The Love Note

By InEveryUniverse_FFN

8.8K 45 25

Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... More

Opportunity From GJ
First Performances + Squad Intro
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Lunchtime Altercation
Speak of the Devil...
Karaoke Contest Pt. 1
Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
The Masks Get Interesting
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Is Lincoln Here yet?
Someone is Exposed
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

Family Finds Out

600 4 0
By InEveryUniverse_FFN

Author's Note: I know there aren't any characters in this chapter besides the Louds, but I really want to know how you're feeling about the other characters in this story. Whether you know the Squad or not, are you guys liking the characters? I love how you guys are liking the Jordacoln moments and even giving song suggestions (that I am trying to/will use)...but I can't improve the way I write the Squad without comments on it.


Love Note 6

"That was so mean!" Lana said, as the Louds were driving home.

"Oh man, if only I could get a piece of him!" Lola said, clearly mad about what happened.

"Trust me, I tried. But his friends there wouldn't let me." Lynn responded.

"Wait, they didn't let you?" Lisa asked.

"Really?" Lana asked.

"Yeah. When Lincoln got attacked by Chandler's goons, I was angry. I wanted to go hurt them myself, but then Light stops me." Lynn said.

"Out of the whole Squad, I'm kinda surprised it was Light." Lincoln said.

"Yeah, I would've thought Drake or Zach did it." Jordan agreed.

"I knew she had something to do with this," Lisa said, clearly referencing Jordan.

"Don't be like that. The spirits have told me she defended him, and he defended her back." Lucy said.

"And he got attacked after he defended her?" Lola asked. Lucy nodded, knowing Lincoln would do that for someone. Jordan sat quietly, thinking about what Lola said. So pretty much what happened to Lincoln is all my fault...

"She must be really important to you if you risked injury to defend her, elder brother." Lisa stated.

Lincoln blushed at this, but knew he needed an excuse. Unfortunately he couldn't defend himself because someone else spoke.

"Say, why would you do such a thing for each other?" Lana asked, truly curious.

Luckily for Lincoln, he didn't have to answer. This is because their home was in view, meaning everyone had to go inside. When Vanzilla stopped, everyone got out the way the usually would.

As Lincoln started to walk with Jordan helping him off Vanzilla, he was grabbed by the shoulders. He looked around, and saw Lori and Leni.

Knowing that it was ok, Jordan walked forward towards the Loud House along with the sisters. She was walking confidently until she had similar thoughts from before. Oh no...I'm gonna have to explain what happened to Lincoln's parents, aka my future in-laws. They're gonna know that what happened is my fault, and hate me for it. Clearly, Jordan assumed the worst.

"Lincoln, we have to talk to you." Lori said. Jordan looked over at Lincoln, who signaled her to go ahead without him. He looked back to Lori and Leni.

"What's up?" Lincoln asked casually.

"We know about your relationship with Girl Jordan." Lori said. Lincoln started to get nervous, and tried to come up with an excuse. Like in Vanzilla, he was interrupted, this time by Lori.

"Don't even try to come up with an excuse!" Lori said sternly. Lincoln sighed, before losing his nervousness.

"How do you guys know?" Lincoln asked.

"I had a feeling you guys were dating because of the video. First off, you called her Jordan when everyone else calls her Girl Jordan. Second, you guys defended each other like a couple would. Third, I saw you guys holding hands on the way here." Lori explained. Lincoln blushed at this, as it was the truth.

"And Leni said you guys were." Lori added.

"What? How do you know?" Lincoln asked Leni.

"I'm friends with her sister, Jen." Leni replied.

"What does she have to do with this?"

"She saw you guys yesterday." Leni explained. After hearing this, Lincoln didn't bother to hide it.

"Yeah, you guys caught me." Lincoln sighed.

"If you're worried about it, Lori and I agreed to not tell the others until you were ready." Leni said, quietly.

"Really?" Lincoln asked, looking at Lori for confirmation.

