The Little Sister (BuckyXRead...

By AveryR729

14.1K 356 89

This is an AU story, with Marvel characters. Y/n Rogers is Steve's little sister, she's constantly around all... More



1K 28 1
By AveryR729

Everyone was surprised to see me storm into their humble abode. They were all sitting in the living room watching tv. 

Sam's smile faltered, "Hey y/n, I thought you were with Bucky." 

I shrugged, "I was, now I'm not." 

They took notice of my pissedness, and angry tone. 

"What happened?" Clint got up. 

"Oh you know, tried to fuck Bucky." 

Their eyes widened. Clint was the most surprised, because he knew nothing at the moment. 

I licked my lips, "Didn't go so well though. Being Steve's little sister, and all he just had to push me off him, because I'm nothing but that. Steve's little sister." 

Sam got up, and walked over to me. "He said that?" 

I nodded, "I would like to get drunk, and fuck someone." 

"That's not a good way to-" I cut Tony off. 

"I don't give a shit! It's not a good idea to fall for your brothers best friend, yet here I am." An angry smile spread over my face.

Tony stood his ground, "No, sorry. Rogers will kill me if I let you do this." 

"I'm Rogers, and I won't kill you." 

Tony shriveled under my smiling, yet very angry look. Clint on the other hand, he wasn't scared at all. And then Sam, I'm like 40 percent sure he he pissed his pants. 

Clint gave me a stern once over, "You're not doing shit y/n. You will regret it if you do, and you can't take it back. Have you talked to Bucky?" 

I laughed, and Sam cowered behind Tony, "Of course I've talked to him! I would just love to talk to the guy that just brutally rejected me. That sounds like tons of fun, you want to come with?" 

He narrowed his eyes, "Y/n, talk to him." 

"No." I deadpanned to look him in the eye. 

"Yes. Why didn't he want to do anything?" 

Suddenly I was embarrassed, "He didn't want to do anything, because I'm Steve's little sister." 

"And that's a good reason y/n. Steve would be pissed if he Bucky did something like that." 

"Like what?! Had sex with me?!" 

"YES!" Clint sighed, "Yes. I don't think you understand how big of a deal this is. Steve wouldn't forgive him, or you for that matter." 

"See I don't give a shit Barton! I've liked him for a long time, and I would rather date him than be close with my brother. I've been close with him for 22 fucking years! I can live the rest of my life without him!" 

Sam shook his head, "You don't mean that y/n."

"And if I do?!" 

"You don't." I jumped, and spun around. 

Bucky was standing in the doorway, and the real embarrassment set in. 

"You're not part of this conversation Barnes." I tried to hide the new tears filling my eyes. 

"Seems like I am. I mean you're talking about me right?" 

I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, "Doesn't mean you need to join us." 

"If my names involved-" I don't want to cry in front of him.

"Then shit! I said your name!" 

Bucky could see right passed the face I was putting on. He could see my watery eyes, and how I was wasn't breathing because if I did, I would start crying. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room. I couldn't stop the tears, they flowed down my face. He shut, and locked his door. Then he walked up to me, and kissed me. He didn't wipe the tears, he just kissed me. After a few seconds he did pull away to wipe my face. He rested his hands on either side of my face.

"We can't tell Steve."

I nodded, "I know. Are you ok with that?"

He nodded, and his hands went from my face to the back of my thighs. He pulled on them lightly, and I jumped up. He moved down to my neck, and a few small moans left my mouth when he found the soft spot bellow my ear. I could feel him smirk against my skin everytime I made a sound. His personal favorite was the small whines that slipped out, when I didn't mean for them to. As far as first times go... It was good. It hurt a little, but it was also with the guy I've dreamed about for long ass time. After we collapsed next to each other on his bed.

"You sure that was your first time?"

I turned red and looked away from him.

"I really hope they left."

He chuckled, "they did."

I turned back to him, "And how would you know that?"

He stroked my cheek, "Because they're nice."

After a small nap I woke up to fell Bucky drawing little shapes on my back. A little hum left my mouth, and he continued the motion. My head was on his bare chest, and I was pretty happy just lying like this. 

"I guess we should talk about this." I didn't look at him as I spoke. 

"Is there something to talk about?" His hand stopped moving. 

My heart fell, and I could already feel the tears. Was this a one time thing? Of course there's something to talk about. 

"I- uh... I just thought-" I couldn't finish my sentence. 

Bucky shifted a little, and I sat up. He saw my teary eyes, and something dawned on his face. 

"Shit doll, that's not what I meant. I just thought we would start dating, was that not obvious?" 

I let out a breath, and a small laugh. "You need to work on phrasing sentences Buck. If we start dating do we tell Steve?" 

He looked away, "I don't think so. I just don't think he'll react well." 

"Ok." I couldn't help but smile. 

He looked back at me, a little shocked looked. "Ok?" 

I nodded, "Ok. I doubt he'll react good either." 

He let out a sigh of relief, and stood to get dressed. 

"Where're you going?" I whined and fell onto my back.

"On a date." 

I groaned, "What time is it?" 


"I'll only go if I can wear one of your shirts." 

He shook his head and laughed, but he did indeed throw a shirt at me. I put it on with my legging, and he dragged me to a coffee shop. We just walked around, and drank coffee while talking. The general consensus is that we're boyfriend, and girlfriend. We've already known each other for years, so we didn't see a point in waiting any longer. After coffee he drove me back to my place and I was practically bouncing off the walls. It's hard to explain what it felt like to walk around holding his hand. Everything in me was overly excited. A little part of my mind thought I was going to be woken up by an alarm in a little bit, because everything was too perfect. Just holding his hand I felt like a teenager, I mean my palms got clammy and I couldn't stop smiling. He noticed this, and it made him laugh.

"We're fucking dating!" I ran into Nat's room. 

She was sitting on the floor panting Wanda's nails. They both turned to me with smiles. I threw myself onto her bed, and leaned my head over the edge so it was near them. 

"We had sex, and then went on a date. We just walked around town with coffee's, and we talked about nothing and everything. Now I get to call him my boyfriend, and I'm really happy. We're not telling Steve though, so you can't say anything." 

They both stared at me for a few seconds before resuming what they were doing. 

Wanda looked over to me, "I'm really happy for you y/n. He basically threatened us after you left." 

Nat wasn't as happy as Wanda, "What're you gonna do when Steve finds out?" 

My mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. She just nodded her head, and I sighed. Steve will flip if we keep it from him, and he'll flip if he finds out. No matter what he's gonna get upset. 

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