The Love Note

بواسطة InEveryUniverse_FFN

8.8K 45 25

Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... المزيد

Opportunity From GJ
First Performances + Squad Intro
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Lunchtime Altercation
Family Finds Out
Speak of the Devil...
Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
The Masks Get Interesting
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Is Lincoln Here yet?
Someone is Exposed
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

Karaoke Contest Pt. 1

295 1 0
بواسطة InEveryUniverse_FFN

Author's Note: WE ARE ALMOST FULLY UPDATED with the main story! Once this story lines up with the main, I'll be able to update both of these normally. I'd really like to know what you guys on here think about this story, because it'd really help :)

Love Note 8

With Lincoln:

"I'm in!" Lincoln said.

"Rad, bro. I suggest you bring someone with you, since I'm bringing Sam." Luna said.

Lori, Leni, Lynn, and Lucy all looked at Lincoln with knowing looks. They knew exactly who Lincoln should bring, I mean it's obvious! Bring Jordan!, all 4 sisters thought.

Lincoln clearly understood what his sisters were signing, and thought of the same idea.

"Don't worry, I already have someone in mind." Lincoln simply replied.

"Does this person happen to be a certain girl who came to visit?" Luna asked, referencing Jordan.

"...Maybe," Lincoln replied with a smile. "Anyway," he started. "Where's the competition at?"

"The mall,"

"Got it," Lincoln replied, while looking at his phone. He walked out of the room, with a plan. One part was to ask Jordan, which would be easy since she's in his room. The other part should be the same, since he was doing it as he was walking. Lincoln knew exactly who to invite, as they were sure to accept.


Lincoln: Hey Zach!

Zach: What's up Lincoln?

Lincoln: Still want to get a taste of Royal Woods?

Zach: Yeah, sure. We just uploaded our new video, so we'll be able to go. What are we doing?

Lincoln: You know where the mall is, right?

Zach: Yeah, why?

Lincoln: You think you all can meet us there?

Zach: Us?

Lincoln: Yeah, I'll have Jordan with me. Plus my sister Luna and her girlfriend Sam.

Zach: Alright, I'll see you there! I'll have the whole Squad, by the way.

Lincoln: Alright, it was planned you bring the whole Squad anyway lol.

Now, giving the Squad that taste of Royal Woods wasn't the only reason to invite them. Lincoln knew that Luna would be happy to meet the people that helped her brother during lunchtime. Besides, the more the merrier.

By the time he looked up from his phone, he was at his door. He quickly went inside, intentions clear. Time to ask Jordan, he thought.

"Hey, Jordan-" Lincoln started, before noticing what Jordan had in her hand. In that hand was Bun-Bun, Lincoln's personal stuffed animal.

The memory of the two meeting now flashed in Lincoln's mind, when he lent her Bun-Bun to make her feel better. It was the day they met, and developed their first crushes on each other...The day they met their soulmate.

"Sorry, I was just remembering-" Jordan started, with her trying to finish her statement. At the same time, the other was trying to finish that statement for her.

"The day we met," both said at the same time. Both looked at the other straight in the eyes and blushed, before bursting in laughter. The laughter didn't take long to die off, as both pretty much wanted to ask the same thing.

"I got something to tell you," the couple said simultaneously.

"Oh sorry I-" they said again.

"You go first." Jordan said, really wanting to know what Lincoln wanted to tell her.

"Oh, alright. So my sister just invited me to this competition at the mall, and she wanted me to bring someone. Obviously I thought of inviting you." Lincoln said.

"Of course I'll go with you!" Jordan replied excitedly. "It's just that-"

"What is it?" the boy asked, confused.

"Well, my friends told me that it would be really nice if I invited you out to make you feel better about today...but you clearly have a plan." The girl admitted.

"Don't worry about that, it's already better knowing that I'm with you." Jordan blushed at this comment, remembering what Alex said before.

Having another thought on his mind, Lincoln continued. "Actually, shouldn't you tell your parents what you're doing?"

"Actually, I already have told them. I knew that I would've thought of something eventually, so I made sure that I'll be able to do it. So after I texted my friends, I reached out to my mom." Jordan explained.

"Seems like you're well prepared,"

"Yup, just because you're the Man With A Plan doesn't mean I can't have one."

"Of course, you are the Dodgeball Queen after all. Speaking of that, it's an honor to be your boyfriend, Your Majesty." Lincoln teasing her with that last part.

"And it's an honor to be your girlfriend!" Jordan fired back, laughing.

Sometime Later...:

"Hey, Lincoln! Let's go!" Luna shouted out as she went down the stairs, guitar in hand. Lincoln and Jordan quickly stopped what they were doing and went downstairs to meet the rocker.

