The Sun, Moon & Stars

By magicalpadfoot

235K 8.8K 6.2K

Wolfstar daughter fic. Follows years 1-7. Canon-compliant. OC has a love interest eventually. Content Warnin... More

1. Till' Death Do Us Part
2. Ophelia Lily Lupin-Black
3. The Department of Magical Creatures & House-Elf Relocation
4. Letters
5. July 1991
6. Dumbledore's Return
7. August 27th, 1991
8. Farewell
9. Lingering Feeling
10. The Sorting Ceremony
11. Severus Snape
12. New Means of Communication
13. The Midnight Duel
14. Propositions
15. Minnie
16. Halloween, 1991
17. The Quidditch Match
18. Christmas, 1991
19. The Mirror of Erised
20. Unicorns, Dragons & Hooded Creatures
21. The Three Challenges
22. Aftermath
23. Summer, 1992
24. Second Year, Part 1
25. Second Year, Part 2
26. Free-Elf
27. Summer, 1993
28. Dumbledore Returns (again)
29. The Dementor Attack
30. Welcome Feast
31. Hippogriff
32. Nightmares
33. Boggarts
34. Solace
35. Halloween, 1993
36. Dog and Wolf
37. Werewolves vs Animagi
38. Confiding In Friends
39. A *Grim* Defeat
40. Prying
41. Tea, Chocolate and Heartfelt Discussions
42. Hogsmeade
43. Tension
44. The Viscount of Privet Drive
45. Ginger's Return
46. Little Corner Of The World
47. Christmas, 1993
48. An Elf-Sized Farewell
49. Twelve Years Since
50. Wormtail, Snivellus & Conflict
51. Valentine's Day, 1994
a lil fun update <3
52. Double Victory
53. Moonage Daydream - David Bowie
54. March 10th, 1994
55. I love you, kid
56. Gruesome Execution
57. The Shrieking Shack
59. Freedom
60. Fresh Start
61. Resignation
62. Homebound
63. Summer Days
64. The Invitation
65. The Portkey
66. The 422nd Quidditch World Cup Final
67. The Dark Mark
68. The Return To The Burrow
69. Make A Wish
70. The Return To Hogwarts
71. Enter: Alastor Moody
72. The Platinum Blonde Ferret
73. S.P.E.W
74. There's Much To Think About
75. Durmstrang & Beauxbatons
76. Waves Crashing Over
77. Complications & Pep Talks
78. Let's Dance
79. Rita Skeeter
80. Breaking Point
81. The First Task
82. Apologies That Mend Hearts
83. Rejections
84. Jealousy, Jealousy
85. Proposal Anxiety

58. The Dementor's Kiss

2.8K 84 100
By magicalpadfoot

June 6th, 1994
8:24 pm

Snape strode in, wand raised defensivley as he edged farther into the room -- eyes darting between each person, before finally landing on Sirius.

'Oh how I hoped to be the one to catch you.' Snape murmured, grinning in a disgustingly satisfied way, eyes directed at Sirius; whom was avoiding the gaze of, perhaps, the person he hated the most -- below Peter.

'Severus, you're making a mistake.' Remus urged, edging closer to him, 'You haven't heard everything -- I can explain -- Sirius is not here to kill Harry--'

'Two more for Azkaban tonight.' Snape went on, sneering, 'I shall be quite interested to see how Dumbledore takes this, he was under the impression you were know, Lupin, a tame werewolf.'

Ophelia gritted her teeth, fists clenched, resisting the overwhelming urge to attack him.

'Take that back.' Sirius snarled, advancing on Snape.

'Sirius-' Remus warned, casting him a sharp glance.

'Oh quiet yourself, Remus.' Sirius snapped.

'Look at you two. Quarrelling like an old, married couple.' Snape sneered, 'Luckily you'll be in Azkaban together. Till death do us part - right?' He hissed.

'You utter fool.' Remus accused, 'Is a schoolboy grudge really worth putting an innocent man back in Azkaban?'

Without another word, Snape waved his wand at Remus and snake-like cords flew out of the tip; tying themselves around Remus' limbs, so he fell to the surface of the creaky floorboards, unable to move. Sirius made a run at Snape, outraged, while Ophelia collapsed beside Remus; trying to undo them desperatley as Remus tried to wriggle free.

