One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 11: One big search party
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 13: One terrified baby
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 16: One holy terror
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 25: one snowy vacation
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 41: One nasty cold
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 50: One crazy holiday
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend

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By lipgloss1989

Madeline: hey Jason

Jason: yeah

Madeline: I have a girls vacation this weekend so you are watching Stella and Addy

Jason: wait what!?

Madeline: babe, Stella's not that hard to take care of

Jason: Madeline, she poops, pukes, pees, cry's, crawls, and she's really small!

Madeline: Jason it's your own daughter. You'll be fine Daniel will come stay with you to help and addy is good with Stella

Jason: does Daniel know about this?

Madeline: yes Caroline told him

Stella: *wakes up*

Madeline: she's up. You can change her so you can get some practice

Jason: okay *goes to the nursery*

Jason: good morning Baby Girl!

Stella: *starts crying*

Jason: BABE!! She wants you

Madeline: okay I'll take her but I don't want a million phone calls when you're struggling

Jason: between me and Daniel I think we got that

Madeline: alright

*two days later 4:00 am*

Madeline: Jason Caroline's here to pick me up. I'll see you Monday. Love you

Jason: love you too

Madeline: take care of my baby

Jason: we'll be fine

Madeline: * goes into the nursery and gives the baby a kiss*

Caroline: ready

Madeline: yeah let's go

*get and the car and start driving*

Caroline: what's wrong you look down?

Madeline: oh nothing. I'm a little worried about leaving Stella. We've never been away from each other for more than a day.

Caroline: she'll be fine! She's with Jason and Daniel and addy will keep her company

Madeline: I know. It's just when I leave her with those two nothing goes good

Caroline: hey don't worry. That's Jason's little girl. He won't let anything bad happen to her

Madeline: you're right

*a few hours later back to Jason*

Daniel: *calls jason*

Jason: hey

Daniel: hey I'm almost done work

Jason: okay I'm home

Daniel: okay see you soon

*hang up*

Jason: *makes himself breakfast*

Stella: *wakes up*

Jason: hi dada's Girl! *picks Stella up*

Jason: do you want some breakfast?

Jason: * puts Stella in high chair*

Stella: *starts crying*

Jason: you don't want breakfast? *takes Stella out of high chair and puts her on her play blanket

Stella: *fussing*

Jason: baby girl, dada doesn't know what you want

Daniel: hey we're here

Jason: I don't know what she wants!?

Daniel: did you feed her?

Jason: I tried she didn't want

Daniel: what about changing her diaper?

Jason:... yeah didn't do that...

Daniel: have you ever changed her diaper before?

Jason: when she was a newborn... not since she's been eating solid foods

Daniel: alright man you got this

Jason: dude you do it. You've done plenty before!

Daniel: no man you gotta do it

Jason: *grabs a diaper and wipes *

Jason: *grabs baby and lays her down to change her*

Stella: *wiggling*

Jason: oh my God Daniel! She won't stop moving!

Daniel: I'll hold her still

Jason: okay thanks

Stella: *starts to cry*

Daniel: look you made her mad

Jason: you're the one holding her down

Daniel: eww!! Shit just got on my hands!!

Jason: *gags* oh my gosh it smells so bad!

Daniel: Stella what did you eat!?

Jason: I think she just had avocado last night. Hand me a wipe

Daniel: here

Jason: *wipes baby*

Jason: *gagging*

Daniel: dude stop you're gonna make me gag too!

Jason: I'm sorry it just smells so bad. I don't understand how all of this came out of this tiny person!!

Daniel: here's her diaper

Jason: *undoes the diaper flaps*

Stella: *starts crawling away*

Jason: no Stella!

Addy: eww daddy it's on the floor!

Jason: eww Stella!

Daniel: you did a horrible job wiping her!

Jason: she's so squirmy I can't get it all

Daniel: just put her in the bath tub

Jason: but then I'd still have to clean it out the bath

Daniel: oh yeah...