And no, our couple weren't doing what you think they were; get your mind out of the gutter! They were acting like a combination of really close friends and a couple: While they fooled around and joked like from when they were younger, they still had those moments of making out (not that either would admit to anyone).

Downstairs, Luna was there with a huge smile on her face. Clearly, she was happy to see her brother willing to spend time with her. Lincoln, now wearing the boot, was glad he could still walk and was able to go.

"You guys ready for tonight?" Luna asked, getting nods in response from Lincoln and Jordan. The trio went outside, noticing that Lori was outside in front of Vanzilla. She was playing with the keys to the van, as if she was waiting for something.

"Come on, you three! You won't be able to go to the mall by yourselves, you know." Lori stated. Not wanting to refuse the ride, the three agreed. Luna had called shotgun, leaving both Lincoln and Jordan to be behind them. Besides, they preferred to sit next to each other, for obvious reasons.

As Lincoln sat down next to Jordan, he made sure to text Zach so they could meet.


Lincoln: You still good to go?

Zach: Yeah, we can go still. Alex, Jade, and Charli took forever anyway.

Lincoln: Oh really? Try to leave now if you can.

Zach: Don't worry, we'll meet you there as planned.

It didn't take very long to get to the mall, as it wasn't too far from the Loud House anyway. Plus, there wasn't much traffic to get in the way of Vanzilla. Before long, the Royal Woods Mall came to view where Lori would stop on a curb.

Before Lori left, she made sure to speak to the trio.

"Let me know when you guys are done, so I can give you guys a ride home." Lori said.

"We will!" Lincoln replied excitedly. Lori then winked at Lincoln before driving off. He knew why she did that, and knew what needed to happen matter what.

The three went into the mall, not taking long before noticing a specific group of middle schoolers not too far ahead of them. It was the Squad, and Lincoln could even hear what they were saying.

"Oh man, I know how I love eating sweets. These mini cinnamon rolls are so good!" Light said, popping one into his mouth. The Purple Man had his overall normal look, just being accompanied by a bottle of Sprite in his pocket.

"I just don't get how you can eat those with Sprite, Light." Drake commented. Instead of responding, Light ignores Drake and just eats another cinnamon roll.

"You do have to admit that these are good though," Brad stated, offering Drake one of his cinnamon rolls. He gladly accepts, knowing that they do taste really good.

"Even better knowing that these are only sold at the mall," Jaxx added. Just like Light and Brad, he also had cinnamon rolls.

"There's a lot of cool stuff to get here, too!" Charli exclaimed.

"Yeah, but we didn't buy too much anyway." Alex added.

"Why is that anyway?" Jade asked.

"I told you guys, because we're hanging out here with Lincoln. You can have your shopping spree after we find out what we're doing." Zach responded.

"Speaking of Lincoln, where is he?" Drake asked his twin.

"I'm right here," Lincoln said, appearing with Jordan and Luna.

"Hey, guys!" Jordan greeted the Squad. They all gave small waves back, while Luna was a little confused.

"Aren't you the dudes that helped out Linc?" Luna asked.

"Yepp, that's us. Luna, right?" Zach asked, Luna nodded in response.

"Lincoln told us about you," Charli excitedly said.

"You're the rocker sister," Brad added.

"Yup, that's me." Luna replied.

"I thought you'd want to meet the dudes that helped me today," Lincoln started. "That's Light, Brad, Drake, and Jaxx. The girls are Jade, Alex, and Charli." He added, pointing and referring to each specific Squad member.

"Glad to know you guys are friends with my lil' bro," Luna said.

"Don't sweat it. Besides, what are we doing?" Zach asked.

"Luna's got this competition where we have a chance to win really cool prizes... but it's a singing competition," Lincoln announced, trying to sound unenthusiastic for the last part. Jordan was the only one there that knew his secret, so he had to make sure not to say anything.

"Can any of you guys sing?" Luna asked.

"Everyone knows I can't sing," Jade said.

"Same here," Light agreed.

"I think I'll pass," Drake added.

"Sounds fun, I'll do it!" Charli exclaimed excitedly.

"I'll join in," Alex said. She looked to Zach, who just straight up didn't want to do it.

"I'll do it if Brad and Jaxx do it," Zach stated.

Lincoln, Luna, and Jordan looked to the two in question expectantly. Jaxx sighed, before giving his answer first.

"I- guess I'm in," Jaxx said.

"Fine, but only since Zach wants us to do it." Brad sighed out. Zach smiled at his two friends, only saying that to not be the only boy joining Charli and Alex. Plus, he wanted to do something with both his girlfriend and his friends.

