Our Everlasting Journey - Sho...

By t0ky0wh0

34.7K 815 774

โ๐ˆ๐“'๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“ ๐˜๐Ž๐”๐‘ ๐…๐€๐”๐‹๐“, ๐–๐„'๐‘๐„ ๐‰๐”๐’๐“ ๐๐‹๐€๐˜๐ˆ๐๐† ๐Ž๐ ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐…๐…๐„๐‘๐„๐๐“ ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹๐’.โž... More

.season 1.
.season 2.
.one; season 2.
.two; season 2.
.three; season 2.
.four; season 2.
.five; season 2.
.six; season 2.
.eight; season 2.
.nine; season 2.
.ten; season 2.
.eleven; season 2.
.twelve; season 2.
.thirteen; season 2.
.fourteen; season 2.
.season 3.
.one; season 3.
.two; season 3.
.three; season 3.
.four; season 3.
.five; season 3.
.six; season 3.
.seven; season 3.
.eight; season 3.
.nine; season 3.
.chapter 10; season 3.

.seven; season 2.

779 25 7
By t0ky0wh0

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2143 words

The morning arrived, as this was the day I hoped that would change something, between me and my parents. This broken relationship I have with them, I want it to get better.
I am not forgiving them, but is it not worth a try, to at least let things flow in an average way between me and them?

I took a deep breath, as I stood in front of the house that was once my home. The place I resented coming back to each day, and the very place I swore not to come back to. Yet here I am, standing right in front of it, as I stood in one place, feeling like my feet were glued to the ground.

Our house wasn't anything grand, however, it wasn't exactly small either. The design was old fashioned japanese, just the way I Iiked it. But I hated how the resent, and even some trauma crept onto my back, whispering nothings into my ear.

As I stood in front of the door, my fingers slowly made their way to the bell, but several times, I asked myself if I was doing the right thing.

Letting out a long sigh one last time, I rung the bell, as a few sweet bells went off, something rather calming, than the traditional alarm bell, basically.

It took quite some time, but I gathered my thoughts and courage, as well.
But the thing is... How will I start a conversation in the first place?

The door knob turned slightly, as it revealed the caretaker, who looked out for both of my old timers. He was a young man, probably going to college.

"May I help you?" the boy asked politely, as he smiled sweetly, showing his dimples, as his raven hair was scattered across his forehead.

"Oh. I'm (F/N), their daughter." I spoke, quite surprised by the fact that he didn't know who I was.

"Oh my, my bad, then. Come in." the boy spoke, as he opened the door, and let me in, as I silently thanked him.

I looked around the place, as not much has changed. Everything was clean, kept the same way, and pictures of a younger version of myself were all over the walls, back then when I still hadn't discovered my Quirk.
The thought made my sadness creep onto me. I haven't had a normal relationship with them for more than a decade now.
But I was here to fix it, wasn't I?

"So you're their new caretaker?" I asked, looking back to the young man, who stared in awe at my wings.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot my introduction. My name is Sasaki Kame. I recently started taking care of your parents, so I'm still sort of new to this place, but both of your parents are lovely people." Sasaki told, as I listened with dread at the last two words.

"Nice to meet you, Sasaki." I said, as we shook hands.

"Oh, and by the way, I saw your performance at the school festival, you did an incredible job! And you got third place too! Congrats on that!" Sasaki said with a sweet smile, as I returned the gesture, and spoke.

"Thank you, Sasaki. But, I do have a question. It might be out of the blue, but do you possess some kind of Quirk?"

"Oh? Me? Well... It's something I dread to use, since it's pretty much poisonous gas which I can let out from my finger tips. But, before you think of it badly, I went to the hospital, and they can actually reverse it into positive medical supplies." he spoke in a nervous tone, which mace me cock an eyebrow slightly.

"So you're pretty much a supplier?" I spoke bluntly, not realizing the depth of my words.

"You could say it like that, I suppose..." he spoke with a small laugh, rubbing the back of his head.

"(N/N)?" I heard a familiar voice speak, as shivers went down my spine. I turned my head to the voice, as I saw both of my parents, standing at the end of the hallway.

"Hey there, old timers." I spoke, my voice void of emotion.
Great, I already messed up.

"Sasaki dear, this might sound rude, but could you kindly leave for a bit, because we have some unfinished family matters, still." my mother spoke softly, to which Sasaki shook his head.

"No worries, ma'am! I'll be taking my leave. Please, call me once I can be at your service again. Until then, and it was a pleasure meeting you, (Y/N)." Sasaki smiled, waving his hand, as he left through the door.

Both my parents came over to me, as their arms went around me, to which I only cringed, and made my way out of.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." I spoke, my eyes on the floor.

"Dear, what brings you here? Are you ready to take on our legacy?" my father questioned, as my blood boiled, as I tried to subdue it. The only thing that was still on their mind, was their goddamned legacy.

"No. I have come here, to... talk." I spoke, as I paused, in search for the right words.

"Oh? Took you a few years. Either way, come on, let's sit down, and talk." my father continued, as we all walked into the living room, my tension above the roof.

"So, how's things in school? Everything going well?" my mother asked, as the two were seated beside each other, holding each others hands, me being seated across them.

"It is... going well." I replied, not being used to these types of conversations, especially not with my parents.

