Innocent Deaths: Daddy's Litt...

By Queenart13

932 59 7

Clarissa Regan, a teenage beautiful girl turns psychopathic and inherits a dark mind at a young age when her... More

Chapter 1: Too little to Murder
Chapter 2: School is the place
Chapter 3: Suspicions
Chapter 5: Getting In The Game
Chapter 6: Catching Up
Chapter 7: The Meeting
Chapter 8: What's The Plan?
Chapter 9: A Trip To Mexico
Chapter 10: Into The Vipers Nest
Chapter 11: Into The Vipers Nest: Part 2
Chapter 12: Love At First Sight
Chapter 13: Kristy, You're Next
Chapter 14: Just Keep Going
Chapter 15: Little Harris
Chapter 16: Tears Of Cheers
Chapter 17: When Evil Returns
Chapter 18: Hide And Seek!
Chapter 19: Innocent Kidnap
Chapter 20: Only Mine
Chapter 21: Family First
Chapter 22: Evidence Doesn't Lie
Chapter 23: Innocent Deaths?
Chapter 24: Don't Leave Me
Chapter 25: Where The Sun Doesn't Shine
Chapter 26: A Second Chance?

Chapter 4: It's Just The Begining

40 3 0
By Queenart13

A tear slid down her face as she held the picture tightly,
"Why?!" She asked her mother in the picture.

"Why?! Why did you leave me to live this life? You promised you would never leave me! Well guess what?!" She cried pointing at her mother in the picture, "you lied! You lied to me!" She added.
She started to cry quietly so that no one could hear her sounds of emotional pain. Even if anyone heard, who would care in this damn mansion anyways.....

Clara cried softly in her cell as she buried her face in between her legs. She took out the picture containing only her mother's face. She had tore it off from the portrait on the run before she could enter jail so she could have her mother by her side all the time. The cell was dark but her mother in the torn picture was still visible.
"You left me and caused me this suffering mom" she whispered to the picture as she traced a finger on it.

"We had so many memories and you had to add your death to it"

"This is all Alia's fault, her and her son, they are dead now, so we are in peace now mother, in peace" she said as she smiled to herself, as she cried.

She kissed the picture and put it back into her orange jail jumpsuit pocket. She looked up to the only window in the cell as rays of the natural night's light came through it. She could hear the crickets from outside as if they where making music. Nights were as bad as it was in the morning in prison.....
Clara was still crying when she suddenly heard people yelling outside. She quickly cleaned her tears and went to the window to see what was happening outside. Her sad face immediately faded away as she looked at the scene with a bored look,

"Looks like he's alive, that bastard"
It was Daniel. He's clothes were all torn and dirty, his hair so messy.

"Wow was the wild that harsh?" Clara asked herself smirking at the view.

He had come home only to be held back by the guards. He was arguing with them, yelling at the top of his voice. Clara thought he looked foolish yelling all around the place like that.

Doesn't he know that he could draw attention?

She watched for a few minutes from her room window. Daniel finally broke free from the guards and was running towards the house main entrance doors, but two other guards just held him back, and kicked him in the gut making him fall down in pain. If the guards didn't let him go in the house, they would die, or let's just say Alia will kill them.

She kept watching as Daniel struggled with both of the guards, some other guards started to gather, Daniel finally pulled out a gun pointing it at them. He started to shout curses at them. Alia came running out of the house with her heels, Clara's father running after her towards the scene.

'How the hell can that witch run in heels?!' Clara asked herself.
This could be interesting.
Clara put her family portrait back under her bed quickly but carefully so no one could see it. Alia had already taken everything she loved from her, and she won't let her take away her only last loved possession. She made her way downstairs and ran out of the mansion towards the scene.

Alia and Easton finally reached them. Alia gasped in horror as she saw her son's present state.
"STOP!!!" She ordered. Everyone froze at her voice.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Easton asked with so much command that his guards started to get scared.

"Boss, we saw this man claiming to be Daniel Regan so we pinned him down"

"What are talking about?! He is Daniel! My son! You pathetic idiots!" Alia scolded with so much anger.

It wasn't the guards fault's. Daniel was just so messed up that they couldn't even recognize his face. Alia went close and hugged her son despite how dirty he was. Clara finally reached the scene. She watched them as they all looked at Alia, Daniel and Easton.

