"A Smile That Changed His Lif...

By caree_96

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"Can a Man be complete for a Woman? Can he vanish away her pain?" . . Let's Find out!! -Self ... More

Work load and meeting new people.
Coffee/Date and Confessions Part-1
Confessions part-2
Hard to Get Types.
Love life is like a Storm.
A Walk Down a Slippery Road.
Drunk Cally and a Good Night
"The Next day"
"When Brother comes Calling"
Meeting my brother and a surprise.
Angry Cally
Her Past Part-II( Hospital and Moving Forward)
The Awakening
"Panicked Morning"
Clash of Brothers.
" Androphobic Love"
"Anger and Gunshots"
"Moving One Step Forward "
"New Couple"
"24 Hours"
"Are you shitting me!!"
"Feeling Weird"
"Second chance"
"Stranger Danger "
"Life or Death"
"Mine Forever"
"Unforgettable Wedding"
"Le Epilogue"


417 24 51
By caree_96

Cally's POV:  A few hours later...

I woke up to something cold splashing on my face making me flinch, I adjusted to the darkness I was in.

The only source of light was coming from a candle kept very far off at the table.

I tried standing up despite the pain in my thighs, however I couldn't stand up due to two facts-one, I was severely hurt and second, i was completely tied to a chair with ropes around my hands and legs preventing me from escaping.

I furrowed my eyes in confusion as to how I ended up here, I can't remember anything of how i ended up here. Panic washed over my body as I heard chuckling, and not just any chuckling but an evil one which sent goosebumps down my body.

I raised my head to the person who was chucking but could not see them clearly due to darkness in the room.

"It's been quite a while since we saw each other, isn't that right Cally?" A familiar voice asked me and I began to feel a sharp pain go throughout my body.

"Who are you?" I asked the person, I heard shuffling before the person answered me,

"Well see for yourself."

Suddenly bright lights invaded my vision causing me to blink several times due to the  sudden change.

I looked around the room and it looked like i was in an abandoned building seeing the flaking wallpapers and chipping of the walls. I glanced at the person and my heart stopped beating for a moment and I was horrified, the person standing in front of me was none other than "My evil Uncle".

I started breathing heavily in fear cause i felt powerless, however I somehow managed to ask him one question that I was  wondering since I woke up in this area.

"Wwhere- where  am I? "My voice trembled asking the question, my uncle just laughed and crouched down to my height and looked directly to my eyes, his cold evil and vicious eyes staring at me in victory.

"That's for me to know, however you are kidnapped and won't be leaving anytime soon until I get what I want."

I frowned in confusion as he stood backup and stepped far away from me,

"What do y-you mean?" I asked him with a frightened expression, instead of answering my question he yelled for a moment to come in which I found totally scary and weird.

Soon a door that was situated at the corner of the old room opened revealing two people with hoods over their heads come in slowly creeping their way towards me.

I winced in pain from all the wounds that I got from the blast at the house. However, I did notice that my wounds were all stitched up making me frown.

Seeing my face, my uncle scowled and said "Did you really think I would let you  die so easily you bitch" he said holding my face from my chin roughly. I had to call a doctor and stitch you up because I am going to make your death so painful that you would regret ever running away.

And after killing you I am going to frame that bastard billionaire boyfriend of yours and earn a lot of money. Saying this he laughed evilly again. 

While my uncle was busy in his little speech, I tried untangling the ropes off my hands which were connected to the ropes to the chair but instead of me freeing myself I received a painful slap across my cheek from my uncle,

"Don't even try!" he snapped as the two people stood either side of him, "Please let me go I won't tell anyone about this." I pleaded him as my eyes welled up with tears.

"I am not a fool to think that you won't tell your rich boyfriend. Uncle sneered in my face before glancing at each of the people on either side of him.

"You wanna know who helped me trap you?" he asked me and I  nodded not trusting my voice.

"Reveal yourselves." he stepped back letting the people step closer to me.

Without taking a second the people took off their hoods revealing themselves and leaving me not shocked at all.

"Veronica...and Mike?" I asked them with a frightened look which they returned with a smirk.

"How's it going bitch?" Veronica asked me widening her smirk.

"Wwhat? Hhow?" My head was spinning in confusion as to how my uncle knew about these two and why they were helping him.

Veronica laughed clutching her stomach as of my question was the funniest thing ever, 

"Aww.. you stupid bitch don't you know by killing you I get to be with damien forever" she chuckled

"If you wanna know, well here goes nothing, 10 years ago I met Damien in college, he was a very kind and shy guy, he never had any friends except for his brother Liam and half brother Mike, I  liked him and so I talked to him and over a period of time we became friends, we would do everything together and our life was well, you can say amazing." she says in a sarcastic way.

"But then one day Damien asked me on a date and at that time I liked him so I said "Yes" and soon we were both in a relationship, all lovey. But after a period of time, I lost interest in him, Damien was being handed his father's company which he refused to take and then it got handed to his brother Liam, as Damien always wanted something of his own. So, he was always busy which led to him not spending time with me. Later onwards I started dating Mike behind Damien's back. Damien deserved it for not spending time with me. Unfortunately, I was still in a relationship with Damien, I guess I dated him for his money." Veronica stepped beside Mike to which he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I mean, Damien thought I loved him but he was all wrong. Mike and I  loved each other although we tried keeping our relationship under wraps but the word went around and soon we were caught by Damien. At first that fool believed me when I said that I never cheated on him but that bastard brother- LIAM  took a video of me and Mike kissing which led to Damien attacking Mike until he was in the hospital." she let out a tear and chucked evilly while I listened tears flowing down my face.

