The Love Note

By InEveryUniverse_FFN

8.8K 45 25

Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... More

Opportunity From GJ
First Performances + Squad Intro
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Lunchtime Altercation
Family Finds Out
Speak of the Devil...
Karaoke Contest Pt. 1
Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Is Lincoln Here yet?
Someone is Exposed
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

The Masks Get Interesting

255 1 0
By InEveryUniverse_FFN

Author's Note: Chapter 10 is here! While there aren't many performances in this chapter, I can guarantee next chapter will be filled with singing. It took me the longest to come up with the new rules and format, so I hope you guys like it! P.S: Remember, suggestions are ALWAYS welcome, and will most likely be used.

Love Note 10

Ahh, yes: lunchtime. Though it was a normal day, it would be a very interesting one for a certain white-haired 6th grader. Today, Lincoln would be meeting Levi, the new Squad member. He'd also have to ask if his friends wanted to go to Dairyland to use his tickets.

In fact, Lincoln even would have to record the next episode of The Masked Singer Jr. that very same day. Speaking of that, there have been quite the mentions of that show in the halls today. He heard the conversations, all of them. Each being pretty similar.

"Hey, did you watch The Masked Singer Jr.?"


"Who's your favorite?"

"_ is mine!"

"Mine's _!"

"Man, I can't believe Jayden Poth was on the show! Too bad he got sick though,"

"I wonder who _ is"

Lincoln just heard it all. He was glad to know that there were a good amount of people that mentioned the Bunny, his own character. If only they knew it was him...

By the time Lincoln was done remembering, he realized he already grabbed his lunch. As he approached his big group's table, Lincoln noticed two things: that Jordan wasn't sitting with his group (which was fine, as she told him), and that everyone seemed to be looking towards one person. It was Levi, the newest Squad member.

Levi looked to have his own color scheme, just like the other Squad members. He had an almost all black outfit, minus the white polo under his white cardigan. Accompanying his black hair and eyes were also black jeans, boots, and jacket around his waist. He even had bandages wrapped around his arms, just like on Light's face.

"Oh, hey! It's Lincoln...isn't it?" Levi asked, noticing Lincoln first. This prompts the rest of Lincoln's friends and the Squad to look in Lincoln's direction. Before any one of them could speak, Lincoln responded.

"That's me! I am guessing you're Levi?"

"Let me guess, Alex told you about me."

"Well, it was more like the whole Squad that did," Lincoln explained, causing the rest of the Squad to faintly smile (other than Alex).

"I can only imagine," Levi responds with a small laugh. Lincoln noticed that Levi's voice was significantly deeper for their age, but didn't really question it. At least it keeps him unique, Lincoln thought.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Levi!" Lincoln said, reaching out his hand.

"Yeah, same here." Levi responded, taking Lincoln's hand and shaking it.

"I knew you guys would get along!" Zach exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh. Clyde, Stella, Rusty, and Liam laughed too, but laughed specifically at Zach's excitement.

"Anyway, have you seen the show, The Masked Singer Jr?" Clyde asked.

"You mean the show everyone's been talking about? Of course!" Lincoln replied, lying about that last part. You can't really watch the show you're also on, can you?

"Can you blame anyone? The show's just so good!" Charli exclaimed.

"I didn't get to watch it live, but I saw the performances on WeTube." Rusty said.

"I did that too. I just loved so many of the performances that I had to keep listening to them. Well, that was after I watched my daily InquisitorMaster video." Stella said, causing Alex and the Squad to smile. Even though they got many praises from fans, they still felt humbled each time.

"So, who's you guys' favorite so far?" Lincoln asked.

"I'd have to say the Cavalier. He definitely has his way with the ladies." Rusty said, getting an eye roll from Stella and snickers from Liam and Clyde.

"Me too, he's quite the talent." Levi agreed.

"I duno guys, I thought the Star was pretty good. Reminded me of home." Liam said.

"Sorry Liam, but I can't agree with that. I'm gonna go with the Bunny on this one. I did like Star though." Jaxx countered.

"Yeah, Bunny was so good!" Charli agreed.

"His singing hit deep," Alex added.

"Dark Angel made me feel like Rock Jade," Jade said.

"Same here, Rock Jade!" Zach agreed, resulting in both rocking out in their seats. They banged their heads back and forth, resulting in laughter.

"Don't take this wrong, but Gorilla literally serenaded the crowd." Drake said, getting weird looks from Zach and Jaxx. Drake sighed, and just slumped into his seat. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, he thought.

"I liked the Trojan's energy," Light commented.

"It has to be Panther for me. His performance is literally me if I lost all of you guys." Clyde said, getting a slew of 'aweee's from everyone.

"Panther is definitely mine, I love that song!" Brad exclaimed. He unplugged his earbuds (which he usually wears, one ear to still hear others) to reveal what he was listening to. It was Panther's performance, being played out.