'Go play with your chemistry set.' Sirius sneered.

'Let him go!' Ophelia pleaded, eyes flickering up to Snape, 'Let him go...he hasn't done anything.'

In an act of desparity, she whirled around to face Hermione; eyes begging -- pleading -- for her to help, even if she was mad at her still. This was about Remus -- not her. And without a word, Hermione performed the spell which had slipped Ophelia's mind, and Remus wriggled free, standing back on his feet and inserting himself into the duel between Snape and Sirius -- forcing the two men to stop their efforts, and panting as he caught his breath.

'Professor Snape...' Hermione spoke first, 'It -- it -- wouldn't hurt to hear what they've got to say...would it?' She was unsure, hesitant, but it was an effort -- one that didn't go unnoticed by her, or her parents.

'Miss. Granger, you are already facing suspension. You, Weasley, Potter and Lupin's offspring are out of bounds, and in the company of both a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your life, hold your tongue.' Snape spat.

'But if there was a misunderstanding, wouldn't you see it best to try and understand-'


'You won't speak to her that way.' Remus said softly, yet firmly, eyes flickering up to meet Severus'.

'Luckily, Lupin, you aren't in the place to tell me what to do -- seeing as you both are doomed to rot in Azkaban now that I've caught you.'

'The joke is on you, Severus.' Sirius snarled, 'As long as Ron brings his rat up to the castle...I'll come quietly.'

'Up to the castle? Why would I do that?' Snape questioned, rhetorically, 'All I have to do is summon the dementors when we get outside. They'll be ever so delighted to find you, Black.'

All the colour left Sirius' face; and Ophelia's too.

'You wouldnt!' Ophelia cried, desperatley, hands shaking. 'You can't.' She whispered, softly, head in her hands.

'But I can, actually.'

'You've got to hear us out.' Remus croaked, a murmur.

'You don't understand -- let us help you understand --' Sirius went on.

'I know enough.' Snape snapped, turning to the children now. 'Come on you four.' He instructed them, snapping his fingers and making way for the door.

To Ophelia's surprise -- Harry blocked the door without a moment of hesitation, denying Snape exit from the rotting room of the Shrieking Shack. Evidently, it surprised Remus and Sirius too, whose eyes widened.

'Get out of the way, Potter.' Snape sneered, gritting his teeth.



'Professor Lupin could have killed me about a hundred times this year.' Harry began to ramble, cutting him off, 'I've been alone with him countless times, and in his classes even more than that. If he truly was helping Black, and had the intention of offing me, why wouldn't he have done it sooner?'

'Don't ask me to fathom how a deranged werewolves mind works-' Snape hissed, but was cut off once more.

'You're pathetic, you know that? Trying to lock up two innocent people to provide yourself some filthy sort of satisfaction?'

'I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT!' Snape shouted, fuming.

Ophelia, without really thinking, raised her wand at once and shouted, 'Expellarmus!'

Snape flew back at once -- hitting the wall with a thud, and sliding down very ungracefully; knocked out, as his wand clattered to the floor - the noise of it falling ringing throughout the room.

'You---you disarmed a teacher!'

'Yeah, well he deserved it.' Ophelia shot back, eyes narrowed at Hermione, and she swore she saw some amount of pride in Sirius' eyes as she turned.

'We are going to be in so much trouble.' Hermione whimpered, turning away.

'Thank you for defending us, Harry.' Remus cleared his throat -- gaze flickering over to where Ron sat still, whimpering, restraining a very eager to get away rat.

'I'm not saying I believe you.' Harry reminded him, to which Sirius began to speak.

'Proof is in order, then. Ron, give us the rat.'

'Come off it.' Ron replied, weakly, 'Even if Pettigrew is a rat animagus, how do you figure it's mine? There are thousands of rats.'

'That is a fair question, Sirius. How did you find out it was Scabbers?' Remus agreed with him -- which Ron was delightfully surprised at.

Sirius sighed as he pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, flattened it out, and thrust it into Remus' hands without as much of a word. It was the picture of the Weasley's vacation.

