One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 11: One big search party
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 13: One terrified baby
Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 25: one snowy vacation
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 41: One nasty cold
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 50: One crazy holiday
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 16: One holy terror

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By lipgloss1989

*phone rings*

Jason: *answers phone* hello?

Jillian: Jason it's me Jillian

Jason: hey big sis! How are you doing?

Jillian: I'm great! How are y'all? Long time no see

Jason: we are doing great

Jillian: so I was wondering if we could come down and visit y'all this week? Since we haven't seen y'all since Stella was born. We also need help with Reed's behavior...

Jason: of course! What's wrong with reed?

Jillian: Well he has always been pretty aggressive, but now that I'm pregnant it's been even harder to control him. Also we are going to be on an episode of Supernanny...

Jason: What!? that's so exciting!! So we are gonna be on too?

Jillian: If y'all want to! okay well I'll get some plane tickets and we'll fly in tomorrow night!

Jason: can't wait! I'll tell Madeline

Jillian: okay see you in two days!

Jason: bye

Jillian: bye

Jason: Madeline!

Madeline: hey what's up?

Jason: Jillian's coming in to visit in two days!

Madeline: exciting! Okay well need to clean the house up cause it's a wreck right now...

Jason: alright we can do that in the morning. They are staying for a week

Madeline: awesome! All of them are?

Jason: yes. Also we are gonna be on Supernanny!

Madeline: What now?

Jason: Reed is having really bad behavior and they can't get him under control. They need help especially before the new baby comes so they need to see how he works with other kids

Madeline: oh wow! I'm okay with that! I haven't seen him since we first started dating and he was 3!

Jason: yeah he got big

Madeline: aww I can't wait!

Jason: I'm excited too

Madeline: okay Stella's out like a light and I'm ready for bed too. Especially if we need to clean up and get food for the week tomorrow. 

Jason: okay good night honey

Madeline: goodnight

*go to sleep*

*next morning*

Madeline: *calls caroline*

Caroline: hey what's up?

Madeline: can you come over today? Jason's sister is coming in tonight and Jason and I need to clean the house and go grocery shopping before they come. Also we are gonna be on TV so we need to clean up!

Caroline: Woah wait... We are gonna be on TV? How awesome!

Madeline: yes we will be on Supernanny! Reed has super bad behavior and doesn't listen. Jill doesn't know how to discipline him and she is 2 months pregnant.

Caroline: Yay! Addy will be so excited. yeah that's fine! I'll be over in a few

Madeline: okay see you soon

Stella: *wakes up*

Madeline: *talking to Stella* you slept so good last night. Mommy is so happy! Let's go feed you breakfast.

Caroline: hey I'm here

Madeline: hey!

Caroline: good morning nanny's little sunshine!

Madeline: she went to bed early last night and slept through the night!

Caroline: oh wow!! Good job Stella girl!!

Madeline: I know! I was so excited to get a good night sleep.

*feeds baby breakfast and gets her dressed*

Madeline: okay I think I'll put her on her play mat right now and then when she's ready for a nap I'll put her in her bouncer just so she doesn't fuss while we're cleaning

Caroline: sounds good!

Madeline: we'll just have to keep an eye on her since she's starting to crawl now.

Caroline: definitely!

*girls start cleaning*

Madeline: I'll be cleaning up the guest room can you do the bathroom?

Caroline: yeah!

Stella: *crawling around the living room*

Caroline: hey where's the toilet cleaner?

Madeline: it's in the cabinet in the Lennon closet

Caroline: I see it thanks

Madeline: Stella's being really quiet is she sleeping?

Caroline: um... she's not on her mat

Madeline: oh shit... okay cleaning on hold. Let the baby searching begin

*look for the baby*

Caroline: I found a little sneaker in the laundry room

Madeline: baby girl! There you are! You made an escape?!

Madeline: okay we really need to start baby proofing the house. We got all the outlets plugged up and the cabinets locked but we need baby gates.

