One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 11: One big search party
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 16: One holy terror
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 25: one snowy vacation
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 41: One nasty cold
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 50: One crazy holiday
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 13: One terrified baby

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By lipgloss1989

Tara:*calls Madeline*

Madeline: hey girl, whats up?

Tara: Would you mind helping me show houses for a few weeks. They pay really well and I figured you could use the money.

Madeline: yes! I'll need to find a daycare for Stella, but yes I would love to!

Tara: Thank you!

*hang up*

Caroline: who was that?

Madeline: Tara

Madeline: Caroline, what daycare did you send Addy to?

Caroline: Little Wonders. Why?

Madeline: I'm helping Tara out with her business for a few weeks and need a daycare.

Caroline: You can send her to mom

Madeline: um... big no. Mom can barely take her for a few hours

Caroline: you're right. Well why don't we go tour it and see how you like it

Madeline: yeah, let's go tomorrow

Caroline: okay. I'll call and see when we can go.

Madeline: thanks C

*Few hours later*

Caroline: I have to go pick Addy up from school. I'll be right back

Madeline: sounds good

Stella: *starts fussing in her bouncer*

Madeline: you hungry sweet girl?! *takes Stella out of her bouncer and puts her in her high chair*

Madeline: *feeds Stella baby food*

Stella: *smiles*

Madeline: was that good my girl?

Caroline: we're back

Addy: Stella!!

Caroline: nanny I think you've been replaced

Madeline: I know! Wants nothing to do with nanny anymore!

Addy: Stella I saw a firetruck today

Caroline: What did you get to do with the firetruck?

Addy: I got to go inside and climb the ladder!

Madeline: wow that's awesome Addy girl!

Caroline: I called Little wonders and they said we could go tour at 10:00 tomorrow morning

Madeline: sounds great!

*Next day*

*9:15 am*

Madeline: *dresses Stella*

Caroline: *comes over*

Madeline: hey

Caroline: y'all ready?

Madeline: yep!

Caroline: let's roll!

* drives to Little wonders daycare*

Madeline: *Takes stella out her carseat*

*goes inside*

Kelly: Hi! you must be Madeline

Madeline: I am. It's nice to meet you!

Kelly: nice to meet you too!

Kelly: *talking to Stella* Hi little one!

Stella: *smiles*

Kelly: okay so let's start the tour. How'd y'all find out about this place?

Caroline: my daughter came here a few years ago

Kelly: oh okay! Awesome!

Kelly: so this is the lobby area. The kids don't come in here. This is just where the parents check them in and out

*walk to the next room*

Kelly: This is our 2-3 year old room

*next room*

Kelly: this is the 4 year old room

*next room*

Kelly: This is where your sweet angel will stay. we can't go in because they are napping now.

Madeline: I love it!

Kelly: That's great!

Caroline: so you think this is the one?

Madeline: it seems like a great place for kids. yes

Kelly: awesome! We have some paperwork for you to fill out and she can start coming whenever you are ready!

*Madeline fills out paperwork*

Kelly: thank you!

Madeline: Thank you! I'm starting work tomorrow so can she start then?

Kelly: of course! I'll add her to the roster.

Madeline: thanks so much! we are looking forward to sending her here!

*They go back to Madeline's*

Jason: *gets home*

Madeline: Jason! We found a daycare for Stella.

Jason: oh cool! how was it?

Madeline: very cute! she's starting tomorrow

Stella: *fussing and reaching for Jason*

Jason: come see dada baby! *grabs stella*

Stella: *still fussing*

Madeline: Hey stop all that fussing girl *baby voice*

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: someone is ready for a nap!

Jason: *hands stella to Madeline*

Madeline: *rocks Stella to sleep*

Caroline: okay so when Addy went when she was Stella's age, we had to bring a sheet for the crib, a change of clothes, diapers, wipes, bottle, babyfood, blanket, and i think that's it.

Madeline: okay ill pack that up so I don't forget tomorrow

Madeline: *packs Stella's bag*

*7:00 am*

Madeline: *dresses Stella and feeds her a bottle*

Madeline: let's go Stella girl!

*drives to daycare*

Kelly: hey guys!

Madeline: hey!

Kelly: gretchen and Nettie will be her sitters.

Madeline: awesome!

Kelly: you can sign her in and hand her over to me.

