The Long Lost Mafia Prince

By Luna18Baby

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~~ "Torturami ogni giorno, ma ferisci chi amo, pagherai." ~~ {} Rayver Cruise is not your cliché male chara... More

Cast - Main and Parents
Cast - Rayver's Friends
Cast - Italian In-group
Cast - British In-group
Chapter 1 - My Confusion Level Just Hit Sky High
Chapter 2 - Some Things Are Just Impossible
Chapter 3 - You Can't Even Say One Word Straight
Chapter 4 - I Felt Something
Chapter 5 - One Out Of Ten
Chapter 6 - This Is Why I Extremely Dislike Extrovert Professors
Chapter 7 - Who Says He Will Live?
Chapter 8 - Why Would She Even Bother To Look At Someone Like You?
Chapter 9 - And I Am Deadly Serious
Chapter 11 - I Am Cringing So Bad
Chapter 12 - 🖾🖾🖾
Chapter 13 - I Just Called Mr. Luciano, 'Dad'
Chapter 14 - He Is Someone Worthy Of Love
Chapter 15 - The Day I See Regina Care Is The Day I See Her Beg
Chapter 16 - And You, Are The Long Lost Mafia Prince
Chapter 17 - Tomorrow Your Training Begins
Chapter 18 - That. Was. Disgusting.
Chapter 19 - I'm In Love With Regina
Chapter 20 - I Know Your Mother
Chapter 21 - Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
Chapter 22 - Would We Be A Family?
Chapter 23 - Strong Sensuality, And A Deep Loathing
Chapter 24 - I Am Worth To Be Called Her Brother
Chapter 25 - Worthy Of The Luciano Surname
Chapter 26 - The Things I Do To Keep You Safe
Chapter 27 - I Guess We Were Both Pluviophiles
Chapter 28 - Help
Chapter 29 - The Cause Of Her Demise
Chapter 30 - I'm Already Forever Damned
Chapter 31 - Addio, IL Mio Re
Chapter 32 - I Know You Love Me
Chapter 33 - The Queen Bloodlust
Chapter 34 - Meeting Both Voices In My Head
Chapter 35 - Hope
Chapter 36 - Even The Powerful Regina Luciano Has A Kryptonite
Chapter 37 - You're Gonna Forget About This, Everything Here, Okay?
Chapter 38 - Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend
Chapter 39 - Desperate Male Indeed
Chapter 40 - Colors
Chapter 41 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 42 - Awake
Chapter 43 - I Love You
Chapter 44 - Selfish For Now
Chapter 45 - I'd Rather Die On My Feet, Than Live On My Knees
Chapter 46 - Do With Me As You Will
Chapter 47 - Fino Ad Allora
Chapter 48 - A Part Of Him That He Couldn't Accept
Chapter 49 - Purple Hyacinths
The End
Bonus - Her Lullaby

Chapter 10 - Excuse Me While I Internally Vomit

2.4K 70 24
By Luna18Baby


Regina POV

Three words, nine letters, and a whole lot of relief.

"I found him!"

With my hand still half-wrapped in a bandage, I shot out of my chair, ignoring Soren's calls for me to stop moving.

It's been hours, and the sun was shining now. Apparently, it took longer than usual because I had broken the phone.

"Dove?!" I said with a voice louder than usual. {Where?!}

"He's at a... House?" Krista said. Well, more like questioned.

"Why would a kidnapper bring him to a normal house?" I heard Wynter voice out everyone's confusion.

"Ha importanza ?! Andiamo!" I snapped, marching off downstairs to the weapons room. {Does it even matter?! Let's go!}

"Regina, wait! We still need a plan." Soren said, following me. "And not to mention your hand still has a wound."

"Sembra che mi importi?!" I didn't even bother turning around or greeting anyone I came across to. I had a place to go and I was getting to it. {Do I look like I care?!}

I drowned out the rest of his complaints and burst open the door to the weapon room underground. By far, this was my favourite room in the whole place.

In one hallway were whole different choices of guns. Ranging from revolvers to rifles, and pistols to snipers.

In another hallway were the blades. These were ranging from knives to ninja stars. Anything that had blades, really.

"Prendi una pistola e muoviti," I told him, getting myself a normal glock 19. {Grab a gun and get moving.}

Without waiting up for him, I continued on my journey back upstairs.

"Do you even have a plan?" Soren said, his voice exhausted and exasperated. Looks like he finally decided to stop trying to stop me.