Caroline: where's her pack and play? We can put that out for right now while we aren't watching her.

Madeline: it's in her closet

Caroline: okay I'll go set that up for her

Madeline: thanks!

*caroline sets up play pen and puts baby in it*

Caroline: okay shes all set

Madeline: perfect. Thank you!

Caroline: yeah no problem!

Caroline: okay so the bathroom is done.

Madeline: okay I'm almost done the guest room

Stella: *getting fussy*

Caroline: someone's getting sleepy

Madeline: you can put her in her bouncer

Caroline: come see girly let's go bounce.

*puts baby in the bouncer*

Stella: *still fussing*

Caroline: look baby nanny has your pacifier!

Stella: *takes pacifier and starts to fall asleep*

Caroline: man that pacifier works miracles!

Madeline: I know! And I have no idea where we got them from. I wanted to stock up on them cause she uses the heck out of it and just Incase we lose it.

Caroline: yeah I don't know.

Jason: hey I'm home

Madeline: good I saved the kitchen for you to clean. We'll be right back we are going grocery shopping and pick Addy up from school. The baby is napping in her bouncer

Jason: honey can you take her with you?

Madeline: babe why can't she just stay here with you? I don't want to wake her up

Jason: she's gonna wake up anyways and I'm only one person there is two of you

Madeline: we won't be long she'll be fine

*girls go the grocery store*

Jason: I can't clean in quiet I need some music

* Jason turns music on*

*baby wakes up and starts fussing*

Jason: it's okay it's okay shh go back to sleep

Stella: *starts crying*

Jason: it's okay daddy's got you *picks baby up*

Jason: hey do you want to play? *puts baby on the ground to play*

Stella: *grabs a toy and plays with it*

Jason: there you go! Play with the toy while daddy cleans.

*few minutes later*

Stella: *crawls to the kitchen and grabs windex to play with*

Jason: no baby! You can't have that! *takes windex from baby*

Stella: starts crying*

Jason: *picks Stella up* I'm sorry baby girl but you cant play with that it will make you sick. Do you want a little snack? How about daddy gives you some bananas!

*puts baby in high chair and cuts up tiny pieces of bananas*

Jason: there you go!

Stella: *puts her face in the bananas*

Jason: well that's one way to eat them

*madeline, Addy and Caroline get home*

Madeline: hey daddy how'd it go?

Jason: well she slept for a little bit but I turned some music on and she woke up. I gave her some bananas. She just stuck her face in them

*Madeline and Caroline laugh*

Jason: what?

Madeline: babe I really appreciate that but she doesn't know how to feed herself yet.

Jason: well isn't it time she learned?

Madeline: shes 8 months old she has plenty of time.

Stella: *baby noises and playing with bananas*

Madeline: aww baby you want mommy to feed you some nanas

*madeline feeds Stella bananas*

Jason: I'm sorry. I'm still getting used to this baby thing

Madeline: it's okay babe. I am too, it may seem like I know what I'm doing but to be honest I'm just winging it. I'm just with her 24/7 so I'm used to just learning with her.

Jason: okay I feel better now

*a few hours later*

*phone rings*

Madeline: hello?

Dianne: hi Madeline

Madeline: hi!

Dianne: can you put Jason on the phone please

Madeline: yeah sure!

Madeline: Jason it's your mom

Jason: hey mom

Dianne: hey Jason. I need you to come pick us up from the airport.

Jason: wait I didn't know you were coming too?

Jason: hey Madeline. Their plane is about to land so I'm going pick them up from the airport and by the way my mother is coming instead of Jillian's husband.

Madeline: babe where is she sleeping? We only have one guest room! Unless she and Jillian share a bed but Reed will probably want to sleep with her.

Jason: we can put reed in the room with Stella

Madeline: oh no no no... she is not going to sleep with someone else in the room with her.

