"A Smile That Changed His Lif...

By caree_96

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"Can a Man be complete for a Woman? Can he vanish away her pain?" . . Let's Find out!! -Self ... More

Work load and meeting new people.
Coffee/Date and Confessions Part-1
Confessions part-2
Hard to Get Types.
Love life is like a Storm.
A Walk Down a Slippery Road.
Drunk Cally and a Good Night
"The Next day"
"When Brother comes Calling"
Meeting my brother and a surprise.
Angry Cally
Her Past Part-II( Hospital and Moving Forward)
The Awakening
"Panicked Morning"
Clash of Brothers.
" Androphobic Love"
"Anger and Gunshots"
"Moving One Step Forward "
"New Couple"
"24 Hours"
"Are you shitting me!!"
"Feeling Weird"
"Second chance"
"Stranger Danger "
"Mine Forever"
"Unforgettable Wedding"
"Le Epilogue"

"Life or Death"

577 24 46
By caree_96

"Sometimes Life gives you a second chance to Live and Love the people with all your Heart"


Damien's Pov:  I paced back and forth in the corridor of the hospital frantically in worry and tension thinking about Cally and if she is going to live or not, my heart is beating fast cause I can't wait to see my Cally open her beautiful eyes assuring me everything is going to be alright.

When I found my angel's body sprawled on the floor with her blood covering her body, I  couldn't help but cry and hold her tightly hoping that she would wake up.

She was my  Badass  Goddess who took the bullet for me but also succeeded in killing her tormentors.

Liam and the police found Veronica unconscious on the floor armed with a gun, the reason she was unconscious was that something or someone crashed a rock on her head making her collapse by the impact, she is being treated now and as soon as she recovers, she will be questioned and arrested by the police.

We did not know how cally and her nephew escaped, Apparantly they were both trapped in the basement by Veronica, uncle and mike.  There were giant shards of glass splattered on the floor and a small barrel staircase near the broken window. The police felt that Cally and her nephew escaped through the window crawling their way out.

Liam told me that during the time, I was inside talking to Mike and uncle, Cally came limping towards them and the police and she had been carrying her nephew whose name she told us is Adrian. Cally handed Adrian to the police for safety and then asked me when you were at this time.

I told her you were in the room talking to uncle and Mike and that she needed to get away from this place as she was severely  injured but Cally being herself fled to the police which were trying to hold her back and ran towards the room taking the shotgun from the police and pushed you away from the bullet which had been shot by uncle and took the bullet for you, he told me.

I can't describe my feelings right now, should i be angry or sad? But one thing was for sure I would love my angel forever.

I ruffled my already messy hair, I was soo scared that if anything happens to Cally I won't be able to survive. I would be completely heart broken. She is the main source of my existence and I would never let her go again.

I sat down in one of the hospital chairs which faced the room Cally was being treated in. My left leg was padding on the floor in restlessness, The doctors were performing an operation on her as Cally's injuries were bad. They said they will get to know of her results once the operation was complete. I hope she is alright.

A small tap on my shoulder caught my attention and I turned to look at who it was, "Uncle thank you for saving my aunty" a small person who I assumed was cally's  nephew hugged me.

"Hi there little one." What's your name?

"My name is Adrian, he said" As he was telling his name to me a young woman came running  towards us and shouted "Adrian" running towards him.

Adrian turned his head and shouted "Mommyyy" and then ran to hug his mother. the woman was crying badly and kissing the face of her son again and again leaving no area. When she was satisfied that he is really present here, turned her head towards me and said "Thank you" in a whisper still clutching onto the kid. 

"I smiled at her and did not realize there was a tear in my eye" I wiped my tear and  knew the woman to be Cally's sister as their appearance also matched. 

I then shifted my attention towards Cally and waiting for the doctor to come out. 

A few minutes passed and loud footsteps echoed in the empty hallway, I was not even looking who it was, I was so lost in my thoughts and worry for Cally, "Any news on Cally?" Liam and Marie asked me as they took a seat near me on one of the chairs.

"No" I answered not wanting to talk to him right now. 

"Did they finish the operation?" He asked again making me irritated, instead of answering, I shook my head as my head started to hurt, "Do you think she will be alrig-he started but I cut him off with a rather annoyed tone, "I don't know moron, I am fucking scared for Cally, now shut up before I blow up idiot." Liam put his hands up in surrender pose then spoke, "Fine. Just chill."

Just chill? You fucking mad idiot, I shouted at him. I cannot possibly chill when the woman I fucking love is inside that room fighting for her life?