'How did you get this?' Remus asked, eyes flickering up, searching.

'Fudge. He visisted Azkaban last summer, before I escaped, gave me this copy of the Prophet. I saw the picture and I just knew.' Sirius murmured.

'His front paw.' Remus murmured, agreeing, in awe as he stared down at the photograph .

'What are you guys talking about?' Hermione spoke up.

'He's missing a toe.' Remus supplied, looking up, eyes trailing over the four confused teenagers.

'And what about it? He probably got into a fight with another rat-'

'All that was left to prove Peter's death was a finger.' Ophelia breathed, cutting Ron off, to which Sirius nodded.

'He killed all those people, framed me as a traitor, cut off his finger and transformed into a rat -- disappearing down the sewers on the streets with the others. He faked his death.' Sirius explained.

'Because he knew you were about to kill him just like you did my parents!'

'Harry, no-' Ophelia started, sighing.

'And now you've come to finish him off!'

'Yes, I have.' Sirius admitted, before Remus could jump in.

'I was wrong to defend you.' Harry muttered.

'Harry, don't you see?' Remus pleaded, 'All this time we thought Sirius betrayed your parents, and Peter tracked him down -- but it was the other way around. Peter betrayed them, not Siri-'


'I don't deny that.' Sirius murmured, looking down at the floor, 'I as good as killed them. I persuaded them to make Peter the secret-keeper instead...because he might be less likely to be suspected. I shouldn't have done it, I should have stayed secret-keeper but it was getting to be too much too handle. I was worried about them...but once Peter became secret-keeper, he informed Voldemort of their whereabouts. I promise...I promise you it wasn't me that killed them, or sold them off, even though I understand I'm partly to blame in the end. I'm sorry for that.' He croaked, quietly.

'That's enough of this.' Remus cleared his throat, tone shaky -- pained. 'There's only one way to make you believe us, so Ron -- give us the rat.'

Ophelia's gaze flickered over to Ron, who didn't look as guarded anymore.

'What are you going to do if I give him to you?' He questioned -- rightfully.

'Force him to show himself. If it really is a rat, it won't hurt him in the slightest.' Remus informed him, gently, which seemed to ease Ron's anxiety; as he extended his arms out, holding the rat in front of him.

'Ready, Remus?'

'Mhm. Together?' He questioned, to which Sirius nodded as he retrieved Snape's wand, and stood next to him.

'One...two...three!' The moment the word three came out of their mouths, they blasted their wands -- hitting Scabbers directly in the chest, and for a split second nothing happened.

But then something did. Limbs started sprouting, hair started growing, the rat morphing into a human -- Peter Pettigrew. They all stared, blinking, for a couple seconds before anyone spoke.

He was a short, stubby man -- his thin, yellow hair unkept with many bald patches, warts covering his face, in a dirty striped suit with small watery eyes, and his chest heaving up and down rapidly. A very different picture from the lanky, straw-haired boy she knew from the pictures at home — perhaps being a rodent for over a decade begins to make you look like one.

'Hello, Peter. Long time no see.' Remus spoke, pleasantly, softly -- as Ophelia gritted her teeth from farther away, resisting the urge to attack the man that really was responsible for Remus' pain, and Sirius' doom.

' old friends...' He fumbled, voice squeaky, eyes darting back and forth from his former friends, to the door -- his exit.

Sirius rose his arm in fury, wand gripped tightly, only for Remus to swat it away -- casting him a sharp, warning, glance as he turned back to Peter.

'We've been having a little chat here, Peter, about what happened the night James and Lily died. You might have missed some if it due to your squeaking over there, but we'd be happy to bring you up to date.'

' don't believe him, do you? He tried to k-kill me!'

'So I've heard.' Remus replied -- cooly.

'He's come back to kill me! You must believe me, Remus, my dear friend...'

'I'm hardly your friend, Peter. Not anymore.' Remus snapped, breaking out of his pleasant tone.

'You seriously believe this nonsense?' Peter cried, shaking.

Remus paused, 'I find it hard to believe that an innocent man would spend twelve years as a rat out of a simple precaution.'