"Honey, are you ok?" Alia asked as she held her son's face in her hands.

"What the fuck does it look like mother!" He said in disbelief that she'll be asking such an obvious and stupid question.

"Who started this?" Easton asked calmly.
The other guards pointed at the two guards that held Daniel down before.

"Pepe, Vincent! Follow me!" Easton commanded.

Easton walked away, Pepe and Vincent following him with their guns in their hands towards the torture house at the far end of the mansion.
Clara just giggled to herself. Those two where in huge trouble, who knows if they will come out alive. She was going to hear some screams of pain today, that will surely help her bad mood to end.
"You!" Alia said pointing a guard,

"Yes ma'am" He responded coming forward,

"Call our personal doctor now!"

"Yes ma'am" he said as he went off obey Alia's orders.
Alia turned around with her son to go back inside the house. They walked towards the house, but Daniel stopped dead in his tracks making his mother stop too. He had seen Clara looking at him with no emotion on her face.
"What?" Clara asked sharply,


"M-m-me what? You might wanna go inside don't want to bleed to death" Clara mimicked him in a mocking tone.

She had never talked like that to Daniel, but if she could take him down like yesterday, she could do whatever she wanted to this guy. Daniel just looked her with wide eyes,
"You little bitch-" he said about to lounge at her, but Alia held him back,

"Honey not now! You are badly injured we need to treat you!" She insisted


"No! Let's go!" Alia said cutting him short. Daniel gave Clara a warning glance before he walked back to the mansion with his mother.

Clara just sighed. She was playing a dangerous game with that bastard and she knew that one day or another he will find out that she was the one that killed his beloved girlfriend. Speaking of girlfriend, Clara wondered if Tina's body was still in that house.
"Ppffft! Who cares she's dead now, that's what matters to me" Clara thought, "finally I won't be seeing that bitch's face again" she added.

When the guards saw her, they greeted her and went back to their various posts. Everything was always the same in this house. What wasn't the same was the people that Alia killed sometimes in the house. That was something she found something interesting to watch besides from tv. She decide to go check the torture house, just to see some things.

She walked to the back of the mansion to the torture house. She entered the small house. She smiled at the dried up blood of many people on the house walls and floors. Who knows how many people that her father and Alia had punished here. At least some where lucky to survive from their severe punishments, but not in whole. Some lost their body parts, or lost a lot of blood, or with so many deep cuts and wounds.

As she looked around she saw different torture weapons hanged on the walls stained with blood. They looked so dangerous in her sight, so beautiful, she wanted to hold it in her hands. She wanted to see how it all made people suffer.
She didn't only wanted to see, she wanted to feel how it did it's work to traitors and enemies. She had always dreamed on using this on someone and that someone could be either her step mother or brother. She went closer to the whip. She admired it's figure. Her father had always told her not to touch these, especially not to ever come to the torture house.

He had tried to protect her from seeing these horrible things, but why protect horrible images, when she was already making them.
She stretched out her hand to touch it...


She immediately took back her hand when she heard the ear shattering yell. Her father must have started to torture them.
She chuckled.
She put her hands in her pockets and made her way to the main room. She hid behind a wall and peeked to see what they were doing.

Pepe's hands and legs where both tied at all four edges of a table, laying flat on his stomach as a hot burned metal was deeply pressed into his back. Pepe screamed in pain again.
A guy with a mask removed the iron from Pepe's back leaving a harshly burned skin behind. It started to smoke. Clara spotted a tear escaping from Pepe's eyes.
She just smiled and shook her head in disappointment.
He calls himself strong? And here he can't even take a hot metal to his skin.

"He's lucky it's not on his stomach" Clara thought.

The torture resumed again as screams of pain filled the whole torture house. Easton just stood there watching, with a cigarette in his mouth, while Vincent watched what his punishment was going to look like.
This went on for about seven minutes, Pepe was on the merge of dying. The masked man untied Pepe from the table and threw him on the floor from the table. The scent of burnt flesh filled the house, Clara scrunching her nose.