"Quando non ho un piano?" I vaguely answered him. {When do I not have a plan?}

In all honesty, though, I don't. I'm all acting on impulse now. No plan, no formation, no nothing! Nothing but the goal to get my brother back.

And I will.

... But why?


"This is it? Are you sure that Krista isn't trolling us?" Soren asked.

Does he have to be so goddamn chatty?!

"Hey! I am not! The address from where I tracked the phone says they're here." Her voice said through the handheld transceiver.

Other people call them 'walkie-talkies', but not me. Too childish for my taste.

"Whatever. Let's just go in there and see if he's there or not. Angelo, do you have vision?" I asked our sniper.

{A/N: I honestly forgot about this guy.}

He was supposed to find a place where he can use his sniper just in case shit gets wrong.

"Yes. And I am in position as well." He said, his voice a little static through the transceiver.

Soren, Wynter, and I were to go in there first, while Kade was driving if shit does get wrong.

Since this place looks too nice to be a hideout for kidnappers, Soren suggested we hide our guns first. His words, not mine.

Because my words consist of something along the lines of 'let's get him and blow up the damn place'. I told them that just because we were in a nice-looking neighbourhood, doesn't mean that this place would be all flowers and butterflies.

Though, I'm starting to rethink my words because this neighbourhood is full of flowers, and butterflies are fluttering everywhere.

Excuse me while I internally vomit.

The doorbell ringing snapped me out of my disgusted trance. I traced the outline of my gun which was hidden in the waistband of my jeans, making sure that whatever will happen in there, I would be prepared.

Finally, the door opened.


There were shards of glass and splinters of wood everywhere.

The smoke made me and the others cough, and my eyes watered.

The car that Kade was in also got fire, resulting in him having to get out. Hopefully h,e was far already.

Meanwhile, I could hear the frantic voice of Angelo through the transceiver, and I'm quite shocked that it wasn't broken yet.

I spoke too fast.

A foot crushed the transceiver to pieces, and when I looked up, there he was, the one who set up the motherfucking bomb.

He was grinning sadistically at the sight of blood trailing from my head, down to the sidewalk.

"Don't worry, Regina. Your brother and father will be following soon enough." He said, faintly kicking over my shoulder so I would be laying down.

I'm shocked that I heard him even though my ears were ringing and my head was pounding.

He clicked his tongue at the sight of me. I would do the same if he was in my position too, though.

It was him.

Cavillor Flare.

And he won.

Through blurry eyes, I could see that his mouth was moving, but I couldn't understand them anymore. I was slowly fading away.

I tried to fight it, but it won over me.

The darkness engulfed me.


The End.


{A/N: Syke! Just kidding! Damn, that was fun writing. Their story doesn't end here yet! This book is gonna teach about... I dunno, thirty-five to fifty chapters, I guess? Anyway, here's what ACTUALLY happened.}


Finally, the door opened.


An old grandmother.

I have several questions..?

"Oh, hello, dears! How may I help you?" She asked kindly with a warm smile.

Seriously, I'm confused as fuck.

"Hi, uh, we're here to get... Rayver..? Is he here?" Soren took the initiative to ask since he saw that I didn't speak.

What the hell is going on?

"Oh, yes, yes! He is in here. Well, come on in." She said, opening the door wider for us.

I immediately looked around the place for anything suspicious and... None, whatsoever.

Someone fucking explain.

"He is in the kitchen, eating some of the brownies I made. Come, come. I'll lead you to him. Maybe you'd like some, as well?" Granny asked us, but I didn't answer.

Krista and Soren chatted conversationally with her while I was still wary of this place. there were two kinds of a cosy places and a nice host

First would be a too cosy home and a too nice host, and the other would be an actual cosy home and an actual nice host.

And through whatever angle I try to look at, this place was the latter.

We soon entered the kitchen where a sight greeted me. A sight that I never expected to see when I read that message.

Rayver fucking Cruise was leisurely eating brownies and chatting up with this random guy.

At his wide smile, you would think that I never needed to worry about him.

Which, I didn't.

"Che cazzo stai facendo," I said, more of a statement rather than a question. My calm voice was penetrating the room. {What the actual fuck are you doing.}

The sound of my voice made him turn to where I was, and if possible, his smile got bigger.

"Regina, you made it! I was worrying your dad didn't get my message." He said nonchalantly, biting into another brownie.

I felt my left eye twitch.