"Yeah, twerp. We did. I didn't want to tell without you being ready, especially not after what happened with Ronnie Anne." Lori replied, even sounding apologetic saying that last part. Lincoln then hugs Lori, and then Leni.

"Thank you both!" Lincoln said, giving a huge smile that was fortunately returned by both sisters.

"Just treat her right, ok?" Lori asked.

"Don't worry, Lori." Lincoln replied. "It's all she deserves."

The three went inside, to only see Rita and Lynn Sr. Their sisters were nowhere to be seen downstairs, indicating they were all upstairs in their rooms.

"Lincoln, are you ok?" Rita asked, obviously concerned.

"Your friend Jordan told us what happened," Lynn Sr. added.

"I'm alright, Mom. It's only bruised, they just gave me the crutches so I don't hurt my shin for real." Lincoln replied.

"Speaking of crutches, Leni and I can help you up the stairs if you need it" Lori said.

"She's so right!" Added Leni.

"That's awfully nice of you two," Rita commented, giving Lori and Leni a smile.

"You can help him after, we need to talk to Lincoln real quick. You two can go upstairs." Lynn Sr. said. Lori and Leni nodded, before Lynn continued, "Try to make sure none of your sisters come downstairs."

"Okay, Dad." Lori replied.

Lori and Leni proceeded to go upstairs, leaving Lincoln alone with his parents. They made their way to the parent's bedroom, with Lincoln following behind on his crutches. That room was the only way they'd get any privacy in the whole Loud house.

Inside the room, Lynn Sr. even covered the crack underneath the door with a towel to make sure.

"Am I in trouble?" Lincoln asked, legitimately confused but assuming the worst.

Rita and Lynn looked at Lincoln with sincere faces. "Of course not, Lincoln." Rita replied.

"We just want to know more about what happened." Lynn simply said.

"Why? Didn't Jordan tell you about it already?" Lincoln asked, confused.

"Yeah, but she..." Rita started.

When Lincoln was talking with Lori + Leni:

Jordan clearly wasn't okay as she was following the Loud sisters inside. Luckily for her, some of the sisters weren't in the best conditions either. Lana was curious as frustrated about what Lincoln was going to say in Vanzilla, Lola was mad at what Chandler did, Lisa was trying to think of what to do to help Lincoln recover faster, and Lucy was more unhappy and depressed looking than usual.

The older sisters were just drastic compared to the younger sisters, since most of the ways they were affected still were pretty normal. So unlike those younger sisters, the older ones were just not themselves at all. Luna wasn't cranked up to 11, Luan wasn't cracking jokes, and Lynn wasn't being competitive.

Obviously, their parents noticed all of the sister's sudden change in behavior. Somehow, they didn't initially notice Jordan's presence.

"How was school, everyone?" Lynn Sr. asked, obviously trying to figure out what was wrong.

"School was fine for me, but not for little bro..." Luna replied unenthusiastically.

"What do you mean, Luna?" Rita asked, now more concerned.

"Something happened to Lincoln at lunch..." Lynn responded. As the parent's heard this, their worries started to increase.

"He's hurt, and that's no joke." Luan added, pointing to where Lincoln was outside, on his crutches. Rita and Lynn also noticed Lori and Leni talking to him, but the real worry was from the crutches.

"Oh my gosh," Rita commented, obviously talking about Lincoln's crutches.

"Our only brother was lucky to only have a minor injury," Lisa explained, slightly lowering the parents' concerns.

"Does anyone want to explain what happened to Lincoln?" Lynn Sr. asked.

"I do," someone said. At first, the Loud parents didn't notice who said that. Then the sisters moved or looked towards the voice, which turned out to be Jordan. I'm glad nobody said anything. If anyone is gonna explain what happened, it has to be me. Jordan thought. Lynn Sr. and Rita were a little confused, since they weren't familiar with her. The girl obviously noticed this and explained herself.

"I'm Girl Jordan, Lincoln's friend." the brunette said. Hearing this, the younger Loud sisters gave small snickers while the older sisters either shook their heads or rolled their eyes.

