The Love Note

By InEveryUniverse_FFN

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Lincoln is alone on a Sunday night, just at the mall. There, he meets a familiar that he happens t... More

Opportunity From GJ
First Performances + Squad Intro
First Performances PT. 2
Jordacoln Confirmed
Family Finds Out
Speak of the Devil...
Karaoke Contest Pt. 1
Karaoke Contest Pt. 2
The Masks Get Interesting
Smackdown & Injured Bunny
Another Mask Bites The Dust
There's Another Park?
Secrets Are Revealed...
Is Lincoln Here yet?
Someone is Exposed
Dinner Storytime
A Self-Jade Plan
More Shocking Revelations

Lunchtime Altercation

571 2 0
By InEveryUniverse_FFN

Lincoln was standing in the lunch line, but this time was different. For one, he wasn't in line with the person he usually was with. That person would be Clyde, but this time it's his girlfriend Jordan. At least the people around him were familiar to him.

In front of him were all members of the squad: Zach, Alex, Jade, Charli, Drake, Light, Jaxx, and Brad. Behind Lincoln and Jordan were Lincoln's regular friends: Clyde, Rusty, and Liam. Somehow, even Jordan's friends were behind them.

What was even crazier was how each group initially reacted to Lincoln and Jordan with each other in line. The Squad didn't mind at all (except Jade and Charli, who looked at them with knowing looks), Lincoln's friends were somehow oblivious to what was going on (besides Stella, who also knew), and Jordan's friends were also cool with her hanging in line with Lincoln (despite not knowing their relationship now).

Speaking of their relationship, nobody has actually been told about Lincoln and Jordan's new relationship. Most of their giant group had their suspicions, but they would not yet be confirmed or dented by either of the pair.

Things were going pretty well for everyone. Lincoln got his lunch, and started for the tables the Squad and his group shared, with everyone else following suit. On the way to the table, Lincoln bumped into someone and almost dropped his lunch, saving it before it could hit the ground.

While his lunch was saved, this unfortunately meant that Lincoln didn't initially know who he bumped into. The other person did know exactly who he was, though.

"Watch it, old man!" Shouted the voice. Lincoln now stopped looking at his saved lunch to see who the person he bumped into was. The kid had black pants, and wore a green shirt with a white sweatshirt underneath it. That shirt also happened to have a gear on it.

"Chandler," Lincoln said, addressing the boy.

"Larry," the bully replied back. The two enemies proceeded to stare down the other, not saying a word. Unknown to them was a certain Filipino girl happened to start recording this go down, out of instinct.

The stare down didn't last long, as it was quickly interrupted by Jordan speaking.

"His name is Lincoln, you jerk!" Jordan suddenly said, now next to Lincoln. The girl had actually taken his and her lunches to their table before coming back to defend her boyfriend.

"Aww, looks like your girlfriend came to defend you!" Chandler teasingly said.

The two quickly knew how to respond. We still have to hide our relationship, both kids thought. "We're not dating," the pair quickly responded.

"Whatever, like I really care." Chandler responded, arrogantly. "Just get out of this, it's between us guys!" he pushes Jordan aside as he says this, making Lincoln angry.

Lincoln stood in front of his girlfriend. "If this really is between us, then leave Jordan out of this!" Lincoln said, keeping his ground.

Jordan's heart just fluttered seeing Lincoln's bravery. He's already my boyfriend, but I just can't help but fall for him over and over again! Jordan thought.

"I guess that's fair," Chandler started. Lincoln felt himself sigh mentally, until Chandler flashed an evil grin. "But I never said anything about my goons!" the bully exclaimed.

All of a sudden, Lincoln feels someone big grab his head. Before he could check who it was, he felt someone else kick his shin! It seemed as these two maneuvers were done simultaneously, as the hands let go of Lincoln's head as soon as the kick hit his shin. Since this was sudden, nobody could catch Lincoln as he fell down with a thud.