My breathing was uneasy, Liam covered his ears saying "Don't curse!! " Liam was getting on my nerves right now and i was about to blast in anger at him. I was about to shout at him again but I stopped when I heard the doctor, who was an old man in his late 30's with brown hair and green eyes talking to few nurses, I assumed walked out of room Cally was being operated at, "Ok make the reports of the patient and bring them to me." A nurse nodded and scurried off into the hallway.

He must be the doctor operating on Cally which meant the operation was over. I marched over to the doctor before he could go away. 

"Now keep watch of the patient in case anything hap-" I cut him off by shaking his shoulders frantically while  asking him multiple questions, "Where is cally? Where is she?" The doctor opened his mouth to answer but i cut him off-Don't tell me she is in any sort of danger!"

The doctor jerked away all of a sudden from me and took a step back while staring at me weirdly then asked, "Excuse me please  stop shouting, this is a hospital and you might scare the patients but who are you?

I glared at him and he gulped in fear, I was actually about to shout when Liam came along and said he is "Damien Knight, he knows the patient privately. We appointed this hospital so that he can see to the client personally or he might go mad." Liam pointed at me while I shot him an angry glare.

The doctor now backed away from me in fear as he heard my name, my lips turning into a smirk but then I covered it with an intimidating glare. "The pat--ient he stammered is recovering, it will take time for her to regain consciousness" The doctor then paused and continued, "However she is in a very serious condition... we had to remove huge shards of glass from her thigh which would have infected her leg but we treated her on time, the bullet just missed her heart. That doesn't mean she is safe, she might have trouble breathing which can also result in her death, but she is unconscious right now." he finished and I closed my eyes cluching my fist shut hearing the word "death".

"Noo I will not let my Cally leave me again, I will bring her back to wherte she belongs and this time  I am never letting her go.

"Move aside, I need to see her." the doctor nodded then replied in a stuttering tone you may see her but please don't complain to my manager about this." I rolled my eyes and shoved him away mumbling something under my breath.

I gently pushed the handle of the door and opened it slowly making sure to not make any noise, I then stepped into the room examining it thoroughly while Liam and Marie followed closing the door behind them, I  noticed the bed surrounded with monitors, pipes and poles. There laid the love of my life in a heart clenching scene, her body was covered in bandages and casts, several pipes plunged into her arms and her beautiful face was covered by an oxygen mask.

Tears blurred my vision as they rolled down my cheeks. It hurt, It hurt so bad seeing her in this condition like someone stabbed me right through the heart. The sound of beeping surrounding the room which meant Cally's heart beat was stable. 

Without any thought I rushed over to Cally crouching beside the bed she currently laid on, I  raised my hand and caressed her cheek softly hoping she would open her eyes and tell me that everything was going to be okay.

I wanted to apologize to her  because if I had not left on that stupid trip Cally would still be with me and not lie on this bed because of those fucking maggots.

She is in danger because of me... I kept my eyes on her and started speaking my heart out to her, "You know the first time I saw you in Wallmart , I thought what kind of woman wears night suit to shop for groceries and thought you were crazy but then I saw your beautiful smile and how cute you looked and I remembering saying to myself "Waoo" and I  fell in love with you there and then", I smiled remembering the memory.

The first time I met you... I paused for a moment taking a deep breath then continued, "It was a blind date and I got so jealous knowing you were on date with another so taking the chance seeing your partner was not there, I pretended to be him" I  laughed at the memory recalling all the fun we had together and clutched onto her palm. "I never thought I will love a person this much ever in my life... I kissed her palm gently as it was the most precious thing to ever exist.

Sniffing a bit, I leant down and kissed her forehead, "I am really sorry for all the pain you have been through because of me and that monstrous uncle of yours... I trailed off gazing at her unconscious form.  I laid my head on her palm as if it was a pillow, My eyes were full of tears as I spoke, I feel ashamed I was not with you when you saved my life by sacrificing yours. My voice cracked at the end of the sentence. 

I love her so much.. I have never loved anyone in my life so much as her ever. Tears flowed down my eyes as I said just remember I love you so much.. I do and will always love you, i whisper as a small smile played on my lips.

I lifted my head upright from lying down on Cally's palm and searched about the room expecting to see Liam and Marie, however there was no sight of either of them, putting my attention back on Cally my hands reached out to her palms again lacing our fingers together and closed my eyes as I felt peaceful sleep take over me. With closed eyes I spoke "I just want you to open your pretty eyes and I want you to be safe and happy." I smiled cheerfully as the thought of her beautiful smile settled in my mind.