To be fair, only Lynn knew about Lincoln and Jordan's relationship at that point. While Lori and Leni were being told that outside, none of the other sisters truly knew.

"Okay, all of you go to your rooms." Lynn Sr. started, referring to his daughters. "We'll speak to Girl Jordan privately," Lynn finished. With that, the Loud sisters in the room (Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa) went up to their respective rooms. This left Jordan alone with the Loud parents, and they did the same thing they ended up doing with Lincoln: Go to the Loud parents' room, towel under the door.

"So Girl Jordan, what happened?" Rita asked, out of pure concern.

"Please, just call me Jordan." The girl in question replied. Before any of the Loud parents could respond, Jordan continued.

"Lincoln was getting bullied at lunch by this kid named Chandler, and I stepped in to defend Lincoln. Chandler pushed me out of the way, and Lincoln defended me back. That's when Chandler's friends attacked Lincoln and hurt his shin." Jordan explained.

"That's Lincoln for you, defending people he cares about. I'm not sure how he feels about you to do all that." Lynn said. Even though she felt happy that Lincoln cared about her to do that, she still started to feel bad. He shouldn't have taken that for me, I haven't done anything to him to deserve it. Jordan thought.

"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Loud for what happened today," Jordan started. As she continued to speak, she got more emotional. "Everything that happened to Lincoln was all my f-fault," Jordan said. She knew that if she stayed there, she would've broken down right there. So she ran out the room, and luckily saw Lynn coming downstairs.

Jordan put on a fake smile and said what she wanted to say.

"Hey Lynn, which room is Lincoln's?"

"Oh, just go up the stairs and turn right. That last room is Lincoln's," the sporty Loud replied. With that, Jordan let her fake smile go away, and immediately went to Lincoln's room.

This was all the Loud parents knew, besides what Jordan did after she left their room.

Back to the present:

"That's all she told us before she left," Rita said.

"She didn't even tell you everything," Lincoln explained calmly.

"So what else happened?" Rita asked with clear concern.

"Our new friends came and defended us by taking out the bullies," Lincoln started. Before his parents could comment, he continued to explain. "Those friends aren't in trouble since they were only defending us. And after Jordan took me to the nurse's office."

"Well, I'm glad you have friends that are willing to defend you. And Jordan clearly cares about you a lot to say that. Are you both close?" Lynn Sr asked.

"Yeah, we're close."

"Keep her around, Lincoln. She's a great friend. You're clearly important to her, since she blamed herself due to what happened." Rita stated.

Lincoln was still shocked at this revelation, since she really felt that way. His face softened, knowing that he had to do something.

"I have to find her; I can't let her blame herself for anything." Lincoln stated, fully committed to finding his girlfriend. As Lincoln left, the two Loud parents looked at one another.

"That's our son," Lynn said. Rita nodded in return at this, knowing her husband was right.

As Lincoln came out of his parent's bedroom, Lynn came out of the kitchen. Our favorite athletic Loud sister had a protein shake in hand.

"Lynn, have you seen Jordan?" Lincoln asked.

"Yeah, she asked me where your room is. I'm pretty sure she's still there." Lynn replied.

"Thanks sis," Lincoln said as he struggled to get upstairs on his crutches, leaving Lynn alone.

"No problem," the athlete said to nobody in particular.

As Lincoln got closer to his room, he heard a sound. It sounded like crying, but not like a cry that Lily would give. And the sound wasn't of one that was like Lori's either. Reaching the door to his room, the location of the crying became obvious. It was clearly from inside Lincoln's room.

Knowing what Lynn told him downstairs, Lincoln knew that it was Jordan in there. He wasted little time getting in his own room. The simple sound of the door opening triggered Jordan to look to where Lincoln was.

Immediately, Lincoln noticed Jordan's face: Her eyes were struck with pure sadness and guilt, tears still on her face.

"Jordan?" Lincoln asked, out of pure surprise. He even felt a little emotional saying that, seeing his girlfriend like this.

