Old Love

By Alllfredh0oe

334K 18.7K 17.6K

Jorja and Sza are two hybrids that have been roaming the earth for thousands of years; however, they both hav... More

Catching up
Catching up pt.2
One of many
Highway to Hell
Thank you killer
Sexy ass white man
Filler Chapter
Marceline the Vampire Queen
I need help
Not evil...maybe crazy
Story time Pt.1
Story time Pt.2
Guess who's back
Not this shit again
Full moon
Think, think, think- FUCK
Give him a message
Monday, Monday, Monday
Sooo...They fucking right?
Matrix shit
Well, there's this man
King's Reil
We're only soulmates after all
Cain and Abel
Bitch you killed her
I feel...powerful
I ship
I...Am shocked.
Hera's a bitch
Fuck these trees
I forgive you
Crossed fingers
Sza and Jorja
Once upon a time
Ma to the damn dea
no guarantee of tomorrow
White Rose
I fucking ran
I don't know
Give him hell
Unknown POV
Sza pt. 2
Jorja pt. 2
Everything went black
2500 BCE
Story time pt. 3
Only George.
Black Widow
Everything's been erased
Like old times
Date Night: Sza
Date Night: Jorja
Date Night: Normani
Normani is going to kill me
Its only us
Andrew Maguire
Resuce mission
Shoulder pats
The truth
Loki POV
It's all over
Old Love
Its been ages!!


2.8K 152 116
By Alllfredh0oe

I groaned and rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up in bed. Looking down at my lap I noticed a book.

Thot's book.

Okayyyyyy. So that happened but...

I looked around not noticing the bedroom I was in.

Where the hell am I?

"About time."

My heart skipped a beat and chills ran throughout my body as I heard an extremely familiar voice come from the right side of the room.

No that's not who I think it is because...No.

"Wow, your mother and I taught you better than that," he whispered. "You're supposed to look people in the eye when they are talking to you...Especially your dad."

I gulped and slowly looked towards the voice.

My heart fell and I quickly climbed out of bed.

"I- Wha- W-Who are you?"

He frowned slightly. "Hm. Matthew King," he took a cautious step towards me. "Your dad- Or your earth dad as I'm sure you're aware of now...Powers and all-"

"Cut the bullshit," I clenched my jaw. "You think impersonating my dad is okay? Who the hell are you and what do you want?"

"Right, I wouldn't believe me either...I can prove it."

I squinted. "Go ahead then...Tell me something only my dad would know."

He sighed and looked down. "Okay...When you were five you broke your pinky and walked around with a broken pinky for a month because you knew if your mother and I found out we would take you to the hospital. You knew we didn't have the money to pay for the bills so you hid it from us until it started to turn purple."

I frowned and clenched my fist before scoffing. "Y-You could have probed my mind or something f-for memories," I shook my head. "You..." I observed every inch of him.

I don't know.

I mean usually, it's obvious who's a God or whatever and who's not...I'm not getting that God energy from him.

"Fine. Check."

I titled my head meeting his eyes. "What?"

He took a step towards me. "Check if I'm really me."

I rolled my eyes. "Now how would I do that?"

He smiled softly taking another step towards me. "You have the powers to do so but, you can use my chain."

I subconsciously reached up gripping the chain that I haven't taken off since Adam...Died.

"How would I use this chain?"

He nodded towards the palm of my hand. "You were supposed to use that to bring me back but, Zeus had other plans. You were supposed to acquire the power of Lighting regardless but, later on down the road. Remember when you fought Adam, the first man, and your mother came to save you?"

I nodded slowly.

"Remember that lighting?"

I nodded again.

"Zeus was afraid you would die since your mother wasn't allowed to intervene...Although she did in the end, breaking many many rules, it was too late for Zeus to stop those powers from getting to you. Once you received those powers and used them for the first time you opened the portal for me to come back," he nodded down at the chain. "Which means that the one use that chain has...Hasn't been used yet...And that means you can use it now."

