One Crazy Life!

By lipgloss1989

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Join Madeline and Jason to see their crazy life! More

Chapter 1: One Drunken Night
Chapter 2: One pair of confused parents
Chapter 3: One Crazy Day!
Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas
Chapter 5: One Terrible Job
Chapter 6: One stressful wedding
Chapter 7: One wild work day
Chapter 8: One great Disney trip!
Chapter 9: One big fire!
Chapter 10: One long week
Chapter 12: One sweet Easter
Chapter 13: One terrified baby
Chapter 14: One not so relaxing weekend
Chapter 15: One beautiful beach trip
Chapter 16: One holy terror
Chapter 17: One wild sleepover
Chapter 18: One mysterious camping trip
Chapter 19: One bad break
Chapter 20: One big halloween bash!
Chapter 21: One... Stella is ONE!
Chapter 22: One Scary Accident
Chapter 23: One terrible storm
Chapter 24: One merry christmas!
Chapter 25: one snowy vacation
Chapter 26: One clingy little baby
Chapter 27: One little fish
Chapter 28: One big hike!
Chapter 29: One big stage!
Chapter 30: One big sister!
Chapter 31: One new job!
Chapter 32: One big treat!
Chapter 33: One precious two year old
Chapter 34: One Mardi Pardi!
Chapter 35: One tiny dancer
Chapter 36: One Scary Allergy
Chapter 37: One colorful house!
Chapter 38: One fun Easter trip!
Chapter 39: One family vacation pt.1
Chapter 40: One family vacation pt. 2
Chapter 41: One nasty cold
Chapter 42: One showstopper
Chapter 43: One princess party
Chapter 44: One baby...?
Chapter 45: Two sweet babies!
Chapter 46: One cute date
Chapter 47: One new bed!
Chapter 48: One missing paci
Chapter 49: One, two, THREE!
Chapter 50: One crazy holiday
Chapter 51: One dark evening
Chapter 52: One little walker!
Chapter 53: One years old!
Chapter 54: One little surgery
Chapter 55: One little tea party
Chapter 56: One Big Girl!
Chapter 57: One little award
Chapter 58: One bad bug
Chapter 59: One cute sheep
Chapter 60: One Scared Pre-Ker
Chapter 61: One close call
Chapter 62: One scary dream
Chapter 63: One big bully
Chapter 64: One little hero
Chapter 65: One community stress
Chapter 66: The aftermath

Chapter 11: One big search party

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By lipgloss1989

Jason: bye mad I'm going to work

Madeline: bye Jason

Stella: *wakes up*

Madeline: baby is up

Caroline: *calls Madeline*

Madeline: shoot. Hold on baby girl mommy's coming

Madeline: *on the phone while holding the baby*

Madeline: Hey

Caroline: hey what are your plans for today?

Stella: *squirming and fussing*

Madeline: hold on let me put the baby on her play mat

Madeline: *puts baby down*

Madeline: okay what were you saying?

Caroline: I just wanted to know what y'all were up to today

Madeline: we don't have any plans today

Caroline: I'll come over and we can plan something

Madeline: sounds good.

Caroline: okays see y'all in a few

Madeline: bye!

*door bell*

Caroline: hey! The baby's still sleeping?

Madeline: she's on her play mat right now

Caroline: she's getting too big!

Madeline: I know! She's a pro at sitting up now!

Caroline: sweet girl!

*Madeline and Caroline sit on the couch in front of the baby's play mat to discuss plans*

Madeline: are y'all going to Dax's 3rd birthday party?

Caroline: yes we are!

Madeline: okay well we can go look for him a present today and get lunch after!

Caroline: sounds good

Madeline: oh my gosh look at Stella!

Stella: *on all fours trying to crawl*

Caroline: she's trying to crawl!

Madeline: let me get her a toy and see if she comes to me

Madeline: look what mommy has baby!

Stella: *baby grunting noises*

Madeline: you got it baby come see

Caroline: let me grab my phone to video!

Caroline: *starts videoing*

Madeline: she's rocking like she's about to

Caroline: she's trying

Stella: *fussing*

Madeline: it's okay girl come see mommy!

Stella: *crawls slowly to Madeline*

Madeline: look at you baby girl!! Yay!!