Jason: she'll be fine. He's 7 so I'm sure he goes to bed around the same time as Stella.

Madeline: okay I'm trusting you on this

Jason: I will take the fall for it

Madeline: okay go get them

Jason: okay I'm leaving

*Jason leaves for the airport*

Madeline: okay can you help me grab the air mattress out of closet?

Caroline: yeah!

Madeline: *takes baby out of high chair and puts her on the play mat*

Caroline: okay ready

Madeline: yeah

*get air mattress and bring it to the nursery*

Stella: *starts fussing*

Madeline: hold on baby I'm coming

Madeline: let me go grab her before she gets too mad!

Madeline: *gets baby and brings her in the nursery*

Caroline: wait! Put her on the air mattress while it inflated!

Madeline: oh my goodness she would love that!

*puts Stella on the air mattress and starts inflating it*

Addy: she's having fun I think!

Madeline: she's so confused! She has no idea why it's moving underneath her

Caroline: so cute!

Jason: hey we're back

Madeline: hey!!

Jillian: so good to see y'all!! Oh my gosh look how big she got! I mean she's still little but I haven't seen her since she was born!

Madeline: shes getting too big too fast!!

Jillian: hey enjoy her while she's little. Cause when she's reeds age... all hell breaks loose!

Madeline: I haven't seen reed since he was little as well. Hey buddy how are you?

Reed: where's the remote for the tv

Jillian: reed come meet your baby cousin Stella

Reed: she smells like poop. I'll find the remote myself

Jillian: kids! *fake laughs*

Madeline: *fake laughs*

Dianne: good to see you Madeline!

Madeline: so glad you came Mrs. Dianne

Dianne: can I hold my granddaughter!?

Madeline: of course!

Dianne: *talking to baby* hi sweetheart I'm your granny. She is absolutely gorgeous!

Madeline: thank you so much!

Jillian: reed, take your stuff to Stella's room.

Reed: you mean I have to sleep in the same room as that stink machine

Jillian: reed be nice that's your cousin. They have a air mattress for you in there to sleep on.

Addy: she doesn't smell that bad!

Reed: what do you know!

Jillian: okay well i think we are all exhausted we'll see y'all in the morning. Jo is coming in the morning for observation.

Madeline: yay! good night!

Jason: good night!

Caroline: okay We'll come back in the morning

Madeline: okay thank you so much for helping today!

Caroline: yeah anytime. Good night!

Dianne: would you mind if I put the baby to bed tonight?

Madeline: not at all! In fact it would be a favor for us! Her blanket and her pacifier is in her crib just give her that and she should be good to go!

Dianne: okay good night honey I'll see you in the morning

*Madeline and Jason go to bed*

*Dianne rocks and puts the baby to bed*

*next morning*

Madeline: good morning Jason

Jason: good morning

Madeline: do you want to make breakfast or should I?

Jason: nah I got it

*Jason starts making breakfast*

Jillian: good morning guys

Jason: good morning big sis

Reed: *walks in the living room*

Jillian: good morning!

Reed: that girl is noisy when she sleeps

Jillian: who is?

Reed: Stella

Madeline: aww she kept you up?

Reed: nope she just makes noises

Jillian: hey reed you wanna go help uncle Jason out?

Reed: yeah!

*door bell*

Jillian: that must be Jo!

Madeline: *get's the door*

Jo: Hello!

Madeline: Hi! Welcome!

Jo: I'm Jo nice to meet you!

Madeline: I'm Madeline, Jill's sister-in-law. Nice to meet you to

Jill: Hey! I'm Jill and this is my son Reed. Reed say hi

Reed: hi

Jo: Hi Reed nice to meet you.

Jason: I'm Jason, Jills brother

Jo: nice to meet you.

Jill: This is Dianne, my mom

Jo: hi nice to meet you

Dianne: Nice to meet you too!