All Lincoln could do was look at his attackers, who really were Chandler's goons. First, there was Miles, the big guy that wears a yellow t-shirt underneath a green shirt. Lincoln immediately assumed that Miles was the one to grab his head, due to his bigger arms. Then there was Joshua, who was more normal sized and wore a red hoodie with blue jeans. He was probably the one to kick him in the shin. Lincoln felt his shin, obviously in pain.

All three bullies stood over the downed Lincoln, all with smug looks. They were clearly proud of what they just did. At this point, there was a crowd around the group watching everything. Obviously Jordan's friends couldn't interfere, and Lincoln's friends weren't even thinking of interfering. They were just worried about Lincoln, their friend. Jordan was just straight up angry, and luckily for her there were people that felt the same way in the crowd...

"Why did you do that to Lincoln!" shrieked Jordan.

Chandler scoffed before responding. "It's not my fault this punk decided to be brave." he said.

Within the crowd was Lynn, Lincoln's obviously athletic sister. Lynn started to approach the boys, but was stopped by someone.

"What's the deal? Can't you see I'm trying to help my brother?" Lynn asked.

"Don't worry, we got this." the person replied.

Then, Chandler gave an even more evil grin. He looked towards Jordan. "Now that your boyfriend is down, time to deal with you!" the boy shouted, rubbing his hands together. Lincoln was down, so all he could do was watch.

Before Chandler could approach Jordan to commit his evil plan, a voice called out. Not only that, but the voice was from the same person that told Lynn to back down.

"Hey! Just like Lincoln said, leave Girl Jordan out of this!" the voice shouted. Everyone, from Chandler and his goons, to the downed Lincoln looked in the direction the voice came from. The person that was revealed turned out to be very surprising: It was Light! One of the new kids, and the purple-based member of the Squad.

Despite being alone, Light surprisingly looked very confident. Even though Chandler found that Light being alone was amusing, he stayed serious. This was because of the fact that someone even stood up for Lincoln, that was besides Girl Jordan.

"Oh really? Then what are you going to do about it?" Chandler challenged. He wasn't worried, as Miles and Joshua were right next to him, with him in the middle.

Light just simply smiled before replying. "Oh, it's not just me." the purple-colored one said, smiling.

Suddenly, Joshua was grabbed suddenly, by the neck. It was revealed to be Jaxx, who put him into a sleeper hold. Since Jaxx was stronger than the scrawny Joshua, it didn't take long to immobilize the guy. And yes, Jaxx let go just as Joshua would've knocked out. He obviously didn't want to kill the guy, just stop him.

Chandler and everyone else watched as Joshua had been taken down by Jaxx. The bully looked back at Light, who just glared at him. Noticing the surprise attack, he realized something: Light was just a distraction. This was an ambush, and Joshua's takedown was a part of it.

Before Chandler could react to this discovery, he heard a yell of pain come from Miles. It was another attack, this time from Drake and Zach. The twins both hit the big guy's back with their trays at the same time, knocking him down.

The three squad members just stood around Chandler, who was now alone. Lincoln saw this, and was happy that his new friends gave him backup. His friends were also relived, but were also surprised due to the attacks from the Drake, Zach, and Jaxx.

At this point, Chandler was afraid. He was alone, and surrounded. The bully tried to sound brave, but unfortunately what he ended up saying just sealed his fate.

"Ha! You may have taken down my goons, but you still have to deal with me!" Chandler said, trying to sound confident. This attempt failed, as he was now starting to back way. All Zach, Drake, Jaxx , and Light did was just watch him, so he assumed he could escape.

Just like how all this started, Chandler ended up bumping into someone. This someone ended up having two trays in his hand. It was Brad, in his signature dark green hoodie. He didn't allow Chandler to speak, just saying what he had in mind.

"Still want us to deal with you?" Brad asked, trying to end this the easy way.

Unfortunately for Chandler, he picked the wrong answer. "Yeah!" He replied, now showing more nervousness.