I bit my lip eyeing him before reaching back and unclipping the chain. "So Mr. Imposter...What do I do?"

He chuckled shaking his hand. "What does it say? Use your hand."

I read the words on the back of the pendant and sighed. "Even if it does do something I won't believe you're actually my dad," I placed the pendant in my right hand and balled my fist. "So what is it supposed to-" My breath hitched as a bright light flashed.

And then a searing pain spread throughout my head.

It was excruciating but, I didn't care about that.

I cared more so about the flood of memories I was receiving...Memories from my past lives.

It was all happening so fast.

Every memory.

The memories of three lives.

My first life.

Me as a Phoenix trapped in a castle because I had to hide or else I would die which inevitably happened...My dad- My actual dad Re. 

He was actually an Egyptian God and not a Greek God. Before all the Egyptians got locked up for trying to take over, he met my mom and fell in love...Had me. He protected my mom from the other Egyptians...He also protected Zeus who was forever grateful and in return, he helped my dad evade being locked up with the rest of the Egyptians by pretending to be a new Greek God...The Phoenix. He had to stay in his bird form when in public so that no one would catch onto who he truly was which is why I had to be locked up in a Castle...So no one would know that I was the daughter of Bennu...The Egyptian Sun God. He then created his own people in hopes of making an army strong enough to kill the Egyptians for good but, the Gods didn't like the thought of a new army stronger than all others so they killed them all before they could reach their full strength.

Once my father died along with the rest of his creations, the other Phoenix's, I was found out and murdered. 


My actual mom...Is Lilith. She wasn't a demon but instead, a very powerful witch that later on down the road got coined a demon as she went to live on Earth with the humans. Before that, in Olympus, she was a respected Witch...The creator of witchcraft to be more specific...The creator of magic to be even more specific. She has no parents because she was birthed accidentally by God who was trying to create the first angel. His goal was to give Angel's souls instead of just making them entities. However, he didn't take into account that a soul needs a vessel and discarded his mistake on Mount Ida. That soul with no body merged with every element in search of something to attach itself to in order to live off of...When it couldn't find a human body...It created its own vessel by merging every element into body parts. Fire became her heart, Earth became her brain, Water became her blood, and Air became her skin shaping and forming her body.

Memories of them raising me, the pain of finding out my dad was dead, meeting my soulmates for the very first time, meeting Hathor, enemies I made, people I...Met...Everything.

Then my second life...You guys already know the basis of that story.

Along with my third life which is what I lived before Haden killed me.

All the memories I didn't remember from my Second Life bombarded me as everything became clear. Everything I learned living my first life...How to control my powers and use them at their full strength.

My parents during my second life.

Matthew and Ruth King...What they taught me about the Tulpa, Gods, everything.

I felt my legs give out as my vision began to fade. I fell into someone's arms and clenched my eyes shut. I blinked a few times, my vision blurry before it cleared up.

Panting heavily I looked down at my hands seeing my powers running through them...Up to my arms...Throughout my whole body.

I felt the powers.

I knew the powers.

I can control these powers without a second thought.


Are you fucking kidding me?!

I scoffed and looked at the chain. "The key to unlocking my powers and memories has been hanging off my neck this whole time?! What a fucking shitty way to speed up the story author."

I rolled my eyes before I heard someone chuckling.

Looking behind me I stared at the man claiming to be my dad and- Oh shit...It's really him.

I can see his soul.

I gasped and threw my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. "I-It's really you."

He let out a sigh of relief and wrapped his arms around my lower back. "It is."

Oh shit. This is a lot to take in all at once.


Jorja's Pov

I paced the floor tapping my leg like this was Akeelah and the fucking bee.

Just do it Athena come on.


Just do it- Man I do spend too much time with Y/n.


I clenched my fist and the house began to shake before a hole in the ground opened up revealing a staircase.

"Who would willingly go to the depths of hell?" I started down the stone steps. "Well...I guess a lot of people already did- Whatever let me just get this over with."

"And maybe stop talking to yourself."