Stella: *wakes up*

Madeline: And there's the baby

Madeline: *get's baby out of her crib and brings her to meet Jo*

Jo: Who is this little one?

Madeline: This is my daughter Stella

Jo: Hi little Stella!

Stella: *smiles*

Jo: so I'm just going to kind of sit back and let you all do your normal routine

Jill: okay sounds good!

Jill: Reed are you helping uncle Jason out?

Reed: yeah

Dianne: reed whatcha cooking up?

Reed: I'm making eggs and oatmeal

Dianne: ooh sounds good!

Madeline: I think I'll make a little bowl of oatmeal for Stella. She's never had oatmeal before.

Reed: I can make her some!

Madeline: thank you!

Reed: *whispers* let's add some egg shells

Madeline: thanks buddy!

*puts baby in high chair*

Madeline: look baby mommy has something new!

*gives Stella a bite*

Stella: *starts gagging*

Jason: babe she has something in her mouth

Madeline: yeah I just fed her oatmeal

Jason: no like it's not oatmeal

Jason: *removes an eggshell from Stella's mouth*

Madeline: what is that?

Dianne: it looks like an egg shell

Jason: yep it is

Jillian: reed you need to be careful! Eggs don't even belong in oatmeal

Reed: *sarcastic* oops my bad!

*Caroline and Daniel come over*

Caroline: hey guys!

Madeline: hey!!

Jillian: Jo this is Madeline's sister

Jo: hi pleased to meet you!

Caroline: Hi, so good to meet you! I'm Caroline and this is my daughter Addy

Jo: Hi Addy pleased to meet you

Addy: hi nice to meet you too

Jillian: Reed tell Addy hi

Reed: No thanks

Jillian: Reed that is rude tell Addy hi please

Reed: I said no thanks!

Jillian: he's in a mood

Addy: Baby cousin! *runs and hugs Stella*

Reed: hey! she's my cousin

Jillian: she is both of your cousins

Addy: yeah

Madeline: what would y'all want to do today?

Jillian: what would be something that we could do with kids?

Caroline: there is a really cute little park not too far from here

Jillian: Reed would love that!

Madeline: Stella's never been to a park I'm sure she would love to swing and we can bring a blanket to hang out on

Caroline: ooh we can invite Tara and them if y'all want?

Madeline: oh that would be awesome. Tara is a good friend of ours. She has 3 kids and I'm sure they would get along well with Reed.

Jillian: oh wow! That would be great!

Caroline: okay I'll call her

Madeline: okay I'm going put the baby down for a nap before we go.

Reed: so we have to wait for her?

Madeline: she doesn't take long naps it'll only be like an hour

Reed: okay well in that case I'm playing the Xbox

Jillian: um did you ask if it was okay to?

Jason: it's fine he can go play

Caroline: Tara said they would meet us there!

Madeline: awesome!!

*baby wakes up*

Madeline: okay she's up are y'all ready?

Reed: it's about time!

Jillian: alright reed let's go

Dianne: I have a picnic blanket in my car if y'all want to use that

Madeline: perfect!

*drive to the park*

Tara: hey guys!

Madeline: hey girl!

Madeline: Jill this is Tara

Jillian: hi nice to meet you! I'm Jason's sister

Tara: so good to meet you!

madeline: This is Jo!

tara: hi Jo! so good to meet you!

Jo: hi pleased to meet you!

Tara: these are my little ones Bennett is 8, Olivia is 5 and a 1/2 and dax just made 3

*all the kids go play*

Madeline: okay let's set the blanket up

*set blanket up*

Caroline: Stella girl you wanna go swing!?

Madeline: yes! She's never swung before.

*put baby in a baby swing*

Caroline: slowly pushes her on the swing

Stella: *smiling*

Madeline: she's loving this!

*back to the kids*

Bennett: hey do y'all want to play hide and seek

Reed: I have a better idea

Olivia: what's your idea?

Reed: okay so we should play house

Olivia: I'll be the mom!