Jason: here you hold her up and I'll get it while you hold her

Daniel: dude if I hold her it'll get in my hands

Jason: no hold her under her arms

Daniel: ah makes more sense

Jason: okay I got it all cleaned up

Daniel: okay now try to put the diaper on

Jason: *puts diaper on*

Jason: phew. That was rough

Daniel: you know that was just one diaper... we got to do that a bunch of times today

Jason: oh shit

Daniel: literally!

*flash to Madeline and them*

Caroline: I wonder how the boys are doing with Stella?

Madeline: I'm sure they're just fine

Tara: did you leave instructions for them

Madeline: nope. I tried to show Jason all week but he told me "I got it don't worry" so it's all up to him

Polly: how much longer until we're there?

Caroline: the GPS says 30 minutes

Dana: good cause I need to pee so bad!

Madeline: me too!

Tara: can we just appreciate how quiet it is right now

Dana: I know! It's so nice!

*back to Jason*

Jason: okay she's finally down for a nap

Daniel: addy fell asleep too. wanna play a card game?

Jason: yeah!

*grab cards and play rummy*

*2 hours later*

Stella: *wakes up*

Jason: duty calls

Jason: hey Stella girl! *picks her up*

Jason: hey girl whose got you? Is it da da

Stella: *baby noises*

Jason: you'll say it sooner or later

Daniel: hey what y'all want for dinner?

Jason: ooh let's grill some burgers

Daniel: yes!

Daniel: addy you want a burger

Addy: yeah!!

*a few hours later*

Daniel: *grills up some burgers*

Jason: okay Stella you don't have teeth how is this gonna work

Daniel: dude blend that shit up

Addy: daddy said a bad word!

Daniel: oh sorry! Blend that stuff up. Is that better?

Addy: yes!

Jason: good idea!

Jason: *blends a burger for Stella*

Daniel: your not gonna give her ketchup with it

Jason: eww that would gross to blend up

Daniel: at least throw some cheese in there

Jason: *puts a piece of cheese in the blender*

Jason; okay Stella girl dinner is ready

Daniel: *puts Stella in the high chair*

Jason: *puts the blended up meat and cheese on her tray

Jason: dig in baby girl!

Stella: *trys the food and makes a sour face but keeps eating it*

Jason: I think it's a winner!

Madeline: *face times Jason*

Jason: it's Madeline

Jason: *answers phone* hey babe!

Madeline: hey! How's it going?

Jason: it's going great

Madeline: how was the diaper changes?

Jason: They took a while and wasn't the neatest job but it got done!

Madeline: wow. I'm surprised I didn't any phone calls about that

Jason: don't worry we got it. It's called YouTube

Madeline: glad YouTube is helping you raise our daughter. What are y'all eating?

Jason: Daniel cooked burgers

Madeline: ooh sounds good. What did you give the baby?

Jason: she's eating a burger too

Madeline: you're kidding right?

Jason: nope don't worry I blended it so she could eat it

Madeline: let me see

Jason: *shows Madeline Stella's food*

Madeline: eww! Jason that looks awful!

Jason; she's loving it though!

Stella: *makes sour face and coughs*

Madeline: *sarcastic* yeah... she's really chowing down on it....

Madeline: let me talk to her

Jason: *puts phone on stella* stella look at momma!

Madeline: hi my sweet girl! What did dada give you?!

Stella: *baby noises* mmmm mmmm maaaaa

Madeline: are you trying to say mama!!!

Jason: oh hell no! I've been working on dada with her forever!

Madeline: well work harder

Jason: okay Stella tonight you are gonna say dada

Madeline: don't pressure her Jason. Please put her to bed by 8:30

Jason: yeah got it.

Madeline: okay good night I love y'all

Jason: love you too!

*hangs up*

Jason: okay Daniel we really need to work on dada tonight

Daniel: I think she wants something else to eat

Stella: bbaaa bbaaa bbaaa bba

Jason: did you say dada!!!