Brad sighed, clearly not liking the decision. But he continued to speak.

"Fine, have it your way. Drake, Jaxx, Zach, I got this."

"Alright, let's go!" Chandler said cockily, since Brad suggested one on one. Everyone watching, including the squad and Lincoln were surprised to see Brad like this. They all thought the same thing: What is he doing?

"Wait, to make things fair, I'll give you one of these trays." Brad said. While everyone else seemed to question that decision, the boy still looked calm.

Chandler reached out his hand, expecting one of the trays to be put in his hand. Instead, Brad put one of the trays on the ground in front of Chandler. He's just asking to get beaten, the bully thought.

He picked up this tray, and started to approach Brad. Chandler was so ready to beat him up, not knowing the opposite was going to happen.

Before Chandler could get to attack him, Brad stopped the bully.

"You know what, have this tray too!" He shouted. Before anyone could have a thought about it, Brad proceeded with his plan. He threw the tray at Chandler, only for the bully to catch it right in front of his face. Before he could move that tray, Brad superkicked the tray, causing it to go into his face.

All that force from Brad's foot and the tray obviously caused Chandler to be taken down. While Brad smiled at his success, everyone else looked at him in surprise.

Before anyone could say anything, Principal Ramirez spoke. "What is going on here!"

She saw the scene: Brad, Jaxx, Drake, Zach, and Light were standing around the knocked down Chandler and his goons. Lincoln was on the ground, grabbing his shin, and Jordan was next to her boyfriend.

"You five, in my office now!" The woman said, referring to the five squad members.

Before they could leave, Lincoln defended them, just like they did to them.

"Don't punish them, they all did the right thing." Lincoln said, slowly.

"So what happened that caused this?" Ramirez asked, referring to Chandler and his goons.

"Actually, Principal Ramirez, I have everything recorded right here." said a voice. She looked over to see Stella Zhau, who really did record everything.

Not wanting to waste any time, the principal simply watched the video right then and there. She saw what happened and how Chandler started it. He and his goons went after Lincoln first, which led to the Squad attacking back.

She looked back to the five in question. "I'm going to let this slide. You were defending Lincoln here, and you guys are new. I can tell you all meant well." The boys just looked at her, a little confused.

Principal Ramirez noticed this, and quickly cleared things up for them. "You guys aren't in trouble. But I need someone to get Lincoln to the nurse's office, I'll deal with those 3 later." She said, referring to Chandler and his goons. The three were picked up, with help from others to bring them into the office. The principal turned around and spoke before truly leaving. "I want this crowd to be gone as soon as possible."

Soon enough, the crowd slowly started to dissipate. People quickly left to do their usual lunch things, not wanting to get in trouble as well. When that was said and done, there weren't many left in the cafeteria. It was just down to Rusty, Clyde, Liam, Stella, Jordan's friends, and each member of the Squad.

Unfortunately, Lincoln was still on the ground. At least he was still accompanied by Jordan, who stayed by his side.

"Lincoln, are you okay?" Jordan asked, looking worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lincoln replied, wincing a little.

"Buddy, you are clearly not fine." Clyde said, knowing his best friend was lying.

"Dude, he was just beaten up and saved by our new friends." Stella said, rolling her eyes.

"Cut him some slack," Liam added. Clyde sighed, knowing Liam and Stella were right.

"Speaking of saving, I still need to thank you guys for that." Lincoln said.

"You don't need to thank us." Jaxx said.

"We're your friends," Brad added.

"Besides, we couldn't just leave you to take that alone." Zach continued.

"We got you some backup." Drake said, seemingly finishing Zach's statement.

"Besides, you paid us back by making sure we didn't get in trouble." Light said with a smile. Lincoln smiled back, knowing that it was true. If it weren't for Stella's video and me saying they were innocent, they definitely would've been in trouble, Lincoln thought.

"I'm surprised you guys DIDN'T get in trouble if we're being honest here." Rusty said, clearly shocked.