"Honestly, it was close between Bunny and Panther for me. But, I'm gonna have to say Panther." Stella explained.

"What's yours, Lincoln?" Zach asked.

"That's easy, it's Bunny. I just straight up relate with his song, due to things in the past." Lincoln replied. There was a small pause, with a lack of surprise from Clyde. As his best friend, he already knew this.

"Anyway, are we still down for Saturday?" Zach asked, breaking the pause. He assumed that Lincoln didn't want to talk about it, so changed the subject. This worked, as it confused Clyde, Liam, Stella, and Rusty.

"What's happening Saturday?" Clyde asked.

"I feel like we missed something yesterday," Liam added.

"Oh yeah, Luna had me join a karaoke contest. I knew that I still needed to tour the Squad around Royal Woods, so I invited them. I performed with Jordan, and we won 5 free tickets to Dairyland!" Lincoln explained.

Jade pulled out her phone, showing all the performances she and Jordan recorded. Well that's not fully true, since Jordan obviously couldn't record her own performance. Instead, Jade handed Jordan's phone to Drake for him to record.

"Wow, you all were really good!" Stella commented.

"That's really impressive, man." Rusty added.

"Yeah, I want to invite you guys to go to Dairyland with us. Don't worry about them, they'll handle their tickets." Lincoln explained.

"Sounds fun! I'm in!" Stella said.

"I won't say no to a free trip to Dairyland! Besides, I don't think I even got work for Saturday, anyhow." Liam explained.

"You already know I'm always ready to go with my buddy!" Clyde added.

"Aw man, sorry guys. I can't go. I gotta help out with my dad Saturday." Rusty said, clearly disappointed.

"Don't worry about it, man. Jordan's coming with us, so she can use the free ticket. We can hang again next time," Lincoln replied.

"Well, at least the ticket will be used," Rusty said.

That evening:

*as crowd cheers*

"Welcome back to The Masked Singer Jr! *cheering stops* This episode, you'll see our masked singers in their new sections. As you all know, we asked you all to vote for three competitors to save, where they couldn't be eliminated but wouldn't perform. But due to the unfortunate accident that caused Bull, AKA Jayden Poth to leave the show, we will only be saving two competitors. Speaking of Jayden Poth, let's give a moment of silence to give him respect and hope he'll recover nicely," Nick Cannon announces. Respectfully, the live crowd does give a moment of silence. Though the boy behind the Bull didn't pass away, it was clear that the show truly missed out on his talents. When the moment of silence ended, Nick continued.

"While we will meet Sections A, B, and C, only A and B will be able to eliminate someone tonight. That's right folks, this is due to Section C only having 4 members. Here's how it will work (At the same time, the screen projects everything Nick is about to say):

There will be a total of seven performances tonight, which goes as follows:

* Section C will have a group performance, which nobody can be eliminated from

* Sections A and B will have two Smackdowns, with the two losers from those being nominated for elimination (1 Smackdown for each Section)

* Sections A and B will also have four solo performances, but still have the ability to be eliminated

And now, let's meet Section A! This group will have *at the same time, a graphic pops up on screen showing the masks in Section A*; Chinchilla, Gorilla, Dark Angel, Tiger, and our first contestant to perform tonight, Panther! For Section A, you guys have chosen to save Dark Angel, so she will not be eliminated but not perform tonight. Anyway, let's re-welcome the Panther!"

The screen now showed the Panther's second promo video. It first showed a dark screen, but then Panther suddenly appeared into the scene. Then, dialogue started to play.

This show's seen a lot of fame

Don't you dare take that as a claim

Let let give an introd

For my Squad

Suddenly, a group of panthers appear behind him. Well, it's not exactly obvious that they're panthers. Instead, there are just several pairs of eyes behind the Panther.

As for us,

we're pretty famous

You'll even remember

When you see our new member

Hopefully he doesn't slaughter

So we can find that imposter

With that last line, the promo ends and the stage lights darken. When the lights turn back on, Panther is already on stage, with microphone in hand. Not long after, the music starts to play.


I'm not surprised, not everything lasts

I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track (at the same time, Panther forms half heart with his spare hand)

Talk myself in, I talk myself out

I get all worked up then I let myself down

Panther starts to jig to the beat, accompanied by backup dancers.

I tried so very hard not to lose it

I came up with a million excuses

I thought, I thought of every possibility

And I know some day that it'll all turn out

You'll make me work so we can work to work it out

And I promise you kid that I'll give so much more than I get

I just haven't met you yet

Hmm... hmm

I might have to wait, I'll never give up

I guess it's half timing and the other half's luck

Wherever you are, whenever it's right

You'll come out of nowhere and into my life

As the song passes, the backup dancers act as dates. Each of them try to impress Panther, only to get rejected by him.