Pepe groaned in pain, he couldn't even move his body. Easton walked over to him. He removed his cigarette from his mouth, breathing out smoke. He finally spoke,
"Now that will teach you to know who you work for you idiot!" He then kicked him in the stomach making Pepe cough out blood.

"Take him to the med bay" Easton added, talking to the other two men in the room. The two men nodded and carried Pepe's burnt body out of the house. Clara had hid before they could exit the house. Once all three were gone, she went back to her watching.
Vincent was next. His punishment was quite different.

The masked man was using so much energy that you could even feel the pain from a distance. When they were finished with him, the two men from earlier also carried him to the med bay. Clara waited for all of them to pass, including her father. Easton was just about to walk out when he stopped dead in his tracks.
'Why did he stop?' Clara thought hoping he won't see her.
Easton looked around, a new cigarette in his mouth. His sight passed Clara, who held her breath and hid further into the shadows.

"Damn I think he saw me" she thought to herself.
Easton finished looking around and walked out the door, closing it behind him.
This was her chance, before any person could come in and see her. She made a dash for the door and ran to the mansion using the opposite direction. Hearing footsteps, Easton looked back and saw his daughter running back to the front of the mansion. He shook his head and sighed.
He knew what he was doing to her, but it was for her own good. It will be about time that she will find out.
"I'll have to tell her some day, but when she's capable of bearing it" He said quietly. One of his men came running towards him, gun in hand,

"Boss, two trucks of the merchandise have just arrived" he said.

"Oh, that must be for my wife not me, tell a maid to send her the message" Easton said walking back to the house.

"Yes boss" He said as he went to fulfill his orders.

'Damn even after entering jail that woman still won't learn' Easton thought as he walked back to the mansion...

Clara laid on her queen sized bed as she looked around aimlessly around the room. She was kinda bored. It was 1pm in the afternoon and Daniel was getting his treatment from their doctors.

"Maybe I can go watch, there's nothing to do in this fucking huge mansion" She said as she got off the bed.

She put on her flip flops and left the room. She decided to go to the kitchen first so to get snack. If she wanted to see that asshole of a brother get treated, she will have to enjoy the view with refreshments.
She took a medium bag of already made popcorn from the kitchen and went to Daniel's room. Daniel's room was on the second floor, the same floor her room was located, but his was at the other end of the hall.
She stood in front of Daniel's room door and knocked. She wanted to be polite at least.
Dr. Wayne, their private doctor, a man in his fifties, opened the door for her. The doctor smiled at her.
"I'm guessing you are here to see your brother Ms?" He said with a smile.

"First, it's step-brother get that through your thick skull" she said her mood getting ruined.

"Sorry Clara" The doctor apologized.

"And yes, I am here to see him, he is in there, right?" She asked.

"Yes, you may come in"he confirmed.

"Wait, is his mother in there?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, she left a while ago" He said.

"Ok then" Clara said.

The doctor opened the door wide for her so she could pass. Clara entered the large room. She had been here mainly rarely. The first thing she saw was the small living room, decorated with wallpapers, clocks as the theme design. The furnitures where made of the finest wood and had very beautiful design. The worthless boy was living like a king in her own house.

Clara rolled her eyes.

She walked passed the living room, a small length of stairs before turning left to see his main room. She didn't bother to knock because the door had an open creak. She carefully pushed it open so to not make sound, incase Daniel was sleeping.
She peeped into the room and saw Daniel laying on his bed, his head facing the side, covered with a duvet. He had an oxygen mask strapped to his face while some other hospital equipment where beside his bed. She entered the room, closing the door behind her. She walked quietly to the side of the bed where his head faced.
She squinted her eyes at him to see if he was really sleeping. He was breathing slowly, his eyes closed.
He looked so peaceful,
"I'll fix that" she said to herself. She brought the bag of popcorn that she had in her hand to Daniel's face. She then began to make loud sounds with it, squeezing it in all places. Daniel fluttered his eyes open.

"T-Tina is that y-you" he muttered in his oxygen mask, as he looked up to Clara.
Clara hissed.

Tina?! The poor idiot was hallucinating. She then opened her popcorn bag which made a very loud sound. Daniel opened his eyes wide only to see it wasn't his Tina. He sat up straight quickly and removed his oxygen mask. Clara smirked at him and began to eat her popcorn.
"What do you want?! What are you doing here?!" Daniel asked all furious.

