What it truly means to be an...

By Vladimikk

649K 11.5K 8K

He was Neglected, Bullied, Forgotten and now he is truly broken, what will our Izuku do when all hope is lost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 45

5.1K 120 27
By Vladimikk

Why you don't dance with the Devil

~Warning of blood, gore and death~

"Let's dance" was the last words heard by the people that were in the same room as Charon and Izuku, and in an instant all of their body lifelessly fell to the ground. Charon saw it all which he wished he didn't, since it only proved that R.E.D's reputation wasn't baseless, which only made him regret even more for inviting the devil to a dance.

In a blink of an eye Izuku had first jumped towards Grayroad before delivering an open hand strike to his throat. Causing Grayroad to hold around his throat in pain as he fell to his knees. While falling to his knees, he felt a pair of hands grab a hold of the backside of his head before yanking it downwards.

Before he knew it his face was met by Izuku's incoming knee, which broke his nose while producing a devastating crunching noise that was heard by all. The impact from the knee caused his head to strongly jolt backwards, which also gave his neck a whiplash before he dropped to the ground with a thud noise.

Before anyone in the room realized what happened, Izuku had already turned towards his next target which was the gravity manipulator. Izuku was instantly in front of him, he then summoned another black rod from his palm, and then proceeded to stab it through the side of the guy's thigh.

The guy closed his eyes, he then winced in pain as he held around his thigh. Izuku took this opportunity to deliver a destructive punch to the right side of the guy's jaw, causing it to instantly break into multiple bone fragments, while also making him fall downwards to Izuku's left side.

Izuku then did a backflip beside the now falling villain, and on the way backwards he used his own and the villains momentum, to deliver a devastating kick with his foot to the underside of the villains chin. Causing the guy to fall backwards onto the ground before falling unconscious.

After landing from his backflip, Izuku turned around towards the guy who could disrupt spatial quirks. Izuku pulled back his left hand as ran towards the guy, with his refined chakra control and momentum he swung his left arm with full force at the guy's chest.

The force from the swing easily pierced through the chest, this caused the guy to cough up some blood making some of it hit Izuku in the face, but he didn't really care since he was so used to it.

As his hand was in the guy's chest he grabbed a hold of two rib bones before brutally yanking his hand backward, this caused the bones to easily snap off the rib cage when he pulled his hand backwards, which also caused a fist size whole to appear in the guy's chest.

After pulling out the two rib bones with his left arm he saw that the guy was falling downwards, so before he could hit the ground Izuku spun around 270 degrees to his left and stabbed the guy in the neck with his own rib bones.

His precise attack had punctured the arteries in his targets neck, which had caused blood to spray all over Izuku's left side while he was looking towards his two new targets in front of him, and before the body could hit the floor he was already in front of the two petrified bodyguards that were assigned to Charon.

With a rib bone in each of his hands he had jumped towards the middle of the two bodyguards, and as he was passing between them he stabbed the guy to the right in his right eye and the guy to the left in his left eye.

Using his momentum he forced both of these hulking bodyguards to fall backwards in excruciating pain. All three of them fell to the ground, and in a swift motion Izuku pulled both of the ribs out of their eyes, and quickly stabbed both of them in the underside of the jaw right in front of their Adam's apple.

Both of them squirmed as they were in pain, and before they knew it Izuku had yanked back the ribs before stabbing both of them into the heart, causing more blood to be sprayed all over Izuku.

While in a crouching position he used his leg strength to do a backflip, while mid air he released both of the ribs before landing behind the warp quirk user. He quickly wrapped his hand around the guy's head, and in one sudden move snapped his neck before catching both of the rib bones that were falling to the ground.

Without a second thought, he quickly threw both of them as a distraction towards the corrupt 18 year old female hero. She turned around to only see both of the bones miss her, but before she had time to turn back Izuku had already arrived in front of her.

As she turned around, Izuku had already spun around 360 degrees on one leg before delivering a solid kicking to her stomach. She grabbed around her stomach as she fell onto one knee.

Without stopping, Izuku intertwined both of his hands as he lifted them upwards. Before slamming them downwards onto her knee that was in front of him with an overwhelming amount of strength, which caused her entire knee to shatter into small pieces making her yell in pain before falling to the side.

Izuku summoned a black rod from his palm as she was looking pleadingly into his eyes. He stopped for a second which gave her hope, but it quickly disappeared as she heard him say in a cold tone "If you are willing to murder someone, then you need to accept the consequences. You F*cking Hypocrite." the last part he said with a voice filled with venom as he pierced her heart with the rod.