And I know that we can be so amazing

And baby your love is gonna change me

And now I can see every possibility

Somehow I know that it'll all turn out

You'll make me work so we can work to work it out

And promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get

I just haven't met you yet

They say all's fair in love and war

But I won't need to fight it

We'll get it right and we'll be united

And I know that we can be so amazing

And being in your life is gonna change me

And now I can see every single possibility

And someday I know it'll all turn out

And I'll work to work it out

Promise you kid I'll give more than I get, than I get, than I get, than I get

Oh you know it'll all turn out

And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out

And promise you kid to give so much more than I get yeah

I just haven't met you yet

I just haven't met you yet

Oh promise you kid to give so much more than I get

I said love love love love love love love

I just haven't met you yet

Yeah, I just haven't met you yet

With that, Panther's performance ends. He's met with a great applause from everyone, including the judges and Nick.

"Judges, you already know what to do," Nick says, walking onto the stage with Panther.

"Looks like Panther's got some experience!" Robin exclaims.

"Yeah, definitely has dealt with girls before." Jenny agrees.

"This is real, real talent we're dealing with," Mick says.

"Thank you," Panther replies.

"You're honestly one of my favorite masks in this show, and I hope you end up far." Ken admits.

"It's literally so amazing that you have this talent, yet you're so under the radar." Nicole comments.

"Yeah, but in the promo we just saw, he just said he is famous." Robin replied.

"Yeah, but singing isn't even his main thing." Nicole counters.

"We might just have a 'below the radar' situation in our hands," Mick concludes.

Backstage, Lincoln is once again watching with the other contestants. 'Obviously, his identity is hidden with him inside his Bunny costume. Panther's really good, but luckily I won't have to prove much. I got lucky not having to do a Smackdown, but I shouldn't count on that,' Lincoln thought.

"Why don't we send Panther off now, we have other performances tonight on The Masked Singer Jr." Nick says, sending Panther backstage.

This allowed our judges to re-evaluate their information on Panther. Since they already knew he isn't known for his singing, they were stuck. Therefore, they looked towards the type of songs to learn more about Panther.

His first performance showed that he has probably dealt with loss, due to the meaning of the song. As for tonight's performance, it probably shows less than the first. All it really shows is that he doesn't have the best experience with girls. Knowing this, they hoped that Panther's next appearance would show more.

"Let's go from one jungle animal to another as we'll see the Gorilla!" Nick announced, excited to continue.

Gorilla's promo starts to play, with the Gorilla looking at the clouds.

Ever since I was young, I always wanted to sing. Unfortunately for me, my family didn't think the same and shamed me. While they wanted me to join their schemes, I just wanted to make music. By joining this show, I hope to show them that I can do it...and make them proud.

Once the promo concludes, it's obvious that Gorilla has a pretty tough family life. As he comes out, he has a piano with him. Soon after, he starts to play. Not long after, he starts to sing.

It's a little bit funny

This feeling inside

I'm not one of those who can easily hide

I don't have much money, but boy if I did

I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, ha

But then again, no

Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show

I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do

My gift is my song, and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody

This is your song

It may be quite simple, but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind

That I put down in the words

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss

Well a few of the verses, well they've got me quite cross

But the sun's been quite kind

While I wrote this song

It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting

But these things I do

You see I've forgotten, if they're green or they're blue

Anyway the thing is, what I really mean

Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody

This is the song

It may be quite simple, but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind

That I put down in the words

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I hope you don't mind

I hope you don't mind

That I put down in the words

How wonderful life is while you're in the world

During the whole performance, Gorilla played and sang beautifully. Just like Panther before him, he was met with a beautiful response.

"Wow, what a performance! Judges, please comment on Gorilla!" Nick announces.

"We have quite the talent right here!" Ken exclaims.

"You're really sealing your reputation as a heartthrob, Mr. Gorilla. As much as I love it, I can't help but wonder if you'll be able to consistently perform this well." Robin admits.

"You don't think he can do it?" Jenny asks.

"It's not that. We've just seen past contestants in The Masked Singer like Thingamajig and Seahorse who perform their best performances early, only to end up losing earlier than expected." Robin explains.

"Yeah, but I think he'll live up to it." Nicole says, clearly disagreeing with Robin.

"We can only find out, fellow judges. Mate, I think we'll be seeing you soon." Mick says, expressing optimism and belief in the Gorilla. Looks like Gorilla is gonna have some big shoes to fill in the future...

Chapter 10 is done! Part of me is surprised we have made it this far, but the other part is happy. I planned to have a story this long, but I couldn't have done it without the support of you guys! Before I get too emotional, I'm gonna explain this chapter's references.


1. The first sentence is a nod to Spongebob Squarepants

2. 'Rock Jade' and 'Rock Zach' are actual parts of Zach and Jade on the channel. In this 'mode' per say, both get really loud and 'rock out.' This mode has actually not appeared in a while on the channel.

3. Panther performs Just Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble

4. SmackDowns are actual parts of The Masked Singer, best used in Season 2 (in my opinion)

5. Gorilla performs Your Song by Elton John (covered by Taron Egerton)

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