"I-I-" the teary-eyed brunette said, before getting interrupted by Lincoln tackling her in a hug. Knowing she could be vulnerable with Lincoln, Jordan let all her emotions come out. She started to cry again, while being held by Lincoln.

This continued on for several minutes, and certain people decided that it was time to listen in. Obviously it's the Loud sisters, just go with it! Lincoln stayed mostly silent as Jordan cried, only saying "it's okay, let it out."

After a lot of crying, Jordan eventually calmed down. Lincoln let go of his no-longer crying girlfriend and sighed before speaking.

"It's not your fault, Jordan." Lincoln said simply.

Jordan paused, clearly shocked at her boyfriend just simply forgiving her. Does he not feel mad or anything about what happened? Like nothing at all? Jordan thought.

"B-But I-I caused it to happen," Jordan said, still feeling sad.

"You couldn't control any of that," Lincoln started. "Besides, it would be Chandler's fault for starting everything."

"Yeah, but he pushed me. Then he and his goons hurt you after you defended me!" Jordan countered.

"That's exactly why it isn't your fault! You were just defending me. If anything, I should thank you for being there when I needed it. It just shows how great of a friend you are to me." Lincoln said, winking at the last part. Jordan was slightly confused at this, until Lincoln pointed at the crack under his door. There were clearly feet there, meaning they were being overheard by the Loud sisters.

Knowing they still agreed to hide their relationship for now, Jordan went with it.

"Well, you're always such a great friend to me and everyone else. You even care about your sisters, and I just didn't get why Chandler would mess with you like that." Jordan said, actually being legitimate with everything she said. These were actual feelings about Lincoln that he didn't know she had.

Lincoln knew his girlfriend was telling the truth because she said it in the same tone she used the day before, when they both confessed their feelings for each other. Then, both kids heard footsteps move away from the door 'quietly'. We all know they weren't quiet. Our favorite couple smiled, knowing they didn't have to put up their act for now.

"Finally, a moment truly alone with you." Jordan said, sighing after. Lincoln attempted to finally sit down on his bed, while on his crutches. Jordan noticed this and gave him any help he would need, receiving a smile from Lincoln.

The two now sat together, hand in hand. Both were close, like they originally planned. Lincoln looked at Jordan, and smiled as she looked back.

"I'm glad you're not crying anymore," Lincoln started. Jordan gave him a look, one that wanted him to explain. Luckily, the boy was more than ready to elaborate.

"Because you look more beautiful when you smile," Lincoln finished, blushing hard.

Jordan blushed back as she smiled even more. She turned to face him, and he did the same. The brunette kissed her boyfriend before speaking.

"I love you, Lincoln." Jordan simply said.

"I love you too, Jordan."

The two kissed again before sitting silently, just simply enjoying each other's company. Lincoln thought about his shin, mentally noting to ask Lisa about inventing something later.

What the couple didn't know is that they truly weren't alone. Above them was Lucy, hanging out in the vents. She was honestly ready to tell her fellow sisters, but then remembered something. She remembered the time she clogged the toilet with a Princess Pony book, and Lincoln ended up taking the blame for her. He knew that Lucy wouldn't be able to survive being made fun of by all their siblings, so he took the blame for her (Episode: Sleuth or Consequences).

Knowing what happened then, she decided that she wouldn't say anything about what she saw. Lucy knew that her brother would want the same, as he would appreciate it. Plus, it was a great way to pay him back for that time. Don't worry Lincoln, your secret is safe with me. Lucy thought.

That promise would soon be tested, unknown to Lucy.

That's Chapter 6! Since there are no references for this chapter, I'll help you guys comment on the Squad with some questions I've gathered.

1. Do you guys think Charlight (Charli + Light) will eventually be in this story?

2. Who's your favorite squad member?

3. Is there any current Squad members that I should add? (Choices would be Luca, Levi, or Sora)

Oh, here's one that's REALLY out there ;)

4. If I told you that one of the Squad members is secretly competing in The Masked Singer Jr. like Lincoln, who do you guys think would it be?

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