Madeline: *signs in* hands stella to Kelly

Stella: *reaches for madeline and starts fussing*

Madeline: shh it's okay sweetheart! *kisses stella*

*madeline leaves*

Kelly: good morning sweet girl!

Stella: *starts crying*

Kelly: *rocks stella* it's okay! let's go see Miss Gretchen and Miss Nettie

Kelly: *brings stella to her room*

Kelly: miss gretchen, this is stella!

Gretchen: Hi!

Nettie: You can put her down on the mat to play

Kelly: *puts stella down*

*kelly leaves*

Stella: *starts crying*

Gretchen: No don't cry! Are you hungry?

Nettie: *gets Stella's baby food*

Nettie: Give her here *gets Stella and trys to feed her*

Stella: *turns her head*

Nettie: Come on. You need to eat

Stella: Turns her head again

Nettie: just eat it! *shoves the spoon in stellas mouth*

Stella: *starts coughing then starts screaming crying*

Gretchen: just put her on the ground to play

*puts stella down*

*flash to madeline*

Tara: How do feel about stella at daycare?

Madeline: I was sad this morning. Especially when she started fussing when i left. I know she's in good hands though!

Tara: yeah she'll be fine!

*flash back to daycare*

*all babies are napping*

Gretchen: wanna go take a smoke break?

Nettie: yeah

*nettie and gretchen go outside to smoke while the babies are inside the nursery alone

*two hours later*

*nettie and gretchen go back inside*

Stella: *wakes up *

Nettie: go back to sleep

Stella: *starts fussing*

Nettie: SHH!! you're gonna wake everyone else up!

Gretchen: she might need a diaper change

Gretchen: *changes stella's diaper*

*another baby wakes up*

Nettie: *talking to stella* see what you did! *spanks stella*

Stella: *Starts crying in pain*

Nettie: you're okay! look play with toys. *puts toys in the crib with stella*

* one hour later*

Madeline: *goes to pick stella up*

Kelly: hi madeline! ill go get stella!

Kelly: *grabs Stella*

Madeline: hi my angel!! *kisses stella* mommy missed you today! how was she?

Kelly: according to her chart for today, she didn't want to eat, she had one diaper change, she played with other babies, napped for two hours, and cried a little bit. Good for a first day though!

Madeline: aww, my girl! okay well we'll see y'all in two days!

* goes home*

Caroline: How was Stella's first day?

Madeline: Pretty good! they said she cried a little, and didn't want to eat, but other than that good!

Caroline: aww so good to hear!

*two days later*

Madeline: *brings stella to daycare*

Kelly: welcome back guys!

Madeline: hi! *signs in*

Madeline: bye baby girl! *hands stella to kelly*

Stella: *starts crying and reaches for Madeline*

Madeline: It's okay baby! go see Miss Kelly! *kisses stella*

*madeline leaves. kelly brings stella to the nursery*

Kelly: *puts stella on the mat to play*

Gretchen: hi stella! *picks stella up to feed her*

Stella: *drinks her bottle*

Gretchen: *sits stella up to burp her*

Gretchen: *pats stella's back hard*

Stella: *fusses a little then spits up a lot*

Gretchen: eww! *slaps Stella* no ma'am!

Stella: *starts crying*

Gretchen: nettie take her

nettie: *grabs stella*

nettie: you're going in time out *puts stella in the back closet*

Gretchen: *goes clean up in the bathroom*

*two hour later*

Stella: *Screaming crying*

Gretchen: No you know what, for puking on me you don't get a diaper change!

*one hour later*

*babies go down for a nap*

*two hours later*

Madeline: I'm here for my baby girl

Kelly: I'll go grab her

Kelly: *comes out with a screaming Stella*

Madeline: aww sweetie!! *grabs stella*

Stella: *burys her head in madeline's shoulder*

Madeline: *rocks her* what's wrong!!? shh shh shh shh. It's okay mommy's here

Stella: *starts calming down*

Kelly: she had a pretty good day today! I don't know what happened

Madeline: she may just want her momma. Thanks

*leaves to go home*

Caroline: how'd today go

Madeline: her report was good, but when I picked her up she was screaming!

Caroline: oh no! poor baby!!

madeline: I know!