"Prendilo e andiamo." Without waiting for anyone's response, and knowing that Krista and Soren understood what I said, I turned on my heel and walked out. {Get him and let's go}

I went to the back of the SUV we brought with us and took my motor out of the boot. With my keys in my back pocket, I took it out and high-tailed out of there before I set the whole place on fire.

I was fucking worried for fucking nothing.

I was fucking worried for fucking nothing.

I was fucking worried for motherfucking nothing!


Rayver POV

"What's wrong with her?" I asked cluelessly.

One of her friends waved me off. Soarin, was it? No, ah yes, Soren.

"We'll tell you later, but right now, I have my eyes on these brownies!" He said, and then launched to grab one out of my plate.

"What happened, Rayver?" Another of her friends asked me. She had short hair and blue eyes.

"I found him in an alley, unconscious so I took him here. When he woke up, we both realized that all his belongings were gone, which meant that he got pickpocketed." The guy who took me in, Mr Brown, explained what happened to me.

"But... What about that message?" She continued to ask.

"I asked if I could borrow his phone to message Mr Lu- I mean, my guardian, and he agreed. I told him the number and he texted it and told me we just had to wait." This time, I explained.

Whatever reaction I was expecting from her, wasn't near this one.

She facepalmed.

She turned to Mr Brown with an irritated face, and said, "Why would you say it so cryptically?! Do you have any idea how worried all were? Seriously, we thought he got kidnapped, for fuck's sake!"

"Language, dearie." She gave an apologetic smile to Granny Linda. She was Mr Brown's mother-in-law.

"Well, I apologize for the misunderstanding. You see, I'm not that good with the new technology and all." Mr Brown gingerly explained.

"It's alright. Thank you, though. For taking him in, but I believe that we should get going now." The girl said and got down from the stool.

"Oh, of course. Here, bring more of these that I made! I'll even pack you some cookies." Granny Linda said, The last part was mostly to herself as she got up and went to the pantry.

"Soren, let's go, you pig." The girl said, pulling Soren's ear, despite his protests.

After Granny gave us the paper bag, we said our farewells to them both and got in the SUV that they brought.

They briefly explained to another guy who was in the car as the driver what happened to me, and in exchange, he told us what Ina did when she went out.

I hope she's safe.

On our drive home, I realized that I didn't have my phone or my wallet anymore.

God... That phone was expensive... What would Mr Luciano say?!

He would be very disappointed that you managed to lose such important things. He won't trust you now.

He won't care because you are safe. That's all that matters, so be happy. Frowns don't go along with a face with Luciano genes.

We then arrived back at the mansion.

As soon as I entered through the doors, I was engulfed in a tight embrace.

It took me a while to understand what was happening.

Ricardo Luciano was hugging me.


Shouldn't he be disappointed..?

Not to say I told you so, but... I told you so.

After a few more seconds, he let me go and put his hands on my shoulders, and took a look at my figure, searching for who knows what.

He's looking for any injuries, you idiot.


Having found none, he then asked the others what happened.

I'm right here, you know. You could've just asked me.

They explained to him anyway, and to say he was relieved was an understatement. He even said that he would 'reward' Mr Brown and Granny Linda or something.

As we were talking, the door burst open, halting the conversation.

In came Regina, a scowl ebbed on her face.

Once she set her eyes on me, she glared with a wave of deep anger, making me flinch in fear. Her glare did not waver though.

Tearing her eyes away from mine, she marched upstairs and turned into a hallway. A slam of a door was heard soon afterwards.

"Don't worry about her. She's just mad that she was worried for nothing." I looked at Soren because of his words.

"Worried?" The word sounded foreign when it was about Regina.

"Yeah, she was worried sick. Didn't even sleep a wink last night." The girl, whose name I found out was Wynter, said to me.

I glanced back at the way that Regina went.

I highly doubt she would be worried about me. I mean, she downright hates me!

Oh well, I'll think of that some other time since today is a school day.

I bid goodbye to the others and Mr Luciano, and went upstairs to my room to take a bath and dress up.

Worried? Yeah right.


{A/N: Hey Cagna!

Ugh. Writer's block is a bitch.

Yes, I know that I promised a chapter within twenty-four hours of chapter nine, but then inspiration left the chat.

On another note, here's a little gift to celebrate 300+ reads! Yayyy!!! Made by, yours truly.

Thank you all SO SO MUCH for reading The Long Lost Mafia Prince. I'm glad that some people actually like it.

The next chapter should be up in... Maybe from two to three days from now.

No promises this time, but only my rule to myself that I will update within hours to three days.

Laters, 'gators!

From Me To You,

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