom, with Harry checking every inch of it to see if it differed from his that was a model older.

Jessica took advantage of them being distracted and subtly stepped over to Fred's side, who didn't look dazed by any of this at all.

"You wouldn't happen to know why your mother and every member of the Order sent me full handwritten letters, would you?" she whispered to him, "all together, at once?"

Feed stretched out, pretending to click out his neck.

"I may or may not have mentioned to Mum that you hadn't received anything from your parents," he whispered back.

Her affection for him soared to the sun. He had cared enough to tell Mrs Weasley, knowing that she couldn't stand for anyone being alone. He knew she'd write to her immediately.

"You are-"

"The best?" he interrupted proudly, smirking down at her, "yeah, I know."

"Thank you," she said. If they were alone, she would've shown her appreciation much more personally.

"Don't be too quick to thank me on that," he said, his smirk changing to a grin, "you do realise that's a whole lot of thank you letters you've got to write."

Jessica laughed, and she pulled out Angelina's purple scrunchie. She had promised her she would wear it on her first game. She tied her hair up in a high ponytail and fastened it securely.

"Where did you get that?" Fred asked her, unsure if it was what he thought it was.

"Angelina gave it to me for my first game," Jessica explained hesitantly. "Would you mind letting her know that I've got it? I don't know if it's still awkward, but she wanted to make sure I wore it."

Fred raised his eyebrows, contemplating the fact that the two girls got along and that this had happened entirely under his nose.

"I think I might leave that one to George," Fred mumbled concernedly, then looked her up and down as she adjusted her robes on her chest, "but on a completely separate note, do you think you could keep that uniform on for later?"


"And Clarke scores her first hat-trick with another ten points for Slytherin! They now lead 140-90!" Lee Jordan chanted over the impounding cheers from the green side and boos from the blue.

"Looks like she's bringing more than the well-needed attractiveness to the Slytherin team this year! It was getting hard watching those boulder-faced trolls fly up and down the pitch. Am I right, ladies and gents?"

"Lee, you said you would be impartial this year!"

"This is me being impartial Professor! I've never said anything nice to any of that ugly lot before. I'm a new man now!"

Jessica flew around the rings to meet Blaise, who gave her a victorious smile. She felt so alive, and the adrenaline was pumping through her veins. Down below, she thought she could hear the bellowing yells of two proud mischief-makers shouting her name.

"Great shot. I think we can get another one in before Draco catches the snitch," Blaise called over to her. He had been her partner the whole game while Adrian was taking the lead from the centre. They had spun the Ravenclaws chasers' heads by constantly throwing the Quaffle back and forth to each other.

"Yeah me too," Jessica shouted back, "but they're going to be aiming for me now, so we'll switch, you shoot this time."

Blaise's eyes narrowed in concentration, his cheekbones framing high up his face. "Let's do it, Draco's just coming up now."

Jessica and Blaise flew together, Blaise's Nimbus 2001 pushing to keep up with her Firebolt. Her necklace started burning, and she closed her eyes.

She could see herself a couple of minutes ahead, passing the Quaffle to Blaise so he could score. As he went to throw it in, Cho Chang flew up in between them, catching the snitch with her hands to win the game. Draco was just behind her; he just needed time.

"Change of plan, we're going to fake it," Jessica shouted to Blaise as Goyle flew above them, hitting a bludger at one of the Ravenclaw chasers called Chambers. Chambers fumbled the Quaffle, and Adrian caught it from below. A large jeer came from Ravenclaw, and the Slytherin students cheered with delight.

"I don't have much experience with that, I'm afraid," said Blaise with a smirk, "and if you have, you've been with the wrong guys."

"Not the time, Blaise," Jessica shouted, "just pretend you're going to shoot, then throw it over to me. Trust me."

Blaise had no choice; it may have been beginner's luck, but she hadn't made a wrong call the whole game. Was it due to the fact she could call visions on demand? Possibly. Was it cheating? No, not exactly. They could end up wrong, but it was unlikely. Her visions were becoming more and more accurate as the days went by.

The play went on as usual, and Jessica called for Adrian to pass the Quaffle to her. He did so just as a bludger flew over him, and Jessica caught it. More bludgers came her way as she flew down the pitch, Chambers and his fellow Chaser Bradley cornering her on either side of her broomstick. Jessica ducked down and passed the Quaffle to Blaise, who awaited the call. She was abandoned, and her opponents were now leaving her side to focus on him. He went to throw it, then dodged his aim, quickly throwing it in Jessica's direction. At the same time, Cho was flying to catch the snitch, but the Quaffle cut across her, and she was knocked sideways, leaving Draco free passage to the snitch. Jessica caught the Quaffle and aimed it straight at the nearest hoop. It went in just as Draco reached out and secured the snitch.

They had won.