I sighed. "Surprised you got here as fast as you did...Must've been locked out."

Maze sighed nodding. "I was waiting for you to open the door because I couldn't do it myself."

"Figures- Hold on," I stopped and looked at her. "Weren't you with Y/n?"

She nodded. "We kind of...Went through a lot and I was going to bring her back here but her dad showed up so I let him take her."

I frowned. "Her what- Dad? One of her dads is dead and the other is trapped back in time you fucking-"

"Woah woah woah...Her dad that was trapped in the past came back, trust me I wouldn't just hand her off to anyone. Hades loves you and you love her which by default means her life is precious to me because it's precious to you."

I looked back up the stairs before Maze's voice grabbed my attention again.

"You feel her right? She's okay yeah?"

She's actually extremely happy...Overwhelmed by something but mostly happy.

I sighed and continued down the steps. 

Maze cleared her throat following. "Michael took over."

I frowned glancing at her. "He took over the Underworld? So he's the ruler of Heaven and Hell? That's not going to end up good."

She nodded. "Looks like there's no other choice though. Hades doesn't want it back...The only other option is..."

I squinted looking at her. "Is?"

She huffed. "Hades is the King of the Underworld and once the King steps down who steps up? The King's child...You."

I frowned slowing my steps as we made it to the bottom and the door standing between Hades and I was only a few steps away.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as I glanced at Maze. "You're saying I could become the ruler of the Underworld."

"Not just the Underworld but, Heaven too."

"Heaven too?"

Maze rolled her eyes. "Hades was supposed to tell you all of this- He was supposed to be the ruler of Heaven. Before he was kicked out God gave him the keys to Heaven essentially but, he wanted nothing to do with the Angels so he gave it to Michael however, once Hades officially steps down as King then his child gets to decide if they want to rule both Heaven and Hell...Think about it. You're pregnant so you can pass the ruler of Vampires off to your child while you rule Heaven and Hell...More power, control, and the ability to make things better since the ruler of the Underworld only cares about his lover and the ruler of Heaven wants every ounce of power he can obtain."

I looked around biting my lip.

There are a lot of changes I've suggested to Hades a million times that he's never done and I've always thought that Heaven- Shit the angels could use a new leader...

Maze sighed. "I'm going to go see what Michael fucked up...Go talk to your dad and then think about what I said." 

She patted my arm and then walked away.

I inhaled deeply and started towards the door.

Placing my hand on the handle, I let out a shaky breath and pushed the door open.

Hades quickly stood up from the couch as I walked in closing the door behind me.

My heart was racing.

He cleared his throat and slowly walked towards me. "Athena..."

I clenched my jaw. "Fuck you for doing that to me- Leaving and not protecting me as well as you could-"

"Protecting you? If I were to protect you then you would not have become the warrior you are now kid," he sighed and walked towards me. "You think the only prophecy I saw was about what would happen to you? No, I saw everything there was to see about you and if I protected you- Didn't allow you to go through what you went through not only would you have never met Sza but you would have ended up too weak to protect yourself from anyone...You would end up dead."

He sighed once he stopped in front of me. "It was either let everyone know you were my daughter and not be able to do anything as your life turned into shit or watch you go through years of abuse until you met your first soulmate and became free...I did it for you Athena- I swear it. I...I love you too much to let you suffer for nothing. What I felt for you the day you were born...When I first held you? I knew what I had to do no matter how much it would hurt both of us," he looked down. "I will admit that I left because I couldn't just sit back and watch all of that happen to you- Which I am sorry for because you needed the emotional support but...I was selfish and didn't want to feel pain by seeing you in pain."

I looked down and sniffed as he placed his arm onto my shoulder. "Why did it take you so long to tell me?"

He chuckled slightly. "You became too strong too fast and I was afraid you would let your emotions control you and whoop my ass."

I let out a watery laugh as I looked up meeting his eyes.

He smiled softly and sighed. "I am sorry kid, from the bottom of my heart."

I bit my lip and glanced down before nodding meeting his eyes again. "It's okay."

