I don't think so

By hpxfanficts

111K 2.6K 824

A OLIVER WOOD X READER STORY -smut- (I normally do not write smut and i'm for sure not the best at it but I j... More

before the story
-The meeting-
-The Deal with the Devil-
-fucked up-
-A new start-
-Truth or Dare-
-the sleepover-
-crazy about you-
-match day-
-The letter-
-ran away-
-I love you-
-no choice-
-new people-
-a note from Oliver-
-truth or dare, the memory-
-I can finish it-
-notebook and running-
-planning the trip?-
-night like these-
-summer flings and paintings-
-Jewels, movies, and Weasleys-
-party's and closets-
-confession and breaking up-
-downing and screaming-
-The last match-
-captain and a small room-
-Last days are special-
-Appartment and a moving phototpraph-
-Funfair and rain-
-Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and wiskey-
-Pancakes and celabration-
-Quiddich tryouts-
-no patience-
-Well Captain-
-A wedding to prepare for-
20 K

-A peck on my cheek-

828 18 5
By hpxfanficts

Oliver's POV

Togheter with Fred and George we hid in one of the higest stands, I saw Markus, Adrien and y/n duck under one of the Huffelpuf stands. After a while I saw Adrien snuck off to the Ravenclaw stands.

That's when it hit me, Markus and y/n were alone under the stands. That fact killed me. "mate, what are you doing get down" Fred hissed. "I lost her" I wisper. 'what are you on about" George wispered back. "she is with Markus under the stands.

"Oliver, that doesn't mean anything" George said in a rather comforting way.

I didn't say anything back. "Oliver she loves you" Fred wispered. "you think?" I said angrier then I wanted to.

Then Markus walked out from under the stands and back towards the castle. A few minutes later y/n followed and looked around. I did the same thing, weird how less then 10 minutes ago the field was filled with players and laughter. now it was as quiet just like the hallways at night, you could hear a wand drop. Y/n slowly walked towards the castle. Fred and George rushed down the stairs and I followed them. "c'mon Oliver, time to find out what exacly they did under those stands" Fred said. "no wait that's none of you're busin-"

But I was too late, the twins stopped infront of y/n. "we saw you hide with Flint under the huffelpuf stands"

"okay" y/n said raising a eyebrow. "what's you're point"

"well what did you say" Fred said

"or do" George said trying to contain his laughter.

"nothing, he does have feelings towards me but I told him I don't feel the same, now get out of my way I need to shower"

Y/n's POV

I almost ran to the shower, I let the hot water pour over my body as I though about everything that happend that night. Tomorow whould be the last day for the 7th years, as much as I would hate to admitt it I was goign to miss those 2 idiotic weasley's. and Oliver...

hopefully I could still be the new Gryffindor quiddich captain, it had always be a dream of mine. After I showered I walked out in the common room next to Fred and George, both of them not saying anything and awkwardly looking at them. "what" I asked after a while.

"we think- you should consider talking to Oliver" George said.

I raised an eyebrow. "maybe" I then said.

"c'mon y/n he loves you" Fred practicly screamed. "well, yes but I- he- I- ugh, nevermind" I said standing up. I was almost at my room when I heard loud bagging on the door of the common room, so I walked back and saw Markus standing in front of Fred and George. "c'mon Weasleys just let me talk to her."

I sighed. "Markus, what are you doing here"

"can we talk" he said looking down. I groaned "i'm tired, but fine"

Markus walked out of the Gryffindor room and I followed him, convincing the twins that I will be fine.

"Listen y/n I- I like you, no I love you and I understand you don't feel the same but I want you to listen to me, Oliver is not good for you, you need someone who is outgoing and matches you're amazing personality, I doubt he even knows what a party means. All i'm freaking asking is one change. Please" he said. I was speechless. I didn't stop him when he stepped closer and grabbed his arms around me and gave me a hug, it wasn't like the hugs he had giving me before. it was tighter like he was begging for me to do the same.

I placed my hands on his chest and gently puched him away. "that's a no, isn't it" he wispered.


"don't bother" he said and walked away.


Oliver's POV

I was on my way to the Gryffindor common room when I heard voices. "that's a no isn't it" Markus's voice spoke.

Y/n began a apology but soon was cut of by Markus.

Footsteps came my way and I stressed. Before I could hide I was face to face with Markus. he scoffted and puched his shoulder against mine as he walked by. "you're a dick Wood, you shouldn't have let her go like that" was all he said in a low wisper.

I stood there for a minute before walking into the common room, luckly y/n was sitting there "Y/n I need to speak with you" I said standing before her"

"no thanks" she said not looking up.

"it wasn't a question"

She let out a big sigh and looked at me "alright talk then"

"not here" I said and streched my hand out for her to get up. She rolled her eyes and got up slapping my hand away. "fine, were then" she asked iritated.

I walked to the boys room making sure that Fred and George weren't in the room. "tomorrow i'm leaving and I know-believe me I know how much I messed up and no exuse in the world will make up for the fact that I coudn't resist a drink but I love you- and I beg you to atleast think about being my friend again because I can't last a freaking day without thinking of you"

She took a deep breath "I-" she stepped closer and gave me a small peck on my cheek. "il think about it Oliver" and just like that she walked out of the room.


I am so sorry for the long wait and the short chapter,

I'm currently not feeling well and I am a lost for inspiration. Also the end of the book is comming so if you have any ideas for a spectacular end, lemme know.

xx author

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