Daniel; that was clearly a baba noise

Jason: oh she wants a bottle

Jason: *makes Stella a bottle*

Jason: okay here's your bottle but after you're done we are working on dada!

*stella finishes bottle and Jason changes her diaper and bathes her*

Jason: *falls asleep on couch*

Daniel: yeah totally working on getting you to say dada *talking to stella*

Stella: *crawls to Jason* dadadada


Jason: WHAT!!??


Jason: yeah right dude quit messing with me

Daniel: dude I swear I just heard her say it!

Daniel: Stella who is that!?

Stella: dadadadadaa

Jason: YES!!! *picks Stella and kisses her*

Jason: we gotta call Madeline!!

Jason: *calls madeline*

Madeline: hey what's wrong?


Madeline: funny Jason

Jason: no I swear!! Ask Daniel

Daniel: she really did

Madeline: AHH BABY GIRL!! Get her to say it again!!

Jason: baby who am I ?!

Stella: dadadadaa

Madeline: OH MY GOODNESS!!! Yay baby!!!

Madeline: okay good excitement but is addy sleeping?

Jason: yeah

Madeline: then why is she not sleeping too it's 10:00

Jason: uhhh gotta go! *hangs up*

Jason: Stella dada is so excited!!

Stella: dadada

Jason: oh my gosh it just doesn't get old! Okay let's put you to bed now

Jason: *puts baby to sleep*

*daniel and Jason fall asleep putting the baby to sleep*

*next morning*

Jason: okay we need to get out and do something today

Daniel: agreed

Jason: let's see if it's trivia night at the bar

Daniel: yes. That would be great!

Jason: I'll look online!

Jason: *pulls up the bars website on the computer*

Daniel: is there trivia?

Jason: no but its beer pong night!

Daniel: oh even better!

Jason: I'm gonna call madelines mom to see if she can watch the baby and Addy

Jason: *calls mom*

Mom: hello?

Jason: hey!

Mom: hey Jason! How's it going?

Jason: pretty good. Daniel and I want to go out tonight and we wanted to know if you could watch Stella and Addy

Mom: I'm sorry I wish I could but we are out of town

Jason: oh it's no problem

Mom: sorry

Jason: it's okay we'll talk to y'all later

Mom: okay bye

Jason: bye

Daniel: so...

Jason: they're out of town...

Daniel: well we can just bring them

Jason: Um... you know Madeline would kill me

Daniel: who said she needs to know

Jason: ooh secretive... alright let's do it

Daniel: cool. Just put Stella in her pajamas and bring that chest carrier. Addy can wear her pajamas too

Jason: oh yeah then I don't have to hold her. Alright this can work

Daniel: let's see if some of the guys want to come

Jason: alright. You call Oscar and I'll call Ty

Daniel: let's do it

*stella wakes up*

Jason: okay phone call is on hold

Jason: *picks the baby up and changes her*

Daniel: Jason what the hell did you just put on her

Jason: pants and a onesie

Daniel: dude it doesn't match at all... and the pants are on backwards

Jason: she's a baby she doesn't know the difference

Daniel: yeah but we know

Jason: she's just gonna poop through it anyways

Daniel: yeah true

Jason: okay now to call the guys

*jason and Daniel call the guys*

Daniel: Oscar is coming

Jason: so is Ty

Daniel: nice!

*a few hours later*

Jason: okay she's in her pajamas

Daniel: do you have her carry thingy

Jason: yeah I just don't know how to put it on...

Daniel: okay so I think the sack where she sits goes in the front. Then the straps go in the back and snap in the clicker thing then it snaps at the bottom

Jason: okay well then help me

Daniel: okay hold her

Jason: *holds the baby facing outward*

Daniel: okay I'll fix the snaps

Daniel: *fixes the snaps*

Jason: alright we are ready to go... the only thing is

Daniel: what

Jason: we can't ride in the car like this...

Daniel: oh shit...

*take Stella out of the carrier and puts her in her car seat and goes to the bar*

Daniel: Stella this is where you were you made!