'Innocent but terrified! If Voldemort and his followers knew I had landed one of his most dedicated supporters in Azkaban...they'd off me!'

'Don't give me that.' Sirius spat, 'You damn well know the last thing I'd ever do is join his side.' He advanced on the rat man, fuming, 'I should have realizied it was you all along. You always did seek big friends who'd look after you, protect you, didn't you? First it was Remus, James and I...and then it was Voldemort and his twisted lot.'

'You're out of your m-mind.' He stuttered, to which Ophelia and Remus scoffed at the same time; with Harry, Ron and Hermione observing, eyes peeled.

'Am I? Lily and James only made you secret keeper because I suggested it.' Sirius hissed, wand poking Peter in the chest; whom was pressed against the wall.

'I thought it was the perfect plan...a bluff...Voldemort would be sure to come after me -- a Black -- and James' best friend, but why would he ever go to you? A talentless, weak rat. It must have been the finest moment of your pathetic, sad, miserable life -- selling the Potter's off to Voldemort.' He teethed — nostrils flaring.

Peter stuttered, mumbling incohearent sentences, eyes continuing to flicker to the doorway.

'Erm -- Mr. Black -- Sirius?' Hermione spoke up, timidly.

Sirius, surprised to be addressed so politley -- so nicely, turned to her, eyes narrowed and eyebrows raisied in signal for her to go on.

'Well I was just, er, wondering how you managed to escape without magic?'

'There! See?' Peter exclaimed, triumphantly. 'Only a follower of Voldemort could pull something off like that!'

'She isn't defending you, she's inquiring.' Remus spat, 'Now shut it.'

'Dementors can't, erm, sense dogs. I could escape in my animagus form.' He explained, quietly.

'But why did it take you so long?' Ron asked, jumping in. 'Tweleve years seems a little unneccessary, yeah?'

Sirius gulped, all eyes on him, and then in a very quiet murmur, he spoke.

'I suppose a part of me felt like I deserved to be punished.' He murmured, voice quiet, 'A lot of this is largely still my fault. It wasn't until I saw the picture in the prophet that I was motivated to leave -- to come after Peter -- knowing he was going to be residing at Hogwarts. It was my chance to prove things. I would have stayed if I didn't have a reason to go.' He breathed, every so softly.

Ophelia's heart broke, a single tear falling down her cheek which she quickly wiped away. From Remus' pained expression, she could tell he was thinking similarly.

'You have to believe me.' Sirius murmured, croaked, looking up to face all of them -- but more directly, Harry. 'I never betrayed Lily and James. I wouldn't - they meant the world to me.'

She bit her lip, held her breath, waiting for some sort of reaction from Harry -- anything. At last, she got something -- a nod, a slight curt one; but a nod nevertheless.

Upon seeing it Peter shrank to the floor with a shout, begging, pleading. 'No, no, no, no...'

Remus and Sirius rolled up their sleeves, wands at the ready -- it didn't take an expert to know they were going to kill Peter, and if she wasn't so frightened at how much Remus would regret it -- she would have agreed. He wasn't a killer. Even though this man was the reason for some of the most prominent parts of his trauma, she knew Remus couldn't live with himself after this -- knowing he killed someone, regardless of whether or not they deserved it.

Peter stumbled forward, clutching at Hermione, who backed away -- horrified. 'Sweet girl...clever girl...tell them it isn't so, won't you?'

'Get away from her!' Ron spat from behind, causing Peter's gaze to flicker over to the red-haired boy.

'Ronald...please...I was a good rat...wasn't I?'

'I let you sleep in my bed!' Ron hissed, angrily. 'Get away!'

Peter turned to Ophelia next -- clutching at her feet, begging, pleading. 'Ophelia...please...I would never do have to believe me...'

'HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO HER!' Sirius shouted, tugging Peter back by his robes and throwing him against the wall, 'HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER...SPEAK TO HER -- AS IF YOU AREN'T THE ONE THAT TORE HER AWAY FROM ME!'

Ophelia horrified, and shaking uncontrollably, stumbled backwards into the wall -- sliding down against it, trying to remeber to breathe as she watched her parents advance on Peter in an act of outrage, and sheer protectivness over her.