"...and Clarke and Malfoy double team it to secure Slytherin the victory over Ravenclaw with a whopping total of 300 points to 90!" Lee Jordan announced through the speakers.

The Slytherin crowds rioted in euphoria, cheering, clapping and waving their green and silver snake-embellished flags. The other Hogwarts students in the stands were not as enthusiastic. It didn't matter who was playing. If Slytherin was one of the teams, every other house cheered for whoever was the other.

Jessica called out in happiness as Blaise flew over to hug her, their brooms knocking together as they collided. They both flew to the ground and jumped off their brooms to place their feet on the grass. Jessica's eyes immediately met Draco's, and to her surprise, he held his hands wide to hug her.

"I've got to tell you Clarke," he said as he ended their brief embrace, "I didn't believe you when you said you were fully on our team, but you just proved it. You should show that sharp mind more."

He got distracted as Crabbe and Goyle swaggered over, all four exchanging high fives. Blaise patted her back again as he joined the group, but Adrian completely ripped them apart by running through them all to pick Jessica up by the legs, her flopping over his shoulder. He ran her around in circles around the team, chanting, "You absolute golden girl, Clarke!"

A couple of minutes later, after Adrian finally gave in to her demands to be put down, Jessica saw Pansy, Daphne, Millicent, and Theo come running onto the pitch, aiming straight for her and hugging her tightly. Out of everyone, Theo was the one she held onto the longest out of familiarity.

"Common room celebration tonight!" shouted Draco, "start as we mean to go on. Those others don't stand a chance against us this year!"

The team went back, cheering into the changing rooms, Jessica leaving on her own to return to hers. She managed to have a shower and change into her regular clothes before a pair of hands covered her eyes to block out the light.

"Hey, winner."

She knew that voice anywhere, and it melted her as it always did.

"I think you might be lost; this is the girls' changing room," she said sarcastically as she took away Fred's hands and turned into him, "I could've been changing."

Fred's hair was slightly windswept, with the wind picking up throughout the game. His eyes were brooding down on her, mentally undressing what was before him, giving away the reason he had snuck in. "I know, and I've got to admit I'm a little disappointed," he said, pulling her into him by her hips. "In fact, I think you've done it wrong. We need to start the process over again. Let's start with the showers."

He started guiding her backwards, but she pressed against him, trying to walk forward. If this was any other time, she would be happy to let him lead her to what she thought he wanted to do, but she couldn't let down her team. They were finally accepting her. "No, we can't, Fred. They're expecting me back for the party in like ten minutes, and I can't be late!"

"There's no party in the Gryffindor common room," Fred told her, thinking she was playing with him and pressing against her harder in a backward tug-of-war. "Stop making excuses, Clarke, or I'll have to supervise you to ensure it gets done."

"No, I'm talking about Slytherin!" Jessica giggled as Fred accidentally tickled her soft spot in her hips, "you know the house I'm in? The team I just helped win?"

Fred stopped suddenly, realising she was being serious. "But you've been with them all week," he said downheartedly, "I've hardly seen you."

Jessica slipped his hands off her waist, and she went back over to where she had left her quidditch things in a messy heap. "Yeah, and I promise I'll hang out with you guys later. I'll stay with my team for a bit this afternoon and then come to you guys this evening."

She had never had the chance to celebrate a team win before, and she couldn't wait to be a part of one. With barriers down by excitement and alcohol, she might discover more things for Dumbledore.

"So what, you suddenly like hanging with them now?" he asked her as she picked up her duffel bag from the floor onto the bench, "Jess, you do realise this is the fourth time you've ditched us for them this week."

To make sure she made it out on time, she started packing her things as she spoke to him, starting with rolling up her tube socks. "It's hardly ditching Fred because I tell you in advance," she said playfully as she looked up at him. "Am I not allowed to have friends outside our group or something?"

"Friends?" he laughed as he picked up her protective leggings to help her fold, potentially to distract his hands by giving them something to do, "those lot, your friends? I don't think any of them can be friends to anyone except themselves."

"They're not all bad, okay," she told him as she dumped her socks in her bag. This was true. As she had expected the absolute worst out of all of them, when she had seen some glances of them being decent people, it stood out even more. "Like Theo, he's alright."

"The Theo you blew me and George's Wheezes brainstorm off to hang out with? That Theo?" he asked, handing her the folded leggings to add to her pile.

"Hang out with?" she questioned as she picked up her green and grey striped jersey to fold, "That was to do charms homework! Do you want me to fail?"

"Jess, George and I are top of our class at charms," said Fred, passing her the boots he had tucked her gloves into to save space. "I could've helped you better than anyone else, and you know that."

"Yes, but then we also would've gotten distracted and not got anything done," she told him, placing her jumper on top of the folded pile and lying the boots flat in her bag. Her mother had always taught her shoes first, and clothes second.