Jason: don't tell my daughter that this is where she was conceived!

Addy: what's that mean?

Daniel: uhh... we met the stork here

Addy: oh

*jason and Daniel look at each other with relief*

Jason: okay let's go in

*they go in*

Ty: Jason Daniel over here!

Jason: hey man

Oscar: y'all brought the baby?

Addy: hi uncle Oscar!

Oscar: and Addy!?

Daniel: yeah we couldn't find a sitter

Jason: they'll behave though

Oscar: alright y'all ready to play some beer pong?!!

Jason: hell yeah!!!

*beer pong tournament starts*

Madeline: *calls jason*

Jason: hey babe!

Madeline: Jason are you drunk!

Jason: nah just a little buzz

Madeline: where are you? And where's Stella and Addy?

Jason: well Stella and Addy are with Denise and Daniel, Oscar, ty, and me are playing beer pong at the bar

Madeline: you brought our baby to the bar??? And who the hell is denise?!

Jason: Denise is our waitress here. She loves babies and kids. she said she'll watch them while we play

Madeline: y'all are in so much trouble when We get home!

Jason: babe you sound upset

Madeline: you're damn right I'm upset!

Jason: hey if you talked to Denise would it make you feel better?

Madeline: I don't know who the hell denise is!!

Jason; I told you she is our waitress

Madeline: give Daniel the phone

Jason: Daniel it's for you

Daniel: yup

Madeline: Daniel don't let Jason drink anymore!

Daniel: don't worry I cut him off

Madeline: who the hell is Denise and why does she have my baby and my godchild?

Daniel: don't worry I know Denise from college. She's really cool she is playing with the baby and Addy while we play

Madeline: is the baby okay!?

Daniel: yeah she's fine! Denise and the other waitresses have been keeping her entertained

Madeline: it better not be the kind of entertainment that I'm thinking of

Daniel: ha!! No it's not. We brought her diaper bag with toys so she can play

Madeline: okay but if I hear that a single hair is harmed on my baby I will kill y'all!

Daniel: she's fine!

Madeline: I'll be home tomorrow night. Please stay safe! Get a taxi to go home!

Daniel: we will

Madeline: okay bye

Daniel: bye

Daniel: *hangs up*

Jason: hey is she mad at me

Daniel: yeah she's pretty pissed

Jason: damn! Guess I'm sleeping on the couch when she gets home

Daniel: yeah I'd bet on it

Ty: that's another point for us!!

Jason: yeah!!!!

Denise: hey do y'all have the baby?

Daniel: no you had her... did you lose her!!!??

Denise: I mean she's in here somewhere! She was napping behind the bar on her blanket with addy and I went to check on her and she wasn't there!

Jason: she can crawl and she's pretty fast!

Daniel: alright baby search

*gang goes searching for Stella*

Jason: if Madeline finds out about this she is going to actually murder me!

Daniel: she's not gonna know about it

Oscar: I think I found a little sneaker

Jason: Stella!

Daniel: okay I think we need to go home before we get into any more trouble

Jason: good idea! I'll grab Stella's bag

Daniel: I'll grab Addy

*take a taxi back home*

Jason: okay the baby's out like a light

Daniel: so is addy

Daniel: I'm about to crash too!

Jason: yeah let's call it a night!

Daniel: good thought!

Jason: Daniel wake up!

Daniel: what time is it?

Jason: it's 7:15. We need to do something for Madeline since she is so mad at me

Daniel: sounds like a you problem

Jason: Caroline is pissed at you too

Daniel:... yeah your right

Jason: okay so what should we do?

Daniel: well first of all we need to clean the house up

Jason: okay we'll start with that

Daniel: what time does Stella normally wake up

Jason: usually around this time. She'll be up so-

Stella: *wakes up*

Jason: and there she is

Jason: *changes the baby and puts her in her high chair for breakfast*

Jason: you want some bananas baby!?