"Yeah, you guys gave them quite the beating!" Mollie added.

"Man, I wanted to join you guys in giving Chandler a taste of his own medicine. But purple man over here said that you guys got it." Lynn said, clearly not happy that she didn't beat Chandler.

"He did?" Charli exclaimed. Everyone looked over to the orange themed girl, and back at Light. Everyone besides the Squad were all confused, not knowing about what was happening. Luckily, Zach noticed this and was able to explain.

"Light here isn't exactly the most confident dude, and definitely not the one to speak out like that." The boy explained.

"Yeah, I'm impressed." Jade said, crossing her arms.

"Same here, you're normally pretty shy Light." Alex agreed, also crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but I had to defend my friend. Besides, Zach planned it." Light said, directing attention to Zach. Jordan was glad that her boyfriend had such friends like the Squad.

"Looks like you pulled a Lincoln, Zach." Jordan said, smiling at him.

"Say what now?" Zach asked, clearly confused. This led to everyone else laughing at both Jordan's statement and Zach's response.

"What Jordan means is that you had a plan, which is what I usually do." Lincoln explained.

"Well, it is why you are the Man with a Plan." Clyde added. The Squad members nodded, understanding the explanation. Zach was relieved, knowing that it was a compliment.

"Don't worry Linc, I'm not planning to take that nickname from you." Zach said, with a small smile. Everyone laughed at Zach's sense of respect for Lincoln's simple nickname.

"Ok, I'm just going to address the elephant in the room here." Cookie started. "Where the heck did you guys learn to do all that?" the girl asked. Now eyes darted to the 5 guys who helped Lincoln when he was down: Zach, Light, Jaxx, Drake, and Brad.

Jaxx answered first. "What, it was just a regular sleeper hold!" He explained.

"Zach and I just did what we do best: work together." Drake said, fist bumping Zach.

"All I did was distract Chandler and his goons," Light simply said. Now all attention was on Brad, who probably did the most surprising attack.

"Oh come on! You guys want to know where I learned that?" Brad exclaimed, surprised. This was met by nods from everyone around him, except for Lynn. Looks like she knew. Brad continued, "I used to watch wrestling, ok? The only thing I do now is just play games about it."

"Well, it looks like it taught you well." Lincoln commented.

"Yeah, that looked awesome!" Clyde added.

"I must say, it was impressive." Zach continued.

"Can't believe you guys did all that for me and my shi-ow!" Lincoln said, the last part attracting the attention of everyone there.

"Lincoln!" Jordan shouted.

"Someone get him to a table!" Lynn yelled.

Without question, the twins got Lincoln up and onto the table closest to them. Then, Drake decided to check Lincoln's shin.

"I know we should still get you to the office, but Drake can give a good check on what's wrong." Jade said.

"Ok, I have made my analysis!" Drake announced.

"That's the most complicated word you've said all day!" Zach commented.

"Oh come on Zach, that doesn't matter!" Stella exclaimed.

"Sorry," Zach replied.

"Just tell us how it is!" Rusty said, sounding a little dramatic.

"Well, it's not really bad." Drake announced.

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked.

"Lincoln here didn't break anything luckily, but it is bruised." Drake replied.

"Will I still be able to walk?" Lincoln asked.

"Why would you need to walk?" Light asked, oblivious. Then he realized. "Oh," he finished.

"I believe yes you can, but you'll need crutches." Drake admitted.

"Dang. Maybe I'll get Lisa to make something better for me." Lincoln said.

"Oh I'm sure she will, bro. It probably won't take long for the rest of our sisters to find out." Lynn responded.

"I mean there are 11 of y'all," Liam started. "Drama is sure to spread quickly in there."

"That, my friend, is where you are right." Lincoln replied.

"At least you're alright, I was so worried!" Jordan said, hugging Lincoln. Everyone all felt that something was going on between the two, with Lynn feeling relieved. You finally found someone for you, Linc. I'm proud, Lynn thought to herself.

