๐–’๐–ž ๐–•๐–Š๐–†๐–ˆ๐–Š

By patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... More



452 25 30
By patt_sz


zion and quinn were two days into their honeymoon in hawaii and were loving every second of it, darius and dante were also over the moon at home with mandy and elom who volunteered to stay with the two boys for the week that quinn and zion were away.

and like quinn said the day of the wedding they definitely lost their regained virginity and were the furthest thing away from it, they were fucking at every opportunity they had, night, morning, in between the day when they weren't doing anything.

so quinn was weak almost every hour of the day but she didn't care because she was enjoying it all, and she knew when her and zion got back home they would be having sex once a month so they used the freedom they had.

they were taking pictures of everything they did in hawaii to have memories of it when they got home, and they posted some pictures on instagram too because why not.

quinn.kuwonu | baby body where?

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yas_min | sexymilf.com
- zionkuwonu | nah ah she's only mine to see.
- reign_lee | he comments under a picture of her half nude

zionkuwonu | u can't even see ur hickeys 😏
- quinn.kuwonu | editing is my talent 😏

missreine | what has zion done to deserve this??????
- elomkuwonu | my exact thought
- zionkuwonu | no idea but i ain't giving it up 😛

ash.blare | ✂️❓
- therealnickmara | can i watch?
- zionkuwonu | can i join?
- quinn.kuwonu | y'all are disgusting. no. it's just me and sasha alone!!!
- zionkuwonu | can u take pics at least?
- theaustinporter | petition to ban zion and nick from instagram?

_camilaevans | genes 😌
- quinn.kuwonu | right 😌

zionkuwonu | quinn is catching up to my followers so go unfollow her!!!

34.8K likes | 1.1K comments

yas_min | quinn actually posts good content
- zionkuwonu | like what?
- quinn.kuwonu | my tits 😛
- zionkuwonu | .. fair enough

brandon_arreaga | she's more famous than u now
- zionkuwonu | but i can sing
- quinn.kuwonu | and i have a lot of singers in my dms
- edwinhonoret | i-

therealnickmara | did u take ur pm chain on the honeymoon?
- quinn.kuwonu | yes he did, no complaints tho
- zionkuwonu | yeh cos u pull it when we fuck
- brandon_arreaga | U FUCK WITH OUR BOYBAND CHAIN?!!!
- zionkuwonu | yea sometimes

elomkuwonu | wtf u staring at?
- zionkuwonu | i was staring at quinn but she told me to look away so i did and ta da
- quinn.kuwonu | he kept staring at my boobs
- zionkuwonu | i don't see a problem 😈

ash.blare | turn the camera around and i'll be happy
- quinn.kuwonu | 😏
- zionkuwonu | y'all got sum going on that nick and i don't know about??
- therealnickmara | ash just laughed and winked at me......
- quinn.kuwonu | we're lesbians

quinn.kuwonu | that skirt made me feel like a mermaid

48.2K likes | 2K comments

zionkuwonu | ur one sexy ass mermaid 🥴
- quinn.kuwonu | thanks 😏
- zionkuwonu | and mermaids are always wet sooooooo
- quinn.kuwonu | woah relax i have a gf
- ash.blare | yeh back off

mandy_kuwonu_ | you look beautiful 😍
- quinn.kuwonu | thank youuuu, zion ur mom is now my favorite out ur fam
- zionkuwonu | um- what about me?
- quinn.kuwonu | what about u?

yas_min | alexa play best friend by @/saweetie
- saweetie | that's my best friend, she a real bad bitch 🤪
- zionkuwonu | how-
- quinn.kuwonu | i'm sexy that's how 😏

mira_smiths | ash can we share?
- brandon_arreaga | i swear ur all horny for quinn.
- yas_min | she's one sexy woman.
- zionkuwonu | she's also my wife. keep ur hands to yourself

zionkuwonu | quinn's height again

51.2K likes | 2.6K comments

quinn.kuwonu | sending u divorce papers now
- ash.blare | let's get married!!!!
- zionkuwonu | noooooo!!!!!!! i'm sorry!!!!!!
- missreine | told u not to fuck around cos she's got options.

brandon_arreaga | and ur back to single
- zionkuwonu | nope.
- theaustinporter | i'm sure you'll find some downgrade soon
- zionkuwonu | i'm still married!!!
- therealnickmara | i don't know about that

yas_min | dumbass, and u got yourself divorced 🙄
- reign_lee | so nobody deserved quinn after all
- ash.blare | ugh men. 🥱
- edwinhonoret | 😐

quinn.kuwonu | update; we're not divorcing
- zionkuwonu | yeahhhh 🥳🥳🥳🥳
- yas_min | u got railed?
- quinn.kuwonu | yes and he got me flowers 😊
- zionkuwonu | so fuck off ash she's mine forever!!!!!!
- ash.blare | 😑 keep an eye open when u sleep

fair to say they were loving life together and they couldn't wait to spend the rest of their days on this planet together too, and quinn hinted having another baby with him but obviously he didn't catch the hint with his oblivious ass self.

he was the first man she wouldn't mind having unlimited kids with, obviously not realistically because she wasn't going to be giving birth to more than one more kid right now but the thought of it is what counted.

and this time she wished for a baby girl to have a little girl bestie, she loved having two boys but she just wanted that daughter and mother duo, she thought about just talking to zion about having another baby but she thought it was too soon so she wasn't going to mention it just yet.

but zion definitely wouldn't mind having another baby with quinn, he was in love with the woman so she wanted a baby he was going to give it to her without a second thought in mind, plus he lowkey wanted another baby.

a blast into the future

quinn and zion ended up having another baby and this time it was a baby girl which quinn was over the moon with, but zion sworn to make her a daddy's girl and quinn sworn to kill him if he did.