'What do you expect me to have done? You have no idea of the Dark Lord's power...' Peter stuttered, 'He would have tortured me...tortured my family...what was there to be gained by refusing him?'


'You don't understand...he would have killed me!' Peter whimpered, coming out in a high-pitched squeak.


'And what would you have done?' Peter accused, shaking, 'If you were me...if you were being threatened to be tortured...or killed...?'

'I WOULD HAVE DIED RATHER THAN BETRAY MY FRIENDS!' Sirius roared, pushing Peter against the wall, before letting him drop to the ground.

Remus and Sirius egded forward, wands pointed at the stubby man.

'Goodbye, Peter.' Remus murmured.

'NO!' Ophelia shouted, suddenly, using all the strength in her to jump up and rush over to the three men before they could kill him, 'No, you can't.'

'Ophelia -- darling -- this is what he deserves. He betrayed them.' Sirius murmured, quietly.

'You c-can't kill him.' She stated -- simply, voice shaking.

'I second that.' Harry cleared his throat, advancing towards them -- and Remus' and Sirius' eyes widened in disbelief.

'Oh, thank you Harry! Thank you Ophelia!' Peter cried, reaching out for them, but they both pulled away.

'We aren't saving you. You'll be sent to Azkaban to rot for the rest of your life -- just like you attempted to do for Sirius.' Ophelia spat.

'Or better, the dementors can have you.' Harry chimed in.

'I want to kill him like he deserves.' Sirius shook his head, turning back to Peter with renewed vengence, raising his wand and opening his mouth -- before Ophelia disarmed him, catching the wand and pocketing it. Remus looked at her -- astonished, and somehow a tad angry, as they all waited for an explanation.

'You aren't killers. Neither of you.' Ophelia shook her head, eyes darting between them, 'you can't stoop to his level-'

'Sweets-' Remus started, but was cut off once more.

'NO!' She cut him off, 'No. I swear I can never forgive either of you if you do this. You aren't killers. You can't -- you won't -- I refuse to let you.'

Sirius opened his mouth to speak, but she went on.

'You have to be better them him. Killing him won't make James and Lily come back.' She pleaded, begged, 'And they would never in a million years want you to turn out like him.'

Something shifted in their posture -- in their eyes -- and she knew she had finally gotten through to them; providing the voice of reason Hermione was too frightened to add. In any case, she doubted the effect would have been as great had someone other than her said it -- she was the only one that could have stopped them.

'It's up to you and Harry.' Remus murmured, quietly.

'I agree with her.' Harry breathed, 'My Dad wouldn't have wanted you to become murderers -- anytime, but especially not for him.'

Sirius looked slightly annoyed, but still, they both lowered their wands in understanding -- Peter letting out a sigh of relief as they did so. Remus waved his wand slightly though and the snake-like cords flew out; tying Peter up, who tried to wriggle free.

'I swear Peter, if you transform I will not hesitate to kill you.' Sirius gritted.

'Is that okay, Harry?' Remus asked -- eyes flickering over. 'If he tries to escape, then can we kill him?'

Harry looked down at the stubby, rat-like man, before his gaze flickered back up with a slight nod, 'But only then.'

Remus glanced to Ophelia next --- seeking clarification, though it was hardly her decision; still, she nodded. If Peter dared to escape, she was fine with him being offed.

'Right then.' Remus nodded, satisfied, turning to Ron and murming a spell to bandage his leg up to make it easier to walk.

'Erm, Professor Lupin, what about Snape?'

'Er...perhaps it would be best to leave him here, until he wakes up.' He supplied, and Hermone hesitantly nodded; as Remus levitated Peter's tied up body into the air; gesturing to the doorway for the rest to follow.

'Let's go.'

June 6th, 1994
8:54 pm

The tunnel was long, and very dark, as the unusual group made their way down -- Peter levitating in the air, the charm being kept by Remus; Ron clung to Hermione, limping, as they continued to walk -- whereas Ophelia and Harry were on either side of Sirius, neither fancying the idea of letting him slip away again.