Fred laughed to himself in a way that she was sure had a secret meaning, "How could I possibly distract you when you've made it so that I can't even touch you in an affectionate way in public?"

"Actually, Umbridge's rules have made it that way now for everyone anyway," she chuckled as she folded up her Quidditch robe, though she did not find it funny in the slightest. Umbridge had not been scared when enforcing her rules, waving her wand at couples to physically separate them when they had gotten too close for her liking.

"Yeah," said Fred, taking a slight pause and fidgeting with his sleeve, "and a part of me thinks you're happy about that."

Jessica slowly placed her folded robe on the pile, totally confused by what he had said. She brushed out the creases in the material to delay her from looking up and facing him.

"Meaning?" she asked casually.

"I don't know, but keeping us quiet sure makes it easier to get on their good side, doesn't it? It's quite convenient that Snape only gave me detention after he found us last week now that you're becoming chummy with Malfoy."

Mr Weasley had always been right...Fred wasn't dumb. He was on the right track, but unfortunately, he had just come short of the correct conclusion.

"Fred you know that's unfair," she replied, placing her folded uniform in her duffel bag and purposely avoiding him with her eyes, "he just did it because I haven't been in trouble before and I'm in his house, you know he's biased. As for getting on Draco and the others good side, yes I need to be civil to them, it does make life easier when they like you. However, keeping you quiet has nothing to do with it."

"Oi Clarke were-oh," said Adrian as he stumbled into the tent, and both Jessica's and Fred's heads snapped in his direction. Fred automatically became visibly angered at his presence, his fingers itching to clench to a fist. Adrian saw Fred standing there and purposely turned away from him, only looking at Jessica. "Sorry to interrupt...whatever this is..." he said dismissively, " but we're just going back now, firewhisky on the house, of course. I'll save you the first shot for when you're ready - I'm making sure you celebrate alright."

"See you there in a bit," Jessica told him as he exited the tent, controlling her voice not to sound too incriminating to either side.

When the entrance to the tent fell shut again, Fred pointed in the direction that Adrain had just left, clearly annoyed, "You're not going to that, not with him when he's on the firewhisky."

"Fred, don't be like that," Jessica sighed as she lifted the folded pile and placed it neatly in her bag, "it's not just him, it's with the whole team."

Fred grabbed her arm so that she had to look up. His eyes were bold with severity, his eyebrows lining his concern. "Jess, he openly said he wanted to sleep with you, and now he's trying to get you drunk," he told her.

Jessica stood up straight and crossed her arms in offence, snapping his grip off of her. "Even if that were true," she said, "which it's not but okay I'll entertain it, I can stand up for myself - do you not trust me to say no?"

Fred shrugged, his irritation coming to the forefront, "I don't know if I do."

"What?" Jessica asked. How could he even think that was unfathomable to her?

"I don't know if you'd say no," Fred replied carelessly. "You didn't try that hard to get rid of Adrian the other day, did you?"

Jessica felt Fred's tone throughout her body. The accusation offended her greatly, and this was a side she had never seen of him before. He was acting jealous, and it wasn't attractive. "Fred, you're getting ridiculous," she said, zipping up her bag and walking it over to the lockers. "Don't take your jealousy out on me just because you guys have this stupid rivalry."

"Oh, I'm ridiculous, am I?" Fred exasperated, following her over, "I'll tell you something that's actually ridiculous Jess - I just watched five guys hug and pull you all over the place in front of a whole crowd, Adrian even lifted you over his shoulder for fuck sake, but I have to think twice and check all lanes of sight before I can even hold your hand!"

Jessica tapped her secret combination on her locker door to open it, feeling quite enraged herself now. She felt like they were finally getting to the crux of his real issue. "Fred, if you weren't happy with keeping us a secret, you should've just come right out and said it instead of lying to me all these weeks."

"I was happy with it until I realised you've just silenced me to get in with the cult," Fred said sarcastically as she struggled to fit her bag into the tight space, "what is it that they have? A no dating a blood-traitor pact? A no fucking the paupers' clause in case they catch poverty?"

"Fred, you know that's not the case," Jessica huffed as she slammed the locker door shut and turned around to face him.

"Then tell me, what is the case?" he asked her as he rested a hand on the locker next to her head. She felt the anger boiling inside him, just like she had seen him do with Adrian. It was a lot scarier being on the receiving end of it.

"I can't...just, just stop okay," she said, pushing past him to get to her favourite lilac jumper Mrs Weasley had packed for her when she left Grimmauld Place. A chilly breeze was entering through the gaps on the floor, and the goosebumps on her neck due to anxiety weren't helping.

"Who is it?" Fred asked flatly from behind her.

"Who is what?" she snapped back, sliding the sleeves of her jumper over her arms.