Jason: *gives Stella smashed up bananas*

Daniel: alright while she's eating I'll clean up the table and stuff

Jason: I'll get the living room

*a few minutes later*

Stella: *starts fussing*

Jason: are you done baby

Jason: *takes Stella out of the high chair and puts her on her blanket in the living room*

Daniel: addy play with Stella while we clean up please

Addy: okay

Daniel: alright the kitchen is done

Jason: okay I'll get the nursery and you can do the guest room

Daniel: got it

*they start cleaning the guest room and nursery*

Jason: Stella's being awfully quiet

Jason: * goes check on Stella in the living room*

*Stella is not on the blanket*

Daniel: addy I thought you were playing with her?!

Addy: I had to go potty!

Jason: Stella girl where are you??

*cabinet door slams*

Jason: I hear a little mouse

Jason: *sees Stella opening the kitchen cabinet under the sink*

Jason: what are you doing!?

Stella: ddaaadaadaaa

Jason: yeah dada caught you

Daniel: what did she get into?

Jason: she got into the cabinet

Daniel: don't y'all have one of those baby cages that you can put her in?

Jason: a playpen?

Daniel: yeah one of those

Jason: yeah it's in her closet

Daniel: okay I'll go set it up

*daniel sets up the play pen and Jason puts Stella in it with a few toys, a blanket, and her pacifier*

Jason: she's all set now

Daniel: ooh I have an idea!

Jason: what is it?

Daniel: what's her favorite flavor cupcake?

Jason: she's not a big cake person she likes cookies though!

Daniel: we can get her some cookies and flowers that she can come home to

Jason: she'd love that! Her favorite flowers are pink roses

Daniel: okay I'll go run to the store and get some cookies and roses. What kind of cookies does she like

Jason: she likes any kind but her favorites are peanut butter and sugar

Daniel: okay I'll find some

*a few minutes later*

Daniel: okay found some cookies and roses

Jason: perfect. I'll set them up

Daniel: well Stella's out

Jason: yeah it's her nap time. She kind of put herself to sleep

Daniel: I guess we can just hang out until they get home

Jason: yeah pretty much

*a few hours later*

Caroline: hey we're home!

Daniel: hey C! Missed you

*caroline and Daniel kiss*

Caroline: couch tonight...

Daniel: yeah I figured...

Madeline: Jason we need to tal-

Jason: surprise!

Madeline: aww Jason! What's all this

Jason: I just wanted to apologize about last night. It was a really stupid move

Madeline: yes it was. I forgive you

Jason: does that mean I don't have to sleep on the couch tonight?

Madeline: no you don't

Jason: love you babe

Madeline: love you too!

*next day*

Mom: *calls Madeline*

Madeline: hey mom

Mom: hey I wanted to see if Stella is free to come stay with her nana tonight and I'll bring her back tomorrow evening. I had a sleepover with addy by herself yesterday and wanted some one on one time with Stella girl

Madeline: yeah of course!

Mom: okay great! I'll come get her around 6 tonight!

Madeline: great see you then

*hang up*

Jason: who was that?

Madeline: my mom. She's taking Stella for the night

Jason: oh cool. We'll get a good night sleep!

Madeline: finally!!

*few minutes later*

Stella: *wakes up from her nap*

Madeline: *goes get Stella*

Madeline: was that a good nap my girl! *picks her up and kisses her*

Stella: *smiles big and kicks her legs*

Madeline: oh goodness! So happy!

Jason: there's my princess!

Madeline: I'm gonna put her on the floor. Can you entertain her while I cook dinner?

Jason: of course

Madeline: *puts Stella on the rug with toys*

Jason: look what dada's got!

Stella: *grabs toy from Jason* dadadaaddaa

Madeline: yay Stella girl!!!!

*few hours later at 6:30pm*

Mom: *goes to Madeline's house* hello!

Madeline: Stella look who's here!!

Mom: hello my sweet baby *picks Stella up and kisses her*

Madeline: okay I have her bag here I'll go put it in the car. You have a carseat right?