'You know what this means?' Sirius cleared his throat, a murmur, 'Turning Pettigrew in?'

'You're free.' Harry supplied, though it was obvious.

'Well yes, but erm, well -- I don't know if anyone told you this -- but I'm your godfather.'

'I knew.' Harry stated, simply, emerald eyes flickering up to meet Sirius'.

'Well...your parents appointed me your guardian...should anything have happened to them...' He trailed off, cleared his throat once more, and continued.

'I don't know where I'm going to live yet-' Sirius began.

'With us.' Ophelia cut him off, without a second of hesitation, as he turned to meet her gaze. 'You'll live with us.' She repeated, to which Sirius smiled.

Sirius turned back to Harry, 'I'll understand, of course, if you wish to stay with your aunt and uncle...but well, think about it...'

'Are you kidding?' Harry laughed, abruptly, and Sirius stared at him -- perlexed. 'Of course I want to live with you guys!'

' really mean that?'

'Of course I do!'

Sirius and Ophelia smiled -- real smiles -- as they kept down the path; none of them speaking the rest of the way.

When they exited the tunnel, the grounds were dark, near to pitch black, the only real light coming from the distant windows of the castle. Ron still clung to Hermione, whom was walking for the both of them, and Remus was still guarding Peter as they kept on -- making their way to the rolling hills just at the edge of the Forbbiden Forest, the castle coming closer and closer into view.

'One wrong move, Wormtail.' Remus muttered ahead, wand still pointed at the writhing rat man, teething.

Harry went on to grab onto Ron's other arm, helping shift some of his weight off Hermione, leaving Sirius and Ophelia to walk alone. At some point, they paused, stopping -- staring ahead of them at the castle, both too grateful and overwhelmed over today's events to speak for a bit.

'How do you feel?' She asked, suddenly, turning to him -- barely able to make out his features in the darkness.

He paused, a smile tugging at his lips, 'A lot like I've gotten my life back.'

She smiled, turning to look ahead at the castle once more.

'All I ever wanted was for you to know the truth about me.' He admitted, softly, 'That's part of what kept my sanity in that cell -- I wouldn't let myself fade away if I never got to explain.'

'Well, you got your wish.' She smiled, genuine.

'I never could have dreamed you'd forgive me -- it still feels surreal that I'm here. With you.' He murmured.

'Yeah well, you better get used to it. You're going to live with us.' She flashed him a smile, 'And I'm not so keen on letting you slip away this time.'

They shared a smile -- a genuine one -- but it was shortlived. As if on cue, a high-pitched shriek from Hermione cut them out of their trance; causing the both of them to rush to the scene. Peter, tied up on the ground; Ron and Hermione stumbling backwards, horrified, and Remus -- writhing in pain.

'Dad!' She cried, falling to his side, 'Dad what's wrong?'

Her gaze flickered up to the sky -- beneath the foggy clouds, the glowing orb-like moon came into view, pouring moonlight over the grounds, illuminating the darkness. It was the Full Moon -- how could she have forgotten?

'He hasn't taken his potion! He's not safe-' She cried.

'Run.' Sirius whispered, breathed, 'Run. Now.'

Remus stood, rigid, limbs shaking uncontrollably -- sobs just barley getting out of his throat, as Sirius surged forward and tried to restain the taller man -- holding him tightly, murmuring that it was him -- that he needed to stay in control.

'Go, go NOW!'

'But Peter-' Harry started, gesturing to the tied up man that laid on the grass.

'Leave him to me! GO!'

There was a terrible snarling noise as Ophelia stumbled backwards, choked sobs coming from her throat, shaking uncontrollably as she made a dash to help Hermione and Ron get away. She turned to look back at the scene as she tried to help Ron stand, but immediatley wished she hadn't.

Fur was sprouting from Remus' limbs, she heard his bones crack, his body morph into something not-at-all human; and it wasn't all that long after that they were faced with a fully transformed werewolf; standing on all fours, yellow beady eyes, sharp teeth that could kill, with claws that could maul someone. She didn't know what she had imagined all those years when Remus went out at night to transform, but this surely wasn't it.

It seemed impossible somnething so savage -- so deadly -- could possibly be Remus Lupin.