"Who are you sleeping with?" he asked as she pulled the blanket over her head. "Adrian, Blaise, Theo, or Draco?"

Jessica tugged her jumper down over her with rage. She was amazed at the words that had just fallen out of his mouth with such easiness and venom. "Sleeping with?" she shouted as she scowled at him over her shoulder, "are you mad?!"

"No Jess, I think I'm thinking fucking straight," Fred told her in frightening calmness, his eyes staring at her in anger, "It's all making sense now in my head. You've been avoiding me all week, not letting me touch you, not even now when we're finally alone. All signs of guilt and trust me I know it well. I'm just asking you to give me the common decency to inform me who it is so I can move on."

"How dare you accuse me of that, Fred!" she told him back, her voice getting slightly hysterical out of desperation. "You have no right to say that when you don't even know half of what's happening!"

With everything she was doing to try and help him, this was the thanks she got.

"Then fill me in because right now, I'm tired of being your little secret while you do what you want," he shouted, walking straight up to her to stand on the other side of the bench. "Trust me, Jess, plenty of girls are just waiting to take your place, so if you want to go live the high life, just let me know."

He might as well have thrown a knockback jinx at her. She felt like she had been flown back through a hundred walls. He was deadly serious; he thought she would be capable of cheating after everything she had said to him, and he thought he could replace her just like that.

She couldn't blame him, though. She herself knew she was acting suspiciously, and that was because she was acting on Dumbledore's orders and not her own. She was naive to think Fred wouldn't care or notice. Five days in, and he was already accusing her of this. This was going to be impossible to pull off. She wasn't a trained Auror; she was just her.

He had every right to be mad, but even so, she didn't think it deserved this level of aggression towards her. They were meant to trust each other. He acted on part-truths but also out of jealousy, which scared her. She was sensing controlling behaviours, just like when he had told Lee to stay away from her.

This was a problem much deeper than her just hanging out with the Slytherins more.

The wind had been punched out of her, and she just stood there, speechless, wishing she could be as honest with him as he needed her to be. Everything she could say to fix it, she was forbidden to tell him.

"It's shots a la Nott time, and I got your favourite!" Theo sang as he entered the silent tent, his face newly painted with stripes of green and white. A small glass of thick red liquid was held in each of his hands, the exact cocktail Pansy had made for her a few nights before. His smile fell when he saw Fred and Jess at arm's length, their faces longed from hurt and strain.

"Is everything alright Jess?" he asked her slowly.

Fred sniffed irritatedly, and Jessica cringed, knowing this would spurn him on even more. It was a known rule that the elite crowd only called each other by their first names and everyone else by their second.

"Don't worry, I won't crash your party. I was leaving," Fred told Theo as his eyes stayed fixated on Jessica, turning cold to reflect the pain inside him, "I'm guessing you're her next appointment."

Jessica opened her mouth to tell him to stay, but the words didn't come to her in time, and Fred left quickly without looking back. How he had changed so quickly gave her chills, and she couldn't remember how it had got to this point. It had all happened so fast.

Her legs became heavy, and she fell onto the bench behind her, sinking into herself as her eyes glazed over. A numbness was overtaking the adrenaline inside her stomach, and her heart slowed down to a barely pulsing rate. She felt drained, as if a part of her had just broken off and walked out without a guarantee of returning.

"What was that about?" Theo asked her as he swaggered to her side, "Trouble in paradise?"

Jessica rested against her knees with her head in her hands. It didn't matter. Fred was already mad at her, so she might as well speak to somebody who would listen, and she certainly wasn't going to go to Hermione. She didn't need a five-hour lecture. "He doesn't like me hanging out with you guys," she mumbled.

She heard Theo exhale sympathetically through his nose, "I mean, on your first morning, I did-"

Jessica lifted her head immediately and pressed a finger in front of his face, "If you're about to say 'I told you so,' I swear to Merlin Theo I'm going to drop kick you so hard. I'm not in the mood."

Theo's lips curled into a smile, and he sat beside her on the bench. He offered her the glass in his right hand, and as she desperately needed something to take her mind off of what had just happened, she prized it off of him without question and downed it in one.

"Need another one?" he asked as she handed the glass back to him.

Jessica pulled Angelina's scrunchie out of her ponytail so that her curled brunette hair fell over her shoulders. She circled it around in her hands like a steering wheel several times and laughed at the bittersweet irony it made her realise.

"Maybe three," she answered him.


Happy Battle Of Hogwarts Anniversary!

To all of you who wanted more drama, this one's dedicated to you ;)

So what do you think of trouble in paradise? Do you think Fred will calm down or will his jealously take over?

As usual, I will be reading all your comments and messages as they come in, I love seeing your reactions, it really gives me the motivation to write quicker and better!

Lots of Love,

K xx

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