His eyes lit up as he cleared his throat. "I um...Know this is out of character for both of us but...Can I hug-"

I wrapped my arms around his waist shoving my face into his neck as his body went stiff.

"O-Oh okay..." He slowly wrapped his arms around me. "Didn't even let me finish my sentence."

"Yeah because that would have made it awkward."

He chuckled and nodded holding me tighter. "You're right."

I closed my eyes as it felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Finding out that Hades is actually my father and not Cronus made me happy because it gave me peace of mind knowing that Cronus wasn't the one person who should love me unconditionally.

It made me happy knowing that my dad didn't hate me but, I couldn't help but be mad at Hades for leaving his only child to be abused mentally and physically.

Now that I'm not mad anymore...Breathing feels easier.

Sure I still have that trauma but, it makes it easier to handle knowing that Cronus was just a jealous power-hungry asshole.

"I love you kid."

"I love you too."


Sza's POV

I bounced my knee rapidly as Helios- or should I say my dad sat across from me. 

"Well...What a great talk." I went to stand up but stopped in my tracks as he spoke.

"Stop Atlas."

I rolled my eyes and sat back down. "What is it then Helios?"

"I want to apologize for not being honest with you..." He sighed. "I knew how much you would rule over...The moon, you'll rule the Sun with that soulmate of yours, Atlantis because of your mother but, I had to keep it a secret that I'm your father."

I shook my head. "Because you fucked your sister?"

He chuckled slightly. "He's really messing with your emotions huh?"

I raised a brow. "He?"

He nodded towards my stomach. "My grandson."

I placed my hands on my stomach as my heart skipped a beat.


Just wait until I tell Y/n and Jorja.


I met his eyes.

"You would have died a long time ago if everyone knew you were my daughter...If everyone knew how much you would rule over; however, there is a strict rule placed on us parents that says that we are not allowed to help our children in any manner whether it is to save their life or help them prepare for something."

"But why?"

He nodded. "When a God and Goddess have a child together- Depending on how powerful that child will be, the parents are shown what is written in the prophecy about their child. I knew you would be extremely powerful and I wanted to protect you with my life...So I asked Poseidon to pass as your father and then pass your prophecy onto me so that I could protect you to the best of my abilities. Those tasks I've been sending you and Jorja on for all those years was me training you and her."

I blinked rapidly in shock because...It made sense.

I always wondered why Poseidon would bring me to this random man who put me through exhausting tasks.

He wanted to interfere with my prophecy to protect me but couldn't do that and openly be my father.

"So...You aren't embarrassed by me or anything?"

He frowned. "Is that why you were so upset and didn't let me explain?"

I nodded looking down.

I heard him stand from his chair and come towards me. 

I looked up as he kneeled down in front of me and pierced into my eyes.

"I was proud of you from the moment you were born. You didn't cry you just opened your eyes and smiled," he smiled softly. "I knew you would be strong after that," he shook his head. "And I am still extremely proud of you now."

I bit my lip trying to stop myself from crying. 

Damn emotions.

"W-Why did you have sex with your sister?" I cleared my throat.

He laughed. "I didn't have sex with my sister. We used magic to merge my powers with hers and form a baby inside of her. Ate took blood from me and mixed it with your mother's blood. After a little magic and a horrible drink, your mother was pregnant. That's where your magic comes from."

I let out a sigh of relief. "That's much better than incest but, that doesn't explain why you couldn't pick someone other than your sister."

He nodded. "Right well. Sadly our bloodline started off because siblings were attracted to each other. The first of our bloodline started with a man named Kane and his sister Mary. Kane had a soulmate but, he fell in love with Mary before he met her. Kane married his soulmate but Mary never found hers and she wanted to stay with Kane and although Kane had a soulmate he was still in love with Mary. He got Mary pregnant and Kane's soulmate, who was a powerful witch, found out so she cursed our bloodline. We have to...Keep it in the family or else our bloodline will cease to exist thanks to them. Thankfully after about five generations, they found a way to use magic so that sibling wouldn't have to sleep with sibling."