He disregarded her pleas, continuing to try and restain the wolf, but struggling to do so.

'Leave me! Go! I mean it -- GO!'

'But you'll get hurt-'


Without another word, he transformed -- the shaggy black dog lunging at the werewolf, before they became entangled in a nasty fight -- Sirius fending him away.

The four of them stumbled backwards, but only then they Peter wriggle free -- grasping Remus' wand from where it lay on the floor, and raising it towards the four of them. He mumbled something, and a bright light hit Ron square in the chest -- knocking him unconcious.

'Expellarmus!' Harry caught the wand, and Peter stood -- shaking, before his lips tugged into a grin and he transformed -- the small rat running away into the forest.

'Sirius!' Ophelia screamed, called -- but when she turned, it was to see the werewolf dashing into the forest, and the shaggy black dog on the floor -- bleeding.

She rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face as she observed the gashes stretched across his fur -- blood seeping out of his body, the dog whimpering. Though visibly injured and beyond exhausted, he took one look at her and got up, scrambled to his feet once more -- and after a long glance, he dashed into the forest -- following Remus.

'What did he do to him?' Hermione asked -- whimpered -- as she rushed over to Ron the minute Sirius had disappeared. He was alive, but unconcious -- blood trickling down from a scratch on his face, and his mouth hung open.

'I don't know.' She heard Harry murmur -- though Ophelia was still knelt to the ground, staring blankly at where Sirius had been moments before; hoping he would be okay. Hoping they all would.

'We'd better get to the castle -- ask for help--'

'No.' Ophelia cut her off, speaking louder, as she stood up.



The three of them were plunged into silence as Ophelia listened intently. She could hear the sound of the wind blowing the leaves on the trees, and the sound of crickets in the long grass. Among that though, she could hear the faint -- yet very there -- sound of a squeal; a dog's squeal, a whimper-more like.

'It's Sirius.' She breathed, 'He's in trouble.'

Without a second thought, she began to dash into the forest -- and Harry followed.

'Ophelia -- Harry -- NO! YOU CAN'T!' Hermione screamed, 'IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!'

'I'M NOT LEAVING HIM THERE TO DIE!' She shouted back, whriling around, hot tears streaming down her face and her voice shaky despite her efforts to sound strong. 'I JUST GOT HIM BACK -- I'M NOT LETTING HIM DIE.'

She dashed into the forest once more, Harry quickly behind, and Hermione following -- despite her better judgement, leaving Ron.

It was dark, it was eerie. The wind blew the leaves on the trees, the dirt squished beneath their feet as they ran -- trying to follow the noise. Ophelia sobbed as they kept running, almost choking on her tears, the sheer fear of losing Sirius -- and Remus -- too much for her to handle. She had just gotten them back.

'Ophelia! Stop -- look.' Hermione hissed, at somepoint after, when they seemed to just be getting somewhere.

'No, I can't-'


She was silenced, heart almost beating out of her chest as she turned to see just what Hermione had meant. Remus -- or rather, the werewolf -- advancing towards them; hungrily, no tinge of recognition anywhere within his yellow eyes. She whimpered, the three of them stumbling backwards until they were pressed against the trunk of a tree, shaking.

Hermione let out a soft cry. 'Professor Lupin...please. Good doggy.'

'Stay away.' Harry murmured -- though that was no use.

The wolf advanced even further, so close to them, licking it's lips --- eyes devoruing them, horrid breath mingling with theirs, as he got ready to pounce. It was unimaginable -- he would never forgive himself is he hurt her, or anything of them, let alone kill them.

'Dad.' She whimpered, making the wolf snap it's head in her direction, 'Dad, please, it's me. It's me. Ophelia. You know me, I'm your daughter. Come on Dad...try to remember. For me.'

The wolf cocked it's head, not understanding, only seeming more motivated to kill as he surged forward.

'NO! Dad...Dad...please.' She cried, a choked sob leaving her throat, as she pressed herself as far against the tree as she could in effort to get away.