"I knew you two were dating!" Charli exclaimed.

"You mean WE knew?" Jade objected.

"We." Charli corrected herself, nervously.

"I think you owe us an explanation, Jordan." Joy said, with Jordan's friends agreeing.

"Lincoln, do you have something to tell us?" Clyde said, getting agreement from Rusty, Liam, and Clyde. Stella and the Squad (besides Charli and Jade) didn't say anything here, already seeing signs at their clubhouse.

"I had my suspicions," Alex said.

The couple looked at their friends nervously, then to each other. Both were trying to come up with an excuse. Then, Jordan had a plan.

"Hey, I just realized: someone has to take Linc here to the nurse's office." Jordan started. "You don't mind me taking you, right Lincoln?"

Lincoln noticed his girlfriend's nervousness, and decided to roll with it. "Yeah, sure." He replied, trying to end this quickly.

Jordan got up quickly, reaching her hand out to help her boyfriend up. The hand was quickly taken by Lincoln, who gotten up with the support from his other leg.

With them both up, they quickly left with no explanation for their friends. However, they didn't notice that during the whole ordeal, Lincoln never let go of Jordan's hand.

So while one arm was wrapped on Jordan's shoulders for support, the other arm was fine, with his hand intertwined with Jordan's. This was noticed by their friends.

After the two were out of sight, the rest started commenting on what they saw.

"Did you see how they got up?" Cookie began.

"Yeah, they kept their hands held the whole time!" Jade added.

"And Girl Jordan didn't even ask any of us to help." Jaxx commented.

"I mean, she can clearly support him on her own." Stella responded.

"She does already have his heart," Clyde said.

"And he has hers," Brad finished.

Lynn soon left, not that she didn't support her brother. She just wanted to get away from the romance, as it wasn't her thing.

"There's no way they aren't together," Millie concluded.

"Jordacoln confirmed!" Charli cheered. Everyone looked towards the orange-head, confused. "What, that's the couple name I came up for them!" Charli exclaimed, giving a little shrug.

"That's actually...really good," Zach commented.

"What other couple names have you come up with?" Jaxx asked, with curiosity.

"I have some others, but they aren't made by me." Charli admitted.

"From our channel?" Alex asked.


Stella pulled out her phone, searching up the topic.

"Let's see, there's Zalex for Zach and Alex," she started. Zach and Alex both blushed.

"Then there's Drade for Drake and Jade." Drake smiled at Jade, who returned it with a blush.

"Oh here's a fun one, Jaxx and Brad have Braxx." Stella said, snickering. The two squad members respectively weren't amused, while everyone else laughed to their demise.

"As much as I don't ship it, the name is creative." Jaxx admitted. Brad just simply nodded in agreement.

"Oh, here's the most popular one! Charlight!" Stella announced. Charli blushed, while Light looked away. The latter actually had a secret, just not knowing what to do with it yet...

Now with the couple:

Jordan and Lincoln looked back as they walked away, checking if anyone decided to follow them.

"Anyone following us?" Jordan asked.

"Nope," Lincoln simply answered.

"You sure?"

"Trust me, I have 11 sisters. I've learned to know when I'm being watched." Lincoln replied confidently.

The couple looked back, seeing the rest of their friends talking.

"They'll be fine without us," Jordan concluded. The couple then interlocked hands, walking without looking back.

Back with everyone else:

"Hopefully your analysis on Lincoln's injury is right, Drake." Zach said.

"Yeah, dude." Rusty agreed.

"I question why he needs crutches if it's just a sprain." Clyde added.

"Well, it's not going to say that online to be honest. But it does say you need to prevent walking on the injured foot. That's why I said he'll need crutches." Drake explained.

Stella quickly put her phone in her pocket, knowing what Drake said was pretty much what it said online. This however was noticed by everyone.

"Well, he's right." Stella confirmed, assuring everyone there.

"He'll probably need to rest that foot." Brad commented.

"That's if Lisa doesn't make something to help him," Clyde added.