"I don't think you should be worrying about that right now, you better put that mask back on, I'm sure you don't want to die" she said as she put one piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"Shut up! How did you get in here anyways?!"

"Your mother isn't around so I used this as a chance, can't I see my lovely step brother again?" She said with a fake smile.

It felt like she was shooting herself in the foot when she said that word.
"You're crazy!" He said.

"Trust me when I say I've heard that so many times" Clara said.

"So are you getting better? Or are you still recovering like the weakling you are" Clara said as she went to go seat down on the sofa that was in the room.

"First I'm not a weakling because I can kill you with my bare hands, and secondly, I don't need your care" he said defending himself from her words.

"So why did you come home late huh? Got into one of your gangster troubles again?" She asked.

"It's none of your business"

"Oh it is alright, because what goes on in this house is my business so I need to know"

"Fuck off!"

Clara chuckled as she continued eating her popcorn.

"So, Tina didn't come today" she said with a smirk.

Daniel furrowed his eyebrows at her. Why the hell did she care? and why is she asking all this out of the blue?
"What happened?" Clara added.

Daniel ignored her and sat at the edge of the bed. He tried to get up but he yelled in pain as he sat back down. He felt a sharp pain under his feet. Yesterday night was just not lucky for him.
Everything was just so dark. Someone killed his girlfriend, he didn't know who it was and he wasn't even able to catch the person. At least he knows it was a girl because of her hair.
He looked at Clara who was still waiting for his answer. Could it be?
Clara had hated Tina for a long time now, but she had never engaged in their dirty business. She didn't even show any sign of being one of them. But she could still be a suspect.
"She's sick" He simply said using it as an excuse.

"Oh? Well that's too bad don't you think?" She said with fake sympathy.
"I hope she doesn't die though, is it really serious?" Clara added.

Daniel gnashed his teeth together, she didn't even know what she was doing to him by saying those key words. He gulped down hard
"Yes it is" He used one hand to cover one of his eyes so as to clean it if a tear falls.
He sniffed in.
Clara smiled.
What she was doing was working. She'll make this boy's life a living hell just like he had to her.
The door opened, showing Alia. She entered the room seeing Clara on the sofa first before her son.
"What are doing in my son's room?" She asked angrily.

"I came to check on him" Clara simply said shrugging her shoulders. As if it was a normal things for her to do.

"Liar" Alia accuser.

"I'm serious I just came to see if he as ok" Clara persisted.

"Get out right now!!" Alia ordered pointing to the door.

"Mom!, please not now, my head hurts like hell" Daniel said stopping the argument.
Alia and Clara stopped arguing. Alia walked over to her son and sat on his bed beside him rubbing his back,

"Are you ok honey, how do you feel" she asked running her hand through his hair.

"I'm a mess, I can't even walk without feeling pain" Daniel said looking up to his mother.

"Sorry dear, when we find the person that did this, we are gonna wish he never messed with you, with us Daniel"

"It's a she" Daniel corrected. Alia raised a brow in surprise.

"A she?!" She asked.

"Yeah I think it was female who-" but he stopped dead in his words as he still noticed that Clara was in the room. He didn't want her to know that his girlfriend was dead, or else she will use it against him.
"I mean, it's a female who attacked me" he said.

"Hmm, why a female though?" His mother asked.

"I don't know" Daniel shrugged.

"We are gonna find out who did this ok honey" Alia said rubbing his shoulders.

"Yeah good luck with that" Clara thought to herself.

"Ok I gotta go, have fun doing your bonding" Clara said as she got up from the sofa and walked to the door. She opened the door but didn't go out yet,

"Hey Daniel?" She called without looking back.

"What?" He responded.

"Don't die" she said lastly. She stepped out of the room closing the door behind her. She walked out of the main room, out in the halls again,
"Because we still have a game to play"

She threw the popcorn in the garbage can beside Daniel's door and went back to her room.....

Hi Guys,
Pretty good chapter right. I know this took long to update. Well it's here anyways and you've read it.
And now that you have, Vote, Comment and follow. And don't forget to share too😃😃
Cya later👋😃.....

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