'This isn't you -- you aren't a beast -- listen to me. You know who I am -- I know you do -- please. You aren't a monster -- this isn't you -- please.' She begged, but all of them knew very well it didn't matter what she said -- or how much she pleaded -- this was not Remus Lupin's own mind, but a werewolves.

The wolf didn't understand, though it did stop -- admittedly not on her account, though. A howl from somewhere in the distant caused the werewolf to snap it's attention away from them, stumbling backwards and giving them one last hungry look before bounding away -- following the noise as he galloped away.

They peeled themselves from the tree -- silent -- Ophelia still trying to control herself, to stop shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. She panted, catching her breath, utterly terrified.

'Guys -- Sirius.' Harry hissed.

Sirius. That was all she needed to hear to get going again -- she began to run again, the two following behind her, as they tracked the dog-like whimpers that continued to echo through the forest. Branches snapped beneath their feet, and she heard the howls of the wolves in the distance as they kept going -- just a bit farther, so close.

'The lake -- it's coming from the lake!' Hermione murmured as they got closer to the source of the sound.

It was. Except by the time they reached the shimmering, vast lake; the sound had drowned out, a mere echo in the wind, as she was she saw that Sirius had transformed into a human with the little energy he had left. He was shaking slightly, mumbling and moaning incohearent things as he lay at the edge of the shore -- going stiff, going motionless. Blood trickled from his various wounds, and he was pale. So pale.

'NO!' She screamed, the sound ripping through her chest -- the sight of him so painful, so surreal -- stabbing her like a knife to the heart as she dropped down beside him, tugging at his shreeded and blood-soaked clothes, hot tears falling down onto him as she shook him in an effort to wake him.

He was alive -- barley -- and not for much longer.

'Sirius....Sirius please. Please wake up. Wake up. Wake up.' She bawled, digging her head into his chest, sobs muffled by his clothes.

'Harry... there's dementors.' She heard Hermione murmur, a warning, but Ophelia didn't leave his side -- not once, not even looking up to see the hundreds of dementors swarming closer and closer to her. She clung to him like a child clings their mother, and it wasn't all that different here.

'Think of something happy, Hermione! Cast the charm!' Harry demanded, as he dropped beside Ophelia, putting in an equal effort to shake Sirius awake -- and when that didn't work, he stood up.

'We can't leave him here...we can't let him die, Harry...' Ophelia sobbed, choking, as she knelt down to kiss Sirius on the forehead. 'Please...please.'

'I'm not.' Harry said decidedly, frustrated, pulling his hands through his jet black hair as he raised his wand, squinted his eyes shut, and focused.

Hermione was crying now too -- murming the spell repeatedly, wand raised, but it wasn't successful. She was too weak -- too frightened -- for it to possibly work.

'I never told him I loved him...' Ophelia choked, tears seeping into his clothes, 'I never called him Dad. I haven't...I haven't hugged him...I haven't gotten enough time...I haven't...I never...' She mumbled, rambling, trailing off inaudibly, sucumbing to the sobs that rung through he forest.

As the dementors swarmed closer, it got indescribably cold. Hermione dropped to the floor, passed out, as one of them advanced towards her and began to kiss her; another advanced towards the two of them, and she blocked Sirius' body with hers -- screaming, shouting, wiling them to go away though she knew it was hopeless.

One began to kiss Sirius -- the colour, the life, seeping from his mouth -- as another did the same to her; yanking her upwards with boney and frail hands, pulling the life out of her. Everything was cold. Everything was dark. Everything was numb -- she couldn't even cry, or express anger, as she felt her soul be gradually ripped from her.

As the dementor continued to drain her of everything that made her her, she suddenly understood why some people see death as the only way out. The pain -- the sheer feeling of all your love and emotions being ripped out of you -- too much to handle. Death didn't seem so bad, not compared to this. It was torture.

Her love, her personality, her feelings being ripped from her -- and there wasn't a thing she could do to prevent it.

She very faintly heard Harry's various attempts to perform the patronus charm, his voice getting weaker with every effort, before she saw out of the corner of her eye a dementor advance on Harry -- pulling him upwards like one had done to her, and beginning to suck his soul also.

It was the last thing she saw before she blacked out. That, and Sirius' body growing paler with every passing second.

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