Madeline: *sniffs* she actually may need a diaper change

Madeline: *goes to change stella*

Madeline: *lifts stellas legs up to wipe* Caroline come see

Caroline: Yeah?

Madeline: What's those little red marks on her butt?

Caroline: it looks like a rash.

Madeline: that could be why she was screaming.

Caroline: I'll see if you have any diaper cream

Madeline: I'll give her a bath and see if it feels better

*puts stella in the bathtub*

Caroline: *washes stellas face*

Stella: *starts crying when Caroline touches her cheek*

Madeline: oh no what now?

Caroline: i don't know. I was washing her face and her cheek seemed sensitive.

Madeline: * looks at stella's cheek* it's a little swollen and looks a little purple

Caroline: I wonder if she hurt herself at daycare?

Madeline: maybe when she was sleeping?

Madeline: they would have told me though!

Caroline: yeah they would. i don't know

Madeline: I'll ask tomorrow

Madeline: come see stella let's eat dinner

Madeline: *puts Stella in high chair and feeds her*

Caroline: Stella girl you're a mess!!

*next morning*

Madeline: *brings Stella to daycare*

Kelly: good morning guys!

Madeline: good morning!

kelly: oh no! what happened to her cheek?

Madeline: that's what I wanted to ask yall about. I got home and she had a bad rash in her diaper like she hadn't been changed all day, then we go to bathe her and her cheek was all swollen and sensitive.

Kelly: that's weird. Gretchen and Nettie didn't report on that happening. I can pull up the security footage and see if she hurt herself.

Madeline: that would be great!

Kelly: *pulls up the security footage*

Madeline: *holding Stella tight as she watches the horror that went down in the nursery*

Kelly: *also watching in horror*

Kelly: I'm going get my boss

Marta: *watches the footage*

Marta: Wow. I don't even know how to begin to explain how absolutely disgusted and horrified I am... I am beyond words. I'm so so so extremely sorry. Would you wait in my office please while I handle these two ladies.

Madeline: okay. I need to call my husband.

Kelly: do you need anything?

Madeline: Can I just have a moment alone please

Kelly: of course

Madeline: * calls Jason*

Jason: hey babe what up?

Madeline: Come to Little wonders daycare now please

Jason: everything okay?

Madeline: no! come now please!

Jason: on my way

*jason arrives*

Jason: Madeline what's wrong babe?

Madeline: Look at Stella's face, back, and She has a severe diaper rash.

Jason: Oh my gosh what happened?!

Madeline: *Shows Jason the security footage*

Jason: *in shock* *grabs Stella and hugs her tight and kisses her* I'm so so sorry baby!

Marta: I have the cops on their way

Madeline: thank you!

Madeline: I'm calling Caroline to come get Stella

Jason: wait, the cops may need to see her injuries for evidence

Madeline: okay

Jason: I'll call her to come here if you want

madeline: yes please

Jason: *calls caroline*

*cops arrive*

Cop 1: what's going on?

Marta: I have two employees that have abused a little 8 month old baby.

cop 2: where are they?

Marta: I have them in the side office room.

Cop1&2: *go interigate them*

Cop 3: May I please see the baby's injuries so I can make a report?

Madeline: of course

Cop 3: okay so on her left cheek, her back, and her private regions. *writes it down in his report*

Cop 3: What evidence do you have to know it was the two workers?

Marta: We have security footage

cop 3: I will need to see it

Marta: *shows cop the footage*

Cop 3: okay, this is serious so they will definitely serve time for this.

Madeline: good!

*interigation finishes.*

Caroline : *arrives* *runs and grabs stella*

Caroline: oh my gosh is she okay?!

Madeline: She's okay, I'm a little traumatized

Caroline: you have every right to be

*cops bring Nettie and Gretchen out to the cop car*

Cop 1: We made an arrest on them and now this daycare is required to have security guards for safety.

Marta: again, I am extremely sorry this happened to such a beautiful and sweet little girl. I will be putting a statement out to all our parents as soon as possible.

Madeline: thank you for your help.

* they leave to go home*

Jason: I'm so happy you caught this today because who knows what else they would have done to her and the other kids.

Madeline: I know... I'm absolutely horrified.

Caroline: I guess I'm on baby duty for the next few weeks

Madeline: would you?

Caroline: of course! Anything for my little sis and my sweet Stella girl!

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