I suddenly felt a pinch on one of my fingers, I wanted to open my eyes and see who pinched me though I refused to open my eyes thinking it might be my imagination.

Not a second later, I received a harder pinch that stung a bit. I hissed in pain and opened my eyes and looked down totally shocked.

"Is she really awake or am I still hallucinating?" Brown orbs stared back at me as I sqinted my eyes not believing what I am seeing right now.

"Cally?" My voice croaked out still in shock that she was actually awake.

Cally's Pov: I  could hear a voice talking to me as my vision was nothing but black.... Soothing words conquered my mind, words that were quite faint but I  could make them out.

I tried opening my eyes but couldn't, although I  could see what was happening or who was speaking to me I heard them apologizing. Apologizing for not being by my side when I sacrificed my life for his and I immediately knew it was Damien who was talking to me. Every sentence he said was heart breaking. I felt a hand clutch onto mine tightly, I  tried opening my eyes again and it was kind of working cause I  could see a bright blurb rather than complete darkness.

"I just want you to open your pretty eyes and be safe and happy" With that I opened my eyes widely taking in the brightness of the room, my vision slowly settled from all the brightness that surrounded me.  Turning my head to the side I spotted a figure, at first I got scared and felt a sudden tightness in my chest to erupt making me realize that my phobia had returned, however when the hand of the figure squeezed my hand, that familiar warmth returned and I smiled seeing that familiar messy hair and a small smile on his face. 

"It was Damien.. My Damien"

I pinched his palm lightly that was interlocked with mine so that he could open his eyes and see me, at first he ignored it so i frowned and pinched him harder making him hiss in pain and before I knew it his eyes shot open, looking down at me in a shocked expression and then asked with the same expression "Cally?"

My eyes watered as I gazed at the familiar eyes, I took the mask out that prevented me from speaking, I felt my heart racing in my chest in a very uncomfortable way. Cally! you are awake! I was so worried about you, Damien exclaimed happily with a big grin on his face, but his face looked tired like he had not slept in many weeks.

I don't know but my chest began to hurt a lot and I said "Damien... in a hushed voice". He reached out to touch my jaw in his large hands, Cal, I am so sorry for everything you don't deserve this- I  cut him off, Noo, Damien you have endured so many horrible things in life that you did not deserve, you should not apologize but I should.

Cause of me everything is going downhill, I am bad omen, I  just can't take all of this.

"SHH," don't say that Cally, you are the light of my life angel, without you my life is incomplete and I  know this is not the time or place to be doing this but I  suddenly bent on one knee in front of her and said "Be my wife Cally.. I cannot live a single day without you" That's how much I  love you. I was about to reply but suddenly I had to gasp for air, my chest heaved up and down rapidly as the air filled my lungs. 

I think I am having a stroke. Damien got up suddenly and moved his hands to my face "Cal are you alright? Do I need to call the doctor?" He asked me in worried tone.

I shook my head furiously as tears slide down my cheeks, I  couldn't speak properly  as I was gasping for air but I knew Damien deserved an answer so i pulled him back with his arm and said in a breathless  hushed tone "Damien I will love to marry you!" Damien heard this and said Cal stay with me okay? Stay withy me! "DOCTOR!DOCTOR!" Damien yelled for the doctors as my vision started getting blurry again like before.

At this point, I knew I was about to die no matter what, I knew that this was the punishment for killing 2 people and everything that I had done, leaving Damien and being trapped in this nightmare. My mind drifted to my brother and my sister, I was thinking about little Adrian. Was he safe with my sister? I know he was safe because I handed him to the police before getting shot but did they hand him safely to my sister? I knew Adrian will have my sister to take care of and I just prayed and Damien, my brother and my sister doesn't mourn my death and try to gain happiness again.

I grasped Damien's palm that laid on my jaw, Dam-ien listen to me" I said with all my strength and to my luck Damien heard me as his head snapped towards me. 

"Take care of yourself and Adrian and my siblings for me" I closed my eyes and Damien's eyes widened, "NOO! Cally open youre eyes! You are njot leaving me! I gulped panting "PLEASE find Happiness again Damien, you deserve it, this is my-y last wish" My voice cracked at the end as my eyes flickered, "Doctor-Doctor!" I heard his faint voice yelling and the beeping of the monitor.

"This is it... this is the end of my life."

"I -I love you Damien" I whispered and my eyes finally shut down. 

I love you Damien for eternity....


Hey guys,

How was the chapter? I am so sorry for the delay. May you all have a wonderful day ahead.

Do you think Cally will survive or not? and What do you think of the proposal?

I will see you in the next chapter! 

Until then bye. 

'Lots of love'


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