"Wow- Wait wait wait...I'm pregnant though," my heart fell. "Y/n isn't my..."

He quickly shook his head causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

The shit she and I have done...I would hope not.

He chuckled. "Right um, since Y/n's father was the Egyptian God of the Sun and I am the Greek God of the Sun we both have the exact same powers within us which break the curse...This is why you are going to be the ruler of the Sun along with Y/n because you are breaking a five thousand-year-long curse and Y/n will recreate her people that were wiped out."

I nodded. "Thank God...So no relation between us."

"None at all."

"Well," I bit my lip. "I am sorry for being so harsh-"

"Don't apologize, you had every right to be mad. I'm sorry for not telling you and having you find out from...Ina."

I nodded.

He placed his hand onto my stomach. "You and him? You two are the beginning of something amazing. The great thing about this is you, him, and Y/n will get to decide his fate once he is ready."

"What do you mean by that?"

"What he will rule...He has a bunch to pick from after all...The Sun, Atlantis, The moon, an ancient civilization of powerful birds...I won't expose all Y/n will rule because something tells me that you'll tell her."

I smiled sheepishly knowing he was right.

"Granted he will have to share with his other sibling but, they have plenty to pick from too."

I smiled rubbing my stomach before looking at Helios. "Thank you for everything...You have made me a better and stronger person."

He smiled and stood up pulling me up with him as he pulled me into a tight hug.

I sighed wrapping my arms around him.

"And thank you for being my daughter."


Y/n's POV

I flopped onto the bed between Jorja and Sza as we all let out a collective sigh. "How dope is that? We all bonded with our dads today."

Jorja chuckled slightly. "Yeah."

"Hm. It's a boy." Sza whispered.

My head snapped towards Sza and I raised a brow. "Ummmm yeah, I know all of our dads are boys...That's what makes them- Ow." I flinched and rubbed my forehead after Sza flicked it.

"No Y/n," she nodded down. "It's a boy."

 I glanced down and frowned slightly.

It's a boy?

Her pussy is a boy? I mean who am I to- OHHHHHH!!

"OHHHH!" I gasped and looked at her stomach. "Like...We're having a son?"

I can see it now that she said something.

Jorja gasped slightly and leaned over my shoulder placing her hand onto Sza's stomach. "How'd you find out Las?"

Sza smiled softly. "My dad sensed it."

I smiled softly and placed my hand onto her stomach. My eyes widened as I felt a kick.

"Oh shit."

Sza chuckled along with Jorja.

I looked over at Jorja and nodded at her stomach. "Has she kicked yet?"

Jorja raised a brow. "She?"

I frowned slightly. "You can't see that?" I looked down at Sza's stomach seeing masculine energy before looking at Jorja's stomach seeing feminine energy smiling. "She."

Jorja blinked rapidly and gulped as she looked down at her stomach. "Um no...S-She hasn't kicked yet," she chuckled slightly as my heart skipped a beat. "She."

"Soon." Sza said.

Jorja nodded laying on her back with a smile on her lips. "Soon."

I smiled feeling giddy. "A lot of information today," I said laying on my back. "My brain needs a break but I'm not tired."

"Same. Just need to unwind." Jorja mumbled.

I glanced at Jorja and then Sza before smirking.

I bit my lip. "You know what I think we all need right now? To unwind?"

Sza looked over at me. "Some good...Rough...Long...Dirty sex?"

Jorja sighed. "I vote on that."

Sza nodded. "Same. I suggested it."

I scoffed. "No need to even ask me."

Let's unwind.


Soo after taking my break I forgot about A LOOOTTTT of shit that happened in the earlier stages of this story so I need help to start wrapping shit up and making sure there are no loose ends.

Is there anything you guys feel hasn't been explained, still needs to happen because it was mentioned earlier in the story, people that seemed important but haven't been around for a while, or just shit, in general, that needs a conclusion before the ending of this story?

Let me know.

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