"Rads, dudes. So you five will enter in the contest. What about you, Jordan?" Luna asked.

Jordan then looked to Lincoln, who nodded. It seems as the pair had a plan, as they both had the same idea.

Let's perform together, and show our relationship to Luna!

"O-oh, yeah! I can perform with Lincoln," Jordan replied.

"Alright, let's go now! Sam's waiting for us!" Luna said excitedly. Luna started to make her way across the mall, followed by Lincoln and Jordan. Behind them was Zach, Drake, Jaxx, Brad, Light, Alex, Jade, and Charli in that order. The Squad's boys were also slightly separated from the girls.

Soon enough, Luna had led everyone to their desired location and competition location. This place is known as Karaoke-Dokie, a traditional karaoke bar.

"Isn't this the place where you used to work? How can they have a competition like the one you said here?" Lincoln asked, confused.

"This place does this every year, 4 times. They do them once every season of the year, it keeps the place popular and fun." Luna explained.

"Oh, man! Now where do we sign up?" Zach asked.

Just then, a voice came up on one of the many speakers throughout the venue. Hey everyone, it's your boy and host Mike! As you know, the contest will start soon. If y'all still want to sign up, make sure to go to the bar and talk to the bartender.

"Welp, I guess let's go to the bar!" Zach said, leading to laughs from the Squad, Lincoln, Jordan, and Luna.

They head to the bar, and see the bartender. There were obviously people at the seats with drinks, but nobody was being tended to. That means open field for anyone to talk to the bartender.

Luna talks to the bartender first.

"Oi mate! Can me and my good friends here sign up for the karaoke contest?"

"Of course, dude!" The bartender says. "You all signing up as one entry?"

"Nah, we'll compete against each other."

"Alright, so who's in your entry?"

"Luna Loud and Sam Sharp," Luna replied.

"You're already signed up for," the bartender simply replied.

"Yeah, I already signed us up!" A voice exclaimed, which was revealed to be Sam Sharp. The two embraced, clearly happy to see one-another.

"I'm gonna find us two booths, you just sign up Linc!" Luna said, before walking off with Sam.

"Alright, sign my entry as Lincoln Loud and Jordan Rosato." Lincoln told the bartender.

"Ooh, I see a family battle tonight! This is gonna be fun! Good luck, you two!" The bartender said, before writing down their names. Instead of leaving, Lincoln and Jordan moved to the side.

Next up came Zach. He was now looking more confident, ready to compete. "Alright, our entry will just be The Squad." The pink-haired boy said.

"Alright, can I get specific names in case we need them?" The bartender asked.

"Zach, Alex, Jaxx, Charli, and Brad." Zach replied.

"Ok, you're all set! Y'all can go now."

The group now left the bar, to look for Luna and Sam. It didn't take very long to find them. Both rockers took the short time before the contest to meet and learn more about the Squad.

Soon enough, Mike's voice came up on speakers once again. Attention everyone! The karaoke contest will start now. Each entrant will perform tonight, at random. Good luck to everyone singing tonight! This was met with cheers from everyone there, including our large group. Luckily, the group in question had already finished their conversation.

"You guys sound like some cool peeps," Sam said, referring to the Squad. Each member smiled, which were easily returned.

Soon enough, the contest did start. As time passed, people sang and sang. Even though nobody was singing bad, there was nobody truly good. Then, Mike's voice blared through the speakers once again.

Next up is a group of kids that call themselves The Squad. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Zach, Alex, Charli, Jaxx, and Brad!

"Guess it's our turn," Zach said.

"Good luck, you guys!" Lincoln encouraged. Zach nods back, before making his way onto the stage set up for the contest with the other Squad members.

"I'm gonna record all of our performances, just to keep them for memories sake." Jordan announced. Jade smiled, before joining Jordan in recording with her phone. Other than those two, everyone now sat with some sort of partner. Luna sat next to Sam, Drake sat next to Light with his signature bottle of Sprite from earlier.

At this point, the Squad members were already on stage with the rest of their friends cheering for them.

"You can do it, bro!" Drake yelled out.

"Rock it!" Luna and Sam said at the same time. Jordan and Jade give smiles to their fellow Squad members, while Light and Lincoln give thumbs up. Zach and the Squad smile and wave back, before focusing on the song that started to play.

The song started, with Alex and Charli singing at the same time.

Girls: Ooh ooh, ooh ooh

Ooh ooh, ooh ooh

Then, Jaxx started to sing his part. He had stepped forward, being the one on center stage. This would happen every time someone new sang.