It took him around a minute, and everyone that was in the same room as him and Charon, were now lying dead in a pool of their own blood. Covered in blood Izuku walked towards the impaled Charon, who was now pale and aghast at Izuku's brutality.

He stared into Charon's trembling eyes before telling him in an unamused tone "That was boring, it wasn't even enough of a challenge to force me use my abilities. I really hope you have more capable people out there that can give me a real dance."

Izuku turned around and walked towards the main room. Seeing all of this triggered Charon to see a flashback, it was from when one of his associates from Russia warned him about Izuku.


Over two years ago Charon went to Russia to meet Anatoly, this was due to him being unable to get in contact with Konstantin Kovar or his men for the past few months. Unbeknown to him Konstantin and his men were already dead and Anatoly was the new leader.

Charon arrived at the Bratva headquarters and was led to Anatoly's office, when he entered and saw Anatoly sitting at the main seat he became confused. Before he could ask a question Anatoly told him straight out that Bratva had a revolution, which he Charon knew about but he didn't know that they'd been overthrown.

Charon then asked where Konstantin was which caused Anatoly to flinch, since it triggered an image of his gruesomely tortured body to appear to his mind. He told him that Konstantin and his faction had been dead for a few months now, which shocked Charon, making him lean backwards in the chair in annoyance since he lost a good business partner.

Like a lightbulb lighting up, an idea appeared in Charon's head. He then looked towards Anatoly before gaining a smirk and with a cheerful tone said "Since you're the new leader, then we can come to a new arrangement between the two of us, right?"

He knew that Bratva loved being involved with everything that had to do with money, so he straight out asked if he would want to join the human trafficking ring again. Which caused Anatoly to become a bit pale which Charon noticed.

He only got a one worded answer back "NO". This confused him since he knew that the Bratva wouldn't turn away a deal on easily earned money. He tried to dig further into Anatoly's reason, only to receive a story which seemed too far-fetched to be true.

He was told the whole story of how an unknown individual got in contact with Anatoly, and made an absurd one sided deal just for information. How that individual almost single-handedly helped Anatoly rise to leadership, and how that individual had been promised that no more innocent people would be directly involved in Bratva's deals.

Anatoly didn't mention Izuku's face, name, background or that he'd become a Bratva captain, but he told everything that Izuku had done for them and what he promised to do if they broke their promise to Izuku.

Charon was then warned by Anatoly "Charon. That last day of our campaign was dubbed DRD, do you know why?" he only received a head shake telling him no, which made Anatoly pinch the bridge of his nose before stating

"DRD stands for 'Devil's Red Dance' meaning that if you're fighting with the devil, you might as well kill yourself because the floor will be stained with your blood anyways." Charon didn't understand what it truly meant, and it would only make sense for him later, but then it would already be too late.

Before he left Russia Anatoly gave him another advice "You should really quit involving the innocent for your own good, if you continue then you might end up on his radar which trust me isn't a good thing." Charon just scoffed at the warning as he thought that Bratva had really stooped that low, that the entire organization was afraid of a singular person.

As he was on his way to the door Anatoly gave his last advice " If you end up meeting him then 'May god have mercy upon you and let you die first. Since however tiny speck of hope you may have will quickly turn to utter despair, as you end up begging for mercy while watching everyone around you die a gruesome death, with yours not being any better'. So I recommend you to think about my advice with the innocent." and with that Charon left for home.

~Flashback end~

His flashback ended with him hearing horrifying creams outside the reinforced room that he was impaled in. He heard people crying, dying, begging, he even saw a few bodies fly by his entrance, and sometimes their bodies were so mangled that they were unrecognizable. Which only made Charon whimper as he was slowly losing his will to live like he was warned about.

After a few minutes the sounds that he heard became quiet, he then looked upwards with his tired eyes only for them to meet a blood-drenched Izuku. The only thing that wasn't covered in blood was Izuku's eyes, which weren't easy to avoid as it felt like they were staring into his soul.

Izuku slowly walked towards Charon with a menacing glare. When Izuku was right in front of him, he slowly patted Charon on his cheek with his palm before giving him a horrifying smile, and with an amused tone Izuku told him "You've waited long enough now. Shall we begin?" 

Posted 17. March 2021 

1916 words

~Author note~

This was my first in-depth writing of a fight scene, which was heavily focused on physical fighting capabilities, so I hope you guys liked it.

The reason he didn't use any other Rinnegan abilities, is since he doesn't know how to. Unlike Sasuke he didn't learn everything the moment he got his Rinnegan.

There will come a time skip that people have been asking for in the next chapter, I won't spoil more of the chapter then that. So I hope you guys keep enjoying my book, and remember to leave a comment and a vote when you can.

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