Addy: I'll be the aunt

Reed: I'm the dad

Bennett: what am I?

Reed: you'll be the uncle

Bennett: okay

Reed: Dax you be my son

Reed: here's the fun part we need to get my baby cousin so she can be our baby

Olivia: I don't think they would let us

Reed: don't worry. I'll go get her

*reed goes grab the baby when the adults are talking and not paying attention*

Bennett: the fort can be our house

Addy: I can go pretend to grocery shop

Olivia: yeah!

Addy: the store is the swings

Olivia: okay!

Dax: I'm the big brother!

Bennett: yeah we know! Your gonna be Stella's big brother

Reed: here's our baby

Bennett: are you sure this is a good idea?

Reed: trust me I'm her cousin

Olivia: okay but I don't want to get in trouble!

Reed: you won't get in trouble

Bennett: okay so do Stella and Dax want to play on the slide?

Reed: Dax do you want to go on the slide?

Dax: yes!

Reed: they do!

Olivia: okay Dax you go down first

Bennett: okay I'll go wait at the bottom for Stella

Reed: okay hurry up Dax is about to go down

Olivia: okay go Dax

Dax: wee!!!

Dax: I want to go again!

Reed: okay it's Stella's turn

*reed sits Stella on the slide and pushes her down*

Madeline: *turns around and sees Reed push Stella on the slide*

Madeline: oh my gosh!! *runs over to the slide*

*all the adults follow her*

Tara: Bennett! Olivia! What are y'all doing?!

Bennett: we were playing house*

Tara: okay but you don't just take the baby without asking!

Reed: yeah Bennett you should have asked!

Olivia: Reed you took her!

Tara: Olivia! It's not nice to blame other people!

Olivia: *starts crying* mommy he did it I saw him do it!

Jillian: reed I think you need a time out

Reed: what!

Jillian: yes sir go sit on the bench for 7 minutes

*reed goes to the bench*

Tara: you two need a time out too! 5 minutes each!

*olivia and Bennett go sit next to Reed*

Tara: Madeline I am so sorry

Madeline: no it's okay! She's fine! They were being careful with her.

Jillian: I know but they should have asked first.

*Adults go sit*

*back to the kids*

Olivia: reed you got us in trouble!

Reed: I didn't mean to!

Bennett: yeah but you blamed us for it and you're the one that did it!

Reed: I'm sorry but I didn't want to get in trouble.

Olivia: our time is almost up

Tara: okay you two can get up now. You need to go tell Stella your sorry

*kids tell Stella they're sorry*

Reed: do y'all want to play football?

Olivia: how do you play that?

Bennett: it's when you throw a ball and tackle people at the same time

Olivia: okay I guess I'll play

Dax: I want to play too!

Reed: Dax and Bennett you're on my team. Olivia and Addy are on the same team

Bennett: okay

Reed: hut hut! *throws the ball right at Olivia's face*

Olivia: oww!! You hit me in the eye

Reed: oops didn't see you there

Addy: reed that was mean!

Reed: I said oops!

Tara: Olivia oh my gosh your eye! Come see

Tara: what happened?

Olivia: the ball hit my face!

Tara: are you okay?

Olivia: yeah I'm okay

Tara: okay be careful please!

Madeline: wow she's a tough one

Tara: I mean living with two brothers she has no choice!

Madeline: true! They seem so sweet though!

Tara: they are very sweet but they can get a bit rough with her

*back to the kids*

Reed: okay Addy you and Olivia back up and I'll throw it

Reed: *throws ball*

*ball hits Stella and knocks her over*

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: oh no! *pick Stella up* shhh it's okay baby let mommy see

Caroline: it looks like it hit her on her cheek

Madeline: it's a little red but she's fine

Tara: Bennett! I said to be careful!

Bennett: that wasn't me!

Tara: okay I think it's time for us to go. It was good talking to y'all though!