"Any boys that caught your eye, sweetheart?" my father asked, as he raised his eyebrows cockily.
Their behavior was off. Either that, or I really am not used to them anymore.

I looked down on the ground, staying silent, as I wasn't sure myself. There might be someone...

"Oh my! There is! Who is the lucky gentleman?" my mother questioned with pure excitement.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I spoke, as I was embarrassed.
This was my first time, having a normal conversation with the both of them.

"Oh. Well, I'd love to get to know him. This place is always welcome for the both of you." my mother spoke with a small smile.

In all honesty, I was at loss of words.

"Listen here, sweetheart. Me and your mom have realized, that... We might've been a tad too strict with you... But look at how you turned out! Close to a living goddess, aren't you?" my father questioned.
Ah, there it is. No changes.

"I do not appreciate it. I hated it to be exact. The results are nothing, but the work of my own. You guys weren't the reason, nor the cause. These are my powers, after all, and all of the hard training, are the fruits of it." I explained, coming to a clearing once and for all.

This seemed to catch them by both surprise and shock, as they stared at me, wide-eyed.

"That's one of the main reasons as to why I came here today. The other one is, that I want to... make up the things between us... and try to lead a... healthy relationship." I spoke, as the words barely left my mouth, the weights on my shoulders becoming untied at the same time.

"So I see. Listen here, (N/N). Me and your father... We want to apologize. When we, or at least I saw your sudden outburst at the sports festival, I came to the realization, what the both of us did to you, wasn't exactly for the best. I wish I would've realized this sooner." my mother spoke sincerely, as she averted her gaze from me, guilt taking over her features.

In all honesty, I was at a loss of words. The words which left her mouth were ones I was only capable dreaming of. And to think that they actually mean it...

"I... I don't know what to say." I trailed off, as I locked eyes with them.

"In truth, we wanted you to come back, ever since you left. I hate admitting it, but the only reason why we wanted you to come back, was you to truly continue with your father's and my legacy. But... Ever since that festival, my view on it overall has changed. I wanted you to come back, and be our... sweet little daughter again. But I do realize, it's most likely not going to happen, at the very least, it will be difficult." my mother continued, as dad rubbed circles on her shoulder.

Silence filled the air, as the atmosphere grew thick, and my thoughts were all over the place.

"With that, you are correct. Things won't go back how they used to be, when I was small." I agreed.

"But... are you willing... to forgive us?" my mother asked, as she now looked up at me, the both of them awaiting my answer.

Forgive? Maybe.
Forget? Absolutely not.

"It's all a matter of time. I don't know if I am ready to forgive you two for putting me through hell yet." I replied sincerely, as the both of them nodded in understanding.

"But I am willing to give it a try." I continued, as their eyes lit up ever so slightly, and they looked relieved.

They smiled slightly, as my father kissed my mother's forehead lovingly, and the both of them stood up.

"Well then. Now that it is clear, why don't we do some family activities?" My father suggested out of nowhere, dropping the topic quickly.

"Honey, give her some time. (N/N), I want you to feel comfortable around us, which will take time and work, I know. If you want to leave, the choice is up to you—" mother corrected him, but I interrupted.

"No, I insist. Let's... go for a walk, or something." I replied, as I rubbed my arm, feeling awkward in my own skin.

A smile made its way onto their faces, as the room's atmosphere let loose, and I felt myself get more... comfortable. Something I thought which wouldn't be a possible around them, yet here I was.

And so, the three of them went on a peaceful walk in the busy streets. The sky was clouded, as the grey clouds pointed out for a possible storm. However, this did not stop the family, they grabbed umbrellas, and walked through the streets, as the rain poured down on them.
The city slowly but surely died down, as most people went back to their homes, trying to stay as dry as possible.
The family of three talked about any topics that came to mind. (Y/N) felt discomfort at first, as she was not used to talking to her parents.
The only thing she had ever experienced, was coldness, countless of senseless abuses, whether verbal or physical. The feeling of not being safe, danger always awaiting, that's what her poor young head had ever experienced.
All of that had developed into trauma, and even as far as PTSDs, which were unpreventable. She had always tried her best to not think back to the old times, but it was pointless. Almost every single day, her mind went back to the events of the past unexpectedly. She wished it all to stop.

Ever since she moved, the only thing she expressed towards her parents was absolute hatred and fear. Scared that they might find her one day, and drag her back into the hellish nightmare she ought to escape from.
Hatred, because of the several beatings, their painful words, and the never shown affection, which she always saw in the television.
In there, everything was always perfect in the family. The parents loved their children, the children vice versa.
She was always envious of those children. She wished she could experience true affection, true love, from her parents.

She often happened to ask herself:

What was I doing wrong?

Was it my fault?

Why can't my family just be normal?

But as the time went on, their walk actually became chill and relaxing, and (Y/N) finally started to experience... affection, she guessed.

Her parents truly did change, and they seemed to have regret what they had done to their daughter.

But it was still way too early to determine, if things could actually go positively.

All they needed, was time. Time could fix broken bonds.



End of chapter seven, season 2

Next chapter: Choices


I hope this didn't bore you guys too much,
since Todoroki didn't participate in this
chapter. But aye, we gotta have some kinda
character development, don't we?
Thank you for reading, as always, and until
next time!


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