Caroline: look at her go!! I got it on video!!

Madeline: mommy is so excited! *pick Stella up and kisses her*

Caroline: okay do y'all want to go to the store?

Madeline: let's roll!

Caroline: how's she been doing in the car?

Madeline: better but she still hates the car seat

*drives to the store*

Stella: *crying*

Madeline: okay Stella girl I'm coming

*gets baby out of car seat*

Caroline: do you want her stroller?

Madeline: no I brought her carrier cause she's been clingy to me lately.

Caroline: she must be teething

Madeline: I think so it doesn't look like she's getting teeth but she may just be feeling it early

Caroline: probably

Madeline: I got a teething pacifier from my shower and she loves it! If she doesn't have it to sleep we won't sleep either!

Caroline: do y'all have a clip to put it on?

Madeline: we do but she pulls it off

Caroline: silly girl

*in the store now*

Madeline: what kind of stuff does Dax like?

Caroline: I'm not sure. I'll call Tara

Caroline: *calls Tara*

Tara: hey girl what's up?

Caroline: hey! Madeline and I are shopping for Dax a birthday present what kind of stuff is he into?

Tara: he really likes anything superhero and lions

Caroline: okay perfect. Thank you

Tara: no thank y'all! See y'all at his party tomorrow

Caroline: yes! Bye

Madeline: what's he like?

Caroline: anything superhero and lions

Madeline: okay cool that's easy

Caroline: I'll get him like a superhero costume and pajamas

Madeline: so cute! I'll get him a lion toy and a superhero action figure

Caroline: okay let's go in the clothes section first

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: you want your pacifier?

Madeline: *gives baby her pacifier*

Stella: *starts falling asleep*

Caroline: man you weren't kidding about that thing

Madeline: it's like magic. The minute she takes it she falls asleep

Caroline: better hold on tight to that thing

Madeline: I'm not letting it out of my sight!

*finish shopping*

Caroline: okay lunch time now!

Madeline: where do you want to go?

Caroline: there's a place walking distance from here that way you don't have to wake the baby up by putting her in the car seat

Madeline: awesome yes let's go there!

*walk to restaurant*

Hostess: hi how many?

Madeline: two adults and a baby

Hostess: how old is she!?

Madeline: she just made 7 months!

Hostess: she's darling!!

Madeline: thank you!

Hostess: right this way!

*brings them to table*

Stella: *wakes up*

Madeline: hi baby!

Stella: *big smile*

Madeline: *squeezes Stella's cheeks and kisses her* you're so cute!!

Hostess: thought this might be easier for y'all *brings a high chair for Stella*

Madeline: Stella girl gets a high chair like a big girl

Madeline: she looks so funny sitting in it because she's so tiny!!

Caroline: she's so cute!!

*order food*

Caroline: what's Stella girl been eating?

Madeline: I've been blending her homemade baby food because the store ones have so many chemicals and recalls I'd rather just be safe with fresh fruits and veggies

Caroline: she seemed to like avocados the other day

Madeline: she did like the avocados. She absolutely hates peas!

Caroline: oh no. She spits them out? -

Madeline: yes and she makes a sour face it's hilarious!

Caroline: I wonder how she's going to like mashed potatoes!

Madeline: I know I'm curious how she'll like them

*waiter brings food*

Madeline: look what mommy has baby!

Caroline: wait let me video this!

Caroline: okay go!

Madeline: *feeds baby mashed potatoes*

Stella: *makes sour face and starts coughing*

*Caroline and Madeline laughing*

Madeline: so dramatic Stella girl!

Caroline: Jason is going to crack up at this!

Madeline: I can't wait to show him!

*finish up and go back to Madeline's house*

Madeline: okay I'm going to put baby girl down for a nap

Caroline: okay I'll start wrapping Dax's presents.

Jason: hey I'm home!

Caroline: shh she's putting the baby down

Jason: oops sorry!

Caroline: it's okay she just went in there

Jason: what did y'all do today?

Caroline: well we went to get Dax's birthday presents. I've got some exciting news with your daughter

Jason: she said dada!!??

Caroline: no... but she crawled today!

Jason: yay!

Caroline: I have a video!

*watch video*

Jason: look at her go! Sweet girl!