Jaxx: You say you love me, I say you crazy

We're nothing more than friends

You're not my lover, more like a sister

I known you since we were like ten, yeah

He started the song well, which continued throughout the performance.

Brad: Don't mess it up, talking that sh-

Only gonna push me away, that's it

Zach: When you say you love me, that make me crazy

Alex: Here we go again (rolls eyes)

Brad:Don't go look at me with that look in your eye

You really ain't going away without a fight

You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite

I've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times

Girls: Haven't I made it obvious?

Haven't I made it clear?

Want me to spell it out for you?


Girls: Haven't I made it obvious?

Haven't I made it clear?

Want me to spell it out for you?

All: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Alex: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Zach: Have you got no shame? You looking insane

Turning up at my door

It's two in the morning, the rain is pouring

Haven't we been here before?

Brad: Don't mess it up, talking that sh-

Only gonna push me away, that's it

Jaxx: Have you got no shame? You looking insane

Alex: Here we go again (Rolls eyes)

Zach: So don't go look at me with that look in your eye

You really ain't going away without a fight

You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite

I've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times

Girls: Haven't I made it obvious? (Boys Chorus: Haven't I made it?)

Haven't I made it clear? (Boys Chorus: Haven't I made it clear?)

Want me to spell it out for you?

All: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Girls: Haven't I made it obvious?

Haven't I made it clear? (Boys Chorus: Haven't I?)

Want me to spell it out for you? (Boys Chorus: To spell it out for you?)

All: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Charli: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Zach: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

That's how you f- spell "friends"


Get that sh- inside your head

No, no, yeah, uh, ah


Brad: We're just friends

Jaxx: So don't go look at me with that look in your eye

You really ain't going nowhere without a fight

You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite

I've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times

Girls: Haven't I made it obvious? (Boys Chorus: Have I not made it obvious?)

Haven't I made it clear? (Boys Chorus: I made it very clear)

Want me to spell it out for you? (Yo)

F-R-I-EN-D-S (Boys Chorus: I said F-R-I-E-N-D-S)

Girls: Haven't I made it obvious? (Boys Chorus: I made it very obvious)

Haven't I made it clear? (Boys Chorus: I made it very clear)

Want me to spell it out for you?


All: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Girls: Mmm, ooh ooh, ooh ooh

Ah, ah-oh, ah

When the song finished, there was an immediate ovation for the Squad. It was obviously loved by everyone, and might've been the best of the night so far. It really looked like it too, since there were only a few more performances left.

A few performances later, the night was coming to a close. After this one, there'd only be one more performance. On cue, Mike came up with the announcement.

Next up, we have the performance that'll be before the last. Show some energy for the rockin' duo of Luna Loud and Sam Sharp!

The duo made their way onto stage quickly, speaking into their microphones before Lincoln or anyone else could speak to them.

"Ladies and gents!" Sam yelled.

"We ask that y'all participate with this rockin' performance we have for tonight!" Luna added.

"Thank you!" Both ended simultaneously. The music started to play, and the crowd did participate, clapping to the beat.

Luna: Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise

Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday

You got mud on your face, you big disgrace

Kicking your can all over the place, singin'

Clearly loving the song choice, the crowd sang along.

Crowd: We will, we will rock you

We will, we will rock you

Sam: Buddy, you're a young man, hard man

Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday

You got blood on your face, you big disgrace

Waving your banner all over the place

Crowd: We will, we will rock you, sing it!

We will, we will rock you, yeah

Luna: Buddy, you're an old man, poor man

Pleading with your eyes, gonna get you some peace someday

You got mud on your face, big disgrace

Somebody better put you back into your place, do it!

Crowd: We will, we will rock you,

Sam: Yeah, yeah, come on!

Crowd: We will, we will rock you

Luna: Alright, louder!

Crowd: We will, we will rock you,

Sam: One more time!

Crowd: We will, we will rock you

Luna: Yeah!

The song ends, with a cheer from everyone. People smiled and were excited to see the final performance of the night. Nothing could top it, right?

Author's Note: I know, I know that y'all don't get Lincoln's performance this chapter, but I hope you guys understand why I did it. Besides, it lets me put more into the next chapter, which will contain the Jordacoln performance and the winners. I'm not gonna say I will, but don't be surprised if I do actually post Chapter 9 in the next few days.

Anyway, time for references!

1. Light actually eats Cinnabon, which makes sense due to him liking sweets in real life.

2. Light drinks Sprite, which he has been confirmed to like drinking.

3. Mike, the host, is named after one of my favorite NBA YouTubers, Mike Korzemba

4. The Squad sings FRIENDS by Anne-Marie and Marshmello

5. Luna and Sam sing We Will Rock You by Queen (Actually a request)

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