Mom: yeah I have Addys old one

Madeline: okay cool. I already fed her dinner and bathed her. Call me if you need!

Mom: don't worry. She'll be fine

Madeline: *puts her in the carseat in moms car*

Madeline: bye baby girl! Love you *kisses Stella*

Mom: okay I'll bring her back tomorrow evening

Madeline: sounds like a plan. Y'all have fun

*mom and Stella leave*

Caroline: *goes over to Madeline's with addy and daniel*

Addy: nanny! *hugs Madeline*

Madeline: hey addy bear!

Addy: where's Stella?

Madeline: Stella went stay with nana for tonight

Addy: oh

*all sit down and have dinner*

*flash to mom and Stella*

*mom driving back to her house*

Mom: Stella girl nana is so excited to spend some time with you!

*light turns green and someone runs a red light and rams right into the drivers side of the car, car flips once and lands in the median*

Mom: *heavy breathing* oww...oh... my gosh.

Stella: *crying*

Mom: *reaches for her phone and calls madeline*

Madeline: hello?

Mom: *trouble breathing* mad..eline... I... just .... Got t boned *starts crying*

Madeline: oh my gosh! Are y'all okay??! Where are y'all?

Mom: Stella is fine. My leg is not! It hurts!

Madeline: okay stay calm. I'll be right there where are you!

Mom: *gives location to madeline*

Madeline: okay call 911 and I'll be right there

Madeline: *hangs up* Jason we gotta go

Jason: what's wrong?!

Madeline: someone t boned into my mom and she's hurt!

Caroline: oh my gosh! I'm coming. Daniel stay with addy please

Daniel: okay

*all hop in Madeline's car and go*

*flash to mom and stella*

Stella: *screaming crying*

Mom: *crying* I know angel. Mamas coming and help

Madeline: *arrives at the wreck*

Madeline: *runs to the car*  oh my gosh, mom did you call 911

Mom: yes they're coming

Jason: is Stella okay!?

Mom: she's fine from what I see. I think she's just scared. The car did flip

Caroline: I can tell!

*emergency vehicles arrive*

Firefighter: okay we need y'all to stand back. We are going to ax the doors off so we can get to them.

EMT: ma'am what hurts on you?

Mom: my leg is jammed in the door and hurts really bad!

Madeline: is my baby okay? 

EMT: she looks fine from here but I will still check her out when they get the doors off

Stella: *still crying*

Madeline: it's okay baby! They are helping you!

Firefighters: *gets the door off of moms leg*

Mom: *crying in pain*

EMT: okay I'm going grab a stretcher. Your leg definitely looks broken.

Firefighter: *gets the baby out*

Madeline: baby girl!

Caroline: I'm going with mom. Keep me updated on her.

Madeline: okay. Same with mom

Firefighter: I'm gonna bring her to the ambulance so they can make sure she's fine. Her car seat has lots of padding and she was in a safe spot in the car so she's probably fine, but just to double check

Madeline: *goes with fireman to ambulance*

EMT: *checks Stella's face and limbs*

Stella: *fussing*

EMT: I know sweetheart. I'm sorry. Almost done

EMT: she's perfectly fine momma.

Madeline: *takes stella from the EMT*

Madeline: aww my sweet baby. *cradles Stella*

Caroline: they are taking mom to the hospital. They x-rayed her leg and the femur is broken and she's pretty banged up but no internal or head injuries. She'll be fine

Madeline: oh thank God!

*go to the hospital to see mom*

Madeline: how you doing mom

Mom: much better. I got some pain meds. Is Stella okay?

Madeline: Stella's fine! She's sleeping on Jason right now

Mom: I'm so sorry!

Madeline: mom it's not your fault!

Mom: I know but she shouldn't have had to go through that

Madeline: y'all are both safe and that's all that matter to me

Mom: your dads coming get me any minute

Madeline: okay well we're gonna go home. Sorry you and Stella's night got ruined

Mom: I know. It's okay we'll have another one once I heal

*all go home*

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