they named her maya willow kuwonu and she looked like a girl version of zion but quinn didn't mind because dante looked very much like quinn, and they shared darius's features.

and there was no more kids coming into their lives anymore, three was more than enough for the two of them plus simba so technically they did have four kids to look after but one wasn't human.

they had a happy little family and they were more than joyful with it, plus quinn added zion's last name to dante's name because zion was now his father but dante loved it so he didn't care.

caleb zion kuwonu.

quinn audrey kuwonu.

dante ross evans kuwonu.

darius caleb kuwonu.

maya willow kuwonu.

simba kuwonu.

was more than enough for them, and zion's family were also overjoyed with how many kids they had, darius quickly became kekeli's favorite because he never, ever cried in her arms and most of the time was smiling.

dante was obviously always with elom and simba so that was final, and maya was everyone's favorite little troublemaker although she was only a year old, she loved being a little too curious of everything, especially with messing with people hair, and especially zion's.

after another year of being together nick and sasha both decided to have a baby, and sasha was a little too excited to have a little belly because she found it cute but also was excited to have a mini version of her and nick running around.

and nick was a little too excited for the trying to get pregnant part, obviously he was excited to have a baby with the person he loved the most and actually having a baby, so when sasha finally did get pregnant he ended up running around the house celebrating but got tired very quickly.

the guys and girls were excited for nick and sasha too and sasha had top notch advice from quinn and reign about everything to do with pregnancy and the baby, when the baby was eventually born she realized what pain the girls were talking to her about.

and like she said to quinn when darius was born she ended up screaming at nick throughout it all, he knew she was in pain so he couldn't complain but he definitely didn't know what to do with himself during.

now they have a little baby girl which nick quickly became very overprotective with, to the point that she ended up sleeping with them in bed because he thought she could hurt herself in the crib.. and obviously sasha laughed at but she knew he was coming from a place of good so she let him do whatever.

the little girl got most of her features from sasha and a little from nick but he loved that because she looked like a mini version of sasha, so they had a little happy family.

nickolas carter mara.

sasha jane blare.

destiny kira mara.

and destiny was only a few months younger than maya so nick and zion already planned for them to be best friends, sasha and quinn didn't even interfere with them because that was too much energy to waste, and they wouldn't mind if the two girls were best friends in the future.

austin already his happy family way before the guys so nothing much changed for him, he was still happily married to ansley and they weren't planning on anymore kids than they already had.

he mainly just supported his best friends with everything and celebrated with them through it all, and he had them all dad advice because some of them didn't know how to handle it all.

reign and edwin already had a little family since reign fell pregnant very soon in their relationship but no regrets, and they loved their baby girl because she was wonderful in every single way, and after a few months they decided to get married.

edwin was in love with the woman and the little girl he had in his life and couldn't be happier.. or so he thought, that was until reign fell pregnant again a year or so later and he was lowkey hoping for a baby boy this time but he wouldn't mind if it was girl again.

and when they could finally find out the gender they were surprised with twins, two baby boys to be exact and edwin doubled his hope, they were happy either way and ticked off baby making off their life list because it ended there.

so it all meant reign would have to go through double the pregnancy pain and she was the furthest from happy with that, but for her baby boys she was going to go through it and for edwin because he was excited to have two little sons.

when the time came and the boys were brought into the world edwin gave reign full control of their names because of the pain she went through, and he didn't mind what their names were because he loved them.

edwin joel honoret.

reign lee washington.

verenity amara honoret.

rowan antonio honoret.

edward mateo honoret.

they were more than happy with their little family and edwin was overprotective once again like he was with mari but reign didn't mind because he was just being a good dad, mari loved her little brothers and couldn't wait until they could talk so she could tell them stories.

brandon and zamira also stayed together but weren't planning to have any kids just yet, they were still young and wanted to experience life a little more before adding another person into theirs.

plus they had more than enough of kids around so they ended up being babysitters occasionally but they didn't mind and brandon loved it because he loved kids, but wasn't going to have any himself just yet so he was just a cool uncle for now.

so now it was just zamira and brandon loving life with each other, they were already living together after a year and they loved it so they were working up to a child but not yet.

mila and yasmin were the first couple married and living together other than austin and ansley so those steps were done, and after a few months they decided to adopt a child.

they both agreed they didn't want to go through the baby phase of it all so they ended up adopting a three year old boy called omari, they quickly fell in love with him because he was the sweetest little boy ever.

he wasn't too confident but still had some confidence and was definitely a charmer, he loved having two moms and they loved him more than anything in this world like parents do.

so they had their little happy family just like the rest of their friends, and omari quickly became good friends with hunter and dante even though he was a year younger but they didn't mind.

yasmin clark.

mila lanai clark.

omari clark.

zion was definitely his favorite uncle because the little boy had very curly hair and he wanted to have dreads like zion, and zion promised him that when his hair grows out a little more they'd go get him little dreads.

camila and victor never got married or planned to because they both agreed it was too much for them and they were happy together so there was no need, for a year they only had luca to care and worry for but after that year camila got pregnant again.

victor obviously was happy and there was no complaints, and camila was happy too but they both agreed that this was the last baby they were having because more than two was a hassle for then seen as they were working.

and after nine months another baby boy was born into the evans/massi family, and this time camila had full control of the baby's name and she was excited for it.

victor leon massi.

camila kendall evans.

luca oliver massi.

angelo hector massi.

luca had a lot of his mom's features and angelo had a lot of his dad's features so they had a good share, they were both the best little boys that the couple could've wished for and they were happy as ever.


i can't believe this book is really over, thank you for reading, voting on and commenting on the books.

i can't even remember when i first started it but it's been a few months and i'm so happy with it, thank you again for everything and there's plenty more to come soon.

love you all.

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