Damien did that? Did  he love her that much to hurt his own brother?

"I and Mike grew hatred towards Damien cause of what he did to him, so we came up with a plan to ruin Damien's reputation, cause he cared a lot about his reputation. So I spread lies that Damien raped me and tried to kill Mike, I don't know how but everyone believed in our lies and it was just enough to put him in depression and in jail, I remember when he tried to commit suicide, that was a really dark period for him. I felt accomplished hearing that but just to my disappointment he moved away from our college and everyone blamed me for everything that happened to Damien, so I ran away from Mike and everyone cause I could bear the taunting.

But look here now, Damien is a billionaire, living a life of riches." And i am back to make his life hell again she completed with a laugh and I gasped in horror to what I was hearing.

I can't believe these filthy people would do that to Damien.

I thought Veronica was done telling her story, seeing my horrified expression, she smirked.

"You know I never regretted cheating on Damien because I knew he was jerk all along.

"I did not know about you and Damien until I saw it on TV. I wanted to destroy you as well as him. So, I took matters into my own hands and tried seducing him in bed knowing well that if you saw me and him naked together, you would not stay. and see that's what happened you left. 

I was so happy to know you were out of his life, but you reentered his life and spoiled all my plan.

At this point my mind was spinning with thoughts and confusion,

"How?" I asked her with all my strength, "I don't understand why."

"It's pretty simple actually.. I had a spy here watch you 24/7, I did it cause you deserved it for being by his side and loving him. You ran away from Damien thinking that he had slept with me, but it was all part of our plan. 

Veronica  then glared at me before coming over to me and slapping my cheek. You were not meant to love him, she screamed at me and started pulling my hair in all directions, Mike and my uncle watched the whole think smirking but also pulled her back and took her out of the room to calm her down. Both men came back into the room bringing a barrel with them.

"Now coming to the point, the reason we want you here-"I cut Mike off, "WHY?"

"What do you even want from me?" I know the reason my uncle wants me dead but why you i asked crying hysterically.

"Why do you want to do this to Damien? He is your half-brother for got sake." I asked Mike who was gazing at me with a stern look.

"I have always despised him, he was my friend and my brother but when he started getting better grades than me, getting all the love from our parents, beating me, becoming successful so I started to hate him." he shrugged and paused for a while before continuing.

"Anyway listen to us before you lose your life and your nephew.. we have him here with us."

"What do you mean my nephew?" 

"How did you find him even?"

 Please tell me you are joking.. He has to be with my brother and his wife in another country. "Heck", I have not even seen him in so many years. 

What has he done to you. He's my family. My uncle smirked seeing me in panic mode.

Coming back to the point, "Tell me where he is please!" I pleaded with them, Veronica smirked and removed the lid of the barrel and a small figure rose slowly from it shaking like a leaf.

The figure turned around to face me then I realized who it was.

"AIDEN!" I shouted frightened at the sight in front of me, Aiden stood in the barrel as it covered half of his body, his eyes tied and blindfold over his eyes that masked his vision.

"Aunty Cal!" he cried trying to get the blindfold off him but he couldn't since his hands were tied together, I turned my vision towards my uncle, veronica and mike who looked rather relaxed.

My heart stopped beating when Aiden started crying calling for help," please let him go.. he is just a child" I pleaded helplessly tied to the chair.

"Aunty Cal I'm scared!" Aiden screamed as my uncle slapped him across the face, "SHUT UP!" she yelled and Aiden went silent but words flew out of my mouth seeing my nephew in this state.

"How could you do this do a child, you monsters" I asked them as tears rolled down my eyes,

If you want him to be free, then listen to me and listen good cause I am not going to repeat myself, my uncle said.

"I am going to call Damien right now and will tell him to collect you and your nephew from us for an exchange for money. You will explain to Damien what we have done and tell him to bring the money immediately when I say so." My uncle grabbed my chin in a forceful grip. 

"I wish I could kill you right this instant bitch", but I need money and that rich boyfriend of yours can only give that to me. 

After I get my money, I would kill you but don't worry I would spare the life of this little one, he told me laughing evilly.

I glanced over at Aiden to hear him calling for me and crying with Veronica lifting him out of the barrel and dragging him out of the room into another one.

"Aiden!" I shouted at the empty hallway in which Aiden was dragged through.

"UNDERSTOOD?" My uncle roared and I nodded scared of what he might do to Aiden.

"Good, now I am calling him and if you do anything stupid, I swear i will kill you and your nephew, I have a gun." he pulled a gun out of his waistband of his jeans and showed it to me and then put it back. He then took his phone out and started calling someone who I assumed was Damien.

All I want is to be out of this mess along with Aiden, I knew sending Damien to another country for work was a mistake. I just hope they don't do anything bad to Aiden or even Damien. 


Phew that was a long chapter.

How did you like it? Any thoughts?

Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter and I will see you in the next chapter.

Until then,

Lots of love


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