Caroline: she also tried mashed potatoes and hated them. I also have a video of that!

*watch video*

Jason: *laughing* she's so freaking cute!

Madeline: hey babe!

Jason: hey I saw Stella girl crawled today

Madeline: she did! I'm super excited. Now we need to baby proof the house!

Jason: she'll be able to play without getting mad about not being able to move!

* doorbell*

*baby wakes up*

Madeline: ugh!! Who is that!? I just got her to go down!

Mom: hey!

Madeline: hey mom

Mom: Madeline the baby is crying!

Madeline: hmm how bout that. I'll go get her

Jason: Stella learned how to crawl today

Mom: She did!!!!

Caroline: she did! I have it on video

Mom: Madeline put her down I want to see her crawl!

Madeline: mom she literally just woke up let her get her surroundings first.

Jason: look baby, daddy has your pacifier

Mom: she loves that thing doesn't she!

Madeline: she does. And it keeps her quiet at night... well unless she drops it and can't find it at night.

Madeline: okay can someone put her blanket down. I'll see if she'll crawl for y'all

Caroline: I got it

Madeline: *puts baby on blanket*

Madeline: Caroline hand me one of her toys

Madeline: Stella girl look what mommy has! Come get it!

Stella: *gets on all fours*

Mom: she's getting there!!

Stella: *starts crawling to Madeline*

Everyone: yay!!!!

Jason: look at you big girl!!

*a few hours later*

Caroline: hey y'all want to watch a movie?

Madeline: yeah!

Daniel: y'all have popcorn?

Jason: yes we do!

Addy: mommy can I have some too!

Caroline: you can have a little bit, but after it's bedtime

Addy: okay

Madeline: y'all pop some popcorn while Caroline and I go bathe Stella

*bathes Stella*

Caroline: look at my cute little snuggle bug all wrapped in her towel!

Madeline: she's all clean and ready for a bottle

Caroline: I'll go make her one while you chill with her on the couch

Madeline: thanks!

Stella: *babbling and baby noises*

Madeline: are you trying to tell momma something!

Stella: *babbling*

Jason: did she say dada!?

Madeline: sorry daddy that definitely wasn't a dada.

Addy: she talked in another language

*they laugh*

Jason: she's getting so close to saying it!

Madeline: hopefully soon!

Madeline: she just made 7 months so she's got plenty of time

Jason: true

Caroline: here's her bottle

Madeline: thanks sis

Madeline: *talking to baby* okay baby girl let's settle down.

Madeline: *feeding the baby*

Daniel: okay popcorn is ready

*few minutes later*

Addy: *asleep on the couch*

Stella: *finishes bottle*

Madeline: *burps baby*

Stella: *starts crying*

Jason: heres her pacifier

Madeline: here baby *gives Stella pacifier*

Stella: *starts falling asleep*

Madeline: y'all can start the movie she'll sleep though it.

*movie finishes*

Caroline: okay well we better get home.

Madeline: alright we'll see y'all in the morning

*they leave*

Jason: good night

Madeline: good night I'll be in bed in a second I'm going to put the baby in her crib

*puts baby in crib*

Jason: Stella has a good day today

Madeline: she did! Crawling, trying new foods, and getting to stay up late. The life of a baby!

Jason: the perfect life

Madeline: alright see you in the morning

Jason: night

Caroline: good morning!

Madeline: good morning

Jason: Daniel you ready?

Daniel: yeah man let's go

Caroline: why are y'all going so early?

Jason: we said we would help set up blankets and tents

Caroline: gotcha we'll see y'all there

Madeline: once she wakes up I'll feed and change her then we'll head over

Jason: alright sound good

*baby wakes up*

Madeline: well she's up

Madeline: good morning angel!

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: what's wrong baby? You woke up sad?

Caroline: aww what's wrong?

Addy: Stella is sad?

Madeline: yeah she's sad

Addy: don't be sad stella! Be happy!

Caroline: she may have had a bad dream

Madeline: probably so. It's okay sweet girl let's get you changed

*changes baby and feeds her*

Madeline: you are the cutest baby ever!!! My little cutie!

Caroline: y'all ready to go?

Addy: Stella looks like a ballerina princess

Caroline: she does!