"Knowing what he did today? Of course she will." Alex said optimistically.

"I have to admit, it was brave of him to do that." Jade said.

"Luckily, you guys were there to help!" Charli exclaimed.

Then, the boy in question had come back, along with Jordan. This time, Lincoln had crutches as Drake predicted.

"How is it, Lincoln?" Light asked, clearly concerned.

"It's just like Drake said, just a bruised shin. I can't walk on it for a few days or until it doesn't hurt anymore." Lincoln replied. He looked at Drake and nodded in respect, which was returned.

"That doesn't sound like a problem at all," Zach said. The problem is that, in fact, that was a problem. Lincoln recognized this, and Jordan did too. How am I going to do the show? Lincoln thought to himself.

"Yeah, but I think I'll talk to Lisa about it still. I don't want crutches to end up bothering me." Lincoln replied, hiding his real reason. Luckily, the couple's friends were satisfied with his answer.

After school:

Lincoln was walking with Jordan, his friends, and the Squad. Jordan's friends had already left, and Jordan wanted to be with Lincoln. As they walked out the school, some started to leave.

"Alright, gotta head home to the farm." Liam said.

"Hey, if you ever need help on the barn, you can ask me. My family owns a barn, so I work from time to time." Jaxx said.

"Thanks, Jaxx. I'll let you know if I need any help, but I think I'm good for now." Liam replied. He then walked off.

"I gotta head home too," Rusty said, not taking long to leave.

"Same here, hope you get better Lincoln." Stella agreed. Both went in their separate directions.

"I'll walkie you later, to check if you're ok." Clyde said, before leaving to find his two dads. At this point, only the Squad remained with Lincoln and Jordan.

Lincoln turned to Zach and the others. "I never got to thank you guys for today." The Loud boy said.

"Don't worry about it," Zach said.

"We got your back," Brad added.

"Don't worry about thanking us," Light stated.

"Just focus on your injury," Drake replied.

"We want to make sure you're ok," Jaxx assured.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Lincoln said.

"Alright then, I guess we'll leave now." Alex announced, with agreement from the rest of the Squad.

"Wait, don't you guys live in different houses?" Jordan asked, obviously confused.

"We all live in a clubhouse in our neighborhood," Charli responded.

"Yeah, even Lincoln's been there." Jade said.

"I went there after going to your place," Lincoln explained to Jordan.

Alex, Jade, and Charli looked at Jordan with knowing looks. At the same time, Brad, Zach, Drake, Light, and Jaxx looked at Lincoln but weren't as surprised since they saw signs of this at their clubhouse.

There was a silence in these actions, which made Lincoln and Jordan a little nervous. Luckily for them, Zach became their savior in this moment.

"You can visit anytime if you'd like, Girl Jordan." the pink-haired said.

"I'd ask to bring Lincoln with you, but I'm sure you will anyway." Alex said, winking at Jordan. This caused the brunette to blush boldly, clearly embarrassed.

"W-Well obviously, since he is the only one of us to know where it is." Jordan responded, clearly flustered.

"Sureeeee, and Charli doesn't like Light." Drake said sarcastically.

"Hey!" Charli yelled. Everyone laughed at this, except for Charli herself, not as amused. By the time everyone was done laughing, Light was gone. He was still in sight, but still far from everyone else.

"Light! Wait up buddy!" Jaxx called out, before running after him.

"You can't just leave!" Brad yelled, following Jaxx as they ran towards Light.

"That was weird," Jordan commented.

"Don't mind them, they're just being weird." Jade responded.

"Shouldn't we go after them?" Charli asked.

"Charli, they'll be fine." Drake replied.

"Besides, they have their own keys to the clubhouse." Zach continued.

"You guys have keys?" Jordan asked, clearly confused.

"Of course we do," Jade started. "We all have our own signature key just in case we need to get in." She explained. Jade, Charli, Alex, Drake, and Zach all pulled out their keys. Each had the color of each main squad member: Zach's key had a pink part at the end, while Drake's was blue. Jade had light-green, Charli with orange, while Alex had a yellow key.