Jillian: so nice to meet y'all!

Madeline: thanks for coming!

*all go home*

Dianne: Madeline her little cheek is swollen

Madeline: I know I have a little ice pack for her but she's too wiggly to keep it on her

Dianne: bring her here and bring me the ice pack please.

*madeline hands the baby over and gives Dianne the ice pack* 

Dianne: come see angel. *cradles baby and puts ice pack on her face

Jason: here mom. Here's her pacifier

Stella: *starts falling asleep*

Madeline: thanks Mrs Dianne

Jillian: could we go out to eat tonight?

Madeline: yeah! I know this great Mexican place

Jillian: I love Mexican!

Madeline: we do too!

Caroline: hey Daniels coming over

Jo: who's Daniel?

Jason: Daniel is Caroline's husband and my best friend

Jo: aww can't wait to meet him

*a few minutes later*

Daniel: hey

Caroline: hey baby

Jillian: what time do y'all want to go eat?

Madeline: whenever is fine with me.

Jason: how about 6:00?

Caroline: good with us

Jason: alright 6 it is

*stella wakes up*

Madeline: good morning sweet angel!

Dianne: she's so snuggly!

Madeline: she's such a little love bug! We love it! *talking to baby* do you want to show granny and aunt Jill how you crawl!

Dianne: I would love to see!

Madeline: *puts Stella down on the carpet*

Jillian: which toy does she like best?

Madeline: actually she can't live without her pacifier

Jason: here sis

Jillian: baby girl look what aunt Jill has!

*Stella starts crawling*

Dianne: look at her!!

Jillian: That was so good!

*an hour later*

Jillian: I'm getting hungry

Madeline: are y'all ready to go eat?

Daniel: yes please!

Jason: Daniel you know we have snacks man

Daniel: I know but I was saving room for he good stuff

Caroline: oh my gosh get your butt in the car

*all go to the restaurant*

Jillian: hey Reed what do you want?

Reed: I want cheese dip

Jillian: okay

Reed: me and Stella can share

Jillian: aww that's so sweet! But she can't have that it's too spicy for her

Reed: *whispers* too bad

*orders food and it comes*

Reed: mmm this is so good!

Madeline: I'm glad you like it

Reed: here Stella try this *gives baby some cheese*

Stella: *puts the cheese in her mouth and starts coughing*

Madeline: Stella what's in your mouth?

Madeline: *looks in Stella's mouth*

Caroline: it looks like peppers

Madeline: it's queso...

Jillian: buddy I told you she can't have that!

Reed: she took it out of my bowl!

Jillian: okay well make sure she doesn't get anymore

Madeline: *whispers to caroline* she doesn't grasp stuff yet there's no way she could have even reached in his bowl. He so gave that to her.

Caroline: what are you going to do?

Madeline: I don't know I need to keep an eye on him though

*pay check and leave*

Jo: okay so I am going to go and come back in the morning for the family meeting

Jill: sounds great. thank you so much

*Jo leaves*

Stella: *fussing*

Jillian: come see sweet thing! Aunt Jill will rock you

Madeline: *hands Stella to Jill *

Jillian: *rocks Stella*

Caroline: she's out already!

Jillian: is she!?

Madeline: wow that's impressive!

Madeline: here I'll take her

Jill: *hands baby to Madeline*

Madeline: okay well I'm going put the baby to bed

Jillian: yeah it's reeds bedtime too. Say good night reed

Reed: good night

* puts baby to bed and reed goes to bed*

* adults watch movie in the living room*

Stella: *making noises in the crib*

Reed: okay I'm coming

Reed: *takes Stella out of the crib and puts her on the air mattress and reed gets into the crib*

Reed: a pacifier? Oh no we're too big for that *gets scissors and cuts the tip of the pacifier off*

*movie ends*

Madeline: I'm going check on the baby

Madeline: *goes into the nursery*

Madeline: reed what are you doing in Stella's crib?!