Madeline: ready. just making sure I have everything in her diaper bag.

Madeline: okay i think that's everything

Caroline: let's roll

*drive to taras*

Tara: hey ladies!

Madeline: hey!

Tara: Stella looks so cute every time I see her!

Madeline: thank you!

Caroline: where do you want to put the presents?

Tara: on the table outside. Thank y'all!

Caroline: no problem!

Tara: I set a blanket up for the babies if you want to put Stella down

Madeline: I'll see if she wants to she wasn't too happy when she woke up this morning

Tara: aww sweet thing!

*puts baby on blanket with toys*

Stella: *playing with toys*

Madeline: Jason keep an eye on her please

Jason: got it

Polly: hey!!

Madeline: hey Polly!

Polly: hows Stella?

Madeline: she's all good. She's playing on the baby blanket

Polly: she's crawling now?!

Madeline: literally yesterday she learned!

Polly: oh my gosh!!

Madeline: I know! She's getting too big!

Polly: she's still teeny tiny!

Madeline: oh definitely! Shes 7 months and wears 3-6 month clothing.

Polly: yeah Laityn was out of 3-6 clothes at 3 months! She was always a big baby though.

Madeline: and she's walking like a champ now

Polly: oh yeah she's all over the place!

Stella: *starts crawling off the blanket while Jason and Madeline aren't looking*

Madeline: does Laityn sleep through the night?

Polly: depends on the night. Some nights she does but some she is so restless.

Stella: *painful crying*

Madeline: that sounds like Stella. Where is she? She's not on the blanket

Polly: look she's crawling in the grass

Madeline: *gets Stella*

Madeline: aw baby you have stickers all over you!

Polly: poor baby! Hold on let me grab her some ice and a napkin.

Madeline: JASON

Jason: yeah what's wrong?

Madeline: shes covered in stickers.

Jason: how do we get that out without hurting her?

Madeline: I mean we are just going to have to pull them out we can't just leave them in.

Jason: *starting picking the stickers off of Stella*

Stella: *Screaming crying*

Madeline: aww I know it hurts sweetie *kisses stella* shh shhh shh

Jason: I can't do it anymore I feel terrible!!

Madeline: okay I'll try to get the rest of them. They're mostly in her hands and legs.

Madeline: *gets the rest out*

Stella: *still crying*

Madeline: oh mommy's sorry sweetie *kisses Stella*

Polly: let's put some ice on it and see if it numbs the cuts.

Jason: where's her diaper bag? I'm going get her pacifier.

Madeline: oh look on the blanket she had it with her when she was playing.

Jason: yeah it's not on there...

Madeline: Caroline can you come hold her while I look for her pacifier.

Caroline: yeah! Come see nanny baby girl

Stella: *crying*

Caroline: *trying to rock stella*

Madeline: I have no idea where it went

Jason: babe she needs that thing to sleep!

Madeline: I know that's why I want to find it.

Polly: what color is it?

Madeline: it's pink and it has a like a teething piece where she puts it in her mouth

Polly: got it

Tara: hey what's wrong?

Polly: looking for Stella's teething pacifier

Tara: oh no! *announces* hey anyone who finds a pink teething pacifier gets $10

*everyone starts looking*

*an hour later*

Madeline: is she sleeping yet C?

Caroline: she hasn't fallen asleep yet but she's getting sleepy

Madeline: yeah I can see it in her face. Still looking for it honey

Caroline: take yalls time. I love snuggling her!

Madeline: she's a snuggle bug! Do you need her blanket?

Caroline: I'll see if she wants it

Madeline: here

*hours later after the party*

Jason: I seriously have no idea where this thing is!

Madeline: it has to be around where she was sitting I don't know where else it would have gone she didn't go far obviously.

Tara: I think I found the culprit...

Madeline: you found it!?

Tara: yep it was in the fun jump with the other kids. One of them must have found it and put it in there.

Madeline: oh thank God!

Jason: I literally don't know what we would have done without it!

Madeline: let's rinse it off good before giving it to her

*rinses pacifier off*

Madeline: come see baby girl *picks up baby and gives her pacifier*

Jason: now she can sleep!

Stella: *falls asleep*

Madeline: good night my angel *kisses Stella*

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