"I know Jaxx's key is red." Lincoln stated.

"So that makes Light's purple and Brad's dark green, right?" Jordan asked.

"Yup. Anyway, we gotta catch up to the others." Zach said.

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow!" Lincoln replied, before they went their separate ways. The Squad went to catch up with Light while Jordan stayed with Lincoln. He still had his crutches, so Jordan didn't want to leave her boyfriend's side. Then, Jordan received a call.

"I'm going to answer this." Jordan stated.

"Alright, I'll wait here." Lincoln replied.

With the trio:

At this point, Brad and Jaxx caught up with Light. He was acting like he usually would, happy and pretty quiet.

Jaxx spoke first. "Light! Why'd you walk off man?" Before Brad could give a sense of agreement, Light turned around. Now, he faced his friends and fellow Squad members.

"Are the others nearby?" Light asked, giving off a sense of seriousness that he didn't usually give. Normally, Light is most serious when denying that he has a crush on Charli or that they are dating. Due to the fact, Jaxx and Brad were obviously surprised.

"No dude, the others stayed behind to talk to Lincoln and Girl Jordan, I think." Brad replied.

"They aren't with us." Jaxx added. Light sighed, causing Jaxx and Brad to look at each other. Both boys could tell something was up with their purple-haired friend.

"Do you guys think you can keep a secret for me?" Light asked, with pleading eyes.

"Sure, what is it?" Jaxx asked.

"Dude, we got your back. What is it?" Brad assured, confirming that they can be trusted. This was a relief to Light, as he wanted to trust them...he didn't really want to keep his secret to himself anymore...

He looked at his friends. With the sincere looks they gave him, he knew he could say it.

"I think I like Charli," Light said, clearly nervous.

"I-I no way." Brad said, clearly confused.

"Like as a friend? I mean we all like her as a friend." Jaxx said, even giving a little thumbs up.

"No, I mean I have a crush on her." Light said, clearly serious.

"So you're telling us you return Charli's feelings?" Brad asked, with Jaxx nodding in agreement.

"Yes, I do." Light replied. Now, Jaxx and Brad smiled. They were happy Light was sure of his feelings.

"That's great!" Brad exclaimed.

"We're proud of you, Light!" Jaxx said.

"Does this mean I have to tell her now?" Light asked, a little nervous.

"Of course it doesn't," Jaxx replied.

"Nobody is going to make you say it if you aren't ready," Brad assured. Light's face brightened, and wrapped his arms on his friends' shoulders.

"I'm glad I can trust you guys," Light said, relieved.

"You can always trust us," Jaxx replied.

"Yeah," Brad said, but looked like he wasn't done. "But now that we're talking secrets, Jaxx and I have something to tell you." he finished. Jaxx looked at Brad, and the latter looked back with a nod.

"Now?" Jaxx asked.

"Light told us his secret, so we'll show him that he can trust us by telling ours." Brad replied. Light was confused, but wasn't going to let this chance go away.

"What is it?" Light asked. Before they could respond, the three were at the clubhouse.

"We'll tell you inside," Jaxx explained.

Now with Lincoln and Jordan:

At this point, Jordan and Lincoln were approaching Vanzilla. In it was Leni, Luna, and Luan, with Lori at the driver's seat. Before the pair could get close, Lynn came over to the pair.

"Hey bro, how's the leg?" Lynn asked. She then saw the crutches, which caused her to think of the worst. "That bad?"

"No, it's not that bad, Lynn." Lincoln replied.

"It's just so he doesn't walk on it," Jordan explained. Lynn looked at Jordan, then to Lincoln. She put two and two together, and realized.

"Are you guys-" Lynn started, before she was interrupted by their response.

"No!" Jordan and Lincoln replied simultaneously, causing them to both blush. Lynn gave them a look of clear disbelief. Lincoln noticed, and sighed. "Yes..." Lincoln admitted. Lynn looked at Jordan with a smile.