Reed: I couldn't sleep on the air mattress so we switched

Madeline: *grabs the baby*

Madeline: she needs to sleep in her crib because she'll fall of the air mattress.

Reed: okay we can switch again

Madeline: have you seen her pacifier?

Reed: she's getting too big for that. *hands Madeline the cut pacifier*

Madeline: did you cut her pacifier!?

Reed: she didn't need it

Madeline: Jason we have a problem...

Jason: what happened?

Madeline: your nephew just cut her pacifier... what do we do now!? It's the only thing that calms her down!!

Jason: I seriously don't know!

Madeline: I can't find this pacifier again? I can't remember who gave it to me at my shower

Jason: well look in the morning babe I'm tired. She's not fussing right now

*next morning*

Dianne: *walks in the living room*

Stella: *crying*

Madeline: *close to crying*

Jason: *half asleep*

Dianne: rough night?

Madeline: reed cut the end of her pacifier that quiets her down and we can't calm her down now!

Jason: it's literally the only thing that will calm her down!

Dianne: it's okay we can get her another one

Madeline: it was given to me at my shower so I don't know remember who gave it to me or where it came from

Dianne: Madeline I gave that to you!

Madeline: you did!?

Dianne: yeah! It's what would quiet reed up when he was a baby so I got one for Stella too. I'll go pick her up one after I get ready

Madeline: you are a life saver!!


Jill: that's Jo

Jo: good morning

Jill: hey good morning

Jo: okay so let's sit down and watch the clip from yesterday and discuss

*watch the clips*

Jo: okay so what I am seeing here is no discipline for Reed. He is putting his poor little baby cousin in danger and he doesn't get punished for it.

Jillian: I know, He's a nightmare. I don't know how to discipline him. I'm scared for when his little sibling arrives.

Jo: so what I will show you is the discipline technique today. He also needs to learn how to be gentle and how to act around other children.

Jillian: definitely

Jo: okay so let's get started.

*The days starts*

*Caroline comes over with Addy*

*All the kids play while Madeline and the adults talk and make lunch*

*Reed pulls Addy's hair*

Addy: *screams then starts crying*

Jo: okay Jill so reed has just pulled Addy's hair. What you will do is get down to his eye level and tell him what he did wrong and put him in the naughty corner.

Jill: Reed, You pulled Addy's hair and that is not okay. You are going to sit in the naughty corner for 7 minutes. *puts reed in the corner*

Reed: *leaves the corner to go play again*

Jo: No talking, grab his hand and put him back in the corner

*one hour later*

Jo: okay his 7 minutes are up

Jill: Reed, You were in the corner because you pulled Addy's hair. I need you to go apologize to her.

reed: sorry Addy

Addy: it's okay

Jo: okay that was great Jill. you will need to follow through with that every time he misbehaves

*Few hours later*

*Reed rough housing*

Jo: He is being too rough around the baby so how are you gonna handle this?

Jill: Reed, look at me. You are being too rough around baby Stella. This is your warning, if you continue with this behavior, you are going to timeout.

*few minutes later*

Reed: *throws a block and it hits stella*

Stella: *starts crying*

Jill: Reed, You will sit in this corner for 7 minutes because you hit your baby cousin.

Jo: great job mom. He is staying there without a fight! such a difference from last time.

Jo: Is she alright?

Madeline: She'll be fine. Just a little bump on her head.

*7 minutes are up*

Jill: reed you are in timeout because you hit stella. You need to apologize to her.

Reed: sorry stella. *gives her a hug*

*night time*

Jo: okay I will be leaving now so I will see you tomorrow.

*one week passes*

Jo: I have seen extreme improvement with this family.

Madeline: I definitely feel so much safer to have Stella around Reed now.

Jill: great! I am so grateful for this. Thank you Jo!!

*Jill reed and dianne go home*

*jo leaves*

Madeline: oh thank God!

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