"That's why you defended him," Lynn concluded.

"To be fair, he defended me first." Jordan responded, with a shrug. Lincoln just blushed and scratched the back of his neck, remembering what he did for her.

"So, why are you still here?" Lynn asked, out of pure curiosity.

"I'm going with Lincoln, so I can check on him." Jordan replied. Lynn smiled, and pulled Lincoln to the side.

"Lincoln, I'm glad you found someone that truly cares for you. Well, at least besides us." Lynn said.

"Yeah, I'm lucky to have her." Lincoln said, clearly happy with that fact.

"Honestly, she might just be as lucky." Lynn replied, with a smile.


"Of course, you're the best brother ever!"

"Thanks Lynn,"

"No prob, bro."

The siblings went back toward Jordan, who patiently waited the whole time. Without a word, they went towards Vanzilla. When they got there, Luna immediately noticed them.

"Lincoln!" Luna called out. This caused Luan and Leni to also look over, along with Lori. Surprisingly, she wasn't on her phone. The sisters immediately got out of Vanzilla to greet their brother.

"We know what happened!" Lori exclaimed.

"What? How?" Lincoln asked. Lori then showed Lincoln her phone. On it, there was a video of what happened.

"It seems like everyone knows," Jordan concluded.

"You were so brave!" Leni exclaimed.

"I'm glad you had your friends to help you," Luna said.

"Yeah, no jokes here." Luan agreed.

"He had to do it to defend Girl Jordan here." Lynn stated, causing the other sisters to look at her and Lincoln. They had suspicions about the two, but they decided to confront Lincoln later. Lynn continued, "and she's coming with you guys to check on Linc."

"What do you mean by 'you guys?' Lynn?" Lori asked.

"Vanzilla isn't going to fit all of us and Girl Jordan, so I'll walk home."

This worried Lincoln. "Are you sure Lynn? You don't have to do that." he said.

"Yeah, she wants to look after you. Besides, I'll get a good workout off it." Lynn responded. Lincoln looked at Lynn, mouthing Thanks Lynn. She nodded in response, and started to walk away.

"Alright, Girl Jordan can come with us." Lori concluded.

"You need any help getting inside?" Luna asked.

"I'm good, Jordan can help me." Lincoln looked at his girlfriend with a smile, and she smiled back. They all went inside Vanzilla, and started to drive away. Before long, Vanzilla reached Royal Woods Elementary, where the rest of the sisters went to school. On the block was the rest of the sisters: Lucy, Lana, Lola and Lisa.

"Hey guys," Lincoln said first. All 4 sisters noticed Jordan next to him, with his crutches near the door.

"Guys, what happened to Linky?" Lola asked.

"Looks painful," Lucy said.

"And who's that next to Lincoln?" Lana asked, referring to Jordan.

"It seems as though our male sibling has an injury, and she's someone associated with what happened." Lisa analyzed. Before Lincoln and Jordan could explain anything, Lori showed them her phone.

"Watch this on the way home, it'll explain everything." Lori said. With no hesitation, the 4 kids went into Vanzilla, sitting in the row behind Jordan and Lincoln. Behind that row was Lynn and Luna, and Leni was sitting next to Lori. The 4 started to watch the video of what happened, as Vanzilla started on the way to the Loud House.

Looks like things are going to be interesting at home, Lincoln thought.

Author's Note: And that's Chapter 5! I know there's no singing in this chapter, but I hope what happened is enough. I can almost guarantee that singing will be in the next chapter, but you guys won't know yet. By the time you are reading this, I'm already writing the next chapter.


The names of Chandler's goons is based on their English actors' names.

Zalex, Drade, and Charlight are all actual shippings within Inquisitormaster's Squad.

Braxx is obviously not a real shipping

*Disclaimer: The image is not mine, nor is it Lincoln's true injury. Well it is, but just not the arm.*

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